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Typha latifolia plants, commonly known as cattails, were grown in a mixture of mature sewage sludge compost, commercial compost and perlite (2:1:1 by volume). Four Groups (A, B, C and D) were irrigated (once every two weeks) with a solution containing different concentrations of Cu, Ni, and Zn, where in the fifth (group M) tap water was used. At the end of the 10 weeks experimental period substrate and plants were dried, weighed and analysed for heavy metals. The amounts of all three metals removed from the irrigation solution, were substantial. In the roots and leaves/stems of T. latifolia the mean concentration of Zn reached values of 391.7 and 60.8 mg/kg of dry weight (d.w.), respectively. In the substrate of Group D all three metals recorded their highest mean concentrations of 1156.7 mg/kg d.w. for Cu, 296.7 mg/kg d.w. for Ni and 1231.7 mg/kg d.w. for Zn. Linear correlation analyses suggested that there was a linear relationship between the concentration of metals in the solutions and the concentration of metals in the substrates at the end of the experiment. The percentage removal of the metals in the substrate was large, reaching 100% for Cu and Zn in some groups and almost 96% for Ni in group D. The total amount of metals removed by the plants was considerably smaller than that of the substrate, due mainly to the small biomass development. A single factor ANOVA test (5% level) indicated that the build up in the concentration of metals in the roots and the leaves/stems was due to the use of metaliferous water solution and not from the metals pre-existing in the substrate. The contribution of the plants (both roots and leaves/stems) in the removing ability of the system was less than 1%.  相似文献   
For the past 20 years, the National Foundation for Agricultural Research in Crete and the School of Agricultural Technology of the Technological and Educational Institute of Crete have been involved in a number of research and development activities, related to the production and evaluation of compost derived from a variety of local solid, mainly agricultural organic wastes. Materials such as olive press cake, olive tree leaves (OTL) and branches, vine branches (VB), pressed grape skins (PGS), pig manure (PM), sewage sludge and the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) have been evaluated for their behaviour during composting, their compatibility in mixtures and the quality of the end product. The quality evaluation included both a detailed physiochemical (pH, electrical conductivity (EC), nutrients concentration, heavy metal concentration, etc.) and biological analyses (pathogenic microorganisms). It also included an agronomic evaluation, in which composts were used either as a soil amendment or as a component for substrates in open air or covered (greenhouse) cultivation mainly of local vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.). All materials were composted successfully, especially when mixed. The end products contained large amounts of organic matter, usually combined with an increased EC value. Pressed grape skins should be considered as the ideal raw material, producing a high quality compost, with the lowest EC value (1.57 mS cm(-1)) and the largest organic matter concentration (84.50%), compared to all other materials. When any of the produced compost was used in a ratio of 30% by volume (v/v), it increased plant growth, whereas in larger volumes, it presented phytotoxic behaviour, inhibiting both root and shoot development.  相似文献   
The feasibility of adding crude glycerol from the biodiesel industry to the anaerobic digesters treating sewage sludge in wastewater treatment plants was studied in both batch and continuous experiments at 35 °C. Glycerol addition can boost biogas yields, if it does not exceed a limiting 1% (v/v) concentration in the feed. Any further increase of glycerol causes a high imbalance in the anaerobic digestion process. The reactor treating the sewage sludge produced 1106 ± 36 ml CH4/d before the addition of glycerol and 2353 ± 94 ml CH4/d after the addition of glycerol (1% v/v in the feed). The extra glycerol-COD added to the feed did not have a negative effect on reactor performance, but seemed to increase the active biomass (volatile solids) concentration in the system. Batch kinetic experiments showed that the maximum specific utilization rate (μmax) and the saturation constant (KS) of glycerol were 0.149 ± 0.015 h?1 and 0.276 ± 0.095 g/l, respectively. Comparing the estimated values with the kinetics constants for propionate reported in the literature, it can be concluded that glycerol uptake is not the rate-limiting step during the process.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to make some preliminary evaluations on CO(2) and CH(4) emissions during composting of two-phase olive oil mill sludge (OOMS). OOMS, olive tree leaves (OTL) and shredded olive tree branches (OTB) were used as feedstock for Pile I and Pile II with a 1:1:1 and 1:1:2v/v ratio, respectively. Each pile was originally 1.2m high, 2.0m wide and approximately 15.0m long. Four 500 ml volume glass funnels were inverted and introduced in each pile, two in the core (buried 50-60 cm from the surface) and two near the surface under a thin 10-15 cm layer of the mixture. Thin (0.5 cm diameter) plastic, 80 cm long tubes were connected to the funnels. A mobile gas analyser (GA2000) was used to measure the composition (by volume) of O2, CO2 and CH4 on a daily basis. The funnels were removed prior to each turning and reinserted afterwards. From each pair of funnels (core and surface) of both piles, one was kept closed between samplings. Two way ANOVA was used to test differences between piles and among the tubes. Post hoc Tukey tests were also used to further investigate these differences. There was a significant difference (at p<0.001) in the two piles for all three gases. The average concentrations of O2, CO2 and CH4 in Pile I, from all four funnels was 16.86%, 3.89% and 0.25%, respectively, where for Pile II the average values were 18.07%, 2.38% and 0.04%, respectively. The presence of OOMS in larger amounts in Pile I (resulting in more intense decomposing phenomena), and the larger particle size of OTB in Pile II (resulting in increasing porosity) are the probable causes of these significant differences. Samples from open funnels presented lower, but not significantly lower, O2 composition (higher for CO2 and CH4) in comparison with closed funnels in both depths and both piles. Not significant were also the different mean gas compositions between core and surface funnels in the same pile.  相似文献   
The contribution of certain contaminants to reproductive failure in many avian species has been an ongoing concern. Appropriate quantitative techniques have focused either on the individual organisms by providing explicit bioaccumulation dynamics or on whole ecosystems by looking at the fate of the contaminant but fail to make the necessary link via population dynamics of interacting individuals. We used the individual-oriented approach in an effort to quantify effects of chronic contaminant exposure on individual birds. This was made possible by the use of an object-oriented model, where individual birds are interacting objects, and their actions are implemented by passing to them appropriate messages. Using this modeling approach a breeding colony of Great Blue Herons (Ardea herodias) is simulated as an assemblage of interacting individuals whose daily actions (foraging, growth, feeding of the young) are simultaneously followed over short time intervals for a nesting season. Spatial distribution of the contaminants in prey resources is used on a cell by cell basis and their effects on certain behavior characteristics of adult birds (e.g. foraging efficiency, effects on flying efficiency, parental care) are taken into account. Results showed that sublethal effects could have a considerable effect on colony success. Appropriate selection of endpoints for risk assessment yields a variety of scenarios for colony success.  相似文献   

Yiannis A. Levendis is a professor in the Department of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering at Northeastern University. He holds a B.S. and an M.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in environmental engineering from the California Institute of Technology. Brooke Shemwell is a graduate research assistant in the Department of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering at Northeastern University.

This is an experimental study on the characterization of particulate (soot) emissions from burning polymers. Emissions of polystyrene (PS), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics were studied. Combustion took place in a laboratory-scale, electrically heated, drop-tube furnace at temperatures of 1300 and 1500 K, in air. The nominal bulk (global) equivalence ratio, φ, was varied in the range of 0.5-1.5, and the gas residence time in the nearly isothermal radiation zone of the furnace was ≈ 1 sec. The particulate emissions were size-classified at the exit of the furnace, using a multi-stage inertial particle impactor. Results showed that both the yields and the size distributions of the emitted soot were remarkably different for the five plastics burned. Soot yields increased with an increasing bulk equivalence ratio. Combustion of PS yielded the highest amounts of soot (most highly agglomerated), several times more than the rest of the polymers. More soot was emitted from PS at 1500 than at 1300 K. Substantial amounts of soot agglomerates were larger than 9 μm. At 1500 and 1300 K, 35 and 29% of the soot mass, respectively, was PM2 (2 μm or smaller). Emissions from PE and PP were remarkably similar to each other. These polymers produced very low emissions at f< 0.5, but emissions increased drastically with f, and most of the soot was very fine (70-97% of the mass was PM2, depending on f).

Emissions from the combustion of PMMA were comparatively low and were the least influenced by the bulk f, and 79–95% of the emissions were PM2. Combustion of PVC yielded the lowest amounts of soot; moreover, only 13–34% of the mass was PM2. On a comparative basis, at 1500 K, the following ranges of particulate yields were PM2: 19–75 mg/g of PS, 8–36 mg/g of PE, 1.5–47 mg/g of PP, 11–20 mg/g of PMMA, and 2–8 mg/g of PVC, depending on f. These comparative results demonstrate that PS produces the highest amounts of fine particulates, followed by PP, PE, and PMMA, and then PVC. Burning these materials with excess oxygen drastically reduces the par-ticulate emissions of PE and PP, substantially reduces those of PS, and mildly reduces those of PMMA and PVC.  相似文献   
Pregrown, two-month-old lawn was layered in 12 large square pots with an area of 0.25 m2 each, filled with a mixture of topsoil, peat, and sand. In late July, in the heart of the Mediterranean summer, the pots were divided into two groups, with six pots per group. On four different occasions, the pots in each group were sprinkled (surface irrigation) with 2 L of either secondary-treated wastewater (STW, group A) or chlorinated effluent (CHE, group B). Wastewater application always took place at 0700 hours. Samples of the surface soil and grass from each pot were collected at the following times: before irrigation, immediately after irrigation, two hours later (0900 hours), and four hours later (1100 hours). In the samples collected, the number of total coliforms per gram was measured using standard microbiological analyses. Temperature and sunlight intensity were also monitored. There was an increase in the coliforms population in soil and grass samples of both groups immediately after the wastewater application. In group A, the mean number of coliforms recorded in the soil samples reached mean values higher than 5000 cfu/g compared to 312 cfu/g recorded before application. The increase in group B was smaller but still significant. Two hours later, the number of coliforms was reduced substantially in all samples (e.g., group A, soil samples 477 cfu/g). Coliform inactivation is thought to result from the effect of temperature and mainly sunlight. However, four hours after application (1100 hours), there was a noticeable increase in the coliform number again, in all sample categories of both groups. Coliform reactivation could be a result of shadowing effect resulting from the thick foliage of the grass, where the microorganisms were protected by the sunlight radiation and regrowth in a friendly environment (especially of the soil) where moisture and nutrients were present. This, in addition to the fact that coliforms seemed to retain a sizable population between applications, results in three conclusions: (1) coliforms can survive in grass and soil for a substantial period of time, recovering from the destructive effect of chlorination, (2) use of STW, even during the Mediterranean summer, could result in a substantial "contamination" of lawns, without any proof that sun and temperature can reduce the coliform number, and (3) intense sunlight (up to 68 000 lux) was far more effective in coliform suppression than elevated temperature (up to 38 degrees C).  相似文献   
In this study, the optimum design of the entrance of a fishpond laterally to the main flow of an open channel was investigated numerically and experimentally. The flow characteristic measurements were realized with the PIV (particle image velocimetry) method. The mathematical simulations were based on the development of a two dimensional -mean in depthhydrodynamic model and a quasi three dimensional sediment transport model which includes processes of advection, diffusion, and settling of conservative suspended matter. The study was completed with the comparison of the final results of the mathematical models with the findings of the physical model revealing the hydrodynamic interaction and coupling between the main flow of the channel and the lateral reservoir—fishpond and leading to the optimum technical design of the system.  相似文献   
Shredded green wastes were composted in windrows, at the Harewood Whin landfill, near the city of York, in West Yorkshire, UK. Landfill leachate were added twice during the second and fourth week of the process in two piles. One pile was turned once every week for eight weeks and the other was turned twice, during the same period. Each time approximately, 2 m3 of leachate was added, into each pile. The two piles each contained about 45 m3 of shredded green waste. The effect of adding leachate on the sanitisation of the green waste during composting, was evaluated based on the changes in the levels of faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci. The results suggested that using leachate as the moisture source had no significant effect (tested with two factors ANOVA test) on the sanitisation process when compared with two similar piles, used as the control, for which tap water was used for moisture addition. In all four piles sanitisation was almost complete and below the acceptable levels. Additionally, the results indicated that there was no significant effect on the sanitisation process of the turning frequency.  相似文献   
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