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Owing to the vast territory of China and strong regional characteristic of ozone pollution,it's desirable for policy makers to have a targeted and prioritized regulation and ozone pollution control strategy in China based on scientific evidences. It's important to assess its current pollution status as well as spatial and temporal variation patterns across China.Recent advances of national monitoring networks provide an opportunity to insight the actions of ozone pollution. Here, we present rotated empirical orthogonal function(REOF)analysis that was used on studying the spatiotemporal characteristics of daily ozone concentrations. Based on results of REOF analysis in pollution seasons for 3 years' observations, twelve regions with clear patterns were identified in China. The patterns of temporal variation of ozone in each region were separated well and different from each other, reflecting local meteorological, photochemical or pollution features. A rising trend in annual averaged Eight-hour Average Ozone Concentrations(O_3-8 hr) from 2014 to 2016 was observed for all regions, except for the Tibetan Plateau. The mean values of annual and 90 percentile concentrations for all 338 cities were 82.6 ± 14.6 and 133.9 ± 25.8 μg/m~3,respectively, in 2015. The regionalization results of ozone were found to be influenced greatly by terrain features, indicating significant terrain and landform effects on ozone spatial correlations. Among 12 regions, North China Plain, Huanghuai Plain, Central Yangtze River Plain, Pearl River Delta and Sichuan Basin were realized as priority regions for mitigation strategies, due to their higher ozone concentrations and dense population.  相似文献   
京津冀及周边地区大气染污综合立体观测网针对的是大气重污染发生-演变-消散全过程的核心科学问题,通过制定适用于京津冀及周边地区的大气污染综合观测技术规范,建立了区域大气污染综合立体观测网,开展了近地面及大气边界层气象和大气化学过程的同步观测,构建了监测数据综合分析及共享应用平台,实现了大气环境多源数据综合管理业务化,为大气重污染成因研究提供精准数据集,提升了京津冀秋冬季重污染成因机制研究和精细化源解析的能力,推动了京津冀及周边地区空气质量的持续改善.京津冀及周边地区大气污染综合立体观测网开展了传输通道的加密观测,增加了背景站和手工采样点观测,建立了包括黑碳、氨和重金属等多要素的关键站点,并充分利用了服务于科学研究的超级站和垂直梯度观测技术.京津冀及周边地区大气污染综合立体观测网和数据平台的建立,实现了业务部门与科研部门数据的有效融合与综合管理业务化,具有效率高、代表性好、目的性强的特点,能够很好地应对决策部门不断提高的管理需求.观测网络和平台充分吸取了国外的先进技术和观测经验,保证了观测网长期稳定运行;通过综合环境空气质量监测预警和发布平台,为环境空气质量监测和污染成因综合研究提供技术支撑,最终为实现我国空气质量的全面改善奠定了坚实的基础.   相似文献   
The relationship between the fine particles emitted after desulfurization and gypsum crystals in the desulfurization slurry was investigated, and the crystallization characteristics varying with the operation parameters and compositions of the desulfurization slurry were discussed. The results showed that the fine particles generated during the desulfurization process were closely related to the crystal characteristics in the desulfurization slurry by comparison of their morphology and elements. With the higher proportion of fine crystals in the desulfurization slurry, the number concentration of fine particles after desulfurization was increased and their particle sizes were smaller, indicating that the optimization of gypsum crystallization was beneficial for the reduction of the fine particle emission. The lower pH value and an optimal temperature of the desulfurization slurry were beneficial to restrain the generation of fine crystals in the desulfurization slurry. In addition, the higher concentrations of the Fe3 + ions and the F ions in the desulfurization slurry both promoted the generation of fine crystals with corresponding change of the morphology and the effect of the Fe3 + ions was more obvious. With the application of the desulfurization synergist additive, it was beneficial for the inhibition of fine crystals while the thinner crystals were generated.  相似文献   
以烟草废弃物为原料,活性土壤为载体建立堆体,研究重金属镉的形态变化,及堆肥过程中的动态变化规律。结果表明,烟草废弃物与活性土壤混合能快速腐熟。堆肥总质量下降,重金属镉含量相对增加。重金属镉的铁锰氧化态比例增加19%,有机结合态比例在堆肥升温阶段增加,腐熟后有所下降。残渣态比例大幅度上升,增加达到5倍,且在腐熟阶段增幅最大。说明堆肥处理有利于降低重金属镉的活性。  相似文献   
Potassium silicate drilling fluids (PSDF) are a waste product of the oil and gas industry with potential for use in land reclamation. Few studies have examined the influence of PSDF on abundance and composition of soil bacteria and fungi. Soils from three representative locations for PSDF application in Alberta, Canada, with clay loam, loam and sand textures were studied with applications of unused, used once and used twice PSDF. For all three soils, applying ≥ 40 m3/ha of used PSDF significantly affected the existing soil microbial flora. No microbiota was detected in unused PSDF without soil. Adding used PSDF to soil significantly increased total fungal and aerobic bacterial colony forming units in dilution plate counts, and anaerobic denitrifying bacteria numbers in serial growth experiments. Used PSDF altered bacterial and fungal colony forming unit ratios of all three soils.  相似文献   
为探究地表水体与沉积物中酚类化合物的污染分布特征和生态风险,选择天津市3个水源地与6条主要河流,采集了26个地表水样与6个沉积物样品,利用固相萃取与超声萃取、高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(HPLC-MS/MS)测定了水样及沉积物中1-萘酚(1-naphthol)、壬基酚(nonylphenol, NP)、双酚A(bisphenol A, BPA)、2-苯基苯酚(biphenyl-2-ol)、3,4-二氯酚(3,4-dichlorophenol)、四溴双酚A(tetrabromobisphenol A, TBBPA)和对叔丁基苯酚(p-tert-butylphenol, PTBP)等7种高关注酚类化合物的浓度水平,并应用物种敏感性分布(species sensitivity distribution, SSD)法和熵值法(ecological risk quotient, RQ)评估7种酚类化合物水环境和沉积物的生态风险。结果表明,地表水样中7种酚类化合物均全部检出;其中壬基酚的检出浓度最高,其次为四溴双酚A、对叔丁基苯酚、1-萘酚、2-苯基苯酚、3,4-二氯酚和双酚A。沉积物中酚类化合物的污染分布规律与水样相似,除双酚A外的目标物全部检出。其中,壬基酚浓度比其他物质浓度高2个数量级。风险评估结果显示,壬基酚对水环境与沉积物存在不可接受的风险;而四溴双酚A、对叔丁基苯酚、1-萘酚、2-苯基苯酚、3,4-二氯酚和双酚A则对环境具有较低风险或者存在一定的风险。  相似文献   
针对电力系统发电机组节能减排问题,通过建立连续变量和离散变量之间的关系,利用互补约束和最优化极值理论,构建了电力系统的多目标机组组合互补约束优化模型,并引入熵权法进行多目标决策,采用原对偶内点法进行了仿真验证。仿真结果表明:(1)以火电机组煤耗量,污染气体 CO2 和 SO2 排放量为优化目标的多目标机组组合模型,符合实际的工程需求。(2)利用模糊熵权法对建立的模型进行多目标决策,可实现节能、CO2 和 SO2 排放目标之间的转化和相互协调,从而有效降低火电机组的煤耗量,同时也减少了污染气 CO2 和 SO2的排放总量。  相似文献   
目前中国空气质量监测数据缺乏统一的数据采集及传输管理规范,导致数据集成困难,各监测网络间的数据无法充分共享,形成信息孤岛。该研究在深入分析中国环境空气质量监测数据采集与传输现状及问题的基础上,遵循已有的标准规定并结合实际业务需求,针对环境空气质量监测数据传输系统结构、通讯协议以及监测数据编码提出具有良好扩展性、通用性及规范化的设计方案,以期促进监测设备及系统集成工作的标准化,实现系统间信息数据高度集成,信息资源充分共享和互融互通,环境空气质量监测业务紧密互动。  相似文献   
新污染物环境监测涉及新污染物识别、环境风险评估与管控成效评估等多个目标,科学的环境调查监测有助于最大程度支撑新污染物治理。分析了环境暴露评估对新污染物监测介质、监测尺度、监测数据质量及代表性等方面的要求,借鉴发达国家对新污染物的环境监测实践经验,提出了我国新污染物环境监测总体要求,主要包括:从筛查监测、评估监测和监督性监测3个层次开展监测,以发现问题、评估风险、监督成效。评估监测应包含污水处理厂活性污泥,排放源周边地表水、沉积物、大气、土壤、环境生物等介质,应符合局部尺度环境暴露评估对监测数据的要求,监测报告应包含足够的信息。  相似文献   
烧结砖生产中氟的逸出及钙基废渣固氟特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
砖坯烧制过程中,氟逸出的初始温度约为600℃,大部分氟在约800℃至砖坯发生明显烧结的温度内逸出,以CaO含量高的粘土原料制砖,氟逸出量相对较少。在此基础上,提出在制砖原料中添加适量钙基废渣抑制氟的逸出,并进行了详细的实验室和工业性试验;结果表明,在适宜添加量下,存氟率由约25%增至70%以下,且不影响砖制品质量。  相似文献   
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