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Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Increasing pressure of the European Union on diverting municipal waste from landfills requires an active role of households and commands a radical...  相似文献   
The levels of several different persistent organochlorines (OCs) in Black Guillemots Cepphus grylle, collected during the summers of 1976-1996 at Breioafj?rour in W-Iceland, were investigated. The levels of about 40 different organochlorines (PCBs, DDTs, chlordanes, toxaphenes, HCH, HCB) were compared with respect to age, sex, fat content, and year of collection. The levels of PCBs correlated very closely with those of DDE, indicating long-range transport as the major source of these contaminants in Iceland, with the ratio PCBs/DDE mostly in the range of 2-5. Unlike the Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus, the organochlorine levels did not seem to accumulate substantially with age, neither in males nor females. The variation in the levels of OCs at the age of 2 years was even greater than the variation in OC levels over an age range of 12 years. In immature birds the levels of PCBs, DDE, HCB and beta-HCH declined very slowly (T(1/2) from 12 to 20 years) over the years 1976-1996, whereas the levels of alpha-HCH and p,p'-DDT declined much faster. The levels of trans-nonachlor, alpha-chlordane, gamma-chlordane, oxychlordane, and toxaphene did not correlate with the year of collection. As the Black Guillemot is mostly a resident seabird, feeding mainly on small fish and invertebrates, this investigation should give a good indication of the temporal trends of organochlorine pollution at Breioafj?rour, Iceland, during this 20 year period and is likely to reflect baseline trends in the marine environment of the North-Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) pose a threat to the environment due to their high adsorption capacity to soil organic matter, stability and low reactivity, low water solubility, toxicity and ability to bioaccumulate. With Icelandic soils, research on contamination issues has been very limited and no data has been reported either on PCB degradation potential or rate. The goals of this research were to assess the bioavailability of aged PCBs in the soils of the old North Atlantic Treaty Organization facility in Keflavík, Iceland and to find the best biostimulation method to decrease the pollution. The effectiveness of different biostimulation additives (N fertiliser, white clover and pine needles) at different temperatures (10 and 30 °C) and oxygen levels (aerobic and anaerobic) were tested. PCB bioavailability to soil fauna was assessed with earthworms (Eisenia foetida). PCBs were bioavailable to earthworms (bioaccumulation factor 0.89 and 0.82 for earthworms in 12.5 ppm PCB soil and in 25 ppm PCB soil, respectively), with less chlorinated congeners showing higher bioaccumulation factors than highly chlorinated congeners. Biostimulation with pine needles at 10 °C under aerobic conditions resulted in nearly 38 % degradation of total PCBs after 2 months of incubation. Detection of the aerobic PCB degrading bphA gene supports the indigenous capability of the soils to aerobically degrade PCBs. Further research on field scale biostimulation trials with pine needles in cold environments is recommended in order to optimise the method for onsite remediation.  相似文献   
Females in most bird species engage in extra-pair copulations. Although this behaviour is widespread, benefits for females of doing so are less understood. The most widely accepted hypothesis is that they improve their previous choice of social partner and gain genetic benefits for their offspring. Some evidence for this comes from studies that find that extra-pair young (EPY) have greater fitness than their half-sibs. However, this might be also caused by maternal, non-genetic effect, a possibility that remains largely untested. Here we test whether EPY are laid in larger eggs or eggs laid early in the laying sequence in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis). The size of eggs bearing EPY and within-pair young (WPY) did not differ, however, EPY were laid in early eggs and consequently hatched earlier than WPY. As hatching asynchrony is a strong determinant of offspring size and survival in many species, including collared flycatcher, our results suggest that a caution is needed when paternal genetic effects are to be inferred from comparison of naturally occurring half-sibs.  相似文献   
In 2003, concentrations of altogether 17 PCDD/Fs congeners and 12 non-ortho and mono-ortho dioxin-like PCBs were measured in the blood of 60 randomly selected adults who lived in three settlements surrounding a chemical plant that had been producing chlorinated herbicides (mainly HCHs, HCB, pentachlorophenole, 2,4,5-T) in the 1960's; subjects consuming home-produced animal foods were chosen. Twenty blood donors with similar characteristics from the locality with about 80 km distance were used as control subjects. The factors that influenced the dioxin levels were investigated on the basis of a questionnaire. The aim of our study was to find out whether the residents living in the surroundings of the chemical plant are at a greater exposure risk than the controls. To calculate TEQ values, WHO-TEFs were used. The concentrations of four PCDD and six PCDF congeners were below the LOD in more than 50% of samples. Significantly higher WHO-TEQ levels (p<0.05) were found for PCDDs, PCDFs, or PCBs in all three followed up groups compared with controls. The geometric means of the total TEQ values for PCDD/F/PCBs were 43.8, 50.2, and 40.0 pg/g fat compared to 23.2 pg/g fat in the control. The percentages of TEQ due to the measured congeners in exposed groups were 9-10.3% for PCDDs, 20.5-26.9% for PCDFs, 19.2-23.1% for coplanar and 43.6-47.2% for mono-ortho PCBs. In control, the percentage of TEQ was 11.6, 26.7, 24.1, and 37.5%. PCBs, predominantly PCB156, followed by PCB126 contributed 60 to 70% of the total TEQ value. Positive correlation of the PCDD/PCDF/PCB blood levels with age and with consumption of locally produced eggs was found.  相似文献   
Aerosol samples in PM10–2.0 and PM2.0 size fractions were collected on the platform of a metropolitan underground railway station in central Budapest. Individual aerosol particles were studied using atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry and electron diffraction. The bulk aerosol samples were investigated by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, and they were subjected to chemical speciation analysis for Cr. The particles were classified into groups of iron oxides and iron, carbonates, silicates, quartz and carbonaceous debris. Electron micrographs showed that the Fe-rich particles in the PM2.0 size fraction typically consisted of aggregates of nano-sized hematite crystals that were randomly oriented, had round shapes and diameters of 5–15 nm. In addition to hematite, a minor fraction of the iron oxide particles also contained magnetite. In addition, the PM2.0-fraction particles typically had a rugged surface with layered or granular morphologies. Mössbauer spectroscopy suggested that hematite was a major Fe-bearing species in the PM10–2.0 size fraction; its mass contribution to the Fe was 36%. Further constituents (ferrite, carbides and FeOOH) were also identified. The water soluble amounts of Cr for the underground railway station and city center were similar. In the PM10–2.0 size fraction, practically all dissolved Cr had an oxidation state of three, which corresponds to ambient conditions. In the PM2.0 size fraction, however, approximately 7% of the dissolved Cr was present as Cr(VI), which was different from that for the urban aerosol. It is suggested that the increased adverse health effects of aerosol particles in metros with respect to ambient outdoor particles is linked to the differences in the oxidation states, surface properties or morphologies.  相似文献   
Impressive variation in egg colouration among birds has puzzled evolutionary biologists for a long time. The most frequently studied selective forces moulding egg colouration—predation and brood parasitism—have either received little empirical support or may play a role in only a minority of species. A novel hypothesis has suggested that egg colour may be significantly influenced by sexual selection. Females may deposit a blue-green pigment biliverdin into eggshells instead of using it for themselves as a powerful antioxidant. By this handicap, females may signal their quality to males, which are then hypothesized to increase their paternal effort. We experimentally tested the hypothesis in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis), a species laying blue-green eggs. We cross-fostered clutches between nests to disentangle effects of female/territory quality and egg colour on paternal effort and nestling quality. The results supported two assumptions of sexual signalling through egg colour hypothesis: Blue pigment seems to be a limited resource for females, and female quality is positively correlated with the intensity of the blue-green colour. However, we did not find support for the main prediction of the hypothesis, as male parental effort parameters (feeding frequencies to nestlings and intensity of nest defence) were unrelated to egg colour. We discuss possible reasons for the discrepancy between our results and previous correlative analyses that supported the hypothesis that blue egg colour may be a postmating, sexually selected signal in females.  相似文献   
A new heterogeneous photocatalyst was prepared by oxidative polymerization of the thiophene with ferric chloride in the ZSM-5 zeolite type. The synthesized polythiophene absorbs radiation in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum and by illumination with visible light generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) in water medium. During illumination reactive hydroxyl radical was detected by the spin trapping EPR method. Efficiency of the photocatalyst was tested on the killing of Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Gram negative bacteria Escherichia coli.  相似文献   
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