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A 40-year-old woman underwent amniocentesis at 15.3 weeks of gestation. Chromosome analysis performed using QFQ, DA-DAPI and CBG banding revealed two de novo extra-chromosomal markers (ESACs) in 11 of the 16 colonies analysed. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that both chromosomes came from the Yq11.22.1 region of the Y chromosome. PCR analysis of genes and STS localized on the Y chromosome excluded the Yp presence specifically of the SRY gene, and most of the euchromatic region of Yq. After extensive genetic counselling and considering both laboratory and second-level ultrasound data, the couple decided to continue the pregnancy. At 37.4 weeks of gestational age, a girl weighing 2750 g was born with an Apgar score of 9/10. A blood sample taken from the umbilical cord showed three cellular lines:mos47,XX, +mar1 ish.der (Y)(wcpY+) [21%]/48,XX, +mar1 ish.der (Y)(wcpY+), +mar2 ish.der (Y)(wcpY+) [41%]/46,XX [38%]. One year after birth, the baby was developing normally and had normal psychomotorial activity. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The effects of large‐scale destruction of the tropical forest on soil characteristics are presented, with emphasis on the Amazon Basin. Human activities progressively modify natural equilibrium in soils and streams, especially in Brazil, where about 25 000 km2 of virgin forest are annually removed. Of the soil uses, the installation of annual crops and pastures in previously clear‐cut and burned areas is the main subject of this paper.  相似文献   
Intensive beef production has increased during recent decades in Brazil and may substantially increase both methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from manure management. However, the quantification of these gases and methods for extrapolating them are scarce in Brazil. A case study examines CH4 and N2O emissions from one typical beef cattle feedlot manure management continuum in Brazil and the applicability of Manure-DNDC model in predicting these emissions for better understand fluxes and mitigation options. Measurements track CH4 and N2O emissions from manure excreted in one housing floor holding 21 animals for 78 days, stockpiled for 73 days and field spread (360 kg N ha?1). We found total emissions (CH4 + N2O) of 0.19 ± 0.10 kg CO2eq per kg of animal live weight gain; mostly coming from field application (73%), followed housing (25%) and storage (2%). The Manure-DNDC simulations were generally within the statistical deviation ranges of the field data, differing in ?28% in total emission. Large uncertainties in measurements showed the model was more accurate estimating the magnitude of gases emissions than replicate results at daily basis. Modeled results suggested increasing the frequency of manure removal from housing, splitting the field application and adopting no-tillage system is the most efficient management for reducing emissions from manure (up to about 75%). Since this work consists in the first assessment under Brazilian conditions, more and continuous field measurements are required for decreasing uncertainties and improving model validations. However, this paper reports promising results and scientific perceptions for the design of further integrated work on farm-scale measurements and Manure-DNDC model development for Brazilian conditions.  相似文献   
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - Global warming can intensify the soil organic matter (SOM) turnover, damaging soil health. Crop residues left on the soil are important to...  相似文献   
The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) on the control of body energy balance in developing organisms have not been studied, despite the involvement of energy status in vital physiological functions. We examined the effects of chronic RF-EMF exposure (900 MHz, 1 V?m?1) on the main functions involved in body energy homeostasis (feeding behaviour, sleep and thermoregulatory processes). Thirteen juvenile male Wistar rats were exposed to continuous RF-EMF for 5 weeks at 24 °C of air temperature (T a) and compared with 11 non-exposed animals. Hence, at the beginning of the 6th week of exposure, the functions were recorded at T a of 24 °C and then at 31 °C. We showed that the frequency of rapid eye movement sleep episodes was greater in the RF-EMF-exposed group, independently of T a (+42.1 % at 24 °C and +31.6 % at 31 °C). The other effects of RF-EMF exposure on several sleep parameters were dependent on T a. At 31 °C, RF-EMF-exposed animals had a significantly lower subcutaneous tail temperature (?1.21 °C) than controls at all sleep stages; this suggested peripheral vasoconstriction, which was confirmed in an experiment with the vasodilatator prazosin. Exposure to RF-EMF also increased daytime food intake (+0.22 g?h?1). Most of the observed effects of RF-EMF exposure were dependent on T a. Exposure to RF-EMF appears to modify the functioning of vasomotor tone by acting peripherally through α-adrenoceptors. The elicited vasoconstriction may restrict body cooling, whereas energy intake increases. Our results show that RF-EMF exposure can induce energy-saving processes without strongly disturbing the overall sleep pattern.  相似文献   
为全面了解黄河流域内蒙古段近年来的水环境质量状况及其变化趋势,基于流域内5个监测断面2003~2020年的水质数据,使用主成分分析、聚类分析和长短时记忆模型等多源数据分析方法,结合改进的综合水质标识指数,探究了黄河流域水质的时空变化特征. 结果表明,流域水质状况整体向好并稳定. 时间特征方面,汛期和非汛期水质的主要影响因素存在显著差异,主要与农业灌溉用水和汛期水量增大有关;空间特征方面,可将5个监测断面归为3类,汛期的主要影响因素具有时间特征,而非汛期3类监测断面的水质差异主要由其周边城市的用水结构决定. LSTM模型的预测值变化趋势与真实值拟合效果良好,可对黄河内蒙古段的水质指标进行有效的预测评价,可为黄河干流各河段水质达标控制与管理提供科学依据.  相似文献   
This research evaluated the effects of the new sugarcane harvesting system (without straw burning) and soil attributes on the organic carbon (OC) accumulation and sorption of alachlor (2-chloro-N-(2,6-diethylphenyl)-N-(methoxymethyl)acetamide) and diuron (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) in highly weathered Brazilian soils. Alachlor was more likely to leach (K d,app = 1.0–7.0 L kg?1 and mean K oc,app = 174 L kg?1) than diuron (K d,app = 6.2–116.3 L kg?1 and mean K oc,app = 1789 L kg?1). The sorption coefficient (K d,app) values correlated better with soil OC contents, but the Fe-oxides also played an important role in these highly weathered soils. Sorption was enhanced in the areas without straw burning mostly due to OC accumulation that was higher in the clayey soils, but it was not enough to change their mobility classification.  相似文献   
High levels of wet N and acidic deposition were measured in southeast Brazil. In this study we addressed the sensitivity of water bodies and soils to acidification and N deposition in the Piracicaba River basin (12,400 km2). Average acid neutralization capacity (ANC) at 23 river sampling sites varied from 350 to 1800 microeq l(-1). Therefore, rivers and streams in the Piracicaba basin are well buffered, if the lower limit of 200 microeq l(-1) is assumed as an indication of poorly buffered waters. ANC is increased by untreated wastewaters discarded into rivers and streams of the region. Average NO3 concentrations varied from 20 to 70 microeq l(-1). At the most polluted river sites, NO3 concentration is not highest, however, probably due to NO3 reduction and denitrification. Most of the nitrogen in streams is also provided by wastewaters and not by wet deposition. The majority of the soils in the basin, however, are acidic with a low base cation content and high aluminum concentration. Therefore, soils in this basin are poorly buffered and, in areas of forest over sandy soils, acidification may be a problem.  相似文献   
The isotopic signatures of 15N and 18O in N2O emitted from tropical soils vary both spatially and temporally, leading to large uncertainty in the overall tropical source signature and thereby limiting the utility of isotopes in constraining the global N2O budget. Determining the reasons for spatial and temporal variations in isotope signatures requires that we know the isotope enrichment factors for nitrification and denitrification, the two processes that produce N2O in soils. We have devised a method for measuring these enrichment factors using soil incubation experiments and report results from this method for three rain forest soils collected in the Brazilian Amazon: soil with differing sand and clay content from the Tapajos National Forest (TNF) near Santarém, Pará, and Nova Vida Farm, Rond?nia. The 15N enrichment factors for nitrification and denitrification differ with soil texture and site: -111 per thousand +/- 12 per thousand and -31 per thousand +/- 11 per thousand for a clay-rich Oxisol (TNF), -102 per thousand +/- 5 per thousand and -45 per thousand +/- 5 per thousand for a sandier Ultisol (TNF), and -10.4 per thousand +/- 3.5 per thousand (enrichment factor for denitrification) for another Ultisol (Nova Vida) soil, respectively. We also show that the isotopomer site preference (delta15Nalpha - delta15Nbeta, where alpha indicates the central nitrogen atom and beta the terminal nitrogen atom in N2O) may allow differentiation between processes of production and consumption of N2O and can potentially be used to determine the contributions of nitrification and denitrification. The site preferences for nitrification and denitrification from the TNF-Ultisol incubated soils are: 4.2 per thousand +/- 8.4 per thousand and 31.6 per thousand +/- 8.1 per thousand, respectively. Thus, nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria populations under the conditions of our study exhibit significantly different 15N site preference fingerprints. Our data set strongly suggests that N2O isotopomers can be used in concert with traditional N2O stable isotope measurements as constraints to differentiate microbial N2O processes in soil and will contribute to interpretations of the isotopic site preference N2O values found in the free troposphere.  相似文献   
Firn core methanesulphonic acid (MSA) stratigraphy from Talos Dome (East Antarctica) was compared with anomalies of the satellite-measured sea ice extent (1973–1995) in the Ross Sea and Wilkes Land oceanic sector. In spite of the sparseness of sea ice data, the MSA maxima fit with many positive sea ice anomalies in the Ross Sea. This evidence suggests that marine biogenic activity enhanced by large sea ice cover is an important, but not exclusive, factor in controlling MSA concentration in snow precipitation at Talos Dome. Other than source intensity, differences in regional atmospheric transport mechanisms affect the arrival of MSA-rich aerosol at Talos Dome. To clarify the role of transport processes in bringing biogenic aerosol to Talos Dome, a spectral analysis was applied to the MSA, SOI (South Oscillation Index), and SAM (Southern Annular Mode) record. Synchronicity or phase shift between the chemical signature and atmospheric circulation modes were tested. The variations in the MSA profile have a periodicity of 6.9, 4.9, 3.5, and 2.9 years. The 6.9 and 2.9 year periodicities show a strong positive correlation and are synchronous with corresponding SOI periodicity. This variability could be related to an increase in MSA source intensity (by dimethylsulphide from phytoplanktonic activity) linked to the sea ice extent in the Ross Sea area, but also to an increased strength in transport processes. Both of these factors are correlated with La Niña events (SOI positive values). Furthermore, SAM positive values are related to an increased sea ice extent in the Ross Sea sector and show two main periodicities 3.3 and 3.8 years. These periodicities determine the MSA variability at 3.5 years. However, the effect of intensification of the polar vortex and the consequent reduction in transport process intensity, which reduce the delivery of air masses enriched in MSA from oceanic areas to Talos Dome, make the effect of the SAM on the MSA concentration at Talos Dome less active than the SOI. In this way, snow deposition at the Talos Dome records larger MSA concentration by the combined effects of increased source emissions and more efficient transport processes. The MSA record from Talos Dome can therefore be considered a reliable proxy of sea ice extent when the effect of changes in transport processes in this region of Antarctica is considered. Over the previous 140 years, these conditions occur with a periodicity of 6.9 years.  相似文献   
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