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As a consequence of decreases in the emission rate of sulphur in eastern North America in the late 1970s and early 1980s, sulphate deposition in central Ontario declined by about 40%, but has remained constant for about six years. Plastic Lake, a small, dilute lake on the Precambrian shield that the authors have studied since 1979, acidified between the start of the study and about 1986, but since then has not changed. The authors also monitored the chemistry of streamwater draining the Plastic Lake catchment. Water quality of runoff from an upland site improved rapidly (pH and alkalinity increased, SO4(2-) and Al decreased), but two factors offset these improvements. A small wetland area downstream reversed most of these changes, resulting in a constant output of strong acid from the catchment. In addition, in extremely dry years (1983, 1987, 1989) there were very high concentrations of SO4(2-) in the streamwater, suggesting substantial re-oxidation of reduced S in the catchment.  相似文献   
Reductions in North American sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions promoted expectations that aquatic ecosystems in southeastern Canada would soon recover from acidification. Only lakes located near smelters that have dramatically reduced emissions approach this expectation. Lakes in the Atlantic provinces, Quebec and Ontario affected only by long-range sources show a general decline in sulfate (SO4(2-)) concentrations, but with a relatively smaller compensating increase in pH or alkalinity. Several factors may contribute to the constrained (or most likely delayed) acidity response: declining base cation concentrations, drought-induced mobilization of SO4(2-), damaged internal alkalinity generation mechanisms, and perhaps increasing nitrate or organic anion levels. Monitoring to detect biological recovery in southeastern Canada is extremely limited, but where it occurs, there is little evidence of recovery outside of the Sudbury/Killarney area. Both the occurrence of Atlantic salmon in Nova Scotia rivers and the breeding success of Common Loons in Ontario lakes are in fact declining although factors beyond acidification also play a role. Chemical and biological models predict that much greater SO2 emission reductions than those presently required by legislation will be needed to promote widespread chemical and latterly, biological recovery. It may be unrealistic to expect that pre-industrial chemical and biological conditions can ever be reestablished in many lakes of southeastern Canada.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Early attempts at nutrient budget modeling considered only the case where there was no loss of the material by sedimentation, i.e. the substance was assumed to be conservative. Nonstratified and stratified conditions have both been investigated under these terms. An elegant model, taking into account loss of a substance by sedimentation as well as flushing was presented by Vollenweider in 1969. Although this model has several shortcomings, it is particularly valuable because it can have immediate practical value in terms of water management policy development. These basic shortcomings in the model are analyzed and suggestions are made to alter the model to take these factors into account.  相似文献   
A changing climate and increasing urbanisation has driven interest in the use of aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) schemes as an environmental management tool to supplement conventional water resources. This study focuses on ASR with stormwater in a low permeability fractured rock aquifer and the selection of water treatment methods to prevent well clogging. In this study two different injection and recovery phases were trialed. In the first phase ~1380 m(3) of potable water was injected and recovered over four cycles. In the second phase ~3300 m(3) of treated stormwater was injected and ~2410 m(3) were subsequently recovered over three cycles. Due to the success of the potable water injection cycles, its water quality was used to set pre-treatment targets for harvested urban stormwater of ≤ 0.6 NTU turbidity, ≤ 1.7 mg/L dissolved organic carbon and ≤ 0.2 mg/L biodegradable dissolved organic carbon. A range of potential ASR pre-treatment options were subsequently evaluated resulting in the adoption of an ultrafiltration/granular activated carbon system to remove suspended solids and nutrients which cause physical and biological clogging. ASR cycle testing with potable water and treated stormwater demonstrated that urban stormwater containing variable turbidity (mean 5.5 NTU) and organic carbon (mean 8.3 mg/L) concentrations before treatment could be injected into a low transmissivity fractured rock aquifer and recovered for irrigation supplies. A small decline in permeability of the formation in the vicinity of the injection well was apparent even with high quality water that met turbidity and DOC but could not consistently achieve the BDOC criteria.  相似文献   
The objective of this investigation is to compare the ability of a one-box model and a two-box model to predict the temporal variations of total phosphorus in the outflow of several lakes. The one-box model considers only total phosphorus and treats the lake as well-mixed, all year round. The two-box model considers two phosphorus fractions and the epilimnion and hypolimnion. For five shallow Canadian Shield lakes, some of the temporal variability in lake phosphorus concentrations can be explained on the basis of changes in hydraulic inflows and phosphorus loadings. Both models give roughly similar predictions for shallow lakes with high hydraulic loadings (1–200 m/year) and small variations in total phosphorus concentrations. In comparing the settling and hydraulic outflow mechanisms, a sensitivity analysis shows that both models are more sensitive to the settling rate if the lake's hydraulic loadings are less than 1 m/year, and more sensitive to the outflow rate if the lake's hydraulic loadings are greater than 100 m/year. This analysis suggests a priority for concentrating economic and other resources in conducting field measurement programs for testing phosphorus models.  相似文献   
A study using open-top chambers ventilated with ambient or charcoal-filtered air in the vicinity of Lahore, Pakistan, has demonstrated a reduction of 46.7% and 34.8% in the grain yield for two cultivars of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The 6-h daily mean O(3) concentrations were 25-45 nl litre(-1) and on the basis of experience in North America and Europe, reductions in yield in the present study are substantially greater than might be predicted. The reasons for this discrepancy are discussed, together with implications for the suitability of a simple, relatively cheap, open-top chamber system for developing-country studies on the effects of air pollution on crops.  相似文献   
In fish samples from Lake Ontario and Lake Huron 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) was found at concentrations from 2 to 162 pg/g (ppt) and from 2.5 to 29 ppt respectively. Fish from the other Great Lakes (Lake Superior, Lake Michigan and Lake Erie) generally had no detectable signals for TCDD although a few samples had < 3 ppt.  相似文献   
Populations of Mercenaria mercenaria (L.) from South Carolina, USA, and M. campechiensis (Gmelin) from the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, USA, were sampled in 1987. The two species differed at all of seven enzyme loci tested, as well as in the thickness of shell ridges and nacre color. The difference in lunule shape was not great, although differences in relative shell width, shell weight, and lunule size make morphometric discrimination between the species possible. Shell ridges, nacre color, and multivariate morphometrics in a sample of clams collected from the Indian River Lagoon on the Atlantic coast of Florida in 1985 do not assort independently. Individuals with thick ridges, white nacre, and/or campechiensis-like morphometrics have significantly different allele frequencies at most enzyme loci from individuals with thin ridges, purple nacre, and/or mercenaria-like morphometrics. The deviations are in the direction predicted from the analysis of the allopatric populations of M. mercenaria and M. campechiensis. M. mercenaria outnumber M. campechiensis in the Indian River sample, but the majority of the clams seem to be hybrids.Contribution No. 235 from South Carolina Marine Resources Center  相似文献   
To assess the concern over declining base cation levels in forest soils caused by acid deposition, input-output budgets (1990s average) for sulphate (SO4), inorganic nitrogen (NO3-N; NH4-N), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) were synthesised for 21 forested catchments from 17 regions in Canada, the United States and Europe. Trend analysis was conducted on monthly ion concentrations in deposition and runoff when more than 9 years of data were available (14 regions, 17 sites). Annual average SO4 deposition during the 1990s ranged between 7.3 and 28.4 kg ha−1 per year, and inorganic nitrogen (N) deposition was between 2.8 and 13.8 kg ha−1 per year, of which 41–67% was nitrate (NO3-N). Over the period of record, SO4 concentration in deposition decreased in 13/14 (13 out of 14 total) regions and SO4 in runoff decreased at 14/17 catchments. In contrast, NO3-N concentrations in deposition decreased in only 1/14 regions, while NH4-N concentration patterns varied; increasing at 3/14 regions and decreasing at 2/14 regions. Nitrate concentrations in runoff decreased at 4/17 catchments and increased at only 1 site, whereas runoff levels of NH4-N increased at 5/17 catchments. Decreasing trends in deposition were also recorded for Ca, Mg, and K at many of the catchments and on an equivalent basis, accounted for up to 131% (median 22%) of the decrease in acid anion deposition. Base cation concentrations in streams generally declined over time, with significant decreases in Ca, Mg and K occurring at 8, 9 and 7 of 17 sites respectively, which accounted for up to 133% (median 48%) of the decrease in acid anion concentration. Sulphate export exceeded input at 18/21 catchments, likely due to dry deposition and/or internal sources. The majority of N in deposition (31–100%; median 94%) was retained in the catchments, although there was a tendency for greater NO3-N leaching at sites receiving higher (<7 kg ha-1 per year) bulk inorganic N deposition. Mass balance calculations show that export of Ca and Mg in runoff exceeds input at all 21 catchments, but K export only exceeds input at 16/21 sites. Estimates of base cation weathering were available for 18 sites. When included in the mass balance calculation, Ca, Mg and K exports exceeded inputs at 14, 10 and 2 sites respectively. Annual Ca and Mg losses represent appreciable proportions of the current exchangeable soil Ca and Mg pools, although losses at some of the sites likely occur from weathering reactions beneath the rooting zone and there is considerable uncertainty associated with mineral weathering estimates. Critical loads for sulphur (S) and N, using a critical base cation to aluminium ratio of 10 in soil solution, are currently exceeded at 7 of the 18 sites with base cation weathering estimates. Despite reductions in SO4 and H+ deposition, mass balance estimates indicate that acid deposition continues to acidify soils in many regions with losses of Ca and Mg of primary concern. The U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged. The Canadian Crown reserves the right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright.  相似文献   
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