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The night sky is the venue for an ancient arms race. Insectivorous bats with their ultrasonic sonar exert an enormous selective pressure on nocturnal insects. In response insects have evolved the ability to hear bat cries, to evade their hunting maneuvers, and some, the tiger moths (Arctiidae), to utter an ultrasonic reply. We here determine what it is that tiger moths say to bats. We chose four species of arctiid moths, Cycnia tenera, Euchaetes egle, Utetheisa ornatrix, and Apantesis nais, that naturally differ in their levels of unpalatability and their ability to produce sound. Moths were tethered and offered to free-flying naïve big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus. The ability of the bats to capture each species was compared to their ability to capture noctuid, geometrid, and wax moth controls over a learning period of 7 days. We repeated the experiment using the single arctiid species E. egle that through diet manipulation and simple surgery could be rendered palatable or unpalatable and sound producing or mute. We again compared the capture rates of these categories of E. egle to control moths. Using both novel learning approaches we have found that the bats only respond to the sounds of arctiids when they are paired with defensive chemistry. The sounds are in essence a warning to the bats that the moth is unpalatable—an aposematic signal.Electronic Supplementary Material  Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   
Ramus K  Kopinke FD  Georgi A 《Chemosphere》2012,86(2):138-143
The effect of dissolved humic substances (DHS) on the rate of water-gas exchange of two volatile organic compounds was studied under various conditions of agitation intensity, solution pH and ionic strength. Mass-transfer coefficients were determined from the rate of depletion of model compounds from an apparatus containing a stirred aqueous solution with continuous purging of the headspace above the solution (dynamic system). Under these conditions, the overall transfer rate is controlled by the mass-transfer resistance on the water side of the water-gas interface. The experimental results show that the presence of DHS hinders the transport of the organic molecules from the water into the gas phase under all investigated conditions. Mass-transfer coefficients were significantly reduced even by low, environmentally relevant concentrations of DHS. The retardation effect increased with increasing DHS concentration. The magnitude of the retardation effect on water-gas exchange was compared for Suwannee River fulvic and humic acids, a commercially available leonardite humic acid and two synthetic surfactants. The observed results are in accordance with the concept of hydrodynamic effects. Surface pressure forces due to surface film formation change the hydrodynamic characteristics of water motion at the water-air interface and thus impede surface renewal.  相似文献   
The complex performance of newly synthesized CoNiMnB electrodeposits in base-stabilized sodium borohydride solutions was examined. The rate of hydrogen generation due to borohydride hydrolysis was determined at different temperatures. Activation energy of approximately 33 kJ/mol was estimated, which is lower than the values reported for other catalysts. At electrochemical conditions, there is a competition between borohydride hydrolysis and electrooxidation reactions. The electrooxidation of borohydride takes place with low overpotentials at relatively high current densities. The long-term discharge at galvanostatic conditions as well as possibilities for partial storage of generated hydrogen indicates potentials for application of studied electrodeposits as anode material in direct borohydride fuel cells (DBFC).  相似文献   
NiW systems are known as one of the best catalysts for various desulfurization processes. In this study, we examined catalytic properties of NiW electrodeposits, produced from two different electrolytes, towards sulfide ion oxidation in alkaline solution. Despite the big difference in morphology and structure of both materials, they exhibit almost the same catalytic activity for the examined reaction. A possible explanation of this experimental fact is that the overall reaction is controlled by the transport of oxygen through the catalyst samples.  相似文献   
A new potassium permanganate reagent with slow-release properties was designed and tested for possible application in in situ chemical oxidation. For this purpose, MnO2-coated KMnO4 particles (MCP) were prepared by partial reduction of solid KMnO4 using the acid-catalyzed reaction with n-propanol or the comproportionation of Mn(VII) and Mn(II) in n-propanol as reaction medium. Column tests showed that, for MCP with a residual KMnO4 fraction of 70 wt%, the duration of permanganate release under flow-through conditions was prolonged by a factor of 10 compared to untreated KMnO4. While KMnO4 is too soluble to be used in reactive barriers, MCP could be introduced into the aquifer by filling of trenches or boreholes; this would allow a prolonged passive dosing of permanganate into the flowing groundwater. In addition, experiments were conducted in order to determine the oxidation capability of native KMnO4 particles and MCP in CH2Cl2, a representative non-polar non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL). It may be possible to utilize the significantly higher reactivity of MCP under these conditions for the design of slow-release permanganate particles for NAPL source treatment.  相似文献   
Of the recent sauropsid skin appendage types, only feathers develop from a cylindrical epidermal invagination, the follicle, and show hierarchical branching. Fossilized integuments of Mesozoic diapsids have been interpreted as follicular and potential feather homologues, an idea particularly controversially discussed for the elongate dorsal skin projections of the small diapsid Longisquama insignis from the Triassic of Kyrgyzstan. Based on new finds and their comparison with the type material, we show that Longisquama's appendages consist of a single-branched internal frame enclosed by a flexible outer membrane. Not supporting a categorization either as feathers or as scales, our analysis demonstrates that the Longisquama appendages formed in a two-stage, feather-like developmental process, representing an unusual early example for the evolutionary plasticity of sauropsid integument.  相似文献   
This paper presents the outcome of a feasibility study on underground coal gasification (UCG) combined with direct carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage (CCS) at a selected site in Bulgaria with deep coal seams (>1,200 m). A series of state-of-the-art geological, geo-mechanical, hydrogeological and computational models supported by experimental tests and techno-economical assessments have been developed for the evaluation of UCG-CCS schemes. Research efforts have been focused on the development of site selection requirements for UCG-CCS, estimation of CO2 storage volumes, review of the practical engineering requirements for developing a commercial UCG-CCS storage site, consideration of drilling and completion issues, and assessments of economic feasibility and environmental impacts of the scheme. In addition, the risks of subsidence and groundwater contamination have been assessed in order to pave the way for a full-scale trial and commercial applications. The current research confirms that cleaner and cheaper energy with reduced emissions can be achieved and the economics are competitive in the future European energy market. However the current research has established that rigorous design and monitor schemes are essential for productivity and safety and the minimisation of the potential environmental impacts. A platform has been established serving to inform policy-makers and aiding strategies devised to alleviate local and global impacts on climate change, while ensuring that energy resources are optimally harnessed.  相似文献   
Goal, Scope and Background The use of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) as flame retardants increases the risk for emissions of other brominated compounds, such as polybrominated dibenzodioxins (PBDDs) and dibenzofurans (PBDFs). The large homology in structure of PBDD/Fs and mechanism of toxic action, i.e. the capacity to activate the Ah receptor (AhR) pathway, compared to their well-studied chlorinated analogues, justifies a raised concern to study the environmental levels and fate of these compounds. Decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE) is the most widely used PBDE today. Studies on photolytic debromination of decaBDE in organic solvents have shown debromination of decaBDE, as well as formation of PBDFs. However, little is known about the transformation mechanisms and there are only scarce data on photoproducts and PBDE transformation in environmentally relevant matrices. In this study, mechanism-specific dioxin bioassays were used to study photolytic formation of AhR agonists in toluene solutions of decaBDE. In addition, the influence of irradiation time and UV-light wavelength on the formation was studied. PBDE congener patterns and presence of PBDD/Fs were analysed. Further, AhR agonists were analysed in agricultural soils contaminated with PBDEs. Soils were also exposed to UV-light to study changes in AhR agonist levels. Methods Toluene solutions of decaBDE were irradiated using three different spectra of UV-light, simulating UV-A (320-400 nm), UV-AB (280-400 nm), and UV-ABC (250-400 nm). Additionally, decaBDE solutions were exposed to narrow wavelength intervals (10 nm bandwidth) with the central wavelengths 280, 290, 300, 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360 nm. AhR agonists in decaBDE solutions were analysed with two different bioassays, the chick embryo liver-cell assay for dioxins (Celcad) and the dioxin responsive, chemically activated luciferase expression assay (DR-Calux). Also, the decaBDE solutions were analysed with LRGC-LRMS to obtain PBDE congener patterns for breakdown of decaBDE, and with HRGC-HRMS, for presence of PBDD/Fs. Four soils were exposed to UV-AB light, under both dry and moist conditions. Levels of AhR agonists in soil extract fractions, before and after UV-exposure, were analysed with the DR-Calux. Results and Discussion Significant levels of photoproducts able to activate the AhR pathway, up to 31 ng bio-TEQ/ml, were formed in UV-exposed decaBDE solutions. The transformation yield of decaBDE into AhR agonists was estimated to be at the 0.1%-level, on a molar basis. The net formation was highly dependent on wavelength, with the sample irradiated at 330 nm showing the highest level of dioxin-like activity. No activity was detected in controls. PBDE analysis confirmed decaBDE degradation and a clear time-dependent pattern for debromination of PBDE congeners. AhR agonist effect in the recalcitrant fractions of the soils corresponded to the levels of chemically derived TEQs, based only on chlorinated dioxin-like compounds in an earlier study. It was concluded that no significant levels of other AhR agonists, e.g. PBDFs, were accumulated in the soil. UV-light caused changes in AhR-mediated activity in the more polar and less persistent fractions of the soils, but it is not known which compounds are responsible for this. Recommendations and Perspective . The laboratory experiments in this study show that high levels of AhR agonists can be formed as photoproducts of decaBDE and it is important to elucidate if and under which conditions this might occur in nature. However, soil analysis indicates that photoproducts of PBDE do not contribute to the accumulated levels of persistent dioxin-like compounds in agricultural soil. Still, more data is needed to fully estimate the environmental importance of PBDE photolysis and occurrence of its photoproducts in other environmental compartments. Analysis with dioxin bioassays enabled us to gather information about photoproducts formed from decaBDE even though the exact identities of these compounds were not known. Conclusion Bioassays are valuable for studying environmental transformation processes like this, where chemical analysis and subsequent toxicological evaluation requires available standard compounds and information on toxicological potency. The use of bioassays allows a rapid evaluation of toxicological relevance.  相似文献   
The main objective of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity is the global conservation of biological diversity. As biological diversity is utilised — directly or indirectly — as a resource for human needs, this utilisation has to be made sustainable. The elaboration of adequate protection and utilisation concepts requires suitable evaluation criteria to measure sustainability. For the sector of environmental protection, the Federal Environmental Agency has carried out a study to determine the criteria which are currently used in different areas. This study (review and evaluation) covers not only the criteria themselves, but also includes additional information such as the underlying principles. Biodiversity as an autonornous area of protection has been addressed in only quite a few papers up to now. However, there already exists a range of criteria which are relevant for biodiversity. But at the same time many gaps’ and inconsistencies were identified which have to be eliminated in cooperation with other policy sectors to obtain a basis for the above-mentioned protection and utilisation concepts.  相似文献   
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