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Tropospheric ozone is increasing in many agricultural regions resulting in decreased stomatal conductance and overall biomass of sensitive crop species. These physiological effects of ozone forecast changes in evapotranspiration and thus in the terrestrial hydrological cycle, particularly in intercontinental interiors. Soybean plots were fumigated with ozone to achieve concentrations above ambient levels over five growing seasons in open-air field conditions. Mean season increases in ozone concentrations ([O3]) varied between growing seasons from 22 to 37% above background concentrations. The objective of this experiment was to examine the effects of future [O3] on crop ecosystem energy fluxes and water use. Elevated [O3] caused decreases in canopy evapotranspiration resulting in decreased water use by as much as 15% in high ozone years and decreased soil water removal. In addition, ozone treatment resulted in increased sensible heat flux in all years indicative of day-time increase in canopy temperature of up to 0.7 °C.  相似文献   
The abundance and biomass of marine planktonic ciliates were determined at monthly intervals at two stations in Southampton Water between June 1986 and June 1987. The two stations, an outer one at Calshot and an inner one at N. W. Netley, were subject to differing marine and terrestrial influences. The potential ciliate production at cach station on each visit was estimated from these data. Enumeration of ciliates and measurements of biovolume were performed on Lugol's iodinepreserved samples and potential production was calculated using a predictive relationship based on temperature and cell volume. Heterotrophic ciliate abundance and biomass were greatest at both stations during spring and summer months, with respective maxima of 16x103 organisms 1-1 and 219 g Cl-1 recorded at N. W. Netley. Estimates of the potential production of the ciliate community ranged from <1 to 18 g Cl-1 d-1 at Calshot and <1 to 141 g Cl-1 at N. W. Netley, with annual values of 2 and 9 mg Cl-1 yr-1, respectively. Abundances, biomass and potential production estimates were generally greater at N. W. Netley than at Calshot. Carbon flow through the ciliate community was assessed using annual production values from both this study and the literature. The annual ciliate carbon requirement was equivalent to 9 and 11% of annual primary production at Calshot and N. W. Netley, and potential annual ciliate production was equivalent to 34% and >100% of the energy requirements of metazoan zooplankton at these locations, although comprising only 8 and 10% of their available food.  相似文献   
Lawton et al. (1998) found, in a highly cited study, that the species richness of 8 taxa each responds differently to anthropogenic disturbance in Cameroon forests. Recent developments in conservation science suggest that net number of species is an insensitive measure of change and that understanding which species are affected by disturbance is more important. It is also recognized that all disturbance types are not equal in their effect on species and that grouping species according to function rather than taxonomy is more informative of responses of biodiversity to change. In a reanalysis of most of the original Cameroon data set (canopy and ground ants, termites, canopy beetles, nematodes, and butterflies), we focused on changes in species and functional composition rather than richness and used a more inclusive measure of forest disturbance based on 4 component drivers of change: years since disturbance, tree cover, soil compaction, and degree of tree removal. Effects of disturbance on compositional change were largely concordant between taxa. Contrary to Lawton et al.’s findings, species richness for most groups did not decline with disturbance level, providing support for the view that trends in species richness at local scales do not reflect the resilience of ecosystems to disturbance. Disturbance affected species composition more strongly than species richness for butterflies, canopy beetles, and litter ants. For these groups, disturbance caused species replacements rather than just species loss. Only termites showed effects of disturbance on species richness but not composition, indicating species loss without replacement. Although disturbance generally caused changes in composition, the strength of this relationship depended on the disturbance driver. Butterflies, litter ants, and nematodes were correlated with amount of tree cover, canopy beetles were most strongly correlated with time since disturbance, and termites were most strongly correlated with degree of soil disturbance. There were moderately divergent responses to disturbance between functional feeding groups. Disturbance was most strongly correlated with compositional differences of herbivores within beetles and nematodes and humus feeders within termites. Our results suggest that consideration of the impact of different forms of disturbance on species and functional composition, rather than on net numbers of species, is important when assessing the impacts of disturbance on biodiversity.  相似文献   
Summary Results are presented from a 3.25-year study of a nesting pair of crowned hawk-eagles and an 18-year study of a primate community in the Kibale Forest, Uganda. The proportional composition of the living population of prey species was compared with that of eagle prey and animals dying from other causes. Monkeys were the predominant pry (83.7%). They also dominated the medium-to large-sized mammalian carcasses dying from other causes (88.9%). The eagles selected prey according to species, age, and sex. Selectivity by age and sex differed between prey species. Among red colobus monkeys, the eagles selected young juveniles and infants, but in four other monkey species they selected adult males. Eagle prey selectivity by species generally supports the hypothesis that polyspecific associations among the monkeys are effective deterrents against predation. The prey/predator ratio for the Kibale eagles was much higher, but the annual offtake of prey by the eagles was much lower than that of tropical felids. Mortality due to causes other than eagles was greater than expected in red colobus and less in redtails, but not significantly different from expected or equivocal in the other three monkey species. Other cause of mortality affected adult male and infant red colobus more than expected. Among the other four monkey species, significantly more adult males and fewer adult females died from these other causes than expected. Eagle predation had a major impact on the populations of adult males of both black and white colobus and blue monkeys and on both adult male and female mangabeys. The selectivity appeared to contribute significantly to the differential adult sex ratio in four monkey species, but not in red colobus. In contrast, mortality incurred during fighting among adult males probably accounted for the differential adult sex ratio in red colobus. Offprint requests to: T.T. Struhsaker at his current address  相似文献   
This article relates the productive and potential oil fields in India to plate junctions and other major tectonic features. High geothermal gradients are known to accelerate the expulsion of petroleum from the source bed, as well as its migration and accumulation in favourable reservoir rocks, resulting in high yield. Some of the world's major petroleum deposits occur along ‘failed arms’ associated with the plume generated triple junctions. Seven triple junctions have been located in the Indian region, and two more are identified here. Interestingly, India's off-shore petroleum prospects coincide with some of these triple junctions. Cet article établit la relation entre les champs de pétrole en production et potentiels en Inde à la théorie des plaques et à d'autres traits tectoniques importants. L'on sait que des gradients géothermiques élevés accélèrent l'expulsion du pétrole à partir de la roche-mère et favorisent la migration et l'accumulation dans des réservoirs convenables. Quelques-uns des plus grands champs de pétrole du monde se rencontrent en liaison avec des ‘bras morts’ associés avec un système triple de fossés d'effondrement. Sept systèmes triples ont été repérés en Inde et deux autres sont reconnus ici. II est intéressant de remarquer que les possibilités pétrolières de l'offshore indien coïncide avec certains de ces systèmes triples. Este artículo establece la relación entre los campos petrolíferos en producción y potenciales de India a la teoría de placas y otros aspectos tectónicos. Es sabido que una gradiente térmica alta ascelera la expulsión del petróleo desde la roca madre y favorece su migración y acumulación en rocas reservorio favorables. Algunos de los mayores depósitos de petróleo se encuentran a lo largo de los “brazos muertos” asociados a un sistema triple de unión de placas. Siete uniones de este tipo habia sido localizadas en India y otros dos más son identificados aquí. Es interesante notar que las posibilidades petroleras en la zona marítima de India coinciden con alguna forma de sistemas triple de placas.  相似文献   
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