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污染及防治   1篇
  2004年   2篇
  1998年   1篇
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本文描述了南美大陆南部陆地和东南沿海地区环境特性及水生栖息地和群落的现状(GIWA巴塔哥尼亚大陆架亚区),结果来自一项GIWA项目框架任务所完成的一份全面评估,绝大部分依据的是公开发表的数据.分析主要集中在跨边界水资源目前的情况和人类活动带来的影响.内陆水体的栖息地和群落变化主要是由为发电和其他用途而建的水坝和水库引起的.从活水环境到净水环境影响了生境,造成了生物群落的改变.在拉普拉塔(La Plata)河流域,外来入侵物种使本地物种消失.过度捕捞和污染影响了生物多样性,造成了海洋栖息地质量下降.本篇文章讨论了相关的原因,讨论了布宜诺斯艾利斯省和渔业资源由两国共享的阿根廷-乌拉圭公共渔业区对沿海生态环境的政策选择.  相似文献   
This paper describes the environmental characteristics and situation of aquatic habitats and communities in southern continental and maritime areas of southeastern South America (Patagonian Shelf GIWA Subregion), resulting from an overall assessment carried out within the framework of a GIWA project, mostly on the basis of publicly available data. The main focus of the analysis was on the current situation of transboundary water resources and anthropogenic impacts. In the inland waters, habitat and community modifications result, principally, from dams and reservoirs built in the main watercourses for hydroelectric power generation and other uses. The transformation of lotic environments into lentic ones have affected habitats and altered biotic communities. In the La Plata River basin, invasive exotic species have displaced native ones. Habitats in the ocean have been degraded, as their biodiversity becomes affected by overfishing and pollution. This article includes a discussion on the causal chain and the policy options elaborated for the Coastal Ecosystem of Buenos Aires province and the Argentinean-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone, where fishing resources are shared by both countries.  相似文献   
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