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Radionuclide, radiogenic lead isotope and trace metal analyses on fine-grained sediment cores collected along 160 km of the upper and tidal Hudson River were used to examine temporal trends of contaminant loadings and to develop radiogenic lead isotopes both as a stratigraphic tool and as tracers for resolving decadal particle transport fluxes. Very large inputs of Cd, Sb, Pb, and Cr are evident in the sediment record, potentially from a single manufacturing facility. The total range in radiogenic lead isotope ratios observed in well-dated cores collected about 24 km downstream of the plant is large (e.g., maximum difference in 206Pb/207Pb is 10%), characterized by four major shifts occurring in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. The upper Hudson signals in Cd and radiogenic lead isotopes were still evident in sediments collected 160 km downstream in the tidal Hudson. The large magnitude and abrupt shifts in radiogenic lead isotope ratios as a function of depth provide sensitive temporal constraints that complement information derived from radionuclide analyses to significantly improve the precision of dating assignments. Application of a simple dilution model to data from paired cores suggests much larger sediment inputs in one section of the river than previously reported, suggesting particle influxes to the Hudson have been underestimated.  相似文献   
Green infrastructure (GI) is quickly gaining ground as a less costly, greener alternative to traditional methods of stormwater management. One popular form of GI is the use of rain gardens to capture and treat stormwater. We used life cycle assessment (LCA) to compare environmental impacts of residential rain gardens constructed in the Shepherd's Creek watershed of Cincinnati, Ohio to those from a typical detain and treat system. LCA is an internationally standardized framework for analyzing the potential environmental performance of a product or service by including all stages in its life cycle, including material extraction, manufacturing, use, and disposal. Complementary to the life cycle environmental impact assessment, the life cycle costing approach was adopted to compare the equivalent annual costs of each of these systems. These analyses were supplemented by modeling alternative scenarios to capture the variability in implementing a GI strategy. Our LCA models suggest rain garden costs and impacts are determined by labor requirement; the traditional alternative's impacts are determined largely by the efficiency of wastewater treatment, while costs are determined by the expense of tunnel construction. Gardens were found to be the favorable option, both financially (~42% cost reduction) and environmentally (62‐98% impact reduction). Wastewater utilities may find significant life cycle cost and environmental impact reductions in implementing a rain garden plan.  相似文献   
Abstract: Storm‐flow transients (i.e., hydrograph rise and fall dynamics) may represent an important aspect of understanding streamflow dynamics. However, little is known about how temporal resolution of transient data and climate variability may color these potential indicators of hydrologic pattern or condition. Warm‐season stream stage and rainfall were monitored continuously (5 min) during the 2002 water year in eight tributaries of the Little Miami River (Ohio), which drain 17‐58 km2 catchments. Rise rates generated using 5‐min data were different than those generated with mean daily data [calculated with the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) software], though fall rates were similar for fine and coarse temporal data. This result suggests that data with low temporal resolution may not be adequate to fully represent the dynamics of storm rise rates. Conversely, fall rates based on daily stage data (via IHA) were similar to those based on the 5‐min data, and so daily mean data may be appropriate for characterizing fall rates. We next analyzed the possible correlations between rainfall variability and storm‐flow stage dynamics. We derived rise and recession rates from storm stage hydrographs by assuming exponential rise and decay of a runoff peak. We found that raw rise rates (Rraw) were correlated with both the maximum rainfall rate and the time to the centroid of a rain event. We subsequently removed the trend based on these rainfall characteristics, which yielded new representations of rise rates abbreviated as Rrate and Rtcent, respectively, and that had lower variability than the uncorrected (raw) data. Fall rates were found to be independent of rainfall characteristics. Due to the predominant influence of stream hydrology upon aquatic biota and nutrient fluxes, our work suggests that these stage data analysis protocols can refine or otherwise reduce variability in these indices by accounting for relevant factors such as rainfall forcing. These protocols for derivation of transient indices should be tested for their potential to improve correlations between stream hydrology and temporally aligned biotic data and dissolved nutrient fluxes in streams.  相似文献   
Earthworms affect soil structure and the movement of agrochemicals. Yet, there have been few field-scale studies that quantify the effect of earthworms on dissolved nitrogen fluxes in agroecosystems. We investigated the influence of semi-annual earthworm additions on leachate production and quality in different row crop agroecosystems. Chisel-till corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotation (CT) and ridge-till corn-soybean-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation (RT) plots were arranged in a complete randomized block design (n = 3) with earthworm treatments (addition and ambient) as subplots where zero-tension lysimeters were placed 45 cm below ground. We assessed earthworm populations semi-annually and collected leachate biweekly over a three-year period and determined leachate volume and concentrations of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). Abundance of deep-burrowing earthworms was increased in addition treatments over ambient and for both agroecosystems. Leachate loss was similar among agroecosystems, but earthworm additions increased leachate production in the range of 4.5 to 45.2% above ambient in CT cropping. Although leachate TIN and DON concentrations were generally similar between agroecosystems or earthworm treatments, transport of TIN was significantly increased in addition treatments over ambient in CT cropping due to increased leachate volume. Losses of total nitrogen in leachate loadings were up to approximately 10% of agroecosystem N inputs. The coincidence of (i) soluble N production and availability and (ii) preferential leaching pathways formed by deep-burrowing earthworms thereby increased N losses from the CT agroecosystem at the 45-cm depth. Processing of N compounds and transport in soil water from RT cropping were more affected by management phase and largely independent of earthworm activity.  相似文献   
The collection, storage, and reuse of rainwater collected in rain barrels from urban rooftop areas assists municipalities in achieving stormwater management objectives and in some areas also serves as an adjunct resource for domestic water supplies. In this study, rainwater reuse and levels of select microbial indicators were monitored for six residential rain barrels located in the Shepherd Creek watershed of Cincinnati, Ohio. Water from rain barrels typically had poor microbial quality and was used for watering indoor and outdoor plants. Rain barrel water chemistry was slightly acidic, exhibited wide ranges in conductivity, turbidity, and total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations and gave no evidence of the presence of cyanobacterial microcystin toxins. Selected microbial water‐quality indicators indicated that counts of total coliform and enterococci were consistently above U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards for secondary recreational contact water‐quality standards. Residential rain barrels can provide water appropriate for low‐contact reuses (such as plant watering), although there may be transient periods of high levels of indicator bacteria in the collected water.  相似文献   
This article assesses the performance of two hydrologic models in simulating warm‐season runoff for two upland, low‐yield micro‐catchments near Coshocton, Ohio. The two models, namely the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) and the Gridded Surface‐Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA), were implemented with contrasting levels of complexity, with the former representing the catchments as lumped spatial units and computing evaporation only from standing water, and the latter incorporating fine‐scale variation in topography and soil properties and computing evapotranspiration from soil based on weather data. Our investigation began with uncalibrated model runs for 1990‐2003 except for 1994 using a priori parameter values. Then a set of calibration experiments were performed wherein the sensitivity of model performance to the length of calibration records was examined. Our results pointed to large errors associated with simulations from both models: even the calibrated models were unable to reproduce the seasonal and between‐catchment contrasts in runoff response. Using a priori parameter values, SWMM attained better results than GSSHA. However, with simple calibration, GSSHA outperformed SWMM in several respects. It was also found that extending the record of calibration rendered relatively minor changes to model performance. The practical and scientific implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Green infrastructure is a general term referring to the management of landscapes in ways that generate human and ecosystem benefits. Many municipalities have begun to utilize green infrastructure in efforts to meet stormwater management goals. This study examines challenges to integrating gray and green infrastructure for stormwater management, informed by interviews with practitioners in Cleveland, OH and Milwaukee WI. Green infrastructure in these cities is utilized under conditions of extreme fiscal austerity and its use presents opportunities to connect stormwater management with urban revitalization and economic recovery while planning for the effects of negative- or zero-population growth. In this context, specific challenges in capturing the multiple benefits of green infrastructure exist because the projects required to meet federally mandated stormwater management targets and the needs of urban redevelopment frequently differ in scale and location.  相似文献   
以来自2 个水稻杂交组合的后代遗传群体为材料,研究了蜡质基因( Wx) 微卫星标记(CT)n 多态性与稻米表观直链淀粉质量分数( w(AA)) 之间的相关性. 第1 个群体是浙农8010 与嘉育293 的杂交F6 代育种品系,双亲均为籼稻,w(AA) 分别为8 .7% 和25.6 % ,Wx 基因型为分别为(CT)18(CT)18 和(CT)11(CT)11 .另一群体为CM101 与IGRA409 杂交F5 家系,亲本CM101 为一个粳型糯稻,Wx 基因型为(CT)18(CT)18 ;IGRA409 为籼稻,w(AA) = 27.5% ,Wx 基因型为(CT)11(CT)11 .结果发现,在2 个杂交组合的后代群体中,高w(AA) 材料Wx 基因型均为(CT)11(CT)11 ,低w(AA) 及糯稻的均为(CT)18(CT)18 ,中等w(AA) 材料的则为(CT)18(CT)11 的杂合体.统计分析表明,Wx 基因型与w(AA)之间存在显著的相关性,在浙农8010×嘉育293 和CM101 ×IGRA409 两个群体中相关系数分别达0 .9509 和0.9704.  相似文献   
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