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Mixtures of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) trapped in the subsurface can act as long-term sources of contamination by dissolving into flowing groundwater. In general, the components of higher solubility are removed more quickly, thus altering the composition of the remaining DNAPL, and possibly leading to changes in its physical properties. Through the development of a simple compositional model, Roy et al. [J. Contam. Hydrol. 2002 (59) 163] showed that preferential dissolution of a mixed DNAPL could potentially result in changes in density and interfacial tension that could subsequently lead to remobilization of an initially static DNAPL pool. The laboratory experiments presented in this next paper provide a proof-of-concept for the previously presented theory, demonstrating and quantifying this process of remobilization. In addition, the experiments provide a data set for evaluation of the model presented by Roy et al. [J. Contam. Hydrol. 2002 (59) 163]. In the four experiments, a DNAPL pool comprised of tetrachloroethene and benzene was created as an open pool overlying glass beads within a water-saturated 2-D flow box. Experiments included rectangular and triangular pools. In each of the experiments, remobilization (as breakthrough) was observed more than 2 weeks after formation of the initial pool. During each experiment, the pool height declined as mass was lost by dissolution, while sampling indicated a decrease in the mole fraction of benzene, the more soluble component. Small protuberances formed along the bottom of the pool as its composition changed with time and the displacement pressure was achieved for various pore throats. Eventually one of the protuberances extended further, forming a finger (breakthrough). In general, the pool emptied as the finger proceeded further into the beads. It was also shown theoretically and experimentally that remobilization will occur sooner for pools with a triangular (pointing down), rather than rectangular, shape. The experimental results were simulated using the model developed by Roy et al. [J. Contam. Hydrol. 2002 (59) 163]. The model matched the observations well, suggesting that it accurately represents the primary mechanisms involved with natural remobilization under the conditions of the study.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of kinetic studies to investigate the effect of FeS film formation on the degradation rate of CCl(4) by 99.99% pure metallic iron. The film was formed by submersing metallic iron grains in an oxygen free HCO(3)(-)/CO(3)(2-) electrolyte solution. When the grains had reached a quasi steady-state value of the corrosion potential, Na(2)S((aq)) was injected. Upon injection, a microm thick poorly crystalline FeS film formed immediately on the iron surface. Over time, the iron became strongly corroded and both the FeS film and the metallic iron grains began to crack leading to exposure of bare metallic iron to the solution. The effect of the surface film on the degradation rate of CCl(4) was investigated following four periods of aging, 1, 10, 30, and 60 days. Relative to the controls, the 1-day sulfide-aged iron showed a substantial decrease in rate of degradation of CCl(4.) However, over time, the rate of degradation increased and surpassed the degradation rate obtained in the controls. It has been proposed that CCl(4) is reduced to HCCl(3) by metallic iron by electron transfer. The FeS film is substantially less conducting than the bulk iron metal or non-stoichiometric magnetite and from the results of this study, greatly decreases the rate of CCl(4) degradation relative to iron that has not been exposed to Na(2)S. However, continued aging of the FeS film results in breakdown and stress-induced cracking of the film, followed by dissolution and cracking of the iron itself. The cracking of the bulk iron is believed to be a consequence of hydrogen embrittlement, which is promoted by sulfide. The increase in CCl(4) degradation rate, as the FeS films age, suggests that the process of hydrogen cracking increases the surface area available for charge transfer.  相似文献   
An investigation of a tetrachloroethene (PCE) groundwater plume originating at a dry cleaning facility on a sand aquifer and discharging to a river showed that the near-river zone strongly modified the distribution, concentration, and composition of the plume prior to discharging into the surface water. The plume, streambed concentration, and hydrogeology were extensively characterized using the Waterloo profiler, mini-profiler, conventional and driveable multilevel samplers (MLS), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys, streambed temperature mapping (to identify discharge zones), drivepoint piezometers, and soil coring and testing. The plume observed in the shallow streambed deposits was significantly different from what would have been predicted based on the characteristics of the upgradient plume. Spatial and temporal variations in the plume entering the near-river zone contributed to the complex contaminant distribution observed in the streambed where concentrations varied by factors of 100 to 5000 over lateral distances of less than 1 to 3.5 m. Low hydraulic conductivity semi-confining deposits and geological heterogeneities at depth below the streambed controlled the pattern of groundwater discharge through the streambed and influenced where the plume discharged into the river (even causing the plume to spread out over the full width of the streambed at some locations). The most important effect of the near-river zone on the plume was the extensive anaerobic biodegradation that occurred in the top 2.5 m of the streambed, even though essentially no biodegradation of the PCE plume was observed in the upgradient aquifer. Approximately 54% of the area of the plume in the streambed consisted solely of PCE transformation products, primarily cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE) and vinyl chloride (VC). High concentrations in the interstitial water of the streambed did not correspond to high groundwater-discharge zones, but instead occurred in low discharge zones and are likely sorbed or retarded remnants of past high-concentration plume discharges. The high-concentration areas (up to 5529 microg/l of total volatile organics) in the streambed are of ecological concern and represent potential adverse exposure locations for benthic and hyporheic zone aquatic life, but the effect of these exposures on the overall health of the river has yet to be determined. Even if the upgradient source of PCE is remediated and additional PCE is prevented from reaching the streambed, the high-concentration deposits in the streambed will likely take decades to hundreds of years to flush completely clean under natural conditions because these areas have low vertical groundwater flow velocities and high retardation factors. Despite high concentrations of contaminants in the streambed, PCE was detected in the surface water only rarely due to rapid dilution in the river and no cDCE or VC was detected. Neither the sampling of surface water nor the sampling of the groundwater from the aquifer immediately adjacent to the river gave an accurate indication of the high concentrations of PCE biodegradation products present in the streambed. Sampling of the interstitial water of the shallow streambed deposits is necessary to accurately characterize the nature of plumes discharging to rivers.  相似文献   
Column experiments and numerical simulation were conducted to test the hypothesis that iron material having a high corrosion rate is not beneficial for the long-term performance of iron permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) because of faster passivation of iron and greater porosity loss close to the influent face of the PRBs. Four iron materials (Connelly, Gotthart-Maier, Peerless, and ISPAT) were used for the column experiments, and the changes in reactivity toward cis-dichloroethene (cis-DCE) degradation in the presence of dissolved CaCO3 were evaluated. The experimental results showed that the difference in distribution of the accumulated precipitates, resulting from differences in iron corrosion rate, caused a difference in the migration rate of the cis-DCE profiles and a significant difference in the pattern of passivation, indicating a faster passivation in the region close to the influent end for the material having a higher corrosion rate. For the numerical simulation, the accumulation of secondary minerals and reactivity loss of iron were coupled using an empirically-derived relationship that was incorporated into a multi-component reactive transport model. The simulation results provided a reasonable representation of the evolution of iron reactivity toward cis-DCE treatment and the changes in geochemical conditions for each material, consistent with the observed data. The simulations for long-term performance were also conducted to further test the hypothesis and predict the differences in performance over a period of 40 years under typical groundwater conditions. The predictions showed that the cases of higher iron corrosion rates had earlier cis-DCE breakthrough and more reduction in porosity starting from near the influent face, due to more accumulation of carbonate minerals in that region. Therefore, both the experimental and simulation results appear to support the hypothesis and suggest that reactivity changes of iron materials resulting from evolution of geochemical conditions should be considered in the design of iron PRBs.  相似文献   
The effect of nitrate on the reduction of TCE by commercial granular iron was investigated in column experiments designed to allow for the in situ monitoring of the iron surface film with Raman spectroscopy. Three column experiments were conducted; one with an influent solution of 100 mg/l nitrate+1.5 mg/l TCE, and two control columns, one saturated directly with 100 mg/l nitrate solution, the other pre-treated with Millipore water prior to the introduction of a 100 mg/l nitrate solution. In the presence of nitrate, TCE adsorbed onto the iron, but there was little TCE reduction to end-products ethene and ethane. The iron used (Connelly, GPM, Chicago) is a product typical of those used in permeable granular iron walls. The material is covered by an air-formed high-temperature oxidation film, consisting of an inner layer of Fe(3)O(4), and an outer, passive layer of Fe(2)O(3). In the control column pre-treated with Millipore water, the passive Fe(2)O(3) layer was removed upon contact with the water in a manner consistent with an autoreduction reaction. In the TCE+nitrate column and the direct nitrate saturation column, nitrate interfered with the removal of the passive layer and maintained conditions such that high valency protective corrosion species, including Fe(2)O(3) and FeOOH, were stable at the iron surface. The lack of TCE reduction is explained by the presence of these species, as they inhibit both mechanisms proposed for TCE reduction by iron, including catalytic hydrogenation, and direct electron transfer.  相似文献   
Long-term performance is a key consideration for the granular iron permeable reactive barrier (PRB) technology because the economic benefit relies on sustainable operation for substantial periods of time. However, predictions on the long-term performance have been limited mainly because of the lack of reliable modeling tools. This study evaluated the predictive capability of a recently-developed reactive transport model at two field-scale PRBs, both having relatively high concentrations of dissolved carbonate in the native groundwater. The first site, with 8 years of available monitoring data, was a funnel-and-gate installation, with a low groundwater velocity through the gate (about 0.12 m d(-1)). The loss in iron reactivity caused by secondary mineral precipitation was small, maintaining relatively high removal rates for chlorinated organics. The simulated concentrations for most constituents in the groundwater were within the range of the monitoring data. The second site, with monitoring data available for 5 years, was a continuous wall PRB, designed for a groundwater velocity of 0.9 m d(-1). A comparison of measured and simulated aqueous concentrations suggested that the average groundwater velocity through the PRB could be lower than the design value by a factor of two or more. The distribution and amounts of carbonate minerals measured in core samples supported the decreased groundwater velocity used in the simulation. The generally good agreement between the simulated and measured aqueous and solid-phase data suggest that the model could be an effective tool for predicting long-term performance of granular iron PRBs, particularly in groundwater with high concentrations of carbonate.  相似文献   
Zhuang L  Gui L  Gillham RW 《Chemosphere》2012,89(7):810-816
This study examined the role of denitrifying and sulfate-reducing bacteria in biodegradation of pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN). Microbial inocula were obtained from a PETN-contaminated soil. PETN degradation was evaluated using nitrate and/or sulfate as electron acceptors and acetate as a carbon source. Results showed that under different electron acceptor conditions tested, PETN was sequentially reduced to pentaerythritol via the intermediary formation of tri-, di- and mononitrate pentaerythritol (PETriN, PEDN and PEMN). The addition of nitrate enhanced the degradation rate of PETN by stimulating greater microbial activity and growth of nitrite reducing bacteria that were responsible for degrading PETN. However, a high concentration of nitrite (350 mg L−1) accumulated from nitrate reduction, consequently caused self-inhibition and temporarily delayed PETN biodegradation. In contrast, PETN degraded at very similar rates in the presence and absence of sulfate, while PETN inhibited sulfate reduction. It is apparent that denitrifying bacteria possessing nitrite reductase were capable of using PETN and its intermediates as terminal electron acceptors in a preferential utilization sequence of PETN, PETriN, PEDN and PEMN, while sulfate-reducing bacteria were not involved in PETN biodegradation. This study demonstrated that under anaerobic conditions and with sufficient carbon source, PETN can be effectively biotransformed by indigenous denitrifying bacteria, providing a viable means of treatment for PETN-containing wastewaters and PETN-contaminated soils.  相似文献   
The remediation of nitroaromatic contaminated groundwater is sometimes difficult because nitroaromatic compounds are resistant to biodegradation and, when they do transform, the degradation of the products may also be incomplete. A simple nitroaromatic compound, nitrobenzene, was chosen to assess the feasibility of an in situ multi-zone treatment system at the laboratory scale. The proposed treatment system consists of a zero valent granular iron zone to reduce nitrobenzene to aniline, followed by a passive oxygen release zone for the aerobic biodegradation of the aniline daughter product using pristine aquifer material from Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden, Ontario, as an initial microbial source. In laboratory batch experiments, nitrobenzene was found to reduce quickly in the presence of granular iron forming aniline, which was not further degraded but remained partially sorbed onto the granular iron surface. Aniline was found to be readily biodegraded with little metabolic lag under aerobic conditions using the pristine aquifer material. A sequential column experiment, containing a granular iron reducing zone and an aerobic biodegradation zone, successively degraded nitrobenzene and then aniline to below detection limits (0.5 microM) without any noticeable reduction in hydraulic conductivity from biofouling, or through the formation of precipitates.  相似文献   
Natural remobilization of multicomponent DNAPL pools due to dissolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mixtures of dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) trapped in the subsurface can act as long-term sources of contamination by dissolving into flowing groundwater. If the components have different solubilities then dissolution will alter the composition of the remaining DNAPL. We theorized that a multicomponent DNAPL pool may become mobile due to the natural dissolution process. In this study, we focused on two scenarios: (1) a DNAPL losing light component(s), with the potential for downward migration; and (2) a DNAPL losing dense component(s), with the potential for upward migration following transformation into a less dense than water nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL). We considered three binary mixtures of common groundwater contaminants: benzene and tetrachloroethylene (PCE), PCE and dichloromethane (DCM), and DCM and toluene. A number of physical properties that control the retention and transport of DNAPL in porous media were measured for the mixtures, namely: density, interfacial tension, effective solubility, and viscosity. All properties except density exhibited nonlinear relationships with changing molar ratio of the DNAPL. To illustrate the potential for natural remobilization, we modelled the following two primary mechanisms: the reduction in pool height as mass is lost by dissolution, and the changes in fluid properties with changing molar ratio of the DNAPL. The first mechanism always reduces the capillary pressure in the pool, while the second mechanism may increase the capillary pressure or alter the direction of the driving force. The difference between the rate of change of each determines whether the potential for remobilization increases or decreases. Static conditions and horizontal layering were assumed along with a one-dimensional, compositional modelling approach. Our results indicated that for initial benzene/PCE ratios greater than 25:75, the change in density was sufficiently faster than the decline in pool height to promote DNAPL breakthrough into the adjacent porous medium. In contrast, there was no potential for natural remobilization of a PCE-DCM mixture, primarily because the densities of the components are not sufficiently different. Dissolution of a DCM-toluene mixture decreased the density, reducing the tendency for downward displacement. However, the ultimate transformation from a DNAPL to an LNAPL may induce upward displacement. These results suggest that at sites with DNAPL pools containing a mix of components of sufficiently different densities and relative solubilities, natural remobilization may be an active mechanism, with implications for site evaluation and remediation.  相似文献   
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