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We describe the prenatal diagnosis of isolated bilateral fetal microphthalmia in a woman at increased risk of having a fetus with microphthalmia. Ultrasound examinations at 161 and 19-5 weeks' gestation demonstrated bilateral fetal microphthalmia with no other associated structural defects. The patient elected to terminate her pregnancy at 19.5 weeks. Pathological evaluation of the products of conception obtained by dilation and evacuation confirmed the prenatal diagnosis of isolated bilateral fetal microphthalmia.  相似文献   
A wide range of fiscal measures for natural resource based projects are analyzed in this paper. Maximizing government revenue involves taxing heavily any rents generated in the project while retaining the incentive to invest. Recovery efficiency must also be preserved. Based upon the principles of resource economics and project appraisai a series of tests are derived and applied to alternative tax schemes in order to assess their efficiency in maximizing the present value of government revenues. The tests indicate that of the ten schemes examined, the most likely to achieve revenue maximization is a progressive resource rent tax incorporating a safeguard tapering provision and superimposed upon normal corporate income tax. Many commonly applied taxes are demonstrated to have serious distortionary effects on the investment decision and to fail to capture a large proportion of rents generated. Cet article analyse une gamme variée de mesures fiscales applicables aux projets concernant les ressources naturelles. L'optimisation des recettes de l'Etat implique une lourde imposition des revenus provenant du projet tout en continuant à encourager les investissements. L'efficacité de la relance doit aussi être maintenue. Sur la base des principes de l'économie des ressources et de l'évaluation des projets, une série de tests a été conçue et appliquée à des systèmes fiscaux alternatifs afin de permettre l'évaluation de leur efficacité en ce qui concerne l'optimisation de la valeur actuelle des recettes de l'Etat. Les tests indiquent que sur les dix systèmes examinés, le plus susceptible d'optimiser les recettes semble être un impôt progressif sur les revenus provenant des ressources qui incorpore une clause de garantie dégressive et qui vient s'ajouter à l'impôt sur le revenu des sociétés habituel. L'article démontre que de nombreux impôts habituellement appliqués présentent de sérieux effets de distortion ayant un impact sur la décision d'investir et qu'une grande proportion des revenus de ces projets échappe à l'imposition. En este artículo se analiza una gama amplia de medidas fiscales sobre proyectos relacionados con recursos naturales. Maximizar los ingresos fiscales requiere imponer fuertes impuestos sobre las rentas generadas por el proyecto manteniendo al mismo tiempo el incentivo para la inversión. Debe mantenerse también la eficiencia en la recuperación de los recursos en cuestión. Basado en principios de la economía de recursos y de evaluación de proyectos se derivan una serie de pruebas sobre esquemas alternativos de aplicación de impuestos con el objeto de evaluar la eficiencia de dichos esquemas en la maximización del valor presente del ingreso del gobierno por concepto de impuestos. Las pruebas indican que de los diez esquemas examinados, el que con mayor probabilidad va a maximizar el ingreso del gobierno es el impuesto progresivo sobre la renta del recurso con un provisión de salvaguarda la reducción de dicho impuesto, más un impuesto simultáneo sobre el ingreso de la empresa. Muchos de los esquemas de imposición comúnmente aplicados tienen serios efectos distortionadores sobre las decisiones de inversión y consecuentamente impiden la colección de una gran parte de las rentas generadas.  相似文献   
Chlorinated paraffins (CPs) are straight chain hydrocarbons that are produced as complex mixtures and are used as flame retardants and paint additives. These mixtures are extremely difficult to characterize using conventional chromatographic methods, as conventional gas chromatography results in unresolved complex chromatograms that preclude the identification and quantification of individual congeners or any reasonable assessment of the average carbon chain length. Carbon chain length is an important parameter for assessing physical properties and the toxicity of these materials. We have modified and improved a previously published gas chromatography–flame ionization detector method that uses Pd catalyst held in the gas chromatograph injector to simultaneously dechlorinate the CPs and separate the resulting alkanes. In addition, we have adapted this method to gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Dehalogenation of other compounds was also studied with this system to investigate potential application to other complex halogenated mixtures.  相似文献   
The herbicide propanil, a synthetic anilide, was discovered in 1957 to control grasses and broad-leaf weeds in rice fields. It has been found to disrupt the electron transport chain by inhibiting the photosystem II, thus impacting plant growth. In the environment, photolysis represents a major degradation pathway, whereas volatilization is not a major route of dissipation from either water or moist soils. Propanil is rapidly degraded by microbes into the major degradation product 3,4-dichloroaniline. This degradation product has been highly detected in both groundwater and surface waters throughout the world. Propanil has been found to adversely impact many non-target organisms. It is toxic to some early life-stage aquatic organisms, in addition to being moderately toxic to the water flea (Ceriodaphnia dubia) and rainbow trout. In addition, it has been reported to pose a high acute and long-term risk to birds. In plants, growth rates are highly impacted; however, some plant species are becoming resistant to propanil.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the herbicide mixture nicosulfuron + atrazine, with or without the insecticide chlorpyrifos, onto soil entomofauna under maize crop. The treatments, applied 25 days after maize emergence, were represented by a weeded control without insecticide and herbicide, a weeded control with chlorpyrifos, and mixtures of nicosulfuron + atrazine, with or without chlorpyrifos. Arthropods populations, on the soil surface, as well as inside the soil under maize, were principally represented by mites (Arachnida: Acari), decomposer collembolans (Hexapoda:Parainsecta:Collembola) and predator ants (Hymenoptera:Formicidae). The nicosulfuron + atrazine mixture with chlorpyrifos and the isolated chlorpyrifos reduced the population dynamics of all insect groups on the soil surface compared to the weeded control. In the soil, mite and ant populations were reduced after application of the herbicide mixture with chlorpyrifos and of the isolated chlorpyrifos.  相似文献   
Males of five species of three tribes in the longhorned beetle subfamily Cerambycinae produce volatile pheromones that share a structural motif (hydroxyl or carbonyl groups at carbons two and three in straight-chains of six, eight, or ten carbons). Pheromone gland pores are present on the prothoraces of males, but are absent in females, suggesting that male-specific gland pores could provide a convenient morphological indication that a species uses volatile pheromones. In this article, we assess the taxonomic distribution of gland pores within the Cerambycinae by examining males and females of 65 species in 24 tribes using scanning electron microscopy. Gland pores were present in males and absent in females of 49 species, but absent in both sexes of the remaining 16 species. Pores were confined to indentations in the cuticle. Among the species that had male-specific gland pores were four species already known to produce volatile compounds consistent with the structural motif. These findings support the initial assumption that gland pores are associated with the production of pheromones by males. There were apparently no taxonomic patterns in the presence of gland pores. These findings suggest that volatile pheromones play an important role in reproduction for many species of the Cerambycinae, and that the trait is evolutionarily labile.  相似文献   
Recolonization of an intertidal coralline algal mat near San Diego, California, was studied under different disturbance (denudation by scraping) shedules. Scraping at different seasons led to different sequences of algal dominants, and there was no predictable sequence of colonizers. The predisturbance dominant, Lithothrix aspergillum, reappeared in all disturbed plots, including those scraped biweekly. Undisturbed areas, which were monitored as controls, underwent a late summer die-back of algae, following the occurrence of hot dry weather, and a late winter pulse in algal growth. Seasonal influences predominated over successional patterns in determining community changes under both disturbed and undisturbed conditions.  相似文献   
In situ bioremediation of an underground diesel fuel spill: A case history   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the winter months of 1983, approximately 1000 gallons of diesel fuel had flowed along an asphalt parking lot of a commercial establishment towards a surface drain near an open creek. Investigations led to the discovery of an underground storage tank leaking diesel fuel. Exploratory borings showed that contamination was near the surface horizon and the capillary zone of the water table. Hydrocarbon quantities ranged up to 1500 mg/kg of soil. The plume continued to move in an eastward direction toward the surface water of the creek. A laboratory study indicated relatively high numbers of hydrocarbon-oxidizing organisms relative to glucose-utilizing microorganisms in the unsaturated vadose zone. Bioreclamation was initiated in April 1984 by injecting nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and hydrogen peroxide and terminated in October 1984 upon no detection (<1 mg/kg) of hydrocarbons. A verification boring within the vicinity of the contaminated plume confirmed that residual contamination had attained background levels. The monitoring program was terminated in January 1987.  相似文献   
A 21 -year-old woman with progressively deforming or type III osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) presented for prenatal counselling and diagnosis at 10 weeks' gestation. Family history was non-contributory. At 14.8 weeks' gestation, ultrasonographic examination revealed fetal skeletal hypomineralization, easily compressible fetal cranium, and thickened long bones, indicating that the fetus was also affected. Confirmation of the prenatal diagnosis of OI type III was made following a Caesarean section birth of a male infant with multiple skeletal deformities and blue sclerae implying, in this case, autosomal dominant inheritance.  相似文献   
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