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Continental-scale distribution and inter-continental transport of four polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners (28, 101, 153, 180) from 1950 to 2010 were studied using the global multicompartment chemistry transport model MPI-MCTM. Following identical primary emissions for all PCB congeners into air, most of the burden is stored in terrestrial (soil and vegetation) compartments. Thereby, PCB-28, PCB-101 and PCB-153 show a shift of the soil burden maxima from source to remote regions. This shift is downwind with regard to the westerlies for Eurasia and upwind for North America and more prominent for the lighter PCBs than for PCB-153 or PCB-180. In meridional direction, all congeners' distributions underwent a northward migration in Eurasia and North America since the 1950s. Inter-continental transport from Eurasian sources accounts largely for contamination of Alaska and British Columbia and determines the migration of the PCB distribution in soil in North America. Trans-Pacific transport occurs mainly in the gas phase in boreal winter (December-January-February) at 3-4 km altitude and is on a multi-year time scale strongly linked to the atmospheric pressure systems over the Pacific. Inter-continental transport of the lighter, more volatile PCBs is more efficient than for the heavier PCBs.  相似文献   
A global assessment of the impact of the anthropogenic perturbation of the nitrogen and sulfur cycles on forest ecosystems is carried out for both the present-day [1980-1990] and for a projection into the future [2040-2050] under a scenario of economic development which represents a medium path of development according to expert guess [IPCC IS92a]. Results show that forest soils will receive considerably increasing loads of nitrogen and acid deposition and that deposition patterns are likely to change. The regions which are most prone to depletion of soils buffering capacity and supercritical nitrogen deposition are identified in the subtropical and tropical regions of South America and Southeast Asia apart from the well known 'hotspots' North-Eastern America and Central Europe. The forest areas likely to meet these two risks are still a minor fraction of the global forest ecosystems, though. But the bias between eutrophication and acidification will become greater and an enhanced growth triggered by the fertilizing effects of increasing nitrogen input cannot be balanced by the forest soils nutrient pools. Results show increasing loads into forest ecosystems which are likely to account for 46% higher acid loads and 36% higher nitrogen loads in relation to the 1980-1990 situation. Global background deposition of up to 5 kg N ha-1 a-1 will be exceeded at more than 25% of global forest ecosystems and at more than 50% of forest ecosystems on acid sensitive soils. More than 33% of forest ecosystems on acid sensitive soils will receive acid loads which exceeds their buffering capacity. About 25% of forest areas with exceeded acid loads will receive critical nitrogen loads.  相似文献   
Wolke und Nebel     
Obwohl Wolken- und Nebelwasser einen Anteil von 10?3 an der Masse und einen Anteil von 10?6 am Volumen der Luft nie wesentlich übersteigen, ist ihre Anwesenheit von großer Bedeutung für die Chemie der Troposphäre sowie an vielen Orten für den Schadstoffeintrag aus der Atmosphäre. Wolke und Nebel können Quellen sekundärer Schadstoffe darstellen und beeinflussen Umwandlung, Transport und Senken von vielen luftgetragenen Spurenstoffen. Die Inhaltsstoffe von Wolken- und Nebelwasser sind die Folge physikalischer und chemischer Selektionsprozesse im Mehrphasensystem Luft, das durch die atmosphärischen Gase, feste und flüssige Partikel gegeben ist. Stoffspezifische Anreicherungsvorgänge in der wäßrigen Phase und gegenüber der Gasphase beschleunigte Reaktionen sind die wichtigsten Urachhen für die in Wolken- und Nebelwasser vorgefundenen hohen Schadstoffkonzentrationen. Einige der atmosphärischen Säurebildungsprozesse, darunter die Oxidation von SO2 zu Schwefelsäure, verlaufen weit effektiver in Tröpfchen. Die Säurekonzentrationen, die in Wasser von aufliegenden Wolken, insbesondere bei Strahlungsnebeln, beobachtet wurden, übersteigen jene des Niederschlags weit, in der Regel um mehr als eine Größenordnung. Der Schadstoffeintrag durch Deposition von Wasser aufliegender Wolken kann an manchen Orten—insbesondere in bewaldeten Mittelgebirgs- und Gebirgsregionen—den durch Niederschlag bedingten Eintrag übersteigen. Besondere Gegebenheiten bei der Exposition von Vegetation in aufliegenden Wolken und in Nebeln erhöhen das Wirkungspotential der Schadstoff-Fracht von Nebel und Wolke.  相似文献   
Through various processes the nitrogen oxides (NOX) interact with trace gases in the troposphere and stratosphere which do absorb in the spectral range relevant to the greenhouse effect (infrared wavelengths). The net effect is an enhancement of the greenhouse effect. The catalytic role of NOX in the production of tropospheric ozone provides the most prominent contribution. The global waming potential is estimated as GWP (NOX = 30 – 33 and 7 – 10 for the respective time horizons of 20 and 100 years, and is thereby comparable to that of methane. NOX emissions in rural areas of anthropogenically influenced regions, or those in the vicinity of the txopopause caused by air traffic, cause the greenhouse effectivity to be substantially more intense. We estimate an additional 5–23 % for Germany’s contribution to the anthropogenic greenhouse effect as a result of the indirect greenhouse effects stemming from NOX. Furthermore, a small and still inaccurately defined amount of the deposited NOX which has primarily been converted into nitrates is again released from the soil into the atmosphere in the form of the long-lived greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). Thus, anthropogenically induced NOX emissions contribute to enhanced greenhouse effect and to stratospheric ozone depletion in the time scale of more than a century.  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured together with inorganic air pollutants at two urban sites and one rural background site in the Banja Luka area, Bosnia and Hercegovina, during 72 h in July 2008 using a high time resolution (5 samples per day) with the aim to study gas-particle partitioning, aerosol mass size distributions and to explore the potential of a higher time resolution (4 h-sampling).In the particulate phase the mass median diameters of the PAHs were found almost exclusively in the accumulation mode (0.1–1.0 μm of size). These were larger for semivolatile PAHs than for non-volatile PAHs. Gas-particle partitioning of semivolatile PAHs was strongly influenced by temperature. The results suggest that the Junge–Pankow model is inadequate to explain the inter-species variation and another process must be significant for phase partitioning which is less temperature sensitive than adsorption. Care should be taken when interpreting slopes m of plots of the type log Kp = m log pL0 + b based on 24 h means, as these are found sensitive to the time averaging, i.e. tend to be higher than when based on 12 h-mean samples.  相似文献   
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