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Foran  J.  Brosnan  T.  Connor  M.  Delfino  J.  DePinto  J.  Dickson  K.  Humphrey  H.  Novotny  V.  Smith  R.  Sobsey  M.  Stehman  S. 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2000,62(2):147-167
The International Life SciencesInstitute (ILSI) Risk Science Institute (RSI) convenedan expert panel of scientists to developrecommendations for a comprehensive monitoring programfor the Croton and Catskill/Delaware watersheds, whichprovide drinking water to New York City's residents. This effort was conducted as part of efforts topreserve and enhance the quality of New York City'sreservoir system through a watershed protectionprogram. The panel developed recommendations for astrategic framework on which to construct a monitoringprogram. As part of this activity, the paneldetermined whether existing monitoring activities weredeficient and, where activities were deficient, thepanel developed recommendations for additionalinformation that should be collected.The panel recommended the development and use of anintegrated approach to watershed monitoring, whichdraws on modeling, risk-based planning and analysis,statistical sampling and design, and basic compliancemonitoring. The approach should be designed toprovide an assessment of natural and anthropogenicsources of stress to the system as well as anassessment of water quality trends in response tostresses acting in concert, both over the long termand over the five-year New York City Memorandum ofAgreement (MOA) assessment time frame. It should alsoprovide an assessment of the human health andenvironmental risks posed by a variety of stressors,and the impact of management actions implemented toameliorate stressors.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a new reversible-flow design for a continuously stirred reactor used to study sorption mass transfer in soil and solvent systems. The stirred reactor has potential advantages over conventional packed column or batch reactors because it isolates intraparticle sorption rate limitations from advective-dispersive transport, yet allows changes to flux through the reactor for analysis of sorption kinetics under dynamic conditions. Previously, stirred reactors have often failed due to clogging of sediment on the effluent frit. The reverse-flow backwashing design allows longer life and higher confidence in maintaining mixed conditions than previous designs. Mass transfer 'rate coefficients estimated from stirred and column experiments are compared; both techniques produced results consistent with a published correlation. The data also show that fitted sorption mass transfer coefficients can be strongly dependent on the choice of equilibrium partition coefficient (i.e. batch or first-moment derived values), and that the conventional two-site sorption kinetics model fails to accurately predict sorption mass transfer in the presence of changing solvent velocity through the reactor.  相似文献   
A combined transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Fourier transform analysis has been performed on the secretory granules storing active peptides/proteins in serous cutaneous glands of n?=?12 anuran species. Previous TEM investigation showed that the granules are provided with remarkable repeating substructures based on discrete subunits, arranged into a consistent framework. Furthermore, TEM findings revealed that this recurrent arrangement is acquired during a prolonged post-Golgian (or maturational) processing that affects the secretory product. Maturation leads to a variety of patterns depending on the degree of subunit clustering. This variety of recurrent patterns has been plotted into a range of frequency spectra. Through this quantitative approach, we found that the varying granule substructure can be reduced to a single mechanism of peptide/protein aggregation.  相似文献   
Hourly indoor and outdoor fine particulate matter (PM2.5), organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC, respectively), particle number (PN), ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxide (NOx) concentrations were measured at two different retirement communities in the Los Angeles, CA, area as part of the Cardiovascular Health and Air Pollution Study. Site A (group 1 [G1]) was operated from July 6 to August 20, 2005 (phase 1 [P1]) and from October 19 to December 10, 2005 (P2), whereas site B (group 2 [G2]) was operated from August 24 to October 15, 2005 (P1), and from January 4 to February 18, 2006 (P2). Overall, the magnitude of indoor and outdoor measurements was similar, probably because of the major influence of outdoor sources on indoor particle and gas levels. However, G2 showed a substantial increase in indoor OC, PN, and PM2.5 between 6:00 and 9:00 a.m., probably from cooking. The contributions of primary and secondary OC (SOA) to measured outdoor OC were estimated from collected OC and EC concentrations using EC as a tracer of primary combustion-generated OC (i.e., "EC tracer method"). The study average outdoor SOA accounted for 40% of outdoor particulate OC (40-45% in the summer and 32-40% in the winter). Air exchange rates (hr(-1)) and infiltration factors (Finf; dimensionless) at each site were also determined. Estimated Finf and measured particle concentrations were then used in a single compartment mass balance model to assess the contributions of indoor and/or outdoor sources to measured indoor OC, EC, PM2.5, and PN. The average percentage contributions of indoor SOA of outdoor origin to measured indoor OC were approximately 35% (during G1P1 and G1P2) and approximately 45% (for G2P1 and G2P2). On average, 36% (G2P1) to 44% (G1P1) of measured indoor OC was composed of outdoor-generated primary OC.  相似文献   
Abstract: Regulation of river flows can result in decreased stage fluctuations and alteration of inundation patterns of floodplain wetlands. However, floodplain inundation has historically not been addressed in most minimum flow determinations. Florida law requires the water management districts of the state to establish minimum flows and levels to protect water bodies from significant harm associated with water withdrawals. The Southwest Florida Water Management District utilizes a 15% reduction in habitat criterion as a threshold for defining significant harm to freshwater segments of rivers. Utilizing a multi‐parameter approach and different habitat measures for seasonal flow periods, the District has recommended minimum flow compliance standards for the Alafia, Myakka and middle Peace rivers. For the high‐flow period, the District utilized a 15% reduction in the number of days of floodplain inundation (a temporal loss) as a significant harm threshold. This approach yielded allowable flow reductions of 8% for the Alafia and Peace rivers during the high‐flow season and a 7% allowable reduction of natural flows on the Myakka River. Comparison of changes in flows associated with temporal and spatial loss thresholds indicated that flow reductions required to effect a 15% spatial loss of habitat on the Alafia, Myakka and middle Peace rivers are higher than those that would yield a 15% temporal loss. This indicates that with respect to natural flow protection, the District’s consideration of temporal reductions in habitat for establishing minimum river flows for seasonal high‐flow periods is more conservative than the use of a spatial loss criterion.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Nitrate levels in the Ocklawaha River Basin in north central Florida were reviewed over a 50‐year period. Data were obtained from the literature, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) STOrage and RETrieval (STORET), and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) databases. The study objective was to determine whether nitrate concentrations are increasing and if so, whether this increase is linked to land use changes. Increasing nitrate levels were seen at 5 of the 14 stations, while other stations showed no trend or a decreasing trend. Median nitrate concentrations in the Ocklawaha River increased from 0.07 mg‐N/L to 0.78 mg‐N/L at sites downstream from the Silver River. Throughout the Rodman Reservoir, median nitrate concentrations decreased from 0.48 mg‐N/L to 0.01 mg‐N/L and increased to 0.04 mg‐N/L after the Kirkpatrick Dam. Flow and concentration relationships were correlated for five stations. At four of the five stations nitrate concentrations decreased in response to increasing flow, likely the result of dilution with nitrate poor water. Changes in land use over a 20‐ year period (1970 to 1990) also were monitored. Sources of nitrate have been linked by isotopic analysis to organic and inorganic fertilizers, which appear to be related to increased urbanization and an increase in lawns that require nutrient fertilization.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Florida water resources are among the most abundant in the United States, with Florida receiving the second‐highest mean annual rainfall of all states. However, water supply issues have troubled the state due to the highly variable spatial and temporal distributions of water supply and demand, and they are aggravated by the population's preference for settling in coastal regions where freshwater resources are scarce. Historically, the competing issues of water resource development and natural systems protection have placed water management agencies and local governments at odds. In 1997, the Florida Legislature enacted several major changes to Florida water law in an attempt to improve water resource planning and protection. This paper briefly reviews the history of water management in Florida with an emphasis on decisions culminating in the 1997 legislation, which requires the development of minimum flows and levels. Also examined is the impact of the 1997 law on water management. Efforts made to comply with legislative mandates are summarized; these include, to date, establishment of minimum flows and levels on 209 water bodies and budgeting in excess of $1.4 billion for water resource development projects.  相似文献   
Incidental exposure to high explosive compounds can cause subtle health effects to which a population could be more susceptible than injury by detonation. Proper source characterization is a key requirement in the conduct of risk assessments. For nonvolatile solid explosives, dissolution is one of the primary mechanisms that controls fate and transport, resulting in exposure to these compounds remote from their source. To date, information describing dissolution rates of high explosives has been sparse. The objective of this study was to determine the dissolution rates of three high explosive compounds, 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT), hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX), and octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX), in dilute aqueous solutions as a function of temperature, surface area, and energy input. To determine each variable's impact on dissolution rate, experiments were performed where one variable was changed while the other two were held constant. TNT demonstrated the fastest dissolution rate followed by HMX and then RDX. Dissolution rate correlation equations were developed for each explosive compound incorporating the three aforementioned variables, independently, and collectively in one correlation equation.  相似文献   
Bioremedial treatment to remove low level organic contamination to regulatory standards has met with limited success. In this study source water from a contaminated surficial aquifer at a former wood treatment facility was used to evaluate the potential for indigenous microorganisms to degrade low level (< 1.0 mg) pentachlorophenol (PCP) to a regulatory drinking water standard of 0.001 mg/L. PCP degradation was evaluated in series of batch reactors in a two phase study to (a) determine the rate and extent of PCP removal and (b) evaluate the impact of nutrient amendment (N and P) on removal rate. All reactors with the exception of the abiotic control demonstrated PCP removal to a level < 0.002 mg/L within a maximum period of 32 d with and without nutrient amendment. A regression analysis of reactive phosphate (ortho-P) concentration versus removal rate produced an R2 of 0.94 (p = 0.006) indicating a significant correlation between the level of available phosphate and PCP degradation rate. Selective bacterial enumeration (for PCP degrading bacteria) revealed PCP-degrading bacteria increased in abundance prior to and in conjunction with the degradation phase to a density of between 10(3) to 10(4) CFU/ml. Isolates were also analyzed for total fatty acids using Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) methodology and the results indicated that PCP degrading bacteria were present in the aquifer and consisted of predominately fluorescent, oxidase positive Pseudomonas species. Overall, data indicate that autochthonous microbes are capable of removing low level PCP (< 1.0 mg/L) to approach if not reach the regulatory standard of 0.001 mg/L with the addition of oxygen, with or without nutrient amendment. Results of this research can be applied to full-scale implementation of in-situ or ex-situ bioremediation of groundwater at former wood treatment facilities.  相似文献   
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