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Air pollution causes deleterious effects on human health with aerosols being among the most polluting agents.The objective of this work is the characterization of the PM_(2.5) and PM_(10) aerosol mass in the atmosphere.The methods of analysis include WD-XRF and EDS.Data were correlated with meteorological information and air mass trajectories(model HYSPLIT)by multivariate analysis.A morphological structural analysis was also carried out to identify the probable sources of atmospheric aerosols in the city of Sao Jose do Rio Preto,Brazil.The mean mass concentration values obtained were 24.54 μg/m~3 for PM_(10),above the WHO annual standard value of 20 μg/m~3 and 10.88 μg/m~3 for PM_(2.5) whose WHO recommended limit is10 μg/m~3.WD-XRF analysis of the samples revealed Si and Al as major components of the coarse fraction.In the fine fraction,the major elements were Al and S.The SEM-FEG characterization allowed identifying the morphology of the particles in agglomerates,ellipsoids and filaments in the PM_(10),besides spherical in the PM_(2.5).The analysis by EDS corroborated WD-XRF results,identifying the crustal elements,aluminosilicates and elements of anthropogenic origin in the coarse fraction.For the fine fraction crustal elements were also identified;aluminosilicates,black carbon and spherical particles(C and O) originating from combustion processes were predominant.The use of multivariate analysis to correlate air mass trajectories with the results of the morpho-structural characterization of the particulate matter allowed confirmation of the complex composition of the particles resulting from the combination of both local and long-distance sources.  相似文献   
The heterogeneous degradation of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on five samples of natural Icelandic volcanic particles has been investigated. Laboratory experiments were carried out under simulated atmospheric conditions using a coated wall flow tube (CWFT). The CWFT reactor was coupled to a blue light nitrogen oxides analyzer (NOx analyzer), and a long path absorption photometer (LOPAP) to monitor in real time the concentrations of NO2, NO and HONO, respectively. Under dark and ambient relative humidity conditions, the steady state uptake coefficients of NO2 varied significantly between the volcanic samples probably due to differences in magma composition and morphological variation related with the density of surface OH groups. The irradiation of the surface with simulated sunlight enhanced the uptake coefficients by a factor of three indicating that photo-induced processes on the surface of the dust occur. Furthermore, the product yields of NO and HONO were determined under both dark and simulated sunlight conditions. The relative humidity was found to influence the distribution of gaseous products, promoting the formation of gaseous HONO. A detailed reaction mechanism is proposed that supports our experimental observations. Regarding the atmospheric implications, our results suggest that the NO2 degradation on volcanic particles and the corresponding formation of HONO is expected to be significant during volcanic dust storms or after a volcanic eruption.  相似文献   
To determine the heavy metal content in soil samples at contaminated locations, a static and time consuming procedure is used in most cases. Soil samples are collected and analyzed in the laboratory at high quality and high analytical costs. The demand by government and consultants for a more dynamic approach and by customers requiring performances in which analyses are performed in the field with immediate feedback of the analytical results, is growing. Especially during the follow-up of remediation projects or during the determination of the sampling strategy, field analyses are advisable. For this purpose four types of ED-XRF systems, ranging from portable up to high performance laboratory systems, have been evaluated. The evaluation criteria are based on the performance characteristics for all the ED-XRF systems such as limit of detection, accuracy and the measurement uncertainty on one hand, and also the influence of the sample pretreatment on the obtained results on the other hand. The study proved that the field portable system and the bench top system, placed in a mobile van, can be applied as field techniques, resulting in semi-quantitative analytical results. A limited homogenization of the analyzed sample significantly increases the representativeness of the soil sample. The ED-XRF systems can be differentiated by their limits of detection which are a factor of 10 to 20 higher for the portable system. The accuracy of the results and the measurement uncertainty also improved using the bench top system. Therefore, the selection criteria for applicability of both field systems are based on the required detection level and also the required accuracy of the results.  相似文献   
Assessment of the food chain mobility of heavy metals inthe natural ecosystem receives more attention nowadays. Inthe present study, mulberry-silkworm food chain has beenfocused as a templet to assess the biomobility of heavymetals in soil-higher plant-insect hierarchy. Both in thecase of Cd and Cu treatments, higher mobility wasobserved in the level-1 (soil–root) followed by level-3(leaf–larva), level-4 (larvae–faecal) and level-2(root–leaf). Consequently, roots accumulated more amountsof Cd and Cu, with a limited transport to the leaves.Among the two metals (Cd and Cu) tested, in the plant,the transfer potential of Cd exceeds that of Cu. Whereasin the case of leaf–larval transfer, Cu precedes overCd. Accumulation of Cd and Cu in all the levels (1–4)tested showed a concentration dependent increase, except inthe level 4 (larva–faecal) of Cd treatment where adeclining trend was noticed.  相似文献   
Field experiments were carried out during 1996–97at Gulawathi, Muthiani and Salarpur Villages, IARI Farm, NewDelhi and NCPP Campus, Dadri to evaluate changes in soilcharacteristics and growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),mustard (Brassica juncea L.), lentil (Lence esculentaMoench.), rice (Oryza sativa L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) byvarying amounts of flyash addition (up to 50t ha-1) in soils atsowing/transplanting time of crops. Flyash addition in areasadjoining NCPP Thermal Power Plant, Dadri, Ghaziabad, U.P.ranged from 5–12 t ha-1 yr-1 in 1995–96. Shoot and root growthand yield of test crops at different locations after flyashincorporation resulted in beneficial effects of flyashaddition in most cases. The silt dominant texture of flyashimproved loamy sand to sandy loam textures of the surfacesoils at the farmers' fields. The increased growth in yield ofcrops with flyash incorporation was possibly due tomodifications in soil moisture retention and transmissioncharacteristics, bulk density, physico-chemical characterssuch as pH and EC and organic carbon content. The response offlyash addition in the soil on soil health and cropproductivity needs to be evaluated on long-term sustainableaspects.  相似文献   
Ozone concentrations were measured in Zagreb at four sites from May 1999 to April 2001 in order to categorize the air quality with respect to ozone. In the summer of 2000, the ozone measurements were also extended to four sites in the suburbs of Zagreb. Methods of active and passive sampling with nitrite ion as a reagent were used. In the northern part of the town ozone was analyzed by an automatic device. Automatic device measurements in the years 1999 and 2000 showed that hourly averages of ozone concentrations did not exceed the Croatian recommended value of the 98th percentile (180 g m–3). Over the two-year period, 24-h averages occasionally exceed 110 g m–3 in city center and in the northern part of the town. Regardless of these isolated examples, ozone was well within acceptable concentrations. Ozone concentrations measured in summer 2000 were higher in the suburbs of Zagreb than in the city. The 98th percentile values higher than 110 g m–3 were recorded at three sites.  相似文献   
Protein that makes sense in the Argentine ant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With a protein-based approach, we have identified and cloned the cDNA encoding a chemosensory protein (LhumCSP) in the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile. The open reading frame of the cloned cDNA encoded a signal peptide (20 residues), and a mature protein (pI 4.62) of 106 amino acid residues. The calculated molecular mass (12,453 Da) was in agreement with the molecular mass measured by on-line chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (12,448 Da), given the formation of two disulfide bridges. LhumCSP shared sequence similarity with various CSPs, particularly those identified and/or cloned from moth species. Also, LhumCSP showed the hallmark of the chemosensory proteins, i.e., four well conserved cysteine residues. The antennal protein was not detected in non-olfactory tissues (leg and thorax) contrary to a putative pheromone-binding protein isolated from the thorax of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. In addition, these findings suggest that, as in Orthopterans and Phasmids, the protein that makes sense in the Argentine ant is not an odorant-binding protein, but rather a chemosensory protein.  相似文献   
论述了海洋沉积物岩心记录在过去全球变化中的作用,按大、中、小三个时间尺度考虑了海洋记录,提出了与这三个时间尺度有关的目标,指出了实现这些目标的战略,列出了对今后研究工作的建议。  相似文献   
在为期两年多的时间里,研究了芬兰中部一小型热电厂冷却水扩散对一个天然封闭性水池的物理化学性质的影响。由温排水在表层扩散所引起的主要变化是:(1)缩短了冬季冰封期(冰封只是在12—3月较短的时期)。(2)提前并延长了池水的化学成层和热成层(4—10月),这种成层期的延长,导致湖下层氧的耗竭加强,并伴随着深层水中缺氧所带来的其它影响.二月份浮游植物显著的增加,引起二氧化硅、磷酸盐、总磷浓度迅速减少,随着冰的提前融化,浮游植物和轮虫类密度的增加,透光层的深度从4米迅速降低到1米。  相似文献   
IntroductionSiberiaandtheFarEastaretheoldestandtherichestgold miningareasofRussia .Intensivegold miningherestartedinthebeginningofthe 19thcentury(Vyazelshchikov ,1963) .Forthemostpartgold bearingoresandsandswereprocessedwiththeuseofamalgamationmethodforgolde…  相似文献   
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