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The hygroscopic properties of the organic fraction of aerosols are poorly understood. The ability of organic aerosols to absorb water as a function of relative humidity (RH) was examined using data collected during the 1999 Big Bend Regional Aerosol and Visibility Observational Study (BRAVO). (On average, organics accounted for 22% of fine particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 microm (PM2.5) mass). Hourly RH exceeded 80% only 3.5% of the time and averaged 44%. BRAVO aerosol chemical composition and dry particle size distributions were used to estimate PM2.5 light scattering (Bsp) at low and high ambient RH. Liquid water growth associated with inorganic species was sufficient to account for measured Bsp for RH between 70 and 95%.  相似文献   
Increases in reactive nitrogen deposition are a growing concern in the U.S. Rocky Mountain west. The Rocky Mountain Airborne Nitrogen and Sulfur (RoMANS) study was designed to improve understanding of the species and pathways that contribute to nitrogen deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP). During two 5-week field campaigns in spring and summer of 2006, the largest contributor to reactive nitrogen deposition in RMNP was found to be wet deposition of ammonium (34% spring and summer), followed by wet deposition of nitrate (24% spring, 28% summer). The third and fourth most important reactive nitrogen deposition pathways were found to be wet deposition of organic nitrogen (17%, 12%) and dry deposition of ammonia (14%, 16%), neither of which is routinely measured by air quality/deposition networks operating in the region. Total reactive nitrogen deposition during the spring campaign was determined to be 0.45 kg ha−1 and more than doubled to 0.95 kg ha−1 during the summer campaign.  相似文献   
Aerosol size distributions were measured during the summertime 1995 Southeastern Aerosol and Visibility Study (SEAVS) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park using an Active Scattering Aerosol Spectrometer (ASASP-X) optical particle counter. We present an overview of the experimental method, our data inversion technique, timelines of the size distribution parameters, and calculations of dry accumulation mode aerosol density and refractive index. Aerosol size distributions were recorded during daylight hours for aerosol in the size range 0.1 < Dp < 2.5 microns. The particle refractive index used for the data inversion was calculated with the partial molar refractive index approach using 12-hr measured aerosol chemical composition. Aerosol accumulation mode volume concentrations ranging from 1 to 26 micron 3 cm-3 were observed, with an average of 7 +/- 5 micron 3 cm-3. The study average dry accumulation mode geometric volume median diameter was 0.27 +/- 0.03 micron, and the mean geometric standard deviation was 1.45 +/- 0.06. Using an internally mixed aerosol model, and assuming chemical homogeneity across the measured particle distribution, an average accumulation mode dry sulfate ion mass scattering efficiency of 3.8 +/- 0.6 m2 g-1 was calculated.  相似文献   

Aerosol water content was determined from relative humidity controlled optical particle counter (ASASP-X) size distribution measurements made during the Southeastern Aerosol and Visibility Study (SEAVS) in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park during summer 1995. Since the scattering response function of the ASASP-X is sensitive to particle refractive index, a technique for calibrating the ASASP-X for any real refractive index was developed. A new iterative process was employed to calculate water mass concentration and wet refractive index as functions of relative humidity. Experimental water mass concentrations were compared to theoretically predicted values assuming only ammonium sulfate compounds were hygroscopic. These comparisons agreed within experimental uncertainty. Estimates of particle hygroscopicity using a rural aerosol model of refractive index as a function of relative humidity demonstrated no significant differences from those made with daily varying refractive index estimates. Although aerosol size parameters were affected by the assumed chemical composition, forming ratios of these parameters nearly canceled these effects.  相似文献   
Oil and gas activities have occurred in the Bakken region of North Dakota and nearby states and provinces since the 1950s but began increasing rapidly around 2008 due to new extraction methods. Three receptor-based techniques were used to examine the potential impacts of oil and gas extraction activities on airborne particulate concentrations in Class I areas in and around the Bakken. This work was based on long-term measurements from the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) monitoring network. Spatial and temporal patterns in measured concentrations were examined before and after 2008 to better characterize the influence of these activities. A multisite back-trajectory analysis and a receptor-based source apportionment model were used to estimate impacts. Findings suggest that recent Bakken oil and gas activities have led to an increase in regional fine (PM2.5—particles with aerodynamic diameters <2.5 µm) soil and elemental carbon (EC) concentrations, as well as coarse mass (CM = PM10–PM2.5). Influences on sulfate and nitrate concentrations were harder to discern due to the concurrent decline in regional emissions of precursors to these species from coal-fired electric generating stations. Impacts were largest at sites in North Dakota and Montana that are closest to the most recent drilling activity.

Implications: The increase in oil and gas activities in the Bakken region of North Dakota and surrounding areas has had a discernible impact on airborne particulate concentrations that impact visibility at protected sites in the region. However, the impact has been at least partially offset by a concurrent reduction in emissions from coal-fired electric generating stations. Continuing the recent reductions in flaring would likely be beneficial for the regional visual air quality.  相似文献   

Aerosol water content was determined from relative humidity controlled optical particle counter (ASASP-X) size distribution measurements made during the Southeastern Aerosol and Visibility Study (SEAVS) in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park during summer 1995. Since the scattering response function of the ASASP-X is sensitive to particle refractive index, a technique for calibrating the ASASP-X for any real refractive index was developed. A new iterative process was employed to calculate water mass concentration and wet refractive index as functions of relative humidity. Experimental water mass concentrations were compared to theoretically predicted values assuming only ammonium sulfate compounds were hygroscopic. These comparisons agreed within experimental uncertainty. Estimates of particle hygroscopicity using a rural aerosol model of refractive index as a function of relative humidity demonstrated no significant differences from those made with daily varying refractive index estimates. Although aerosol size parameters were affected by the assumed chemical composition, forming ratios of these parameters nearly canceled these effects.  相似文献   
The Chihuahuan Desert region of North America is a significant source of mineral aerosols in the Western Hemisphere, and Chihuahuan Desert dust storms frequently impact the Paso del Norte (El Paso, USA/Ciudad Juarez, Mexico) metropolitan area. A statistical analysis of HYSPLIT back trajectory residence times evaluated airflow into El Paso on all days and on days with synoptic (non-convective) dust events in 2001–2005. The incremental probability—a measure of the areas most likely to have been traversed by air masses arriving at El Paso during dusty days—was only strongly positively associated with the region west–southwest of the city, a zone of known dust source areas. Focused case studies were made of major dust events on 15 April and 15 December 2003. Trajectories approached the surface and MM5 (NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model) wind speeds increased at locations consistent with dust sources observed in satellite imagery on those dates. Back trajectory and model analyses suggested that surface cyclones adjacent to the Chihuahuan Desert were associated with the extreme dust events, consistent with previous studies of dust storms in the Southern High Plains to the northeast. The recognition of these meteorological patterns serves as a forecast aid for prediction of dust events likely to impact the Paso del Norte.  相似文献   
Crassostrea virginica Gmelin were subjected to simulated tidal fluctuations of salinity, and the subsequent effects on osmotic and ionic composition of the pericardial fluid, body water and valve movements were investigated. Ambient salinity fluctuation patterns of 20-10-20, 15-10-15 and 10-5-10 were simulated during 24.8-h periods. An additional 10-5-10 S experiment was performed using a dilution water approximating the ionic composition of Mississippi River water with regard to Mg++, Ca++ and SO 4 = , instead of deionized water. Finally the effects of a 2-week diurnal fluctuation pattern between 20 and 10 S were investigated with respect to pericardial fluid composition. Pericardial fluid osmolality, concentrations of Cl-, Na+, Mg++, K+, Ca++ and ninhydrin-positive substances (NPS) were analyzed periodically throughout all experiments. Pericardial fluid osmolality was slightly hyperosmotic as ambient water salinity decreased during a cycle, and then became slightly hyposmotic as ambient salinity increased. In the 2-week experiment, pericardial fluid osmolality tracked ambient seawater closely through Day 5, but became more intermediate between high and low seawater values as the experiment progressed. Similar patterns during fluctuations of salinity were observed for Na+, Cl-, Mg++ and Ca++. Pericardial fluid K+ levels did not track ambient seawater as closely as did other ions. The ionic composition of dilution water had little effect on the osmotic or ionic response of the oyster's pericardial fluid. Pericardial fluid NPS level varied inversely with salinity during the 20-10-20 cycle. During the longterm fluctuation experiment, NPS values gradually decreased over the 2-week period compared to constant salinity control values. Percent body water also varied inversely with ambient salinity. Solute movement accounted for most of the change in pericardial fluid osmolality during the simulated cycles with water movement responsible for 1 to 11%. Water movement contributed more to the change of pericardial fluid osmolality during the decreasing salinity phase than the increasing phase of a given cycle. During 20-10-20 S cycles, oyster valves remained open 56% of the time (n=23). In contrast, when salinity was abruptly changed from 20 to 10 within 5 min, valve closure occurred in 4.8±0.3 min (n=20). Valves did not reopen for 19.3±1.2 h (n=15).  相似文献   
A slag sample from a lead refiner has been obtained and given to two analytical laboratories to determine the release of trace elements from the sample according to BS EN 12457-2. Samples analysed by one laboratory passed waste acceptance criteria, leading it to be classified as an inert material; samples of the same material analysed by the other laboratory failed waste acceptance criteria and were classified as hazardous. It was found that the sample preparation procedure is the critical step in the leaching analysis and that the effects of particle size on leachability should be taken into account when using this standard. The purpose of this paper is to open a debate on designing a better defined standard leaching test and making current waste acceptance criteria more flexible.  相似文献   
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