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Chabot  Denis  Ouellet  Patrick 《Marine Biology》2005,147(4):881-894
Larvae of the northern shrimp Pandalus borealis (Krøyer) are pelagic. In the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, the early stages are found in the upper 25-m of the water column in spring and early summer and are expected to experience a range of water temperatures from as low as 0°C to as high at 6°C. Little is known of the impact of water temperature on metabolic requirements of northern shrimp larvae. In this study, routine respiration (VO2), maximum respiration (electron transport system activity, ETSA) and metabolic scope for growth (MS, ETSA–VO2) of northern shrimp larvae were measured as a function of temperature (3, 5 and 8°C), developmental stage (I–V at 3°C, I–VII at 5°C and 8°C) and growth rate in dry mass. After logarithmic transformation, all three metabolic variables were linearly related to dry mass. The increase in VO2 with body mass was faster at 5°C than at 3 or 8°C, whereas with ETSA this increase was slower. As a result, MS increased more slowly with dry mass at 5°C than at 3 and 8°C. However, MS did not limit growth in this study, since it explained only 39% of the variability in growth. All three metabolic variables as well as growth varied together as a function of temperature and ontogeny. Q10 of all three metabolic variables ranged from 1.6 and 2.2 for stages I–V larvae, except for VO2 at stage I (3.9) and stage III (2.9).  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of motorcycle helmets seen in prospective on-the-street motorcycle accident investigations. The data are drawn from two detailed, in-depth studies of motorcycle accidents, in which trained investigators collected extensive accident evidence on-scene immediately after the crash. This article compares helmeted and unhelmeted motorcycle riders on a per-accident basis for fatality rates, the rate of serious (AIS > 2) brain injuries among survivors, or an outcome that involved either of the two. METHODS: Nine hundred motorcycle crashes in Los Angeles and 969 crashes in Thailand were investigated in detail at the accident scenes, including photos of vehicles, skids, damage, and sometimes the rider. Helmets were collected and injury information was obtained from riders and care providers. This evidence was then used to reconstruct collision events to identify speeds, precrash motions, collision contacts, injury causation, and helmet performance. RESULTS: In both studies, approximately 6% of riders were killed and 20-25% were hospitalized. Overall, unhelmeted riders were two to three times as likely to be killed, and three times as likely to suffer either death or survival with AIS > 2 brain injury. Unhelmeted survivors had three to four times as many AIS > 2 brain injuries as helmeted riders on a per-crash basis. Nearly 100% of riders with AIS > 4 somatic injuries died. Such injuries were 30% of Thailand fatalities and 57% of L.A. fatalities, but only about 2-3% of the overall accident population. Among the 97-98% of riders with AIS < 5 somatic injuries, helmet use could prevent about three-fourths of fatalities and brain injuries. CONCLUSIONS: Helmets were extremely effective in preventing brain injury and death in 97% of the accident population in less-than-extreme crashes. Helmet use cannot prevent all fatalities because many of those killed succumb to below-the-neck injuries that a helmet cannot prevent.  相似文献   
Snow carb Chionoecetes opilio zoea I and zoea II larvae, hatched from females in a controlled mating experiment, were reared in the laboratory at 10.1 °C and 28.0 salinity, to resolve the patterns of growth (dry weight [DW]) and change in energy reserves (triacylglycerols [TAG]) within a given moult cycle. The patterns of growth and change in TAG reserves were similar in each zoeal stage. Following hatching or a moult, the zoeae entered a phase of rapid size increase, i.e. high daily growth rates (5.5 to 12.8% DWd-1), for 1/3 to 2/5 of the duration of the moult cycle. During the same period, the zoeae accumulated TAG reserves until a maximum (TAG DW-1) was reached at the end of the phase of rapid growth. The period of high growth rates and of TAG accumulation is interpreted as the required time for the zoeae to reach a point in development [i.e. point of reserves saturation (PRS); Anger and Dawirs (1981)] where sufficient growth and energy reserves allow moulting to the next stage. Following the phase of rapid growth and TAG accumulation, the zoeae entered a phase of low daily growth rates (0 to 1% DWd-1) during which the TAG reserves decreased to a minimum at the end of the phase. Prior to, and during the moult to zoea II, a phase of negative growth was observed in the zoea I larvae. We conclude that measurement of zoeal size and TAG content, along with morphometric criteria (e.g. epidermal retraction), can be used to assess growth and nutritional condition of C. opilio zoeal stages from the sea.  相似文献   
From August 2000 to June 2001, seven egg-carrying female lobster (Homarus americanus) from the Îles de la Madeleine population (Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada) were held under a simulated seasonal temperature cycle to monitor egg development from extrusion to hatching. For the first time, changes in the yolk components (total lipids and major lipid classes, total proteins) and embryo growth of single eggs were monitored separately over the entire development period. Under the controlled temperature conditions, egg development proceeded in three phases. (1) Autumn, from extrusion to early December, was marked by a rapid increase in the Perkinss eye index and rapid declines in yolk total proteins and triacylglycerols (TAG). Embryo daily growth rate was estimated between 1 and 2 µg proteins day–1. (2) Winter, from late December to early April (temperature stable at ca. 1°C) was characterized by a stationary phase in the evolution of the eye index and yolk lipid use, and embryo growth slowed significantly. (3) Spring, from late April to hatching in June was the period with the most rapid changes in yolk TAG and embryo growth rates >6 µg proteins day–1 were recorded. Almost 65% of the live biomass (total proteins) of the hatching larvae was accumulated during the last few weeks of development. An index of embryo growth efficiency was estimated as the slope of the relationship between embryo total proteins and yolk TAG during egg development. A relationship was found between the initial mean egg dry weight and the embryo growth efficiency index suggesting that under the same experimental conditions bigger eggs used yolk lipids more efficiently and sustained faster embryonic growth than smaller eggs. The relationship may also explain why larger larvae originate from larger eggs.Communicated by R.J.Thompson, St Johns  相似文献   
Moose-vehicle collisions are a frequent traffic-safety issue, particularly in northern regions where moose are attracted to the near-road areas because they can consume sodium from de-icing salts that accumulate in pools at snowmelt. Moose that find salt pools near roads tend to remember their location and to re-visit them to get the sodium they need in their diet. This study investigated the trade-off between road avoidance and salt pool spatial memory in the movement behaviour of moose using an agent-based model to determine how the interplay of these two factors influences the frequency of road crossings in the Laurentides Wildlife Reserve (Québec, Canada). Mitigation measures studied were the removal of roadside salt pools and the construction of compensatory salt pools away from the road shoulder. A GPS telemetry program of moose in the study area was used to validate our model. The model moose with both road avoidance and salt pool spatial memory activated produced the best results when comparing to the real moose data. Results show that both road avoidance and salt pool spatial memory significantly affect moose road crossings, but that road avoidance explains most of the variance. Road avoidance tended to decrease the number of moose crossings, but this decrease was partly compensated by the spatial memory of salt pools which typically increased the likelihood that moose will cross the road. The trade-off between road avoidance and salt pool memory was largest when original salt pools were maintained. In simulations where road avoidance and salt pool memory were both turned off, the impact of mitigation measures on the number of road crossings was lowest. For the most realistic moose behavior, the management scenarios resulted in reductions in road crossings between 22% and 79%, and the best scenario is to completely remove roadside salt pools. If compensation salt pools are used, they should be located as far as possible from the roads (beyond 500 m) to have an impact on moose road crossings.  相似文献   
When resources are limited, life history theory predicts a trade-off between growth, reproduction and survival. In summer, lactating females of temperate large herbivores such as the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) normally have access to abundant forage but also face the high energetic needs of lactation and recovery from winter mass loss. At high population density, however, females may face a trade-off between allocating resources for maintenance and for reproduction. To simulate the effects of increased intra-specific competition at high density, we measured for 2 years how an experimental food restriction of approximately 20% affected current reproduction and body mass changes of adult females and their fawns during the fawning and lactation periods. Fawn survival decreased 35%, and fawn growth decreased 26% in the food-restricted treatment. There was no effect of food restriction on female mass. Irrespective of treatment, however, lactating females gained 30 g/day less than non-lactating females, and females that had weaned a fawn the previous year gained 20 g/day less than females that had not. We conclude that when resources were scarce, females adopted a conservative strategy favouring their own survival, mass recovery and future reproductive potential over their current reproduction, probably to maximise their lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   
River systems are increasingly under stress and pressure from agriculture and urbanization in riparian zones, resulting in frequent engineering interventions such as bank stabilization or flood protection. This study provides guidelines for a more sustainable approach to river management based on hydrogeomorphology concepts applied to three contrasted rivers in Quebec (Canada). Mobility and flooding spaces are determined for the three rivers, and three levels of “freedom space” are subsequently defined based on the combination of the two spaces. The first level of freedom space includes very frequently flooded and highly mobile zones over the next 50 years, as well as riparian wetlands. It provides the minimum space for both fluvial and ecological functionality of the river system. On average for the three studied sites, this minimum space was approximately 1.7 times the channel width, but this minimum space corresponds to a highly variable width which must be determined from a thorough hydrogeomorphic assessment and cannot be predicted using a representative average. The second level includes space for floods of larger magnitude and provides for meanders to migrate freely over a longer time period. The last level of freedom space represents exceptional flood zones. We propose the freedom space concept to be implemented in current river management legislation because it promotes a sustainable way to manage river systems, and it increases their resilience to climate and land use changes in comparison with traditional river management approaches which are based on frequent and spatially restricted interventions.  相似文献   
Detailed layer-by-layer autopsy of the head and neck was performed on a prospective series of 73 fatally injured motorcyclists in order to identify occult injuries, particularly soft tissue neck injuries such as hemorrhage of vertebral and carotid arteries. The fatal cases were gathered as part of a larger study of 1,082 on-scene in-depth motorcycle crash investigations in Thailand. Detailed neck dissection was done on nearly all fatal cases. Injuries were coded using the 1990 revision of the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS 90) and an Injury Severity Score (ISS) was determined for each case. Additional AIS codes are proposed for neck injuries that were often identified during the detailed autopsy procedures, but which are not listed explicitly among existing AIS codes. Helmet use was determined based on analysis of injury patterns and helmet damage with consideration also given to witness statements. Both helmeted and unhelmeted motorcyclists showed a high frequency of occult neck injuries such as hemorrhages in the carotid sheath or surrounding the vertebral arteries, phrenic nerve, or brachial plexus. These soft tissue neck injuries sometimes accompanied more obvious injuries to cervical vertebrae or spinal cord, but about one-third of riders had no obvious injury to suggest the presence of occult neck injury. Twenty-eight motorcyclists had been wearing a helmet at the start of the collision sequence, but only nine helmets remained in place through the entire collision event. Helmeted riders showed more severe somatic (below-the-neck) injuries than unhelmeted riders, suggesting helmeted riders are less likely to die in low-threat accidents with somatic injuries below AIS-3. The most significant finding of this study was the identification of serious internal neck injuries despite the absence of external physical evidence of trauma to the neck. Virtually all riders with significant head injuries showed some of these soft tissue neck injuries. Approximately one-third of the critically injured riders who survived at least a few hours before death showed serious occult soft tissue neck injuries.  相似文献   
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