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Using a bottom-up estimation method, a comprehensive, high-resolution emission inventory of gaseous and particulate atmospheric pollutants for multiple anthropogenic sectors with typical local sources has been developed for the Harbin-Changchun city agglomeration (HCA). The annual emissions for CO, NOx, SO2, NH3, VOCS, PM2.5, PM10, BC and OC during 2017 in the HCA were estimated to be 5.82 Tg, 0.70 Tg, 0.34 Tg, 0.75 Tg, 0.81Tg, 0.67 Tg, 1.59 Tg, 0.12 Tg and 0.26 Tg, respectively. For PM10 and SO2, the emissions from industry processes were the dominant contributors representing 54.7% and 49.5%, respectively, of the total emissions, while 95.3% and 44.5% of the total NH3 and NOx emissions, respectively, were from or associated with agricultural activities and transportation. Spatiotemporal distributions showed that most emissions (except NH3) occurred in November to March and were concentrated in the central cities of Changchun and Harbin and the surrounding cities. Open burning of straw made an important contribution to PM2.5 in the central regions of the northeastern plain during autumn and spring, while domestic coal combustion for heating purposes was significant with respect to SO2 and PM2.5 emissions during autumn and winter. Furthermore, based on Principal Component Analysis and Multivariable Linear Regression model, air temperature, relative humidity, electricity and energy consumption, and the urban and rural population were optimized to be representative indicators for rapidly assessing the magnitude of regional atmospheric pollutants in the HCA. Such indicators and equations were demonstrated to be useful for local atmospheric environment management.  相似文献   
污水生物处理实际工艺中氧化亚氮的释放:现状与挑战   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了污水生物处理过程中N2O的产生途径,重点分析了污水厂典型脱氮工艺的N2O释放差异及其原因,提出了城市污水脱氮处理过程N2O减排的具体措施,并估算出全国城镇污水处理厂2011年N2O释放总量约为1.26×109g(以N计),对今后关于城市污水脱氮处理过程N2O产生及减排的研究趋势进行了评估.  相似文献   
液膜分离在造纸黑液治理中的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
液膜分离在造纸黑液治理中的应用潘碌亭朱亦仁(阜阳师范学院化学系,阜阳236032)吴成康(阜阳师范学院科技处)关键词液膜法;黑液;木质素.1前言目前,我国造纸工业普遍采用碱法制浆,而蒸煮制浆过程中产生的黑液含有大量的有机物和无机物,COD值很高,黑液...  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The massive use of pesticides brings considerable environmental and human health impacts. This study conducted an overall assessment of the ecological...  相似文献   
In the steel industry, water is mainly used for cleaning and cooling. All these different tasks produce wastewaters that differ not only in quantity but also in quality. This study integrates all water-use processes into a system and applies substance flow analysis to build up an optimization model and an evaluation index system for the water-use network of a steel enterprise. Based on the index system, water-use status of large steel enterprises in China is evaluated and problems in the present water consumption are identified. A contrast analysis between present and optimized water-use is conducted, which then serves as the basis for the network optimization and countermeasure articulation. Finally, an analysis has been made on one of the most important and largest steel enterprise in China. The results indicate that after optimization fresh water consumption can be decreased by 11.1% and wastewater discharge can be decreased by 94.54%.  相似文献   
为了构建更多的蛋白酶基因工程菌,以及进行蛋白酶基因的直接进化研究,从非纯培养细菌总DNA中扩增各种编码蛋白酶的DNA片段.根据MEROPS和GenBank数据库中的枯草杆菌类蛋白酶的编码区和成熟肽编码序列设计并合成了10条引物.富集培养胞外蛋白酶产生菌并提取了12个总DNA样品,分别用每对引物在降落PCR (TouchdownPCR, TD-PCR)条件下进行蛋白酶编码序列的扩增.选择了19个长800 ~1 200 bp的扩增片段测序,其结果为: 8个是蛋白酶DNA片段,它们应属于4种不同的蛋白酶基因序列;同一对引物扩增到的基因序列差异性可达到32%,说明只使用基于已知序列的PCR方法从混合菌中获得新蛋白酶基因是可行的.将克隆到的1个与碱性蛋白酶E (GenBank No.AJ539133)的编码区99%相似的蛋白酶DNA片段插入pTWIN1载体,在大肠杆菌ER2566中进行表达.结果表明,表达的成熟蛋白酶可分泌到培养基中,能在牛奶平板上产生水解圈,对大肠杆菌有致死作用.图5表3参14  相似文献   
基于碳源对反硝化除磷效能以及N2O产生机制尚未明确的现状,采用厌氧/缺氧/好氧序批式反应器(An/A/O-SBR),考察了碳源(乙酸、丙酸和两者的混合酸(摩尔比为1∶1))对反硝化除磷效能和污泥形态的长期影响。结果发现,混合酸系统脱氮除磷效果最稳定,氮和磷平均去除率分别为67.7%和87.0%;而乙酸和丙酸系统较不稳定,氮和磷平均去除率分别为97.6%、51.0%和41.9%、100.0%。混合酸系统检测到明显的N2O释放,而乙酸和丙酸系统的N2O产率较低。  相似文献   
酒精企业的清洁生产涉及到工艺流程的改进、循环冷却水、糟泥等的资源化利用等各方面,是一个复杂的反馈系统.采用系统动力学模型,运用DYNAMO语言,以某酒精制造企业的清洁生产为例进行仿真模拟,通过调控煤炭价格、水资源费、排污费以及沼气、糟泥等的不同利用方式等参数提出优选方案,分析提高该厂在推进清洁生产的不同方案下的经济效益,为该企业实施清洁生产方案的优化提供决策依据,为政府进行政策制定提供相关建议.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - To explore the emission characteristics of vehicle’s pollutants is of great significance to prevent and control the diffusion of pollutants....  相似文献   
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