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By utilising MSW fly ash from the Shanghai Yuqiao municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration plant as the main raw material, diopside-based glass-ceramics were successfully synthesized in the laboratory by combining SiO(2), MgO and Al(2)O(3) or bottom ash as conditioner of the chemical compositions and TiO(2) as the nucleation agent. The optimum procedure for the glass-ceramics is as follows: melting at 1500 degrees C for 30 min, nucleating at 730 degrees C for 90 min, and crystallization at 880 degrees C for 10h. It has been shown that the diopside-based glass-ceramics made from MSW fly ash have a strong fixing capacity for heavy metals such as lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd) etc.  相似文献   
利用城市垃圾焚烧飞灰作为固化剂有效稳定固化含重金属的工业污泥为目的,研究结果显示重金属污泥和城市垃圾焚烧飞灰所构建的固化体系具有很强的重金属束缚能力,增加飞灰的质量分数或者加入一定质量分数的水泥可以增加固化体的抗压强度以满足填埋需求。同时考虑抗压强度、浸出浓度和增容比等各方面的要求,当飞灰的质量分数45%,水泥的质量分数为5%,工业污泥的质量分数为50%是有效稳定固化重金属的最佳配比。对固化体微观结构分析显示:主要的水化产物硫铝酸钙(Aft)、Friedel相、水化硅酸钙(CSH)对稳定固化重金属起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - With the development of industry, sustainable use of natural resources has become a worldwide hot topic. Heavy metal–containing sludge (HMS) is...  相似文献   
An in situ compost biofilter was established for the treatment of odors from biostabilization processing of municipal solid waste. The concentrations of total volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in odors and their components were measured. Biofilter media was characterized in terms of total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), organic matter (OM), pH value and determination of bacterial colony structure. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis showed that the main components of the produced gas were benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) along with other alkanes, alkenes, terpenes, and sulphur compounds. The compost biofilter had remarkable removal ability for alkylated benzenes (>80%), but poor removal for terpenes (~30%). Total VOC concentrations in odors during the biostabilization process period ranged from 0.7 to 87 ppmv, and the VOC removal efficiency of the biofilter varied from 20% to 95%. After about 140 days operation, TN, TC, TP and OM in compost were kept almost stable, but the dissolved N, NH4–N and NO3–N experienced an increase of 44.5%, 56.2% and 76.3%, respectively. Dissolved P decreased by 27.3%. The pH value experienced an increase in the early period and finally varied from 7.38 to 8.08. Results of bacterial colony in packing material indicated that bacteria and mold colony counts increased, but yeasts and actinomyces decreased along with biofilter operation, which were respectively, 3.7, 3.4, 0.04 and 0.07 times of their initial values.  相似文献   
为了解Friedel化合物作为吸附剂去除水中VO43-的应用潜能,研究了Friedel化合物对VO34-的吸附动力学和吸附等温线,并结合吸附产物的XRD和红外光谱分析探讨了Friedel化合物的吸附作用机理.结果表明:Friedel化合物对VO34-有较高的吸附容量和吸附速率,其吸附等温线符合Langmuir等温吸附模型(R20.93),理论吸附容量为72.40mg.g-1.Friedel化合物对VO34-的吸附作用机理为层间离子交换和表面吸附.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The catalytic production of bio-oil can potentially solve the impending fossil fuel depletion crisis. Two practical problems related to bio-oil are...  相似文献   
利用磁性二氧化硅表面接枝的聚丙烯酰胺络合Cu2+离子,制备了表面铜螯合磁性SiO:材料,采用傅立叶红外光谱(FT.IR),X射线衍射(XRD)对该磁性材料进行了表征,并通过配位作用固定化漆酶,考察了其对水中2,4-二氯酚(2,4-DCP)的催化降解效能及主要影响因素。结果表明,表面铜螯合磁性SiO:固定化漆酶对2,4-DCP具有较好的催化降解效能,利用8g/L固定化漆酶催化降解50mL初始浓度为24.25mg/L的2,4-DCP,反应12h2,4-DCP去除率达91%;当pH值在3.0~6.0范围内时,2,4-DCP的去除率随反应pH值的增加而升高;2,4-DCP初始浓度在14.39~257.6mg/L范围内时,反应12h,2,4-DCP的去除率均达85%以上;给酶量增加促进2,4-DCP的去除,但过多的给酶量导致单位质量固定化漆酶催化降解2,4-DCP的速率下降;水中硫酸根离子对固定化漆酶催化降解2,4-DCP具有明显的促进作用,而碳酸氢根离子明显抑制反应的进行。  相似文献   
Dissolved organic nitrogen(DON)extracted from Lake Shankou sediments using KCl was isolated into hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions.The bioavailabilities of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions to three types of bacterial communities collected from sediments,activated sludge and compost products were examined.The DON recoveries obtained by DAX-8 and cation exchange resins treatment were 96.17% ± 1.58% and 98.14% ±0% for the samples obtained from N4 and N14 stations,respectively.After 25 days of incubation at 25°C,most DON(59% to 96%)was degraded.Hydrophilic DON exhibited a higher reduction rate than hydrophobic DON during the growth phase.Untreated wastewater from Changshuihe town was the main degradable DON source to station N4,and 93% of hydrophilic DON and 80% of hydrophobic DON were degraded.Station N14 received a large amount of refractory DON from forest soils and exhibited DON degradation rates of 82% and 71% for the hydrophilic and hydrophobic fractions,respectively.Amino acid contents and fluorescence intensities were also analyzed.Approximately 27% to 74% of amino acids were taken up by day 5,and their concentration gradually increased in the following days due to the decomposition of dissolved proteins.Parallel factor analysis resulted in identification of tryptophan-like proteins,tyrosine-like proteins and FA-like substances.During the growth phase,40%–51% of the tryptophan-like proteins were taken up by bacteria,and the accumulation of tyrosine-like proteins was attributed to the release of biotic substances.The concentration of the FA-like substances decreased due to microbial decomposition.  相似文献   
近年来,国内外众多学者从不同角度运用不同方法探究城市生活垃圾产生量的影响因素,但鲜见对生活垃圾处置方式的影响因素进行分析研究.本文以世界银行2018年颁布的《what a waste 2.0》中140个国家数据为基础,删掉数据年份较久远以及缺少GDP数据的6个国家,根据欧盟统计局、各国政府环保部门和统计部门网站以及相关年度报告,对所有国家数据逐一排查进行核实,并修正了40余国家生活垃圾处置数据,以134个国家在地理、经济和社会层面的5项指标为研究基础,选用相关性分析和logistic回归分析等研究方法,探究5种生活垃圾处置方式和影响因素之间的规律.主要结论如下:①生活垃圾开放式倾倒、填埋处置与人均国土面积无显著相关性;人均GDP达到2万美元以上的国家,基本实现"零倾倒",填埋占比也随人均GDP增长逐渐下降;城市化水平与是否采用开放式倾倒呈显著负相关;②人均GDP在2万美元以下或城市化水平在40%以下的国家,基本为"零焚烧";在不考虑"零焚烧"国家的情形下,焚烧处置主要集中在人均国土面积0~3 hm2的国家;人均GDP和受教育程度的高低是各国是否采用焚烧的主要影响因素;③资源化利用水平与人均国土面积呈负相关,而与人均GDP、城市化水平、受教育程度和废物法律法规体系呈正相关,其中法律法规对其影响力较小;人均GDP达到2万美元以上的国家,资源化利用率基本超过40%;受教育程度同样是影响各国是否采用资源化利用的主要因素;④其它处置方式与五项影响指标均呈现负相关;城市化水平为是否存在其它处置方式的决定因素,城市化水平达到80%以上时,其占比基本为0.  相似文献   
北京城市大气CO2浓度变化特征及影响因素   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
北京大气CO2浓度日变化强烈,全年北京时间15:00时前后为全天最低值,最高值则出现在夜间,日变化幅度为23.2~39.0μmol·mol-1,夏季和秋季日变化幅度比冬季和春季大.北京城区大气CO2浓度季节变化明显,最大值出现在冬季,月平均浓度为421.5~441.0μmol·mol-1;最小值则在夏季,月平均浓度367.4~371.6μmol·mol北京CO2浓度的季节变化幅度明显高于附近的华北兴隆区域站和瓦里关山大陆本底站等的相应值,其原因是北京CO2浓度季节变化主要受人为取暖活动控制,同时植被的季节变化也起一定作用.1993~1995年北京大气CO2浓度上升较快,平均增长率为3.7%·a-1,1995年平均浓度达到最高,为409.7±25.9μmol·mol,随后缓慢下降.  相似文献   
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