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Edge Effects on the Understory Bird Community in a Logged Forest in Uganda   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract: Understanding how the fauna of logged tropical rainforests responds to fragmentation and the creation of edges is vital to ensure conservation of biodiversity. We studied the composition of the understory bird community from the edge of a 15-ha clearing toward the interior of the forest in a part of Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda, that was selectively logged about 45 years ago. Mist netting was conducted along five transects from the edge and 500 m into the interior. The total number of individuals captured did not change with distance from the edge, but there was a significant increase in the number of species. We sampled fewer, but more common species near the edge, whereas the interior of the forest had more, and less common species. Guild composition also changed with distance from the edge. Frugivore-insectivores and nectarivores were most common close to the edge. Among insectivores, ground foragers, bark-gleaners, and leaf-gleaners were most common in the interior of the forest, whereas sallying insectivores favored the edge. Graminivores were unaffected by the edge. Analysis of common species showed that Ispidina picta , Andropadus curvirostris , A. latirostris , Camaroptera brachyura , Terpsiphone rufiventer , and Nectarinia olivacea were associated with the edge, but no species showed significant avoidance of the edge. This finding may be explained by the generally low sample sizes of interior species. Our results show that even bird communities in logged forests respond to edges. Estimates of edge effects suggested that changes in bird densities may have occurred several hundred meters from the edge. In conclusion, logged forests provide habitat for bird species avoiding forest edges, and this should be considered in the management of such forests for conservation.  相似文献   
Episodic events may be critical with respect to aluminium (Al) toxicity in moderately acidified salmon rivers. The present work demonstrates that sea salt episodes enhance the toxicity of Al in acidic rivers. The documented sea salt episode (300 [micro sign]M Cl) mobilized positively charged Al species (0.4 to 1.1 [micro sign]M Al(i)), enhanced the Al accumulation on fish gills (0.9 to 10 [micro sign]mol g(-1) dw) and caused increased stress responses (6 to15 mM blood glucose) in fish. Accumulated Al on gills remained high several days after the episode. The presented results are based on a six-week field study in two tributary rivers on the west coast of Norway. Changes in the river water qualities and Al speciation were followed using in situ fractionation techniques. Al accumulation on gills and stress responses were followed for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) kept in tanks continually exposed to the changing water quality. The potential mobilization of Al from the two catchments was studied by extracting soils with diluted seawater (salinity of 3). To counteract Al toxicity, one of the tributary catchments has been limed. The potential mobility of Al by sea salt was lower in limed soils compared to acid soils, and the Al deposition on fish gills (<3.5 [micro sign]mol g(-1) dw) and associated stress responses stayed low during the sea salt episode in the river draining the limed catchment. Thus, for acid river systems in coastal areas, catchment liming should be considered as a useful countermeasure for Al toxicity.  相似文献   
There is now overwhelming documentation of large-scale chemical recovery from surface water acidification in Europe, but to date there has been little documentation of biological recovery. Modelling studies based on current emission reduction plans in Europe indicate that there will be further chemical recovery. The uncertainties in these scenarios mainly relate to the future behavior of nitrogen in the ecosystem and the effects of climate change. Four major climate-related confounding factors that may influence the chemical and biological recovery process are: i) increased frequency and severity of sea-salt episodes; ii) increased frequency and severity of drought; iii) increased turnover of organic carbon; iv) increased mineralization of nitrogen. International cooperative work to abate acidification has so far been very successful, but there is still a long way to go, and many potential setbacks. It is essential that future development of water chemistry and aquatic biota in acidified waterbodies continue to be monitored in relation to further emission reductions of S and N and future effects of climate change.  相似文献   
The lakes in KillarneyProvincial Park, located 40–60 km southwest ofSudbury, Ontario, were some of the first lakesin North America to be acidified by atmosphericpollutants. Acidification affected thousandsof fish and invertebrate populations in dozensof lakes. Since the 1970's, water quality hasimproved in response to atmospheric pollutionreductions and some lakes have alreadyrecovered to approximately their pre-industrialpH levels, as inferred from diatom microfossilsin lake sediments. Since the 1970's, fishspecies richness has not changed substantially,but zooplankton species richness has increasedin acidified lakes. The critical sulphur load,the amount of SO2-derived acid depositionthat can occur while still maintaining suitable water quality, was estimated to beexceeded in 38% of the park area in 1997. Depending on which of four possible NorthAmerican emission control scenarios (CLR =currently legislated reduction; CLR + 25%; CLR+ 50%; CLR + 75%) is achieved by 2010, theprojected critical loads will be exceeded inabout 0-30% of the park area in the future. There are many factors that can affectbiological recovery rates of damaged lakes, butit is expected that biological recovery willlag considerably behind observed chemicalrecovery rates.  相似文献   
The prediction of a higher parasite infection as a consequence of an impaired immune system with increasing persistent organic pollution (POP) and heavy metal levels were investigated in adult glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus) from Svalbard. The levels of chlorinated pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), toxaphenes and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were measured in liver. Cupper, cadmium, lead, mercury, selenium and zinc were measured in kidney samples. An elevated ratio of PCB-118 was found, suggesting that local contamination from the settlement was detectable in the glaucous gull. Eight cestodes, four nematodes, two acanthocephalan and three trematode helminth species were found in the intestine. A positive correlation was found between cestode intensities and selenium levels and between acanthocephalan intensities and mercury levels. No correlation was found between parasite intensities and POP concentrations. It is concluded that the contaminant levels found in glaucous gulls do not cause immune suppression severe enough to affect parasite intensity.  相似文献   
到目前为止,有关欧洲地表酸化水体大范围化学恢复的文献层出不穷,而有关生物恢复的报道并不多见.建立在现今欧洲排放减少计划之上的模型研究表明,化学恢复仍将继续.而影响恢复进程的诸多不确定性因素主要包括:未来生态系统内氮的可能行为和气候变化的影响.下列4个与气候变化相关的因子可能对未来恢复进程产生影响:①海水盐分入侵事件爆发频率和强度增加;②干旱发生频率和强度上升;③有机碳交换周期加快;④硝化作用增强.目前降低水体酸化程度的国际性协作是成功的,但是未来还有大量问题需要解决,也会遇到许多困难.对未来硫、氮排放减少后以及气候变化背景下酸化地表水体的水化学和水生生物变化需要继续监测.  相似文献   
Recent trends in nitrogen and sulphur compounds in air and precipitation from a range of Arctic monitoring stations are presented, with seasonal data from the late 70s to 2004 or 2005. Earlier findings of declining sulphur concentrations are confirmed for most stations, while the pattern is less clear for reduced and oxidized nitrogen. In fact there are positive trends for nitrogen compounds in air at several stations. Acidity is generally reduced at many stations while the precipitation amount is either increasing or stable. Variability of sulphate concentrations in air for the period 1991–2000 is reasonably well reproduced at most stations using an Eulerian, hemispherical model. Results for nitrogen compounds are weaker. Scenario studies show that even if large sulphur emission reductions take place in important source regions in South-East Asia in the coming decades, only small changes in Arctic deposition can be expected. This is because South-East Asian emissions have small influence north of the Arctic circle.  相似文献   
The objective of this work was to study PM(10) and PM(2.5) concentration data available from monitoring stations in two large urban agglomerations in Greece and to estimate the emissions reduction required for compliance with the EU Air Quality Standards (AQS) for particulate matter. The cities studied are namely the Athens and Thessaloniki Metropolitan Areas (AMA and TMA, respectively). PM(10) concentrations during the period 2001-2010 have been evaluated for 15 air quality monitoring stations in the two urban areas. It was found that the concentrations of PM(10) during the period studied constantly exceeded the threshold values at the traffic and industrial stations in TMA and most of the traffic sites in AMA. Most of the occurrences of non-attainment to the daily AQSs were observed during the winter period at all stations (more pronounced for TMA stations). The reduction in current emission source strength to meet the air quality goal was calculated by the rollback equation using PM(10) day-averaged concentrations over the selected period at each station. Among the lognormal and Weibull distributions, the lognormal distribution was found to best fit the frequency distributions of PM(10) concentrations at the selected stations. The results showed that the minimum reduction required in order to meet the AQS in the AMA ranges from approximately 20 to 38% and up to 11% for traffic and background stations, respectively. Reductions in the range of 31% for traffic and 44% for industrial areas in TMA are also required. The same methodology was applied to PM(2.5) concentrations in the AMA and showed that emission reductions up to 31% are necessary in order to meet the 2020 EU AQS. Finally, continuous concentration data of organic (OC) and elementary carbon (EC) in PM(2.5) were used to study the possibility of achieving specific emission attenuation objectives in AMA.  相似文献   
Salmonid Culture and Interspecific Hybridization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) has been established to provide information to Parties to the Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution on deposition and concentration of air pollutants, as well as on the quantity and significance of long-range transmission of pollutants and transboundary fluxes. To achieve its objectives with the required scientific credibility and technical underpinning, a close integration of the programme's main elements is performed. These elements are emission inventories, chemical transport modelling, and the monitoring of atmospheric chemistry and deposition fluxes, which further are integrated towards abatement policy development. A critical element is the air pollution monitoring that is performed across Europe with a focus not only on health effect aspects and compliance monitoring, but also on process studies and source receptor relationships. Without a strong observational basis a predictive modelling capacity cannot be developed and validated. Thus the modelling success strongly depends on the quality and quantity of available observations. Particulate matter (PM) is a relatively recent addition to the EMEP monitoring programme, and the network for PM mass observations is still evolving. This article presents the current status of EMEP aerosol observations, followed by a critical evaluation in view of EMEP's main objectives and its model development requirements. Specific recommendations are given for improving the PM monitoring programme within EMEP.  相似文献   
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