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Isolating the effects of an individual emissions source on secondary air pollutants such as ozone and some components of particulate matter must incorporate complex nonlinear processes, be sensitive to small emissions perturbations, and account for impacts that may occur hundreds of kilometers away. The ability to evaluate these impacts is becoming increasingly important for efficient air quality management. Here, as part of a recent compliance enforcement action for a violation of the Clean Air Act and as an evaluation of ozone response to single-source emissions plumes, two three-dimensional regional photochemical air quality models are used to assess the impact on ozone from approximately 2000 to 3000 excess t/month of nitrogen oxides emitted from a single power plant in Ohio. Periods in May, July, and August are evaluated. Two sensitivity methods are applied: the "brute-force" (B-F) method and the decoupled direct method (DDM). Using DDM, maximum 1-hr averaged ozone concentrations are found to increase by up to 1.8, 1.3, and 2.2 ppbv during May, July, and August episodes, respectively, and concentration increases greater than 0.5 ppbv occur in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, West Virginia, Virginia, and North and South Carolina. B-F results for the August episode show a maximum 1-hr averaged ozone concentration increase of 2.3 ppbv. Significant localized decreases are also simulated, with a maximum of 3.6 ppbv in Ohio during the August episode and decreases of 0.50 ppbv and greater in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia. Maximum increases are compared with maximum decreases for the August period using second-order DDM and are found, in aggregate, to be greater in magnitude by 42%. When evaluated during hours when ozone concentrations exceed 0.060 ppm, the maximum increases in ozone are higher than decreases by 82%. The spatial extent of ozone increase in both cases is about triple that of reduction.  相似文献   
The development of state implementation plans (SIPs) for attainment of criteria pollutant standards is an integral component of air quality management in the United States. However, the content and efficacy of SIPs have rarely been examined systematically. Here, 20 SIPs developed in response to the 1997 8-hr ozone standard are reviewed as case studies of attainment efforts at the state level. Comparison of observed and model predicted ozone concentrations shows the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended modeled attainment test to be a somewhat conservative predictor of attainment. Among 12 SIPs for regions that sought attainment by 2009, the test correctly predicted attainment and nonattainment in four and five regions, respectively; in the other three regions, attainment was observed despite predictions of nonattainment. However weight-of-evidence determinations and deviations from the recommended modeled attainment test methodology led five of these SIPs to predict attainment that was not in fact observed by 2009; three of those regions achieved attainment in 2010. Ozone and NO2 concentrations declined across much of the United States during the period covered by the SIPs, with rates of improvement strongly correlated with the initial pollution levels and hence greatest in nonattainment regions. However at monitors with mid-range levels of ozone initially, rates of reduction were largely independent of the initial attainment status of the region. This is consistent with thefact that apart from California, the majority of ozone precursor reductions documented by SIPs resulted from federal measures rather than from state or local controls specific to the nonattainment regions.  相似文献   
In this article the authors assert that successful long-term pollution prevention will require changes in the culture and business practices of an organization such that the term “pollution prevention” eventually becomes obsolete. They envision firms evolving to a point where actions that today are referred to as pollution prevention will simply be part of standard business practices and thoroughly embedded in the firms' culture. Although pollution prevention projects and programs need to be highly visible at the outset to communicate throughout the organization and to demonstrate the benefits that can be gained, companies should adopt a long-term strategy aimed at making fundamental changes in the way they do business, rather than relying solely on piecemeal projects and special plans or programs. Such evolution of the firm will maximize the chances of meeting the dual challenges of business competitiveness and environmental stewardship. This article presents a vision for integrating environmental performance with business objectives and suggests practical steps to begin moving toward that vision.  相似文献   
Air quality models rely upon simplified photochemical mechanisms to efficiently represent the thousands of chemical species that interact to form air pollution. Uncertainties in the chemical reaction rate constants and photolysis frequencies that comprise those mechanisms can generate uncertainty in the estimation of pollutant concentrations and their responsiveness to emission controls. A high-order sensitivity analysis technique is applied to quantify the extent to which reaction rate uncertainties influence estimates of ozone concentrations and their sensitivities to precursor emissions during an air pollution episode in Houston, Texas. Several reactions were found to have much larger proportional effects on ozone’s sensitivities to emissions than on its concentrations. In particular, uncertainties in photolysis frequencies and in the rate of reaction between NO2 and OH to form nitric acid can significantly influence the magnitude and sign of peak ozone sensitivity to nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. Ozone sensitivity to VOCs exhibits a much more muted response to uncertainties in the reaction rate constants and photolysis frequencies considered here. The results indicate the importance of accurate reaction rate constants to predicting the ozone impacts resulting from NOx emission controls.  相似文献   
Life-cycle cost management (LCCM) provides electric utility staff with a structured process for making decisions based on the true cost of the products and processes they use, rather than on purchase price alone or on other partial life-cycle costs. Several utilities have used LCCM to evaluate a range of product substitution and process improvement decisions and to implement cost-saving actions. This article summarizes some of these applications. Each utility applied the LCCM tools and techniques in a way that met their individual needs, such as selecting cost-effective specific pollution prevention options, making product purchase decisions, making process improvement decisions, managing commodities, and setting priorities for further evaluation. LCCM has helped utilities save millions of dollars by considering the true costs of the materials, products, and processes they use. This article examines the LCCM techniques and tools that help organizations evaluate their options and make decisions with minimum effort. The authors wish to thank our utility partners for their contributions to developing the LCCM tools and techniques and for their participation in applying these tools and techniques to important decisions: Duke Power Company, Entergy Services Inc., Florida Power Corporation, Niagara Mohawk Power Company, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, and Potomac Electric Power Company. The authors thank the following utility representatives for their valuable contributions: Amy Crews Baxter, Reggie Black, Jay Eingold, Shireen Fahey, Tom Fox, Tom Rooney, and Tyrone Williams. The authors also thank key members of the DFI project team: Nathan Chan, Gillian Lam, Mia Morsy, Jim Mullin, and Valerie Peoples.  相似文献   
Pollution control efforts are motivated by the desire to protect human health and the environment. Often, those efforts involve selecting among multiple options for attaining air quality objectives. For example, state and local decision-makers must choose the mix of control strategies for meeting the requirements of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and the Regional Haze Rule. We demonstrate that including assessments of the human health and environmental benefits when evaluating alternative strategies may help decision-makers to identify multipollutant attainment strategies that achieve greater net benefits than would accrue under strategies optimized for cost alone. This paper presents a conceptual framework that decision-makers could use to choose among alternative multipollutant control strategies, accounting for the benefits and the costs of different types and locations of emissions reductions.  相似文献   
Air protection agencies in the United States increasingly confront non-attainment of air quality standards for multiple pollutants sharing interrelated emission origins. Traditional approaches to attainment planning face important limitations that are magnified in the multipollutant context. Recognizing those limitations, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division has adopted an integrated framework to address ozone, fine particulate matter, and regional haze in the state. Rather than applying atmospheric modeling merely as a final check of an overall strategy, photochemical sensitivity analysis is conducted upfront to compare the effectiveness of controlling various precursor emission species and source regions. Emerging software enables the modeling of health benefits and associated economic valuations resulting from air pollution control. Photochemical sensitivity and health benefits analyses, applied together with traditional cost and feasibility assessments, provide a more comprehensive characterization of the implications of various control options. The fuller characterization both informs the selection of control options and facilitates the communication of impacts to affected stakeholders and the public. Although the integrated framework represents a clear improvement over previous attainment-planning efforts, key remaining shortcomings are also discussed.  相似文献   
States rely upon photochemical models to predict the impacts of air quality attainment strategies, but the performance of those predictions is rarely evaluated retrospectively. State implementation plans (SIPs) developed to attain the 1997 U.S. standard for fine particulate matter (PM2.5; denoting particles smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter) by 2009 provide the first opportunity to assess modeled predictions of PM2.5 reductions at the state level. The SIPs were the first to rely upon a speciated modeled attainment test methodology recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to predict PM2.5 concentrations and attainment status. Of the 23 eastern U.S. regions considered here, all but one achieved the 15 μg/m3 standard by 2009, and the other achieved it the following year, with downward trends sustained in subsequent years. The attainment tests predicted 2009 PM2.5 design values at individual monitors with a mean bias of 0.38 μg/m3 and mean error of 0.68 μg/m3, and were 95% accurate in predicting whether a monitor would achieve the standard. All of the errors were false alarms, in which the monitor observed attainment after a modeled prediction of an exceedance; in these cases, the states used weight-of-evidence determinations to argue that attainment was likely. Overall, PM2.5 concentrations at monitors in the SIP regions declined by 2.6 μg/m3 from 2000–2004 to 2007–2009, compared with 1.6 μg/m3 in eastern U.S. regions originally designated as attainment. Air quality improvements tended to be largest at monitors that were initially the most polluted.
ImplicationsAs states prepare to develop plans for attaining a more stringent standard for fine particulate matter, this retrospective analysis documents substantial and sustained air quality improvements achieved under the previous standard. Significantly larger air quality improvements in regions initially designated nonattainment of the 1997 standard indicate that this status prompted heightened control efforts. The speciated modeled attainment test is found to be accurate and slightly conservative in predicting particulate concentrations for the cases considered here, providing confidence for its use in upcoming attainment plans.  相似文献   
Implementation of more stringent 8-hour ozone standards has led the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to designate nonattainment status to 474 counties nationwide, many of which had never previously violated air quality standards. As states select emission control measures to achieve attainment in these regions, their choices pose significant implications to local economies and the health of their citizens. Considering a case study of one such nonattainment region, Macon, Georgia, we develop a menu of potential controls that could be implemented locally or in neighboring parts of the state. The control menu offers the potential to control about 20–35% of ozone precursor emissions in most Georgia regions, but marginal costs increase rapidly beyond 15–20%. We link high-order ozone sensitivities with the control menu to identify cost-optimized strategies for achieving attainment and for alternative goals such as reducing spatially averaged or population-weighted ozone concentrations. Strategies targeted toward attainment of Macon ozone would prioritize local reductions of nitrogen oxides, whereas controls in the more densely populated Atlanta region are shown to be more effective for reducing statewide potential population exposure to ozone. A U.S. EPA-sanctioned approach for demonstrating ozone attainment with photochemical models is shown to be highly dependent on the choice of a baseline period and may not foster optimal strategies for assuring attainment and protecting human health.  相似文献   
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