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为有效评估危化品公路桥梁运输风险,并解决现有的危化品桥梁运输风险评估方法主观性过强的不足,提出一种基于组合赋权和后悔理论的危化品公路桥梁运输风险评估方法.该方法首先根据危化品公路桥梁运输风险的影响因素建立了风险评估指标体系,并通过改进的层次分析法和熵权法组合赋权的方法确定各指标的权重;然后选取一理想评分值,采用专家评分...  相似文献   
评析中国现行环境保护投资体制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文通过对我国近15年环保投资相关数据的分析,揭示了现行环保投资体制失灵的一个重要因素是结构上失衡,在环保投资中没有体现环保设施运营费用,直接影响了环保投资的效益,其次,一些指标的设计严重偏离了现实,影响了环保投资的有机构成,也导致环境政策的失效,在此基础上,结合实际,提出初步的改革设想。  相似文献   
生物炭的制备及其镁改性对污染物的吸附行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以小麦和玉米秸秆为原料,于不同温度下制备了生物炭样品,并采用氯化镁(MgCl_2)、乙酸镁(Mg(CH_3COO)_2)和硝酸镁(Mg(NO_3)_2)对秸秆及其生物炭进行改性.通过分析各生物炭产率、pH、元素分析、比表面积、CEC、XRD及FT-IR,探究了生物炭理化性质的变化规律.各样品对氨氮、Pb(Ⅱ)及乙草胺的吸附试验结果表明:小麦秸秆经Mg(CH_3COO)_2改性后得到的生物炭的饱和吸附量最大;对3种吸附质的吸附过程均符合准二级吸附动力学方程;低浓度下吸附过程均可自发进行,对氨氮的吸附符合Langmuir模型且以离子交换作用为主,对Pb(Ⅱ)的吸附符合Freundlich模型且以离子交换作用为主,对乙草胺的吸附符合Langmuir模型且以分配、氢键和π-π电子受体供体作用为主.  相似文献   
在市场经济条件下推行清洁生产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了如何在市场经济下推行清洁生产。强调“环保靠政府”,环保主管部门要尽快着手建立“废物审计制度”,并就该项制度与8项环保制度相衔接进行了讨论。  相似文献   
区域环境管理与合作有助于从区域的角度出发解决由于跨界污染引发的利益冲突和纠纷;同时由于有效的区域管理和合作有可能基于区域间污染治理成本的差异,制定最小成本的污染防治战略,可以因此推动整个区域的协调发展。2010年以来,中国大气污染防治已经开始向区域管理转化,并开始步入跨地区合作的新阶段。但这种转型,尚缺乏有效的制度安排和政策手段的支撑。已有的区域环境管理合作实践所存在的诸多不足和障碍主要源于缺乏不同主体进行有效合作的激励机制,一方面由于各地区所处的经济发展阶段、地方环境保护意识等方面存在差异,往往很难促成真正的整合管理与合作;另一方面体现在相应的责任-利益协调机制缺失,致使跨地区合作难以常规化和长效化。因此,构建合理的区域大气环境管理与合作机制至关重要。本文分析和讨论了区域环境管理与合作中的关键问题,并在此基础上提出构建区域环境管理与合作机制的几点思考。  相似文献   
In order to understand the short-term response of private car owners to changes in the price of oil, a survey was conducted in Beijing after the gasoline price in China rose in June 2008. It showed that private car drivers in Beijing reduced their trips in the one month period following the price adjustment. Certain trip characteristics and drivers' demographics significantly influenced price elasticity in the short term, including the purpose of the trip, the distance covered and the income of the car driver.  相似文献   
可持续发展在中国   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
概述可持续发展概念的由来与发展,分析了真包含的基本思想;介绍了中国在"联合国环境与发展大会"后的重大行动,包括《环境与发展十大对策》、《中国21世纪议程》、《中国环境保护行动计划》和一系列围绕国际环境公约的中国国家方案、行动计划或研究报告的出台;例举了可持续发展在中国的重点领域;提出了关于可持续发现的理论发展,在中国实施可持续发展以及可持续发展的公众教育等需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

Advanced oxidation of antibiotic tetracycline (TC) is becoming an accessible and efficient technology. The removal of TC from the complex wastewater needs to be lucubrated. In this study, a TC removal system involving degradation and adsorption was established. TC degradation was accomplished by enhanced advanced oxidation via the addition of sodium persulfate (SP) and biochar into simulated wastewater containing Mn2+ and TC wastewater. The adsorption of TC and its derivatives was removed by biochar. The results indicate that the optimized reaction parameters were 3.0 g/L of biochar prepared at 600 °C (B600) and 400 mg/L of SP under acidic condition, and the removal percentage of TC was 87.48%, including 74.23% of degradation and 13.28% of adsorption; the anions Cl?, NO3?, and H2PO4? had negligible effects on the removal of TC in this Mn2+/B600/SP system. The system also functioned well with an aqueous solution with a high chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis indicated that ·OH and SO4? free radicals were present in the Mn2+/B600/SP system. Based on the testing and analysis results, a removal mechanism and potential TC degradation pathway for this system were proposed. TC can be degraded by ·OH and SO4? via three degradation pathways. Mn2+ can be precipitated as MnO2, and a part of the TC and its derivatives can be adsorbed on the biochar surface. The Mn2+/B600/SP system also performed satisfactorily for a complex aqueous solution with various cations and antibiotics.

通过计算石家庄西北郊大气环境监测站2014年的逐时浓度印痕,系统分析影响当地空气质量的潜在污染来源区域.使用实际气象观测资料和CALMET风场诊断模式获得当地区域边界层风场;使用反向拉格朗日粒子扩散模式计算印痕,分析其平均分布和日变化,以及与主要污染物(PM_(10))浓度变化的关系.结果表明,(1)石家庄地区山地-平原局地环流对风场有重要影响.(2)西北郊站监测结果代表的污染源区域有明显的日变化,午后主要为偏南和东南方向的污染来源,夜间至次日上午主要为西北山前和山地区域的来源.(3)PM_(10)浓度与污染来源区域具有同步的日变化关系,午后浓度下降,夜间浓度升高并维持到次日早上和正午.从夜间至次日上午时段西北方向的污染来源决定了该站的空气质量.(4)监测结果代表的主要污染物来源区域远超出其行政属地范围,外部来源的贡献率超过60%,当地影响不足40%.(5)造成西北郊站监测浓度整体偏高的主要原因是地形和位置因素,及测站以西的实际污染排放源.  相似文献   
In this study, we estimated the impact on local household livelihoods of the Natural Forest Protection Program (NFPP), which is the largest logging-ban program in the world, which aims to protect watersheds and conserve natural forests. In doing so, we used a series of microeconometric policy-evaluation techniques to assess the impacts of the NFPP on two interrelated facets of household livelihoods: income and off-farm labor supply. We found that the NFPP has had a negative impact on incomes from timber harvesting but has actually had a positive impact on total household incomes from all sources. Furthermore, we found that off-farm labor supply outside the village has increased more rapidly in NFPP than in non-NFPP areas. Based on these results, policy implications for household livelihoods were drawn and are presented herein.  相似文献   
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