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The updated SAPRC-07 mechanism was evaluated against data from experiments performed in the CSIRO smog chamber. The mechanism predictions have been compared to experimental results as well as predictions by SAPRC-99.Experiments were performed using either toluene or m-xylene in the presence of NOx at sub-0.1 ppmv concentrations. For the majority of m-xylene experiments, the modelled Δ(O3–NO) concentration was within 20% of observed values for both SAPRC mechanisms. However during the oxidation of toluene the production of radicals was poorly predicted, with final Δ(O3–NO) concentration under-predicted by up to 60%. The predictions of major oxidants from isoprene oxidation were in good agreement with observed values. For the NOx-limited conditions however, the ozone concentration predicted by both mechanisms were under-predicted by approximately 20% in the five experiments tested.The performance of the SAPRC-07 mechanism was also evaluated against twelve evaporated fuel experiments. Two types of evaporative mode experiments were performed: headspace evaporated fuel and wholly evaporated fuel. The major difference was a significantly higher concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons and larger alkane products in wholly evaporated fuels. For headspace evaporated fuel experiments both SAPRC mechanisms were in good agreement with experimental results. For wholly evaporated experiments the average Δ(O3–NO) model error was ?25% with SAPRC-07 compared to less than ?5% for SAPRC-99. Updates to the photolysis data for dicarbonyls, the light source used and the experimental conditions under which these experiments were performed are possible causes for the discrepancy between SAPRC-99 and -07 predictions for wholly evaporated experiments.  相似文献   
Marine ornamental fishes are exceedingly valuable due to their high demand in domestic and international markets. There is a growing global interest to rear the fishes in captivity. But problem due to bacteria and fungi are the major hitch in captive condition. Since, the use of antibiotics is banned, an attempt was made to ascertain in vitro assay of the neem leaves extract against the bacterial pathogens isolated from infected fishes. Bacterial strains isolated from infected regions of the clown fishes Amphiprion sebae and A. ocellaris were identified as Aeromonas hydrophila, Enterobacter sp., E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus sp., Streptococcus sp., Vibrio cholerae, V. alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus and Yersinia enterocolitica. Ethanol and methanol extracts were highly inhibitory to the bacterial isolates when compared to other solvents. Ethanol extracts exhibited low minimum inhibitory concentration (75-250 microg ml(-1)) as compared to other extracts. The present finding revealed that the neem leaf extract significantly reduces the bacterial pathogens and their infection in marine ornamental fishes.  相似文献   
With the promulgation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS or standard) for 8-hr ozone (O3), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued modeling guidance that advocated the use of results from photochemical air quality models in a relative sense. In doing so, the EPA provided guidance on how to calculate relative response factors (RRFs) that can project current design value (DV) mixing ratios into the future for the purpose of determining the attainment status with respect to the O3 standard. The RRFs recommended by the EPA represent the average response of the photochemical model over a broad range of O3 mixing ratios above a specified cutoff threshold. However, it is known that O3 response to emission reductions of limiting precursors (i.e., NOx and/or VOC) is greater on days with higher O3 mixing ratios compared to days with lower mixing ratios. In this study, we present a segmented RRF concept termed band-RRF, which takes into account the different model responses at different O3 mixing ratios. The new band-RRF concept is demonstrated in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) region of California for the 1-hr and 8-hr O3 standards. The 1-hr O3 analysis is relevant to work done in support of the SJV O3 State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted to the EPA in 2013. The 8-hr example for the future year of 2019 is presented for illustrative purposes only. Further work will be conducted with attainment deadline of 2032 as part of upcoming SIPs for the 0.075 parts per million (ppm) 8-hr O3 standard. The applicability of the band-RRF concept to the particulate matter (PM2.5) standards is also discussed.
Implications:Results of photochemical models are used in regulatory applications in a relative sense using relative response factors (RRFs), which represent the impacts of emissions reductions over a wide range of ozone (O3) values. It is possible to extend the concept of RRFs to account for the fact that higher O3 mixing ratios (both 1-hr and 8-hr) respond more to emissions controls of limiting precursors than do lower O3 mixing ratios. We demonstrate this extended concept, termed band-RRF, for the 1-hr and 8-hr O3 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS or standard) in the San Joaquin Valley of California. This extension can also be made applicable to the 24-hr PM2.5 and annual PM2.5 standards.  相似文献   
The relative impacts of hunting and habitat on waterbird community were studied in agricultural wetlands of southern India. We surveyed wetlands to document waterbird community, and interviewed hunters to document hunting intensity, targeted species, and the motivations for hunting. Our results show that hunting leads to drastic declines in waterbird diversity and numbers, and skew the community towards smaller species. Hunting intensity, water spread, and vegetation cover were the three most important determinants of waterbird abundance and community structure. Species richness, density of piscivorous species, and medium-sized species (31–65 cm) were most affected by hunting. Out of 53 species recorded, 47 were hunted, with a preference for larger birds. Although illegal, hunting has increased in recent years and is driven by market demand. This challenges the widely held belief that waterbird hunting in India is a low intensity, subsistence activity, and undermines the importance of agricultural wetlands in waterbird conservation.  相似文献   
Transfer factors are the most important parameters required for mathematical modeling used for environmental impact assessment of radioactive contamination in the environment. In this paper soil to leaf transfer factor for the radionuclides 40K, 226Ra, 137Cs and 90Sr is estimated for Kaiga region in Karnataka state, India. Among the plants in which study is carried out, 226Ra, 40K, 137Cs and 90Sr activity in leaves of herbaceous plants is higher than that of tree leaves. Soil to leaf transfer factor for 226Ra, 40K, 137Cs and 90Sr was found to be in the range of 0.03-0.65, 0.32-8.04, 0.05-3.03 and 0.42-2.67 respectively.  相似文献   
A low-cost air sensor package was used to monitor indoor air quality (IAQ) in a classroom at the Albany Middle School in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. A rapid increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) was observed in the classroom as soon as it is occupied. When the classroom is unoccupied, the CO2 levels decay slowly toward the outdoor background level. All high CO2 concentrations observed inside the classroom, above the outdoor background, was due to exhaling of the occupants. The CO2 concentrations generally exceed the recommended level of 1000 ppb towards the end of the school day. The exceedances and slow decay may suggest that the ventilation rate in this school is not sufficient. The particulate level in the classroom was low until a distant wildfire advected large amount of particulate matter to the San Francisco Bay Area. Very high (10–15 times compared to the background) particle numbers (per m3 of particles with diameter >0.3 µm) were observed in the classroom during the wildfire. These particles were relatively small (0.3–1.0 µm) and the filters (MERV 8) of the ventilation system were unable to filter them out. Therefore, the measurements made by low-cost particle counters can inform the school administrators of adverse IAQ during future wildfire (or other combustion) events. The particle number was independent of the occupation before and during the wildfire suggesting that all observed particles were infiltrated into the classroom from outside. Consistent with previous studies, no appreciable increase in the local ambient CO2 background was observed during this distant wildfire event.

Implications: Low-cost air sensors are effective in monitoring indoor air quality in classrooms. The CO2 levels in classrooms are mainly generated indoors due to exhalation of occupants. Concentration of CO2 generally exceed the recommended level of 1000 ppb towards the end of the school day. In contrast, the particulate matter mostly comes from outdoors and small particles penetrate though the filters normally used at schools. Distant wildfires do not increase the local CO2 background appreciably, but significantly increase the particulate matter concentrations both indoors and outdoors. Further investigations are needed to assure that ventilation rates in classrooms are sufficiently health protective.  相似文献   
Forecasts of future resource states are central to resource management planning. Many simulation models and planning tools are used to produce such forecasts and apply knowledge of resource change dynamics as key input. Consistency among knowledge sources is therefore important to avoid knowledge ambiguity and uncertainty in resource forecasts and management plan outcomes. Using Ontario's boreal forest landscape as a case study, this paper examined two knowledge sources of forest resource change, practitioner expertise and research studies, commonly applied in plans and policies for large forest landscapes. The two knowledge sources were quantitatively compared by constructing networks of forest cover change for both sources and determining their agreement in structure and transition times. Some networks agreed well, indicating little knowledge ambiguity and comparatively low uncertainty if they were used to forecast forest landscapes. Other networks showed low agreement, thus indicating higher knowledge ambiguity and a dilemma of choice for forest landscape planners who may have to select from these knowledge sets. It is suggested that knowledge disagreements may be widespread in knowledge-driven management planning of many natural resource types and their causes similar. These disagreements signal areas of knowledge uncertainty, where resource planners must address resulting uncertainty of management outcomes and research should focus on improving resource change knowledge.  相似文献   
An updated version of the Statewide Air Pollution Research Center (SAPRC) chemical mechanism (SAPRC07C) was implemented into the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) version 4.6. CMAQ simulations using SAPRC07C and the previously released version, SAPRC99, were performed and compared for an episode during July-August, 2000. Ozone (O3) predictions of the SAPRC07C simulation are generally lower than those of the SAPRC99 simulation in the key areas of central and southern California, especially in areas where modeled concentrations are greater than the federal 8-hr O3 standard of 75 parts per billion (ppb) and/or when the volatile organic compound (VOC)/nitrogen oxides (NOx) ratio is less than 13. The relative changes of ozone production efficiency (OPE) against the VOC/NOx ratio at 46 sites indicate that the OPE is reduced in SAPRC07C compared with SAPRC99 at most sites by as much as approximately 22%. The SAPRC99 and SAPRC07C mechanisms respond similarly to 20% reductions in anthropogenic VOC emissions. The response of the mechanisms to 20% NOx emissions reductions can be grouped into three cases. In case 1, in which both mechanisms show a decrease in daily maximum 8-hr O3 concentration with decreasing NOx emissions, the O3 decrease in SAPRC07C is smaller. In case 2, in which both mechanisms show an increase in O3 with decreasing NOx emissions, the O3 increase is larger in SAPRC07C. In case 3, SAPRC07C simulates an increase in O3 in response to reduced NOx emissions whereas SAPRC99 simulates a decrease in O3 for the same region. As a result, the areas where NOx controls would be disbeneficial are spatially expanded in SAPRC07C. Although the results presented here are valuable for understanding differences in predictions and model response for SAPRC99 and SAPRC07C, the study did not evaluate the impact of mechanism differences in the context of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's guidance for using numerical models in demonstrating air quality attainment. Therefore, additional study is required to evaluate the full regulatory implications of upgrading air quality models to SAPRC07.  相似文献   
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