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The structure of the habitat is usually crucial for growth and survival of young life stages. Presently, some nursery areas of fish larvae are changing due to eutrophication, e.g. due to enhanced growth of ephemeral filamentous algae at the expense of perennial species. We studied the influence of two habitats, one with filamentous algae (Cladophora glomerata) and the other with bladder wrack (Fucus vesiculosus), on habitat choice of pike larvae (Esox lucius) in the absence/presence of a predator or a competitor. We further tested whether the habitat choice is adaptive in increasing survival under predation threat. In contrast to expectations, pike larvae preferred the habitat with ephemeral filamentous algae to the bladder wrack, thriving in clean waters, independent of the presence/absence of both predator/competitor. In addition, the survival of the larvae was higher in the filamentous algae in the presence of predators, which suggested that the habitat preference of the larvae was adaptive. The structure of the bladderwrack habitat was probably too open for newly hatched larvae, which implies that F. vesiculosus and other large brown algae are not as important refuges for young larvae as previously thought.  相似文献   
Kernel-based home range method for data with irregular sampling intervals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies of habitat selection and movements often use radio-tracking data for defining animal home ranges. Home ranges (HR) can be approximated by a utilization density distribution (UD) that instead of assuming uniform use of areas within HR boundary provides a probabilistic measure of animal space use. In reality, radio-tracking data contain periods of frequent autocorrelated observations interspersed with temporally more independent observations. Using such temporally irregular data directly may result in biased UD estimates, because areas that have been sampled intensively receive too much weight. The problem of autocorrelation has been tackled by resampling data with an appropriate time interval. However, resampling may cause a large reduction in the data set size along with a loss of information. Evidently, biased UD estimates or reduction in data may prejudice the results on animal habitat selection and movement. We introduce a new method for estimating UDs with temporally irregular data. The proposed method, called the time kernel, accounts for temporal aggregation of observations and gives less weight to temporally autocorrelated observations. A further extension of the method accounts also for spatially aggregated observations with relatively low weights given to observations that are both temporally and spatially aggregated. We test the behaviour of the time kernel method and its spatiotemporal version using simulated data. In addition, the method is applied to a data set of brown bear locations.  相似文献   
Worldwide biological diversity (short: biodiversity) is declining rapidly. Rising demands of a fast growing human population jeopardize a smooth handling with the resource biodiversity. Main reasons of its decline are climate and land use changes as well as nutrient and hazardous substances pollution of land and water ecosystems. Integrated environmental protection and nature conservation have to tackle this risk and to create preconditions, which allow species to develop in high genetic variability within functioning habitats. Sustainable solutions for this worldwide and complex problem are possible with international societal efforts only. The framework for action is the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) which was agreed at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity as well as balanced and justified distribution of the benefits are in the focus of the convention. Germany hat ratified this convention in 1993. The national strategy implements the international convention in Germany in a comprehensive and challenging programme for all societal actors. The strategy includes 330 distinct objectives and about 430 measures. This article gives an overview of the definitions and the context, describes the history of the process, the structure and the content of the national strategy as well as the implementation process, which was meanwhile started with national and regional meetings.  相似文献   
Objective: In Sweden, a joint action method called SMADIT is in use, where the police quickly offer help from the social services or the dependency care and treatment service to suspected drink drivers. The objective of this article is to analyze the experiences of suspected drink drivers who accepted the offer of help and what it meant for them. The knowledge can be used to improve procedures and consultations. Furthermore, it can allow the basic premises of the method to be examined; for example, the importance of offering help quickly.

Methods: To enable comparisons over time, in-depth interviews were conducted with 12 suspected drink drivers on 2 occasions with 1 year between.

Results: To varying degrees the informants knew about their alcohol problems but were unsure whether they would have sought help by themselves. Therefore, the original ideas of the method with an initial contact with the social services or the dependency care and treatment service within 24 h was found to be important. However, the results also showed that some of the informants needed some time before the first meeting because they were in shock from the drink driving incident or in need of sleep. Therefore, the drink driver's situation and individual wishes always have to be considered. The article also shows that an encouraging attitude among the police, the social services, and the dependency care and treatment service is important for the success of the SMADIT method.

The informants are satisfied with the method and in retrospect the incident and the SMADIT offer of help are described as a turning point in their lives. One year after being offered help the informants were no longer focused solely on the personal consequences of drink driving, as they were shortly after the incident. Instead, they had gained insights into the harm they could have done to other road users when they drove while drunk.

Conclusions: One conclusion from this article is that SMADIT, as an innovative method that can be deployed more rapidly than other alcohol-impaired driving countermeasures, should be considered as a good complement to conventional methods to deal with drink driving. Based on the results, we recommend a trial of the joint action method against drink driving in other jurisdictions.  相似文献   

This paper compiles biological and chemical sea-ice data from three areas of the Baltic Sea: the Bothnian Bay (Hailuoto, Finland), the Bothnian Sea (Norrby, Sweden), and the Gulf of Finland (Tv?rminne, Finland). The data consist mainly of field measurements and experiments conducted during the BIREME project from 2003 to 2006, supplemented with relevant published data. Our main focus was to analyze whether the biological activity in Baltic Sea sea-ice shows clear regional variability. Sea-ice in the Bothnian Bay has low chlorophyll a concentrations, and the bacterial turnover rates are low. However, we have sampled mainly land-fast level first-year sea-ice and apparently missed the most active biological system, which may reside in deformed ice (such as ice ridges). Our limited data set shows high concentrations of algae in keel blocks and keel block interstitial water under the consolidated layer of the pressure ridges in the northernmost part of the Baltic Sea. In land-fast level sea-ice in the Bothnian Sea and the Gulf of Finland, the lowermost layer appears to be the center of biological activity, though elevated biomasses can also be found occasionally in the top and interior parts of the ice. Ice algae are light limited during periods of snow cover, and phosphate is generally the limiting nutrient for ice bottom algae. Bacterial growth is evidently controlled by the production of labile dissolved organic matter by algae because low growth rates were recorded in the Bothnian Bay with high concentrations of allochthonous dissolved organic matter. Bacterial communities in the Bothnian Sea and the Gulf of Finland show high turnover rates, and activities comparable with those of open water communities during plankton blooms, which implies that sea-ice bacterial communities have high capacity to process matter during the winter period.  相似文献   
Ecosystem consequences of cyanobacteria in the northern Baltic Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cyanobacteria of the Baltic Sea have multiple effects on organisms that influence the food chain dynamics on several trophic levels. Cyanobacteria contain several bioactive compounds, such as alkaloids, peptides, and lipopolysaccharides. A group of nonribosomally produced oligopeptides, namely microcystins and nodularin, are tumor promoters and cause oxidative stress in the affected cells. Zooplankton graze on cyanobacteria, and when ingested, the hepatotoxins (nodularin) decrease the egg production of, for example, copepods. However, the observed effects are very variable, because many crustaceans are tolerant to nodularin and because cyanobacteria may complement the diet of grazers in small amounts. Cyanobacterial toxins are transferred through the food web from one trophic level to another. The transfer rate is relatively low in the pelagic food web, but reduced feeding and growth rates of fish larvae have been observed. In the benthic food web, especially in blue mussels, nodularin concentrations are high, and benthic feeding juvenile flounders have been observed to disappear from bloom areas. In the littoral ecosystem, gammarids have shown increased mortality and weakening of reproductive success under cyanobacterial exposure. In contrast, mysid shrimps seem to be tolerant to cyanobacterial exposure. In fish larvae, detoxication of nodularin poses a metabolic cost that is reflected as decreased growth and condition, which may increase their susceptibility to predation. Cyanobacterial filaments and aggregates also interfere with both hydromechanical and visual feeding of planktivores. The feeding appendages of mysid shrimps may clog, and the filaments interfere with prey detection of pike larvae. On the other hand, a cyanobacterial bloom may provide a refuge for both zooplankton and small fish. As the decaying bloom also provides an ample source of organic carbon and nutrients for the organisms of the microbial loop, the zooplankton species capable of selective feeding may thrive in bloom conditions. Cyanobacteria also compete for nutrients with other primary producers and change the nitrogen (N): phosphorus (P) balance of their environment by their N-fixation. Further, the bioactive compounds of cyanobacteria directly influence other primary producers, favoring cyanobacteria, chlorophytes, dinoflagellates, and nanoflagellates and inhibiting cryptophytes. As the selective grazers also shift the grazing pressure on other species than cyanobacteria, changes in the structure and functioning of the Baltic Sea communities and ecosystems are likely to occur during the cyanobacterial bloom season.  相似文献   
Benthic resting eggs of rotifers, cladocerans and calanoid copepods were studied at two sites with different hydrographical and sediment properties off the SW coast of Finland, the northern Baltic Sea between 1991 and 1993. Vertical distribution of the resting eggs in the sediment was studied down to 10 cm depth, and hatching of the eggs extracted from different 1-cm thick sediment layers was experimentally tested. The larvae of eight mesozooplankton taxa emerged from the eggs: Calanoida (mostlyAcartia bifilosa), cladoceransBosmina spp.,Daphnia spp.,Evadne nordmanni, andPodon spp. (mostlyP. polyphemoides), and rotifersSynchaeta spp.,Keratella spp. andAsplanchna priodonta. Some calanoid and cladoceran eggs hatched after 7 mo storage of the sediment at 3°C. A few calanoid and cladoceran eggs hatched from the 8 to 10 cm deep sediment layer. Their age, estimated by means of137Cs analysis, was ca. 8 to 10 yr. Vertical distribution of the benthic eggs reflected the different sediment structures of the study sites. The eggs of all zooplankton taxa were more stratified in the laminated sediment than in the disturbed sediment. We suggest that the intensity of deep water mixing is the key factor for regulating the vertical distribution and hatching probability of mesozooplankton resting eggs, since it largely determines the stratification of the sedimenting material, distribution of oxygen within the sediment, and the living conditions of benthic animals causing bioturbation.  相似文献   
Sustainable management of landscapes with multiple competing demands such as the Ruaha Landscape is complex due to the diverse preferences and needs of stakeholder groups involved. This study uses conjoint analysis to assess the preferences of representatives from three stakeholder groups—local communities, district government officials, and non-governmental organizations—toward potential solutions of conservation and development tradeoffs facing local communities in the Ruaha Landscape of Tanzania. Results demonstrate that there is little consensus among stakeholders about the best development strategies for the Ruaha region. This analysis suggests a need for incorporating issues deemed important by these various groups into a development strategy that aims to promote conservation of the Ruaha Landscape and improve the livelihood of local communities.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterial blooms are a common phenomenon in the Baltic Sea, and the hepatotoxin nodularin has been frequently detected in certain Baltic Sea fishes and mussels. However, there is no knowledge about the naturally occurring concentrations of nodularin in Baltic Sea zooplankton. The aim of this study was to survey the concentrations of nodularin in natural zooplankton assemblages, and to study the depuration of nodularin in one common copepod species, Eurytemora affinis, experimentally. The nodularin concentrations in common zooplankton species were determined from field-collected samples from the northern Baltic Proper in 2001 and 2002, during cyanobacterial blooms, and the samples were analysed by ELISA immunoassay. Nodularin could be detected from the field-collected zooplankton, suggesting that during a natural bloom event toxins accumulate in their tissues. The concentrations were relatively low (0.07±0.01 μg g−1 ww), ranging from below detection limit to 0.62 μg g−1 ww. Some variation occurred in the concentrations between species and years; generally concentrations were higher in 2001 than in 2002. In the depuration experiment E. affinis copepods were fed with toxic Nodularia spumigena for 24 h, and their toxin contents were monitored for 24 h after transferring them to filtered seawater. A rapid decrease in nodularin concentrations occurred during the first 0.5–3 h after the exposure. However, after a 24-h depuration period in filtered seawater, nodularin could be still detected in E. affinis tissues, indicating that part of the accumulated nodularin, or its derivatives, could be transferred to planktivores.  相似文献   
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