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Given the increasing interest in using peat bogs as archives of atmospheric metal deposition, the lack of validated sample preparation methods and suitable certified reference materials has hindered not only the quality assurance of the generated analytical data but also the interpretation and comparison of peat core metal profiles from different laboratories in the international community. Reference materials play an important role in the evaluation of the accuracy of analytical results and are essential parts of good laboratory practice. An ombrotrophic peat bog reference material has been developed by 14 laboratories from nine countries in an inter-laboratory comparison between February and October 2002. The material has been characterised for both acid-extractable and total concentrations of a range of elements, including Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Ti, V and Zn. The steps involved in the production of the reference material (i.e. collection and preparation, homogeneity and stability studies, and certification) are described in detail.  相似文献   
The Mersey Basin Campaign was established in 1985 in the North West of England to address continuing problems of water quality and associated landward dereliction of the River Mersey and its tributaries. The Campaign's premise that water quality should be improved both for its own sake and as a stimulus to regeneration has proved to be well founded and has subsequently been extended to embrace community action to help nurture watercourse improvement and care. The Campaign can now be seen as a model for engaging co-ordinated environmental action through a partnership approach. This paper explores the nature of the Mersey Basin Campaign as an example of the new structures which are being developed in order to help deliver the new environmentalpolicy agenda. It is argued that the Campaign stands as a model for what will become an increasing need to develop focused environmental planning and management at the sub-regional and regional scales.  相似文献   
Para grass, irrigated with secondary domestic sewage effluent, showed excellent response for disposal of large amounts of water, effective nitrogen removal, and high production of excellent fodder. This grass is found throughout the tropics and parts of the subtropics. It endures flooding and forms dense, easily maintained stands. This is the first time its use has been reported for effluent irrigation. Water, nitrogen, and biomass budgets over a 17-month period were measured in eight percolate style lysimeters. Under irrigation rates as great as 98 mm/day, five days/week, evapo-transpiration averaged 4.6 mm/day. With nitrogen applications of 130 to 2,600 kg/ha/yr, ≥ 79 percent of applied nitrogen was harvested in the grass; 3 percent percolated; and ≤ 28 percent was denitrified. With the highest effluent irrigation rates, nitrate-nitrogen levels remained below the 10 mg/L maximum recommended for potable water. Crop productivity for full effluent treatments averaged 110 t/ha/yr, dry weight. Maximum calculated crude protein content was 13 percent. No nitrate-nitrogen level in the forage exceeded 0.1 percent.  相似文献   
any sacoglossans (opisthobranch gastropods) have the potential for carbon acquisition from photosynthesis by plastids sequestered from their macroalgal food as well as by ingestion, digestion and assimilation of the organic carbon derived from the alga. A new method for obtaining a minimum estimate of the fraction of sacoglossan carbon supplied from photosynthesis by kleptoplastids is suggested, based on the mass balance of stable carbon isotopes at the natural abundance level. The method involves comparison of 13C/12C ratios in sacoglossans with those of the algae on which they are found. Differences in ratios between alga and sacoglossan are used to give a minimum estimate of carbon acquisition by kleptoplasty, granted assumptions about the range of 13C/12C fractionation values which can occur for marine photolithotrophs. The new method is applied to several green (ulvophycean) alga–sacoglossan associations from Rottnest Island, Western Australia, and the values compared with those obtained previously by other means. The method suggests values of up to 0.6 of the total carbon input to the sacoglossans from photosynthesis by their kleptoplastids. To improve the estimates of the minimum role of kleptoplastidy in the carbon nutrition of sacoglossans, further information is needed: (1) on the fidelity of a given sacoglossan to a given algal individual (or species), (2) on the 13C/12C ratio of the part of the alga ingested by the sacoglossan, and (3) on the allocation of dietary organic carbon and of kleptoplastidic photosynthate to carbon lost in respiration, mucopolysaccharide production and gametes (and hence not sampled with the animal). Received: 24 November 1999 / Accepted: 20 October 2000  相似文献   
There is now an emerging sense of the scope and nature of response that can be implemented at building and neighbourhood scales to help adapt cities and urban areas to the changing climate. In comparison, the role of larger natural and semi-natural landscapes that surround and permeate cities is less well understood. Addressing this knowledge gap, this paper outlines two case studies that describe and map the flood risk management functions offered by green infrastructure landscapes situated within the Urban Mersey Basin in North West England. The case studies establish that areas potentially exposed to flooding can be located at some distance, and within different jurisdictions, from upstream areas where the flood hazard may be generated and could be moderated via functions provided by green infrastructure landscapes. This raises planning and governance challenges connected to supporting and enhancing flood risk management functions provided by green infrastructure landscapes.  相似文献   
The "evolution of increased competitive ability" (EICA) hypothesis proposes that escape from natural enemies, e.g., after transcontinental introductions, alters the selection regime because costly defenses no longer enhance fitness. Such an evolutionary loss of defenses enables resources to be directed toward growth or other traits improving performance. We tested the EICA hypothesis in a novel framework in which the natural enemy is the traveler that follows its widespread host by accidental or deliberate (biocontrol) introductions. In a greenhouse experiment we used populations of Senecio vulgaris from North America, Europe, and Australia that differ in the history of exposure to the rust fungus Puccinia lagenophorae. Contrary to what is predicted by EICA, we found no evidence for increased levels of resistance to the rust fungus in plant populations with a longer history of rust exposure (Australia). Similarly, there was no evidence for reduced fecundity in these populations, although vegetative vigor, measured as secondary branching and growth rate, was lower. The maintenance of high rust resistance in populations with no (North America) or only a short history (Europe) of rust exposure is surprising given that resistance seems to incur considerable fitness costs, as indicated by the negative association between family mean resistance and fitness in the absence of disease observed for all three continents. The comparison of population differentiation in quantitative traits with estimates of differentiation in amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) markers suggests that a number of fitness-related traits are under divergent selection among the studied populations. The proposed framework to test changes in the evolutionary trajectory underlying EICA can be employed in an expanded range of systems. These may include investigations on a cosmopolitan weed or crop when an antagonist is expanding its geographic range (such as our study), studies along a chronosequence of introduction time with expected increasing accumulation of natural enemies over time, or comparisons between introduced plant populations that differ in exposure time to biocontrol organisms.  相似文献   
Dry (NH4)2SO4 (1,800 eq-1 ha-1 yr-1) has been applied to the western of two contiguous 10 ha catchments at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM) since November, 1989. The initial rapid and significant response in both S and N in West Bear, compared to the reference East Bear, slowed after three years. Annual S retention of the total experimental treatment decreased from 86 to 34%, with a seven year cumulative retention of 59%. Hydrology influences the export flux of S; S is retained more in dry seasons and dry years. The annual retention of N has decreased from 96 to 81%, with a cumulative retention of 82%. The export of N from the reference watershed has declined from 178 to 23 eq-1 ha-1 yr-1 during the treatment period. The treatment N (as NH4) initially stimulated nitrification, and caused pre-existing N to be lost in runoff, rather than the treatment N. Retention of the treatment N has decreased to approximately 80%. The majority of the retained N is stored in the soil, but the reasons for the decreased flux from the reference watershed are not known.  相似文献   
This study examines the recent soil Lead Abatement Strategy (LAS) in Boolaroo, New South Wales, Australia, that was designed to “achieve a reduction in human exposure to lead dust contamination in surface soils”. The abatement programme addressed legacy contamination of residential areas following closure of lead smelting operations in 2003 at the Pasminco Cockle Creek Smelter (PCCS). The principal objective of the LAS was to “cap and cover” lead-contaminated soils within the urban environment surrounding the PCCS. Soil lead concentrations of 2500–5000 mg/kg were scheduled for removal and replacement, while concentrations between 1500 and 2500 mg/kg were replaced only under limited circumstances. To date, there has been no industry, government or independent assessment of the clean-up programme that involved >2000 homes in the township of Boolaroo. Thus, by measuring post-abatement soil lead concentrations in Boolaroo, this study addresses this knowledge gap and evaluates the effectiveness of the LAS for reducing the potential for lead exposure. Soil lead concentrations above the Australian residential soil health investigation level value for residential soils (300 mg/kg) were identified at all but one of the residential properties examined (n = 19). Vacuum dust samples (n = 17) from the same homes had a mean lead concentration of 495 mg/kg (median 380 mg/kg). Bio-accessibility testing revealed that lead in household vacuum dust was readily accessible (% bio-accessible) (mean = 92 %, median = 90 %), demonstrating that the risk of exposure via this pathway remains. Assessment of a limited number of properties (n = 8) where pre-abatement soil lead levels were available for comparison showed they were not statistically different to post-abatement. Although the LAS did not include treatment of non-residential properties, sampling of community areas including public sports fields, playgrounds and schools (n = 32) was undertaken to determine the contamination legacy in these areas. Elevated mean soil lead concentrations were found across public lands: sports fields = 5130 mg/kg (median = 1275 mg/kg), playgrounds and schools = 812 mg/kg (median = 920 mg/kg) and open space = 778 mg/kg (median = 620 mg/kg). Overall, the study results show that the LAS programme that was dominated by a “cap and cover” approach to address widespread lead contamination was inadequate for mitigating current and future risk of lead exposures.  相似文献   
Urban Waterfront Regeneration in the Mersey Basin,North West England   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The economic decline of traditional dockland areas has released considerable areas of land for redevelopment, much of which is close to the heart of city centres. The property development industry has capitalized upon these assets to the extent that port-related redevelopmentis a common feature throughout North America and Europe. This paper explores the experience of the Mersey Basin in North West England which, under the Mersey Basin Campaign initiative, has sought to explicitly connect improvements in water quality to economic regeneration. A small survey of commercial property valuers was used to explore this relationship and revealed the importance of water in the property development process, through potential increases in value and an enhancement of the marketability of property adjacent to water. Equally, improved water quality is revealed as an important precursor to waterside economic regeneration. Here, investment must, as with the preparation of derelict and contaminated land for redevelopment, be regarded as a public good, nurturing good water quality as an asset for the benefit of future generations and as a part of realizing the full potential of waterfront regeneration.  相似文献   
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