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Polymer application to soil is a growing practice to improve soil physical properties and reduce soil erosion. Polymer addition can potentially influence herbicide and pesticide sorption in soil. The one-point distribution coefficient Kd values of two herbicides in the absence and presence of each of 10 polymers (7 polyacrylamides and 3 polysaccharides) were determined by the batch equilibrium method. The results showed that nonionic napropamide [2-(alpha-naphthoxy)-N,N-diethyl propionamide] sorption was essentially unaffected by the presence of any of the polymers. The influence of polymers on anionic picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid) sorption depends on the charge characteristics of polymers and salt concentrations in the solution. Electrostatic interaction and competition for sorption sites are two primary underlying mechanisms for the polymer influence. At low salt concentration, the increased picloram sorption in the presence of both cationic and anionic polymers was attributed to different electrostatic interactions and polymer partitioning between soil and solution phases. At high salt levels, the presence of polymers had either no influence or a slightly negative influence on the picloram sorption, which was attributed to competition for sorption sites. In field conditions, it is more likely that polymers have no or a slightly negative influence on herbicide sorption due to the presence of salts.  相似文献   
Large scale dairy operations are common. In many cases the manure is deposited on a paved surface and then removed with a flushing system, after which the solids are separated, the liquid stored in ponds, and eventually the liquid applied on adjacent crop land. Management of liquid manure to maximize the fertilizer value and minimize water quality degradation requires knowledge of the interactive effects of mineralization of organic N (ON) to NH4+, crop uptake of mineral N, and leaching of NO3 on a temporal basis. The purpose of the research was to use the ENVIRO-GRO model to simulate how the amount of applied N, timing of N application, ON mineralization rates, chemical form of N applied, and irrigation uniformity affected (1) yields of corn (Zea mays) in summer and a forage grass in winter in a Mediterranean climate and (2) the amount of NO3 leached below the root zone. This management practice is typical for dairies in the San Joaquin Valley of California. The simulations were conducted for a 10-year period. Steady state conditions, whereby an equivalent amount of N applied in the organic form will be mineralized in a given year, are achieved more rapidly for materials with high mineralization rates. Both timing and total quantity of N application are important in affecting crop yield and potential N leaching. Major conclusions from the simulations are as follows. Frequent low applications are preferred to less frequent higher applications. Increasing the amount of N application increased both the crop yield and the amount of NO3 leached. Increasing irrigation uniformity increased crop yields but had variable effects on the amount of NO3 leached. A winter forage crop following a summer corn crop effectively reduced the leaching of residual soil N following the corn crop.  相似文献   
Soil-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been shown to form stable complexes with the herbicide napropamide [2-(alpha-naphthoxy-N,N-diethylpropionamide] capable of enhancing the transport of napropamide through soil columns. Two soils, one containing sewage sludge-derived organic matter (SS) and the other having only natural organic matter (NoSS) were treated with napropamide and allowed to dry to promote complex formation. Soil columns were prepared by packing a 10-cm layer of untreated, dry, sieved soil followed by an overlying 5-cm layer of napropamide-treated soil. Columns were irrigated and the effluent collected and placed in dialysis chambers. After equilibration napropamide concentrations were determined on both sides of the membrane and complex and quantified based on the amount of napropamide unable to cross the membrane. it was found that for the SS soil 7% and for the NoSS 2.4% of the applied napropamide underwent facilitated transport. In addition, most of the complex transported through the columns had a molecular weight between 500 and 1000 Daltons (Da). The solutions from the SS soil were also found to have formed at least two distinct complexes that were resolved after passing through the untreated soil layer. The results obtained were in agreement with other published results and the techniques used offer a way to separate and concentrate DOM complexes from column effluents for further characterization.  相似文献   
The influence of buffer strips and soil texture on runoff of flufenacet and isoxaflutole was studied for two years in Northern Italy. The efficacy of buffer strips was evaluated on six plots characterized by different soil textures; two plots had Riva soil (18.6% sand, 63.1% silt, 18.3% clay) while the remaining four plots had Tetto Frati (TF) soil (37.1% sand, 57% silt, 5.9% clay). Additionally, the width of the buffer strips, constituted of spontaneous vegetation grown after crop sowing, was also compared for their ability to abate runoff waters. Chemical residues in water following runoff events were investigated, as well as their dissipation in the soil. After the first runoff events, concentrations of herbicides in water samples collected from Riva plots were as much as four times lower in waters from TF plots. On average of two growing seasons, the field half-life of flufenacet in the upper soil layer (5 cm) ranged between 8.1 and 12.8 days in Riva soil, 8.5 and 9.3 days in TF soil. Isoxaflutole field half-life was less than 1 day. The buffer strip was very affective by the uniformity of the vegetative cover, particularly, at the beginning of the season. In TF plots, concentration differences were generally due to the presence or absence of the buffer strip, regardless of its width.  相似文献   
Polyacrylamide (PAM) treatment of irrigation water is a growing conservation technology in irrigated agriculture in recent years. There is a concern regarding the environmental impact of PAM after its application. The effects of anionic PAM on the sorption characteristics of four widely used herbicides (metolachlor, atrazine, 2,4-D, and picloram) on two natural soils were assessed in batch equilibrium experiments. Results showed that PAM treatment kinetically reduced the sorption rate of all herbicides, possibly due to the slower diffusion of herbicide molecules into interior sorption sites of soil particles that were covered and/or cemented together by PAM. The equilibrium sorption and desorption amounts of nonionic herbicides (metolachlor and atrazine) were essentially unaffected by anionic PAM, even under a high PAM application rate, while the sorption amounts of anionic herbicides (2,4-D and picloram) were slightly decreased and their desorption amounts increased little. The impact mechanisms of PAM were related to the molecular characteristics of PAM and herbicides. The negative effects of PAM on the sorption of anionic herbicides are possibly caused by the enhancement of electrostatic repulsion by presorbed anionic PAM and competition for sorption sites. However, steric hindrance of the large PAM molecule weakens its influence on herbicide sorption on interior sorption sites of soil particles, which probably leads to the small interference on herbicide sorption, even under high application rates.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Policy and management plans can be enhanced through effective communication between researchers and decision makers. Differences in understanding can come from differences in professional cultures. Scientists deal with facts, proof and incremental progress whereas the decision makers are often faced with perceptions, emotions and deadlines. A case study is presented illustrating the interaction between the political system and science on a water management issue. Irrigation projects in the western San Joaquin Valley of California lead to a situation requiring subsurface drainage and disposal of the drainage water. The original plan was to discharge the drainage water in the Suisun Bay east of the San Francisco Bay. Severe damage to birds associated with selenium in the water led to a reevaluation of irrigation and drainage management options. Federal and state agencies cooperated to establish a San Joaquin Valley Drainage Program (SJVDP) which was to develop plans for solving the problem. Discharge to the Bay was politically eliminated as an option for evaluation, an action criticized by a National Research Council Committee as not being scientifically based. The SJVDP published a Management Plan in 1990 which contained proposals viewed by the scientific community as not necessarily incorrect but not completely justified based on the scientific knowledge at the time. A segment of the Citizens Advisory Committee that was part of the SJVDP consisting of representatives from the interest groups viewed the Management Plan as a negotiated agreement between the environmental and agricultural interests. Presently, an Activity Plan exists, consisting of technical committees to evaluate the current technical and economic evaluation of the management options proposed in the Management Plan. This case study illustrates that factors other than scientific facts have bearing on decisions. Successful management plans must be technically sound, economically viable and socially acceptable. The scientific community needs to evaluate its role in the policy making arena and to focus research on questions of greatest value to decision makers, as well as to scientific peers.  相似文献   
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