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Large-scale studies are essential to assess the emission patterns and spatial distribution of organohalogenated pollutants (OHPs) in the environment. Bird eggs have several advantages compared to other environmental media which have previously been used to map the distribution of OHPs. In this study, large-scale geographical variation in the occurrence of OHPs, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), was investigated throughout Europe using eggs of a terrestrial residential passerine species, the great tit (Parus major). Great tit eggs from 22 sampling sites, involving urban, rural and remote areas, in 14 European countries were collected and analysed (5-8 eggs per sampling site). The environmentally most important congeners/compounds of the analysed pollutants were detectable in all sampling locations. For PCBs, PBDEs and OCPs, no clear geographical contamination pattern was found. Sum PCB levels ranged from 143 ng/g lipid weight (lw) to 3660 ng/g lw. As expected, PCB concentrations were significantly higher in the sampled urban compared to the remote locations. However, the urban locations did not show significantly higher concentrations compared to the rural locations. Sum PBDEs ranged from 4.0 ng/g lw to 136 ng/g lw. PBDEs were significantly higher in the urbanized sampling locations compared to the other locations. The significant, positive correlation between PCB and PBDE concentrations suggests similar spatial exposure and/or mechanisms of accumulation. Significantly higher levels of OCPs (sum OCPs ranging from 191 ng/g lw to 7830 ng/g lw) were detected in rural sampling locations. Contamination profiles of PCBs, PBDEs and OCPs differed also among the sampling locations, which may be due to local usage and contamination sources. The higher variance among sampling locations for the PCBs and OCPs, suggests that local contamination sources are more important for the PCBs and OCPs compared to the PBDEs. To our knowledge, this is the first study in which bird eggs were used as a monitoring tool for OHPs on such a large geographical scale.  相似文献   
In an in vivo/in vitro assay system (Massa et al., 1990) we have detected the carcinogenic activity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). The carcinogenic potential measured in this system is concentration-dependent. Experiments with other carcinogenic compounds have revealed that TCDD at low doses can act as co-carcinogen. At higher concentrations TCDD induces TNF-α production.  相似文献   
In the context of agricultural nitrogen excesses in northwestern France, pyrite-bearing weathered schist aquifers represent important hydrological compartments due to their capacity to eliminate nitrate (NO3-). Under oxygen-free conditions, nitrate is reduced simultaneously with the oxidation of pyrite leading to the release of sulfate (SO4/2-). The aim of the present study is to identify the hydrological conditions under which the weathered schist ground water influences the stream water chemistry, leading to a decrease in NO3- concentration. We measured the ground water head on a small catchment over weathered schist, near the bank and under the streambed, and analyzed the chemical composition of the ground water as well as the stream water on both seasonal and storm-event timescales. Using SO4/2- as a tracer of the weathered schist ground water, we showed that ground water inflow caused a decrease of NO3- concentration in the stream during the autumn as well as during storm events in spring and summer. In summer, the NO3- concentration was controlled by the sources of the stream, and in winter by the shallow ground water inflow. The effect of the weathered schist ground water on the NO3- depletion remained relatively limited in time. This effect persisted into late autumn as long as the NO3(-) -rich shallow ground water did not feed the stream. The duration and intensity of the effect would be extended by decreasing the shallow ground water inflow, which depends on climate as well as the presence of landscape features such as hedges and buffer zones.  相似文献   
Bioassays of two sites along the Rio Negro in Uruguay indicate ecotoxicity, which could be attributable to trace concentrations of lead in river sediments. Monthly samples at two sites at Baygorria and Bonete locations were analyzed for both particle size and lead. Lead was determined by atomic spectrometry in river water and sediment and particle size by sieving and sedimentation. Data showed that Baygorria's sediments have greater percentage of clay than Bonete's (20.4 and 5.8%, respectively). Lead was measurable in Baygorria's sediments, meanwhile in Bonete's, it was always below the detection limit. In water samples, lead was below detection limit at both sites. Bioassays using sub-lethal growth and survival test with Hyalella curvispina amphipod, screening with bioluminescent bacteria Photobacterium leiognathi, and acute toxicity bioassay with Pimephales promelas fish indicated toxicity at Baygorria, with much less effect at Bonete. Even though no lethal effects could be demonstrated, higher sub-lethal toxicity was found in samples from Baygorria site, showing a possible concentration of the contaminant in the clay fraction.  相似文献   
The air quality over the Toulouse urban area (France) is recorded daily by the regional "Midi-Pyrénées" atmospheric pollution measurements network (ORAMIP). Relevant data is collected from about 100 analysers spread over more than thirty stations. The regulations covering major indicators of atmospheric pollution (ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide) have been updated in recent years to include additional compounds like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The ORAMIP, in partnership with the ENSIACET has undertaken background PAH average concentration measurements over the urban agglomeration of Toulouse during spring 2006 for various types of sites (traffic, urban, industrial). The sampling was performed using a low volume air sampler equipped with quartz fiber filters and polyurethane foams For the two urban sites, total atmospheric concentrations between 12 and 20 ng/m(3) have been obtained, whereas for the industrial site the values averaged 22 ng/m(3). In addition, and regardless of site, the average concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene, at present the only regulated PAH, were always less than the 1 ng/m(3) limit.  相似文献   
A total of 21 samples: raw water (RW) samples; water samples after coagulation with aluminium sulfate (clarified water: CW); and water after chlorination (treated water: TW) from a water purification plant that treats river surface water from the neighbourhood of Foggia (Italy), were analysed for the presence of Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts. Bacteriological indicator of faecal contamination (total and faecal coliforms, faecal streptococci,), total bacterial count at 22 and 36 degrees C and physicochemical parameters (turbidity, temperature, pH) were evaluated. Cryptosporidium oocysts were not found in any samples examined, while Giardia cysts were found only in RW samples, with the maximal concentration of 8 cysts/100 l. A positive correlation was found between the Giardia densities and quality parameters such as TC, FC and TBC at 22 degrees C. Giardia levels in raw water samples correlated (p < 0.05) with TC, FC and with temperature. No other water quality parameters was consistently correlated with cysts level.  相似文献   
The effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza on heavy metal uptake and translocation was investigated in Cannabis sativa. Hemp was grown in the presence and absence of 100 microg g-1 Cd and Ni and 300 microg g-1 Cr(VI), and inoculated or not with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae. In our experimental condition, hemp growth was reduced in inoculated plants and the reduction was related to the degree of mycorrhization. The percentage of mycorrhizal colonisation was 42% and 9% in plants grown in non-contaminated and contaminated soil, suggesting a significant negative effect of high metal concentrations on plant infection by G. mosseae. Soil pH, metal bioavailability and plant metal uptake were not influenced by mycorrhization. The organ metal concentrations were not statistically different between inoculated and non-inoculated plants, apart from Ni which concentration was significantly higher in stem and leaf of inoculated plants grown in contaminated soil. The distribution of absorbed metals inside plant was related to the soil heavy metal concentrations: in plant grown in non-contaminated soil the greater part of absorbed Cr and Ni was found in shoots and no significant difference was determined between inoculated and non-inoculated plants. On the contrary, plants grown in artificially contaminated soil accumulated most metal in root organ. In this soil, mycorrhization significantly enhanced the translocation of all the three metals from root to shoot. The possibility to increase metal accumulation in shoot is very interesting for phytoextraction purpose, since most high producing biomass plants, such as non-mycorrhized hemp, retain most heavy metals in roots, limiting their application.  相似文献   
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