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The Jain tradition of ecological awareness and sustainability has been well documented over the last 25 years, although its roots lie deep in Indian history, specifically in texts such as the Tattvārtha Sūtra and ācārā?ga Sūtra. This traditional body of knowledge includes a long-standing theory and practice of personal, social and environmental sustainability, addressing such views as the interconnectedness of humans and the laws of nature, the interdependence of everything in the universe, the responsibility of humans to conserve and preserve natural resources, the avoidance of wanton and unnecessary waste generation, and a general aversion to mistreating or abusing the environment. These views encapsulate the lifestyles of some ten million people, including both mendicants and laity. Similarly, Maharishi Vedic Science, the systematic exploration and practical application of the Veda and Vedic Literature as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, makes a compelling case for establishing the unity of human life with nature and for promoting actions which guarantee both the protection of nature and protection by it. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the principles of sustainability in Jainism and the corresponding viewpoint of Maharishi Vedic Science, including supporting scientific evidence of its application, and to posit their contribution to a sustainable world future.  相似文献   
The concentrations of lead, zinc, copper, manganese, cadmium and calcium have been measured in three peat bogs. The distribution of Pb, Zn, Mn and Ca are dependent on the position and fluctuations of the water table. They all become depleted in the waterlogged, anaerobic zone. Copper and cadmium are uniformly distributed and appear to be immobilised, probably by the formation of metal/organic complexes, and independent of the acid and redox conditions existing in the bogs. The use of the concentration profiles of the metal ions as a means of historical monitoring of trace metal contamination is complex for Pb, Zn, Mn and Ca but may be more straightforward for Cu and Cd.  相似文献   
Radium (Ra) removal by an unconventional sorbent, a modified bauxite refinery residue (MBRR), is investigated for a groundwater extracted in Missouri, USA. The MBRR treatment causes substantial reductions of both gross α and combined Ra activities from 0.955 ± 0.005 and 0.66 ± 0.005 Bq L to below detection limits (0.037 Bq L or 1 pCi L). Column breakthrough occurs at 0.555 Bq L for gross α and 0.185 Bq L for combined Ra (15 and 5 pCi L; USEPA's maximum contaminant levels) after 54 and 40 d run time, respectively. At 84 d the MBRR media continues to remove 24.3% of raw water gross α and 39.7% of the combined Ra. The treatment effluent has an initial pH of 10.9, outside the USEPA guides (6.5-8.5); this may be readily mitigated by posttreatment acid injection, or by raw water blending. The MBRR simultaneously removes other potentially hazardous trace elements (e.g., Cu, Zn, and Fe) to extremely low concentrations. In addition, toxicity characteristic leaching procedure testing of spent MBRR suggests that metals are bound tightly, such that it is nonhazardous, permitting cost-effective disposal to landfill without special confinement or storage. Consequently, MBRR may be utilized as an alternative adsorbent for treating Ra-contaminated groundwater.  相似文献   
The concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc have been measured in the leaves of a deciduous tree the horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) over the period of their lifetime (7 months). The average concentrations for the total sample based on ash weight are: (microg g(-1)) cadmium, 0.197; copper, 129; lead, 294; and zinc, 299. The temporal trends in the concentrations of the metals can be related to their dominant source. Copper and zinc concentrations are highest in the new leaves and decrease with time, suggesting the main source of the elements are uptake from the soil. The decrease occurs partly because of dilution by leaf material as it increases over the growing period. In the case of zinc, however, aerial deposits appear to be also a significant source. Lead concentrations, on the other hand, show an increase with time, which can be related to increasing deposits from aerosol lead arising from the combustion of petrol lead. The increase is enough to offset the dilution effect. For cadmium there is no significant trend, but the tendency is a decrease with time. It is not possible, however, to distinguish between soil uptake and aerial deposit as both are small compared with increase in leaf material.  相似文献   
用大型底栖动物和ODP系统评价珠江的有机污染   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
采用大型底栖动物需氧有机体百分率ODP(oxygen demander percentage)法对广州珠江前航道、西航道和流溪河的下游段进行河流有机污染评价.结果显示:底栖动物需氧类群密度在三河段间分布确有显著性差异,并根据其ODP可以判断流溪河水质相对较好,水质级别为中国地表水环境质量标准(EQSSW)Ⅳ级,西航道和前航道水质级别都为Ⅴ级.通过测试,这一方法能成功地应用在珠江及流溪河,且该法可以较好地匹配于EQSSW五级评价系统,初步认为ODP系统可以成为一个较好的河流水质生物监测方法.图3表4参13  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a parameter sensitivity study of a two-dimensional flow and transport model of a contaminated site. Hydrogeological and site data from previous investigations were used for calibration. The USGS contaminant transport model (MOC) was used. After flow calibration to establish a reference model, parameters were varied to examine the effect each had on predictions of a contaminant plume. Hydrogeological parameters and a step size parameter were incrementally varied individually. Each result was compared to the reference model output to evaluate changes in concentration values and contaminant plume configuration. The study indicated that a generally predictable trend can be established for some parameters not affected by pumping or similar high stresses. Ranges were identified to relate concentration error or plume change to the amount of parameter error. Some parameter perturbations produced distorted model responses at high stress locations. Porosity and anisotropy were found to be the most influential of the model parameters studied on the plume predictions. (KEY TERMS: ground water hydrology; hydrogeology; pollution modeling; water quality; model calibration.)  相似文献   
Human teeth are a readily accessible biological tissue for which the analysis of lead has been used for the classification of people in terms of their lead exposure and absorption. However, there are three significant problem areas in the interpretation of the analytical results for lead in teeth. First, the lead is not homogeneously distributed throughout the tooth; secondly, the lead levels vary with tooth type, which relates to the age of a tooth. Lastly, there are significant variations in results from different laboratories, which, in part, reflect problems with contamination, pretreatment and analytical methods. Since teeth provide an integrated historical record of a person's lead exposure they have some attractive features as biological indicators, compared with materials such as blood. But considerable care and attention to detail is necessary to obtain reliable data.  相似文献   

Toxicity, uptake, and transformation of atrazine [2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-s-triazine] by three species of poplar tree were assessed. Poplar cuttings were grown in sealed flasks with hydrophonic solutions and exposed to various concentrations of atrazine for a period of two weeks. Toxicity effects were evaluated by monitoring transpiration and measuring poplar cutting mass. Exposure to higher atrazine concentrations resulted in decrease of biomass and transpiration accompanied by leaf chlorosis and abscission. However, poplar cuttings exposed to lower concentrations of atrazine grew well and transpired at a constant rate during experiment periods. Poplar cuttings could take up, hydrolyze, and dealkylate atrazine to less toxic metabolites. Metabolism of atrazine occurred in roots, stems, and leaves and became more complete with increased residence time in tissue. These results suggest that phytoremediation is a viable approach to removing atrazine from contaminated water and should be considered for other contaminants.  相似文献   
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