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Deposition of base cations (Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+) in Europe was mapped for 1989 with a spatial resolution of 10 x 20 km using the so-called inferential modeling technique. Deposition fields resembled the geographic variability of sources, land-use and climate. Dry deposition constituted on average 45% of the total base cation deposition in Europe. Modeled deposition estimates compared reasonably well with deposition estimates derived from throughfall and bulk-precipitation measurements made at 174 sites scattered over Europe. Using error propagation, the random and systematic error in total deposition for an average grid cell of 10 x 20 km was estimated to equal 35–50% and 25–40%, respectively. Within individual grids a relatively large variability in deposition is expected.  相似文献   
In the vicinity of a large ammonia emission area, dry and wet deposition of acidifying and eutrophying compounds onto Douglas Fir forests was studied by sampling throughfall, stemflow and bulk precipitation. Deposition amounts of NH(4)(+) and SO(4)(2-) were recognised to be among the highest of Central Europe, resulting in extremely high inputs of (potential) acid to the forest soils (13.1 kEq ha(-1) year(-1)). The contribution of NH(3) emissions from agriculture to the total acid deposition to the forests was 52%. The total nitrogen deposition amounted to 115.0 kg ha(-1) year(-1), 83% originating from NH(3) emissions and 17% from NO(x) emissions. Calculated mean dry deposition velocities of NH(3) and SO(2) were much larger than reported in the literature. A synergistic effect between NH(3) and SO(2) in the process of dry deposition is suggested and evidence for this effect is discussed. When deposition models do not take this interaction into account, they will underestimate NH(3) and SO(2) deposition amounts in areas with intensive animal husbandry.  相似文献   
Dry and wet deposition onto thirty forest stands in relation to stand structure is studied by sampling throughfall and bulk precipitation. Nine measurement sites are situated in Pseudotsuga menziesii stands, ten in Pinus sylvestris and eleven in Quercus robur stands. All stands are situated within a radius of 1.2 km to assure a more or less equal air pollution load. In each stand, detailed forest structure inventories are made to determine aerodynamic roughness, collecting efficiency and surface area parameters. Measurements to data cover a four month period (April-July 1990). First results show relatively high throughfall deposition in Pseudotsuga menziesii stands. Lowest throughfall fluxes are recorded for Quercus robur and intermediate values for Pinus sylvestris stands. There are indications of a relatively strong canopy exchange in Quercus robur stands during the measurement period. Many results from forest stand structure inventories are not available yet. However, a strong relation is observed between throughfall deposition in Pseudotsuga menziesii stands and total crown volume.  相似文献   
An assessment was made of the capacity of base cations to neutralize acid deposition and of the contribution of base cation deposition to forest nutrition in Europe. In large parts of southern Europe more than 50% of the potential acid deposition was found counteracted by deposition of non-sea salt Mg2+ + Ca2+ + K+. In central and northwestern Europe, base cation deposition usually amounted to less than 25% of the acid input. Smallest base cation deposition relative to potential acid deposition was found in southern Scandinavia, Denmark, northern Germany and The Netherlands. A similar spatial pattern was found for the neutralization of acid anions in precipitation. Whereas in Scandinavia weathering is the dominant supplier of base cation to forest soils, in eastern and southern Europe, forests mainly rely on atmospheric deposition for the supply of base cations. Using error propagation, the random and systematic error in acid neutralization capacity for an average grid cell of 10 × 20 km was estimated to equal 45–55% and 50–55%, respectively.  相似文献   
A 6-month field intercomparison study on throughfall measurements was performed at Speulder forest near the west coast in The Netherlands. Twenty throughfall sampling systems were evaluated on accuracy, sampling strategy and performance under field conditions. Throughfall fluxes of NO3-, K+ and Kjeldahl-N generally could be determined with a larger accuracy than fluxes of SO4(2-), NH4+, Na+, Cl-, Mg2+, Ca2+, and alkalinity. Throughfall fluxes of H+ generally had the lowest accuracy. Only 20% of the sampling systems differed more than 20% from the best estimate, whereas 45% of the systems stayed within a 10% range from the best estimate. The difference from the best estimate was mainly caused by aspects related to sampling strategy, like, for example, collecting area, sampler placement. The inaccuracy induced by the sampling system appeared to be much larger than that resulting from the analysis of the samples by different laboratory as determined by ring-tests. The field intercomparison described in this article gave a good insight in the different aspects contributing to the overall accuracy of the measurements. However, performing a future field intercomparison is recommended for throughfall and stemflow in order to also take in account other aspects that might influence the performance of the different measurement systems (e.g. tree species, climate zone, summer/winter period).  相似文献   
High spatial resolution maps of deposition loads in Germanyare produced as an input for abatement strategy research andfor critical loads exceedance calculations on a nationalscale. In this paper methods ofmapping total deposition loads in Germany and preliminarymaps of nitrogen and sulphur deposition loads for the year1993 are presented. A comparison of these mapping resultswith EMEP deposition mapping results has been carried out.The differences in the results of the German national and theEuropean EMEP mapping, due to different databases anddifferent methods, are quantified and discussed. Highresolution maps of deposition loads are compared to Europeanlow resolution maps on the same temporal and spatial scale,assuming that on average both should lead to similar results.However, the average differencescalculated for 23 EMEP 150 × 150 km2 grid cells over Germanywere found to be 33% higher for sulphur (S) total depositionby the German method 65% higher for S dry deposition and1% lower for S wet deposition. The German results fornitrogen (N) total deposition are 2% higher than the EMEPresult 22% higher for N dry deposition and 10% lower for Nwet deposition.  相似文献   
Critical load exceedances have been used as an effects-related parameter for guiding international air emission control negotiations. High-resolution critical load data are combined with low-resolution deposition data.This article shows that doing so systematicallyunderestimates `true' critical load exceedances as obtainedfrom combining critical load and deposition data of identicalhigh spatial resolution. 95th percentile critical loadexceedances in EMEP grids based on high resolution depositiondata are 60 and 150% higher (mean values for nutrientnitrogen and acidity, respectively) than critical loadexceedances based on the low resolution EMEP depositionmodel. The latter are used in international negotiations. Differences in individual EMEP grid squares vary betweeninsignificantly different from zero and 340%, depending onregional deposition and critical load characteristics andcritical load types (nutrient nitrogen versus acidity).Exceedances based on high-resolution deposition values arealso compared to EMEP grid averages of these values forforests only. This comparison excludes the effect ofsystematically higher depositions to forests. Still, thescale difference of (averaged, low-resolution) deposition and(high-resolution) critical loads data yields underestimatesof the 95th percentiles by on average ca. 20%.These systematic errors due to the scale dependence should beborne in mind when interpreting effects of internationalemission control measures.  相似文献   
Dry deposition of gases and particles to forests is influenced by factors influencing the turbulent transport, such as wind speed, tree height, canopy closure, LAI, etc. as well as by factors influencing surface condition, such as precipitation, relative humidity, global radiation, etc. In this paper, an overview of these factors is given and it is shown which are the most important determining temporal and spatial variation of dry deposition of sodium and sulphur. Furthermore, it is evaluated how well current deposition models are able to describe the temporal and spatial variation in dry deposition. It is concluded that the temporal variation is not modelled well enough, because of limited surface-wetness exchange parameterisations. The influence of forest characteristics are modelled reasonably well, provided enough data describing the forests and the spatial variation in concentration is available. For Europe these data are not available. The means to decrease the atmospheric deposition through forest management is discussed.  相似文献   
A 6-month field intercomparison study on precipitation measurements was performed at Schagerbrug near the west coast in the Netherlands. Twenty bulk sampling systems and two wet-only samplers were evaluated on accuracy, sampling strategy and performance under field conditions. Bulk precipitation fluxes of NO3-, NH4+, H+ and Kjeldahl-N generally could be determined with a greater accuracy than bulk precipitation fluxes of SO4(2-), Na+, Cl-, Mg2+, Ca2+, Alkalinity and H+. Bulk precipitation fluxes of K+ generally had the lowest accuracy. Only 20% of the sampling systems differed less than 10% from the best estimate, whereas most systems (60%) differed more than 20% from the best estimate. The inaccuracy induced by the sampling system appeared to be much larger than that resulting from the analysis of the samples by different laboratories as determined by ring-tests.  相似文献   
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