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随着电子行业的迅猛发展,废弃电子线路板的处理和利用成为各方关注的热点。废弃电子线路板处理不好将成为一大环境污染问题,而利用好了又可变废为宝,产生巨大的价值。阐述我国进行废弃电子线路板资源化再生利用的重要性和紧迫性,介绍废弃电子线路板处理利用技术的研究现状,并时其研究重点和发展趋势做出展望。  相似文献   
利用含铬废水和含铅废水制备铬黄   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用净化后的含铬废水和含铅废水制备铬黄.采用沉淀法对废水进行净化预处理,最佳工艺条件:100mL含铬废水中加入20 g Na_2CO_3,及10 mL H_2O_2,用NaOH调节含铬废水pH为10.00;用NaOH调节含铅废水pH为2.65.将净化后的10 mL含铬废水和25 mL含铅废水混合,在55-60℃条件下反应10 min,合成的铬黄达到GB/T 3184-2008<铬酸铅颜料和钼铬酸铅颜料>的质量标准.经重金属吸附剂处理Pb~(2+)后铬黄合成滤液中的Cr~(6+)和Pb~(2+)质量浓度均达到GB8978-1996<污水综合排放标准>的指标.  相似文献   
Although surface complexation models have been widely used to describe the adsorption of heavy metals, few studies have verified the feasibility of modeling the adsorption kinetics,edge, and isotherm data with one p H-independent parameter. A close inspection of the derivation process of Langmuir isotherm revealed that the equilibrium constant derived from the Langmuir kinetic model, K S-kinetic, is theoretically equivalent to the adsorption constant in Langmuir isotherm, K S-Langmuir. The modified Langmuir kinetic model(MLK model) and modified Langmuir isotherm model(MLI model) incorporating p H factor were developed. The MLK model was employed to simulate the adsorption kinetics of Cu(II), Co(II), Cd(II), Zn(II) and Ni(II) on Mn O2 at p H 3.2 or 3.3 to get the values of K S-kinetic. The adsorption edges of heavy metals could be modeled with the modified metal partitioning model(MMP model), and the values of K S-Langmuir were obtained. The values of K S-kinetic and K S-Langmuir are very close to each other, validating that the constants obtained by these two methods are basically the same. The MMP model with K S-kinetic constants could predict the adsorption edges of heavy metals on Mn O2 very well at different adsorbent/adsorbate concentrations. Moreover, the adsorption isotherms of heavy metals on Mn O2 at various p H levels could be predicted reasonably well by the MLI model with the K S-kinetic constants.  相似文献   
此文提出了一种新式的十字轴径向挤压模具,此模具动作平稳可靠,生产率高,模具寿命较长,稍加改进后,此模具可适用于各种枝状件径向冷挤压或热锻.  相似文献   
Aged municipal solid wastes (MSW) excavated from landfills and dumpsites were characterized to analyze their fraction composition, moisture content, and lower heat value (LHV). The necessity and feasibility of recycling combustibles from aged MSW to improve the incineration of fresh MSW were investigated. The results showed that combustibles in aged MSW were easily separated from other components and than LHV of the separated combustibles are higher than 11000 kJ/kg. The fresh MSW are of high moisture contents with average LHV below 6500 kJ/kg, making their stable combustion difficult to maintain in MSW incinerators. For both fresh MSW and aged MSW, plastics are the main contributor to their LHV. To improve incineration of fresh MSW that are characterized with low LHV, combustibles separated from aged MSW were made into refuse derived fuel (RDF) pellets and were then added to fresh MSW by 2% wt.–5% wt. LHV variation and air supply resistance change of the MSW layer on the incinerator grate caused by the addition of RDF was checked, and no significant changes were found. No obvious difference was observed for the ‘burn-out time’ between RDF pellets and fresh MSW either. RDF made from aged MSW combustibles is found to be a promising auxiliary fuel to improve the incineration of fresh MSW, and aged MSW from old landfill cells and dumpsites can be finally disposed of jointly with fresh MSW by recycling combustible from the former to be coincinerated with the latter in the incineration plants.  相似文献   
铁-碳微电解法预处理老龄垃圾填埋场渗滤液的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
由于老龄垃圾填埋场渗滤液属于难降解废水,直接生物处理效果不佳。用微电解法预处理老龄垃圾填埋场渗滤液后,结果表明,其COD、NH3-N和色度的去除率最高分别达到74%、79%和97.5%,可生化性也有很大提高,BODs/CODCr从0.04提高到0.29,为后续的生化处理创造了良好的条件。  相似文献   
嘧菌酯作为最畅销的甲氧丙烯酸酯类杀菌剂,是防治水稻病害的常用农药,其对水生生态环境的负面效应值得重视.为研究嘧菌酯对水生生物的危害,进行多阶段(成鱼、仔鱼、胚胎)斑马鱼毒性试验,分析了嘧菌酯对鱼类的急性毒性,同时,通过6 d胚胎发育试验,研究了嘧菌酯对鱼类早期发育阶段的影响.结果表明,斑马鱼3个生命阶段对嘧菌酯的敏感性(以96 h-LC50(致死中浓度)表示)顺序为:仔鱼(0.39 mg·L~(-1))胚胎(0.61 mg·L~(-1))成鱼(1.37 mg·L~(-1)).6 d胚胎发育试验结果发现,嘧菌酯可诱导斑马鱼胚胎出现一系列不良症状,包括孵化率下降、心率异常、生长抑制和心包水肿等.0.25 mg·L~(-1)的嘧菌酯可显著促进斑马鱼胚胎自主运动和心率,并能明显抑制孵化仔鱼的体长.0.6 mg·L~(-1)及更高浓度的嘧菌酯可明显抑制斑马鱼胚胎眼睛、体节、尾部和心脏的发育.研究显示,嘧菌酯对斑马鱼多个生命阶段均具有一定毒性,但对早期生命阶段毒性更强,因此,其对鱼类早期生命阶段的影响值得重视.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - To comprehensively understand the toxic risks of phthalates to aquatic ecosystems, we examined the acute toxicity of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate...  相似文献   
为了解决板料成形过程数值模拟中非线性边界条件问题,本文提出并建立了控制约束的描述方法、接触结点、确定的新方法——垂足法、计算接触应力的剪应力法、以及处理非线性滑动接触边界条件的降阶-摩擦载荷迭代法.经实际模拟计算,证明了这些方法的正确性.  相似文献   
目前危险废物焚烧中产生的污染物主要通过尾气处理去除 ,本文认为尾气处理应与通过控制焚烧条件减少尾气中污染物的原始浓度相结合 ,以减少后续处理设备的投资。本文主要讨论了控制危险废物焚烧中主要污染物颗粒物、氯化氢、SOx、NOx、二的焚烧技术  相似文献   
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