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Analyses of ashes from wood chips and bark combustion and research work about possibilities of utilization of these ashes showed that in general a mixture of bottom ash and cyclon fly-ash in the ratio as they occur in the plant can be used as a fertilizer and liming material. An important question is whether mineral impurities (sand, earth, stones) in the biomass are responsible for slagging on the grate (by lowering the melting point) because sintered and slagged ash with a particle size larger than 2 cm has to be sieved or milled before utilized. Furthermore, the influence of these impurities on the homogeneity of wood ash is important for taking and preparing samples for analysis. Usually, the occurring ash fractions in biomass district heating plants can only be volumetrically measured. In order to determine the actual mass flow and to proportion the ash-amounts for fertilization properly, it is necessary to know the bulk densities of the different ash fractions in dependence on the particle size and the biomass used. Moreover, the knowledge of the surface properties of fly-ash particles enables to evaluate the influencing variables on the process of heavy metal deposition from the flue gas to the fly-ash particles. This information represents the basis for a fractionated desublimation/condensation of heavy metals. The aim is to concentrate them in the filter fly-ash, because this smallest and finest ash fraction is cut off from the ash cycle and is disposed of. Conforming to these open questions, ashes from biomass district heating plants were examined. The facts and findings obtained represent the basis for technological measures in order to improve a closed cycle economy with wood ash.  相似文献   
It is already well known that there are significant differences regarding the emissions, especially particulate matter (PM) emissions, of old and modern as well as automatically and not automatically controlled biomass based residential heating systems. This concerns their magnitude as well as their chemical composition. In order to investigate emission factors for particulate emissions and the chemical compositions of the PM emissions over typical whole day operation cycles, a project on the determination and characterisation of PM emissions from the most relevant small-scale biomass combustion systems was performed at the BIOENERGY 2020+ GmbH, Graz, Austria, in cooperation with the Institute for Process and Particle Engineering, Graz University of Technology. The project was based on test stand measurements, during which relevant operation parameters (gaseous emissions, boiler load, flue gas temperature, combustion chamber temperature etc.) as well as PM emissions have been measured and PM samples have been taken and forwarded to chemical analyses. Firstly, typical whole day operation cycles for residential biomass combustion systems were specified for the test runs. Thereby automatically fed and automatically controlled boilers, manually fed and automatically controlled boilers as well as manually fed stoves were distinguished. The results show a clear correlation between the gaseous emissions (CO and OGC) and the PM1 emissions. It is indicated that modern biomass combustion systems emit significantly less gaseous and PM emissions than older technologies (up to a factor of 100). Moreover, automatically fed systems emit much less gaseous and PM emissions than manually fed batch-combustion systems. PM emissions from modern and automatically controlled systems mainly consist of alkaline metal salts, while organic aerosols and soot dominate the composition of aerosols from old and not automatically controlled systems. As an important result comprehensive data concerning gaseous and PM emissions of different old and modern biomass combustion systems over whole day operation cycles are now available. Derived from these data, correlations between burnout quality, particulate emissions as well as particle composition of the PM emissions can be deduced.  相似文献   
Ashes from monoincineration of sewage sludge suggest themselves as an ideal base for inorganic fertiliser production due to their relatively high phosphorus (P)-content. However, previously they need to be detoxified by reducing their heavy metal content. The core process considered in this paper consists of three steps: mixing of the ashes with suitable chlorine-containing additives, granulation of the mixture and thermochemical treatment in a rotary kiln. Here relevant heavy metal compounds are first transformed into volatile species with the help of the additives and then evaporated from the granules.In this study two chemically different ashes and their mixture were agglomerated to two different granulate types, briquettes and rolled pellets. The resulting six different materials were subjected to thermal treatment at different temperatures. The heavy metals examined were Cu and Zn due to their strong dependence on treatment conditions and their relevance concerning thermal treatment of sewage sludge ashes. Besides, the behaviour of Cl and K was monitored and evaluated.The experiments showed that ash type and temperature are more influential on Cl and heavy metal chemistry than granulate type. Temperature is a primary variable for controlling removal in both cases. Cu removal was less dependent on both ash and granulate type than Zn. The Cl utilization was more effective for Cu than for Zn. Depending on the treatment conditions some K could be retained, whereas always all P remained in the treated material. This satisfies the requirement for complete P recycling.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to improve the removal of heavy metals from sewage sludge ash by a thermochemical process. The resulting detoxified ash was intended for use as a raw material rich in phosphorus (P) for inorganic fertiliser production. The thermochemical treatment was performed in a rotary kiln where the evaporation of relevant heavy metals was enhanced by additives. The four variables investigated for process optimisation were treatment temperature, type of additive (KCl, MgCl(2)) and its amount, as well as type of reactor (directly or indirectly heated rotary kiln). The removal rates of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and of Ca, P and Cl were investigated. The best overall removal efficiency for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn could be found for the indirectly heated system. The type of additive was critical, since MgCl(2) favours Zn- over Cu-removal, while KCl acts conversely. The use of MgCl(2) caused less particle abrasion from the pellets in the kiln than KCl. In the case of the additive KCl, liquid KCl - temporarily formed in the pellets - acted as a barrier to heavy metal evaporation as long as treatment temperatures were not sufficiently high to enhance its reaction or evaporation.  相似文献   
Gleichzeitig mit der Forcierung der Energiegewinnung aus Biomasse (Hackgut, Rinde, S?gesp?ne) steigen auch die Mengen an Verbrennungsrückst?nden, den Holzaschen, stark an. Für eine umweltvertr?gliche und ?kologisch effektive Kreislaufwirtschaft mit der anfallenden Asche ist die genaue Kenntnis ihrer Zusammensetzung eine Voraussetzung. Bereits durchgeführte Analysen zeigten, da? in der komplexen Matrix Holzasche aufgrund der gro?en Bandbreite der zu bestimmenden Komponenten, die in sehr unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen vorliegen, korrekte Analysenergebnisse nur mit Schwierigkeiten erzielt werden k?nnen. Es ist daher norwendig, eine kostengünstige Kombination von Analysenverfahren zu finden, die einen vollst?ndigen Nachweis der in der Asche enthaltenen N?hrstoffe und Schwermetalle erm?glicht. In dieser Arbeit wurden Holzascheproben unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung und Herkunft sowohl mittels na?chemischer (S?ureaufschlüsse und atomspektrometrische Detektion) als auch mittelstrockener Methoden (R?ntgenanalysen) untersucht. Die Ergebnisse wurden verglichen und mittels statistischer Methoden sowie mittels Stoffbilanzen für die anorganischen Elemente vom Brennstoff zur Asche auf ihre Plausibilit?t geprüft. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse dieser Bewertung wird eine für die Analyse von Aschen aus Biomassefeuerungen geeigneteStandardmethode vorgeschlagen die einen vollst?ndigen Elementnachweis gew?hrleistet. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Kombination aus R?ntgenuntersuchungen (für die Elemente Si, Ca, Mag, K. P, Al, Fe, Mn) und Na?analytik (für den exakten Schwermetallnachweis).  相似文献   
As a result of forcing the energy utilization from biomass, the amounts of combustion residues, especially woodash, are growing. For a sustainable and ecologically effective closed-cycle economy, the knowledge of the chemical composition of the ashes is necessary. The matrix wood ash is very complex, due to the great number of constituents in different concentrations. Therefore it is important to develop a combination of analytical methods for the complete detection of nutrients and heavy metals in wood ash. Ashes from different heating plants (wood chips-, bark-and sawdust combustion systems) were analysed with X-ray methods as well as with acid-digestion in combination with atomic spectrometry detection. The results were compared and checked for their plausibility by statistical methods and material balances for the inorganic elements from the biomass to the ash fractions. As a result of this evaluation astandard method is recommended for the analysis of wood ash. This method consists of a combination of dry (X-ray) analysis (for the elements Si, Ca, Mg, K, P, Al, Fe, Mn) and fluid analysis (for the detection of heavy metals).  相似文献   
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