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In July 2012, a ship-board double-platform line-transect survey was conducted to assess harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) abundance in the Kattegat, Belt Seas and the Western Baltic. A total of 826 km of track lines were surveyed between the 2nd and 21st of July 2012, and 169 observations were made by the primary observers, comprising a total of 230 porpoises. Fifty-seven observations were identified as duplicate sightings observed by both tracker and primary observers and were used to correct for availability and perception bias of the primary detections. Using Mark–Recapture Distance Sampling analysis, we produced a model using the half-normal key function, including sightability as the only covariate to estimate the density and abundance of harbour porpoise within the 51,511 km2 survey area. Estimated detection probability on the transect line, known as g(0), was at 0.571 (±0.074; CV = 0.130). Using a point independence model of the detection function, the abundance of harbour porpoises within the survey area was estimated at 40,475 animals (95 % CI 25,614–65,041, CV = 0.235) with an associated density of 0.786 animals km?2 (95 % CI 0.498–1.242, CV = 0.235) and an average group size of 1.488 animals. These results reflect densities obtained during the SCANS surveys in 1994 and 2005, indicating no significant population trend in the area. However, it should be noted that the survey area covers more than one population and that results are therefore not necessarily reflecting local population trends. Until proper population borders are obtained, the abundance estimate provides baseline data for future monitoring and is an important input to the assessment of the conservation status of harbour porpoises in the area.  相似文献   
Terrestrial freshwater runoff strongly influences physical and biogeochemical processes at the fjord scale and can have global impacts when considered at the Greenland scale. We investigate the performance of the HIRHAM5 regional climate model over the catchments delivering freshwater to Tyrolerfjord and Young Sound by comparing to the unique Greenland Ecological Monitoring database of in situ observations from this region. Based on these findings, we estimate and discuss the fraction of runoff originating from glacierized and non-glacierized land delivered at the daily scale between 1996 and 2008. We find that glaciers contributed on average 50–80% of annual terrestrial runoff when considering different sections of Tyrolerfjord–Young Sound, but snowpack depletion on land and consequently runoff happens about one month earlier in the model than observed in the field. The temporal shift in the model is a likely explanation why summer surface salinity in the inner fjord did not correlate to modelled runoff.  相似文献   
The present study sought to evaluate the behavioral responses of non-target organisms in order to determine whether phototactic responses of isopods to danger cues are altered as a function of exposure to the pyrethroid pesticides λ-cyhalothrin and bifenthrin. Experiments conducted on Gnorimosphaeroma oregonensis identified sublethal behavioral responses to pyrethroids, λ-cyhalothrin and bifenthrin at concentrations 0.15 ng/mL, 0.025 ng/mL, and 0.005 ng/mL. Experimental setup tested isopod phototactic responses across six treatments: control, pyrethroid, hemolymph, predator, hemolymph?+?pyrethroid, and predator?+?pyrethroid. Isopods exhibited no preference for phototactic responses in the control and pyrethroid treatments. When exposed to danger cues (hemolymph or predator), isopods exhibited significant negative phototaxis, as expected. When exposure to danger cues was combined with pyrethroids, isopods again exhibited no preference for phototactic response. Experiments indicate that pyrethroids diminish isopod’s negatively phototactic response to danger cues.  相似文献   
Echolocating bats adjust the time–frequency structure such as sweep rate and pulse interval of their sonar calls when they move from open space to vegetation-dense environments. Emitted call intensity is equally important for echolocation, but adjustment of signal intensity to different habitats has never been systematically studied in any bat species. To address this question, we recorded sonar calls of the Neotropical trawling insectivorous bat Macrophyllum macrophyllum (Phyllostomidae) at three sites with different obstacle densities (clutter). We found a clear correlation between emitted intensity and degree of clutter, with intensity proportional to decreasing clutter. In highly cluttered, semicluttered, and open spaces, M. macrophyllum emitted calls with mean source levels (sound pressure level (SPL) 10 cm from the bat’s mouth) of 100, 105, and 111 dB SPL root mean square (rms), respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first documentation of dynamic intensity adjustments in bats. Phyllostomid bats were previously considered silent, but the 111-dB SPL rms emitted by free-ranging M. macrophyllum in open space is comparable to output in aerial insectivorous bats from other families. Our results suggest that the acoustic constraints of habitats are better predictors of call intensity than phylogeny and therefore likely to be major drivers shaping the sonar system of bats in the course of evolution.  相似文献   
The biodegradation of 3,4, 2,4, 2,3, 2,6 and 3,5-di-methylphenol in combination with phenol andp-cresol by axenic and mixed cultures of bacteria was investigated. The strains, which degrade phenol andp-cresol through different catabolic pathways, were isolated from river water continuously polluted with phenolic compounds of leachate of oil shale semicoke ash heaps. The proper research of degradation of 2,4 and 3,4-di-methylphenol in multinutrient environments was performed. The degradation of phenolic compounds from mixtures indicated a flux of substrates into different catabolic pathways. Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase activity was induced by dimethylphenols inPseudomonas mendocina PC1, wheremeta cleavage pathway was functional during the degradation ofp-cresol. In the case of strains PC18 and PC24 ofP. fluorescens, the degradation ofp-cresol occurred via the protocatechuateortho pathway and the key enzyme of this pathway,p-cresol methylhydroxylase, was also induced by dimethylphenols. 2,4 and 3,4-dimethylphenols were converted into the dead-end products 4-hydroxy-3-methylbenzoic acid and 4-hydroxy-2-methylbenzoic acid. In the degradation of 3,4-dimethylphenol, the transient accumulation of 4-hydroxy-2-methylbenzaldehyde repressed the consumption of phenol from substrate mixtures. A mixed culture of strains with different catabolic types made it possible to overcome the incompatibilities at degradation of studied substrate mixtures.  相似文献   
Changes in Arctic vegetation can have important implications for trophic interactions and ecosystem functioning leading to climate feedbacks. Plot-based vegetation surveys provide detailed insight into vegetation changes at sites around the Arctic and improve our ability to predict the impacts of environmental change on tundra ecosystems. Here, we review studies of changes in plant community composition and phenology from both long-term monitoring and warming experiments in Arctic environments. We find that Arctic plant communities and species are generally sensitive to warming, but trends over a period of time are heterogeneous and complex and do not always mirror expectations based on responses to experimental manipulations. Our findings highlight the need for more geographically widespread, integrated, and comprehensive monitoring efforts that can better resolve the interacting effects of warming and other local and regional ecological factors.  相似文献   
Low densities of harbour porpoises in winter (November–March) and high densities in summer (April–October) were found in the Sound, connecting the Baltic Sea and Kattegat. Due to their high energy requirements, it is hypothesized that the density of harbour porpoises is related to local prey abundance. This was tested by examining the stomach content of 53 harbour porpoises collected between 1987 and 2010 in the Sound (high season, 34 porpoises; low season, 19 porpoises). A total of 1,442 individual fish specimens from thirteen species were identified. Twelve of these were present in the high–porpoise density season and seven in the low-density season. The distribution of occurrence and the distribution of number of fish species were different between seasons, indicating a shift in prey intake between seasons. Furthermore, during the high-density season, the mean and total prey weight per stomach as well as the prey species diversity was higher. However, no difference was found in the number of prey species between the two seasons, indicating a higher quality of prey in the high-density season. Atlantic cod was found to be the main prey species in terms of weight in the high-density season while Atlantic herring and Atlantic cod were equally important during the low-density season. Prey availability and predictability are suggested as the main drivers for harbour porpoise distribution, and this could be caused by the formation of frontal zones in spring in the northern part of the Sound, leading to prey concentrations in predictable areas.  相似文献   
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