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Grass vegetation has been recommended for use in the prevention and control of soil erosion because of its dense sward characteristics and stabilizing effect on the soil. A general assumption is that grassland environments suffer from minimal soil erosion and therefore present little threat to the water quality of surface waters in terms of sediment and sorbed contaminant pollution. Our data question this assumption, reporting results from one hydrological year of observations on a field-experiment monitoring overland flow, drain flow, fluxes of suspended solids, total phosphorus (TP), and molybdate-reactive phosphorus (<0.45 mum) in response to natural rainfall events. During individual rainfall events, 1-ha grassland lysimeters yield up to 15 kg of suspended solids, with concentrations in runoff waters of up to 400 mg L(-1). These concentrations exceed the water quality standards recommended by the European Freshwater Fisheries Directive (25 mg L(-1)) and the USEPA (80 mg L(-1)) and are beyond those reported to have caused chronic effects on freshwater aquatic organisms. Furthermore, TP concentrations in runoff waters from these field lysimeters exceeded 800 mug L(-1). These concentrations are in excess of those reported to cause eutrophication problems in rivers and lakes and contravene the ecoregional nutrient criteria in all of the USA ecoregions. This paper also examines how subsurface drainage, a common agricultural practice in intensively managed grasslands, influences the hydrology and export of sediment and nutrients from grasslands. This dataset suggests that we need to rethink the conceptual understanding of grasslands as non-erosive landscapes. Failure to acknowledge this will result in the noncompliance of surface waters to water quality standards.  相似文献   
Electrophoresis was used to survey a number of enzymes for loci of potential value as stock markers in Chlamys opercularis (L.). Two loci, Pgi and Pgd, were then studied in larger samples from each of two localities around the Isle of Man. One Pgi allele was found to be restricted to a particular year-class in both populations. This was confirmed by subsequent studies of three further populations, in each of which the same allele occurred only in the one year-class. Otherwise, no significant differences in allele frequencies were found between year-classes or between populations in any of the samples used. From the results it is concluded that there is temporal variation in the sources of recruitment of C. opercularis stocks around the Isle of Man. Possible origins of larvae contributing to these stocks are discussed in the light of what is known of current circulation patterns in the northern Irish Sea.  相似文献   
Human exposures to air pollution control (APC) residues released from 6 landfills were modeled and assessed. Following a qualitative risk characterisation, direct and indirect exposures were quantified. Site-specific air dispersion modeling was conducted for PM(10), PCDDs/PCDFs, Pb, Cd, As and Cr(VI) concentrations at the closest residential points of exposure for 4 landfill sites accepting, in total, 75% w/w of the APC residues disposed of in 2000-2001 (UK). Inhalation risks, assessed by reference to air quality standards at residential exposure points, were assessed as insignificant. Preliminary modeling suggested that indirect exposures from PCDDs/PCDFs at the 95th percentile level for the site where APC deposition rates were highest could potentially exceed the tolerable daily soil intake (TDSI) but this warrants further study given the model limitations. These results offer an initial screen of the significance of potential risks from APC disposal, which is of value in addressing concerns about the uncertainty of potential risks to human health from bulk APC disposal at strategic locations.  相似文献   
The influence of pyrene added in a single application (0, 50, 100 and 200 mg kg(-1)) was investigated in multiple applications (1 x 50, 2 x 50 and 4 x 50 mg kg(-1)) on the evolution of catabolic activity in a pristine pasture soil. The microbial community's ability to degrade pyrene was assessed at 0, 4, 8 and 12 weeks by the mineralization of added 14C-pyrene. Significant mineralization (>5%) of added 14C-pyrene only occurred after 4 weeks soil-pyrene contact time in most of the pyrene-amended soils. Pyrene-amended soils showed statistically significantly shorter (P<0.05) lag times compared to the control soil after 8 and 12 weeks soil-pyrene contact time. Further, the rates of degradation increased in the presence of pyrene, peaking at 8 weeks. In terms of the overall extents of pyrene mineralization, there were statistically significant increases (P<0.05) between 4 and 8 weeks, with little difference between 8 and 12 weeks, with the general trend that an increase in pyrene concentration resulted in higher levels of mineralization. Increasing the concentration and number of pyrene additions can have a significant impact on the adaptation of the soil microflora to degrade pyrene over time.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of a warmer climate, and seasonal trends, on the fate of oil spilled in the Arctic. Three well blowout scenarios, two shipping accidents and a pipeline rupture were considered. We used ensembles of numerical simulations, using the OSCAR oil spill model, with environmental data for the periods 2009–2012 and 2050–2053 (representing a warmer future) as inputs to the model. Future atmospheric forcing was based on the IPCC’s A1B scenario, with the ocean data generated by the hydrodynamic model SINMOD. We found differences in “typical” outcome of a spill in a warmer future compared to the present, mainly due to a longer season of open water. We have demonstrated that ice cover is extremely important for predicting the fate of an Arctic oil spill, and find that oil spills in a warming climate will in some cases result in greater areal coverage and shoreline exposure.  相似文献   
The adaptation of two similar soils to pyrene catabolism   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The development of pyrene catabolic activity was assessed in two similar soils (pasture and woodland) amended with 100 mg pyrene kg(-1) In the pasture and woodland soils, significant mineralisation of 14C-pyrene was observed after 8 and 76 weeks soil-pyrene contact times, respectively. In both soils, there were significant decreases (P<0.05) in the lag times and significant increases (P <0.05) in the maximum rates and extents of 14C-pyrene mineralised with increasing soil-pyrene contact time. A microbial inoculum was added to the woodland soil to assess if the previously added, but undegraded 14C-pyrene was bioavailable at 16 and 24 weeks. This resulted in the immediate mineralisation of the previously added 14C-pyrene, indicating that it was bioavailable but that the microbial community in the woodland soil had not developed the ability to mineralise pyrene. The relative contributions of the indigenous microflora to 14C-pyrene mineralisation were assessed by the addition of celective inhibitors, with bacteria seeming to be responsible for the mineralisation of pyrene in both soils. It is suggested that the rate of pyrene-transfer from the soil to the microorganisms was lower in the woodland soil due to its higher organic matter content.  相似文献   
Rooted cuttings of clonal Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) were grown from April to October in 1 m long tubes sunk into the ground inside open top chambers. The same experiment was repeated in each of two consecutive years using a different clone of Sitka spruce each year. Air was either passed directly into the chambers (ambient air) or passed over charcoal filters which removed the majority of gaseous pollutants before entering the chambers (filtered air). Ambient pollution did not appear to influence the growth of Sitka spruce at least over the experimental period used. No significant differences were found between plants exposed to ambient or filtered air in terms of shoot and root dry mass, needle dry mass, root length, carbohydrate content of roots and needles, and in the percentage of meristematic cells close to the apex in each phase or interphase or undergoing mitosis.  相似文献   
Renewed political and commercial interest in the resources of the Arctic, the reduction in the extent and thickness of sea ice, and the recent failings that led to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, have prompted industry and its regulatory agencies, governments, local communities and NGOs to look at all aspects of Arctic oil spill countermeasures with fresh eyes. This paper provides an overview of present oil spill response capabilities and technologies for ice-covered waters, as well as under potential future conditions driven by a changing climate. Though not an exhaustive review, we provide the key research results for oil spill response from knowledge accumulated over many decades, including significant review papers that have been prepared as well as results from recent laboratory tests, field programmes and modelling work. The three main areas covered by the review are as follows: oil weathering and modelling; oil detection and monitoring; and oil spill response techniques.  相似文献   
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