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通过对瑞典维纳恩、韦特恩、梅拉伦和哈马伦四大湖泊中上层鱼类种群生物学的研究得出,适宜区域里鱼苗在生长季节尽早孵化,并在冬季到来之前达到一定的体长,对鱼苗的成活是至关重要的.一般认为,这不仅是为了适应春季浮游动植物的生长,同时也是为了避免被捕食.相对于秋季产卵的欧白鲑(Coregonus albula)来说,通过对春季产卵的胡瓜鱼(Osmerus eperlanus)和梭鲈(Stizostedion lucioperca)的研究,我们更容易得出上述的结论.冰融之后欧白鲑苗的迅速孵化对鱼类的种群生长较为有利.在贫营养性、掠食性鱼类很少的湖泊中,冰融化之后水温的快速回升对种群的补充较为有利,而在富营养性的湖泊中,由于存在被捕食的压力,情况就大不一样了.研究结果表明秋季产卵群体较难适应全球变暖的趋势,不同年份鱼类在年种群生长强度方面存在着较大的差异,这可用生活史来予以解释.  相似文献   
长期以来,就营养物质和碳循环而言,北极生态系统降低了初级生产力;能量,水和温室气体交换的水平已引起了局部和区域性的小幅度降温.大气CO2中的碳沉积在广袤而寒冷的有机土壤中,冰雪覆盖的低矮植被产生高的反射率,都影响了局部气候.然而,北极生态系统功能的许多方面都对气候变化及其产生的生物多样性影响敏感.当前的北极气候导致了低的有机物质分解速率,因此,尽管有机物和元素输入量较低,但北极生态系统还是趋向于积累有机物和元素,土壤中氮和磷等可利用元素结果成为促进碳固定以及生物量和有机物进一步积累的关键性限制因素.气候变暖可能增加特别是土壤中的碳和元素的周转,起初可能导致元素的丢失,但最后会慢慢的恢复.在北极生态系统中,单个物种和物种多样性已经明显地影响了元素的输入和滞留,另一方面,从长远来看,尽管CO2和紫外线增加对植物组织化学、分解和氮固定的影响可能变得重要,但对整个生态系统来说,影响可能很小.碳循环的示踪气体主要形式是CO2和CH4,大多数碳以CO2的形式损失,这些CO2是由植物和土壤生物产生.来自潮湿苔原生态系统以CH4形式释放的碳大约是CO2形式的5%,而且在没有任何其他变化的情况下,对变暖作出响应.冬天过程和植物类型也影响CH4释放和能量在生物圈和大气之间的交换,因为反射率从冬末到夏天存在很大的变化,在冬末,雪反射了入射的大部分光线,在夏天,生态系统吸收了入射的大部分光线,所以在所有的陆地生态系统中,北极生态系统在能量交换方面表现出巨大的季节性变化.植被深刻地影响北极生态系统水和能量交换.在冰雪覆盖期间,反射率从苔原、森林苔原、落叶林、常绿林依次降低.灌木和树增加了雪的深度,反过来又使冬天的土壤温度增加,因此,由气候变化而引起的未来植被方面的变化很可能深远地改变区域的气候.  相似文献   
This paper explores the development towards sustainability management systems (SMSs) in three Swedish local authorities. Many local authorities have extensive experience in using standardised Environmental Management Systems (EMSs). Recently EMSs have extended their reach by widening the scope of the systems including other dimensions of sustainable development. Case studies have been performed in three of the most EMS-experienced local authorities in Sweden. These authorities have extended their EMSs into a sustainability management approach in different ways. This paper discusses the development, possible contributions, and constraints with this development. Expanding EMSs into SMSs can be seen as a learning process in which a larger systems perspective leads to increased awareness that the management system becomes limited by only managing environmental issues. Expanding the EMSs into SMSs may lead to a more complete view of the organisation's total impact on nature and society, and issues that need to be managed.  相似文献   
Many local authorities use standardized environmental management systems (EMSs) to improve their environmental management. These authorities often find it difficult to manage environmental impact caused by their exercise of authority i.e. indirect environmental impact (IEI) within their EMSs. Since this is connected to their core activities, it is important to understand how IEI could be more efficiently managed with respect to EMS work. The purpose for this paper is to study if and how IEI could be managed within the framework of EMS. In this study we have identified two different approaches to managing IEI. Because managing IEI is complex, it is often ignored when initiating EMSs or managed by explicitly avoid mentioning the concept. Managing IEI is seen as a matter of maturity within the organization. The paper concludes with a discussion regarding a developed definition of IEI and how management of IEI could be facilitated.  相似文献   
生物在物种水平上对全球气候变暖和紫外线B(UV-B)辐射增强的反应受到其群落内其他物种以及生态系统内养分循环的调节,所有的这些反应将会导致生态系统结构的变化.根据高纬度地区坏境因子的可能变化而做的控制试验表明,由夏季变暖而引起苔原植被的变化要小于增加施肥而引起的变化,试验涉及的某些环境因子对北极生态系统的结构有非常强烈地影响,但是这些影响因地区而异,观测结果表明,处于最寒冷地区的植物群落和无脊椎动物群落对全球气候变暖和紫外线B辐射的增强反应最为强烈.尽管微生物量和养分储存量相对稳定,北极无脊椎动物群落还是很可能会对全球变暖产生迅速的反应.试验结果显示,加强紫外线B辐射会改变革兰氏阴性细菌和真菌的群落组成结构,但不会对植物群落的组成产生影响.由夏季气温升高而提高的植物生产力将会控制食物网的动态变化,以苔原植被和亚极地森林植物为基础的食物网中的营养流动会明显地影响到几种优势动物种群数量的周期性波动,在某些年分这些动物的种群数量会达到峰值.小型啮齿动物和食叶昆虫如秋毛虫种群数量的周期性变化则会影响苔原和森林苔原植物的组成结构和多样性,同时也会影响到一些专性捕食者和寄生虫的变化.在暖冬,雪表形成冰壳可能会减少旅鼠的植物食物来源,然而较深的雪也可以使它们免受雪地表面上捕食者对它们的捕食.在芬诺斯堪的亚地区,已有证据表明小型啮齿类动物群落结构和种群动态的显著变化会导致专门以小型啮齿类动物为食物的捕食者的数量减少.气候还可能改变昆虫在白桦森林生态系统中的作用,因为暖冬可以增加这些昆虫卵的成活率,并且扩大其分布范围.此外,在夏季困扰驯鹿的昆虫会由于夏季气候的变暖而扩大其分布范围、增加种群数量并且种群更为活跃;同时在另一方面也会对驯鹿不利,即那些昔日驯鹿/北美驯鹿的避难场所--冰川和未融的成片的雪--在这样温暖的夏季则可能会消失.  相似文献   
A future business-as-usual scenario (A1FI) was tested on two bloom-forming cyanobacteria of the Baltic Proper, Nodularia spumigena and Aphanizomenon sp., growing separately and together. The projected scenario was tested in two laboratory experiments where (a) interactive effects of increased temperature and decreased salinity and (b) interactive effects of increased temperature and elevated levels of pCO2 were tested. Increased temperature, from 12 to 16 °C, had a positive effect on the biovolume and photosynthetic activity (F v/F m) of both species. Compared when growing separately, the biovolume of each species was lower when grown together. Decreased salinity, from 7 to 4, and elevated levels of pCO2, from 380 to 960 ppm, had no effect on the biovolume, but on F v/F m of N. spumigena with higher F v/F m in salinity 7. Our results suggest that the projected A1FI scenario might be beneficial for the two species dominating the extensive summer blooms in the Baltic Proper. However, our results further stress the importance of studying interactions between species.  相似文献   
Björn LO  McKenzie RL 《Ambio》2007,36(5):366-371
To get a proper perspective on the current status of atmospheric ozone, which protects the biosphere from ultraviolet-B (UV-B; 280-315 nm) radiation, it would be of value to know how ozone and UV-B radiation have varied in the past. The record of worldwide ozone monitoring goes back only a few decades, and the record of reliable UV-B measurements is even shorter. Here we review indirect methods to assess their status further back in time. These include variations in the Sun's emission and how these affect the atmosphere, changes in the Earth's orbit, geologic imprints of atmospheric ozone, effects of catastrophic events such as volcanic eruptions, biological proxies of UV-B radiation, the spectral signature of terrestrial ozone in old recordings of star spectra, and the modeling of UV-B irradiance from ozone data and meteorological recordings. Although reliable reconstructions do not yet extend far into the past, there is some hope for future progress.  相似文献   
The bioaccumulation potential in bleaks (Alburnus alburnus, Pisces) and acute toxic and reproductive effects on Nitocra spinipes (Crustacea), of 4,5,6-trichloroguaiacol (I), tetrachloroguaiacol (II) and tetrachlorocatechol (III) was investigated. Continuous flow tests with I and II (10 μg/l) gave a rapid bi-phasic uptake in the fish with I and II reaching a level of 4 μg/g fresh weight after 14 d. An equally rapid excretion was determined with the detection limit of I and II being reached after 10 days in pure water. The 96-h LC50 values for I, II and III to N. spinipes was determined to 5.2, 3.9 and 3.3 mg/l, respectively, in static tests. The fecundity of N. spinipes was reduced to 50 % of the control values at 37±6 and 54±4 μg/l (II) per liter in static and continuous flow tests, respectively.  相似文献   
An assessment of impacts on Arctic terrestrial ecosystems has emphasized geographical variability in responses of species and ecosystems to environmental change. This variability is usually associated with north-south gradients in climate, biodiversity, vegetation zones, and ecosystem structure and function. It is clear, however, that significant east-west variability in environment, ecosystem structure and function, environmental history, and recent climate variability is also important. Some areas have cooled while others have become warmer. Also, east-west differences between geographical barriers of oceans, archipelagos and mountains have contributed significantly in the past to the ability of species and vegetation zones to relocate in response to climate changes, and they have created the isolation necessary for genetic differentiation of populations and biodiversity hot-spots to occur. These barriers will also affect the ability of species to relocate during projected future warming. To include this east-west variability and also to strike a balance between overgeneralization and overspecialization, the ACIA identified four major sub regions based on large-scale differences in weather and climate-shaping factors. Drawing on information, mostly model output that can be related to the four ACIA subregions, it is evident that geographical barriers to species re-location, particularly the distribution of landmasses and separation by seas, will affect the northwards shift in vegetation zones. The geographical constraints--or facilitation--of northward movement of vegetation zones will affect the future storage and release of carbon, and the exchange of energy and water between biosphere and atmosphere. In addition, differences in the ability of vegetation zones to re-locate will affect the biodiversity associated with each zone while the number of species threatened by climate change varies greatly between subregions with a significant hot-spot in Beringia. Overall, the subregional synthesis demonstrates the difficulty of generalizing projections of responses of ecosystem structure and function, species loss, and biospheric feedbacks to the climate system for the whole Arctic region and implies a need for a far greater understanding of the spatial variability in the responses of terrestrial arctic ecosystems to climate change.  相似文献   
Uncertainties and recommendations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An assessment of the impacts of changes in climate and UV-B radiation on Arctic terrestrial ecosystems, made within the Arctic Climate Impacts Assessment (ACIA), highlighted the profound implications of projected warming in particular for future ecosystem services, biodiversity and feedbacks to climate. However, although our current understanding of ecological processes and changes driven by climate and UV-B is strong in some geographical areas and in some disciplines, it is weak in others. Even though recently the strength of our predictions has increased dramatically with increased research effort in the Arctic and the introduction of new technologies, our current understanding is still constrained by various uncertainties. The assessment is based on a range of approaches that each have uncertainties, and on data sets that are often far from complete. Uncertainties arise from methodologies and conceptual frameworks, from unpredictable surprises, from lack of validation of models, and from the use of particular scenarios, rather than predictions, of future greenhouse gas emissions and climates. Recommendations to reduce the uncertainties are wide-ranging and relate to all disciplines within the assessment. However, a repeated theme is the critical importance of achieving an adequate spatial and long-term coverage of experiments, observations and monitoring of environmental changes and their impacts throughout the sparsely populated and remote region that is the Arctic.  相似文献   
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