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Several green turtle (Chelonia mydas) nesting populations have been reported in the northwestern Pacific region, the northernmost limit of its distribution range. However, the population history in this region as a whole is not well understood. To clarify how the green turtle nesting populations have evolved in the northwestern Pacific region, the genetic composition of mitochondrial DNA control region sequences in the northwestern Pacific was compared with that of the other Pacific populations. We analyzed 302 samples from the northwestern Pacific rookeries, including 78 newly collected samples from rookeries in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan (from 24.27°N, 123.76°E to 28.45°N, 129.61°E). Our results revealed that the northwestern Pacific populations consisted of one highly endemic lineage (Clade IV) in the northwestern Pacific rookeries and two other lineages (Clades I and V) which were widely observed in other Pacific populations. We concluded that the highly endemic lineage indicated that a refugial population existed in this region during the Last Glacial Maximum, and the other two lineages indicated that colonization from populations at lower latitudes occurred during interglacial periods. The green turtle nesting populations in the present periphery of their distribution range had been thought to have their origin in colonization from lower latitudes, which served as refugia during glacial periods. However, the present results indicated that the northwestern Pacific peripheral populations have been maintained on the evolutionary timescale of this species and should be treated as long-term conservation resources.  相似文献   
In developing conservation strategies, it is important to maximize effects of conservation within a specified land tract and to maximize conservation effects on surrounding area (ecological context). The authors proposed two criteria to select biotic entities for conservation foci: (1) the relative occurrence of fauna or flora in a tract is greater than that of an ecological context region; and (2) occurrence of the fauna or flora is relatively limited in the ecological context region. Using extensive spatial data on vegetation and wildlife habitat distribution, the authors identified strategic vegetation and fauna conservation foci for the 400 000 ha Fort Bliss military reservation in New Mexico and Texas relative to a 164 km radius ecological context region intersecting seven ecological zones and the predicted habitat distribution of 616 animal species. The authors set two specific criteria: (1) predicted area of a species' occurrence is <50% of the ecological context region; and (2) percentage of Fort Bliss intersecting the species' or vegetation community predicted areas in the ecological context region is >5% (Fort Bliss is 4.2% of the region). These criteria selected one vegetation class and 40 animal species. Further, these vegetation and animal foci were primarily located in two areas of Fort Bliss. Sensitivity analyses with other analytical radii corroborated the context radius used. Conservation of the two areas and associated taxa will maximize the contribution of Fort Bliss's conservation efforts in its ecological proximity. This relatively simple but information-rich process represents economical and defensible preliminary contextual analysis for detailed conservation planning.  相似文献   
From measurements by an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS), secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formed in laboratory chambers is believed to be less oxidized than well-oxidized ambient organic aerosol (OA). However, the mass spectrum of SOA formed from the photo-oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons has not been sufficiently studied by using AMS though these reactions are potential sources of urban SOA. In this study, we studied SOA formed from the photo-oxidation of seven aromatic hydrocarbons by using Time-of-Flight AMS. Strong mass signals from SOA were found at m/z 43 (m43) and 44 (m44) in all the experiments. The m44 to total organic aerosol mass ratio (m44/OA) increased with irradiation time. For example, the m44/OA ratio increased from 10.6% to 13.3% during irradiation for 11 h in an experiment with toluene. The average m44/OA ratios were determined to be 5.8–17.1% for all the experiments. The m44/OA decreased and the m43/OA increased with increasing number of alkyl substituents of precursor aromatic hydrocarbons. This is because low-reactive ketones are preferentially produced rather than aldehydes with increasing number of alkyl substituents. The m44/OA ratios of the benzene and monoalkylbenzene oxidation were 12.2–17.1% and were close to those of well-oxidized ambient OA. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the photo-oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons is a potential source of urban SOA. In addition to oxygenated organic compounds, organic nitrogen oxides were also shown to be present in SOA by high-resolution mass spectra.  相似文献   
CO2 flux of a deciduous forest and an old-field surface, and the ecotone between these two typical southern U.S. ecological communities, was studied in July, 1989. Rates of CO2 flux were greatest in the old field and least in the forest plots. The ecotone showed the greatest variation in CO2 flux. These differences appear to be due to differences in soil surface temperature, the old field being more exposed to direct solar radiation. The ecotonal community represents a landscape property which should be considered in studies of the transfer of carbon across the soil-atmosphere boundary.  相似文献   
A study of sediment contamination was made in one of the 23 specific designated important ports in Japan, the inner part of which had been used as wood pool. The study focused on the relationship between contaminants and organic matter in terms of ignition loss and the impact of the wood pool on the port area. Organic matter exists in the form of suspended solids and deposits. Sediment samples were taken from the mouths of the rivers feeding into Shimizu Port, from the wood pool and from Shimizu Port. Samples within Shimizu Port showed that as the ignition loss decreased with distance from the wood pool, other properties including the concentrations of trace metals, ignition loss and sulfide content also decreased with the distance. In conclusion, Shimizu Port seems to function as a buffer area between the wood pool and Suruga Bay.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Pond‐cypress, a deciduous conifer, is a dominant canopy species in depressional wetlands of the southeastern Coastal Plain (SCP). Extensive premature decline and death of pond‐cypress trees in central Florida have been attributed to hydroperiod alterations due to excessive withdrawals of ground water from the Floridan aquifer. One factor identified in the decline process is basal decay, which may be related to the presence of Botryosphaeria rhodina and Fusarium species (nonaggressive, facultative fungal pathogens). These fungi have been cultured from sapwood tissue of declining pond‐cypress associated with ground water mining, but not from pond‐cypress away from ground water mimng areas. In this experiment, differences in soluble (nonstructural) carbohydrate composition of branch tips were evaluated for one‐and two‐year old, nursery‐grown (unsheltered) pond‐cypress, following a year of growth under treatment conditions (control, fungal inoculation, water stress, and fungal inoculation plus water stress) in a growth chamber. Results from two methods of wet chemical analysis were compared (trimethylsilyl methylglycoside‐Method A, and alditol acetate ‐ Method B). Three pentoses (arabinose, rhamnose, and xylose) and three hexoses (galactose, glucose, and mannose) were identified in branch tips from both age classes. A fourth hexose (fucose) also was identified in samples from the younger trees. The acidic sugar, galacturonic acid, was identified in both age classes using Method A. Results suggest that prolonged water stress is correlated with greater relative concentrations of the neutral soluble sugars rhamnose (P = 0.02), xylose (P = 0.02), and galactose (P = 0.02), in addition to the acidic sugar galacturonic acid (P = 0.01), for Method A, and arabinose (P = 0.02) for Method B. These results also suggest that in the absence of water stress, the fungal pathogen B. rhodina does not penetrate to the sapwood of the trees, and that inoculation with this fungal pathogen is not correlated with differences in relative concentrations of nonstructural, soluble carbohydrates, based on Method A analysis. Empirical evidence suggests that pond‐cypress trees in depressional wetlands respond similarly to anthropogenic perturbations of ground water, but not to natural periods of drought in the absence of such perturbations. Therefore, pond‐cypress appear to be integrators of groundwater perturbations. Greater concentrations of the soluble sugars identified in this study in pond‐cypress branch tips may be hydroecological indicators of such anthropogenic perturbations as unsustainable yield from the regional aquifer and adverse impacts from aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) activities in the SCP.  相似文献   
Temporal and spatial variations in concentrations of particle-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their nitrated and oxygenated derivatives (nitro-PAHs and oxy-PAHs) were investigated to assess the influence of secondary formation on atmospheric occurrences of oxy-PAHs associated with particulate matter in downtown Tokyo, Japan. The daily variation in concentration of 1,8-naphthalic anhydride (1,8-NA) in summer 2007 was similar to that for 2-nitrofluoranthene (2-NF), a representative secondary formed nitro-PAH, while the variation for benzanthrone (BA) was similar to PAHs. In addition, the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) associated with airborne particulate matter decreased in the order of PAHs > BA > 9-fluorenone (9-FO) or 9,10-anthraquinone (9,10-AQ) > 1,8-NA with an increase in distance from the roadside, whereas 2-NF was constant. These results suggest that a considerable fraction of some oxy-PAHs such as 1,8-NA associated with airborne particulate matter in downtown Tokyo originates from atmospheric secondary formation.  相似文献   
Concentrations of 14 rare earth elements (REEs) in six size classes of airborne particulate matter (APM) (<0.43, 0.43-0.65, 0.65-1.1, 1.1-2.1, 2.1-11, and >11 μm) and in two different phases (suspended particulate and dissolved) in rainwater were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Positive Eu and Tb anomalies were observed in size-classified APM. These anomalies may be due to large emissions of Eu and Tb to the atmosphere resulting from the recent change in Japan from the use of cathode-ray tubes to plasma displays in television sets (Eu and Tb) and from the widespread use of magneto-optical disks (Tb). The light REEs were enriched in fine APM particles (diameter < 1.1 μm). Because compositions of La/Ce/Sm in fine APM (diameter < 1.1 μm) were similar to those in automobile catalyst, the light REE enrichment was attributed to automobile emissions. In contrast, the REE distribution pattern in the suspended particulate phase in rainwater was similar to that in coarse APM (diameter > 2.1 μm), and a positive Tb anomaly was observed, suggesting that coarse particles easily become trapped in rain droplets. A negative Eu anomaly was observed in the dissolved phase in rainwater, but not in APM or in the suspended particulate phase in rainwater. Unlike other REEs, Eu can exist as both bivalent and trivalent ions in nature, and Eu-selective dissolution from or adsorption onto the trapped particles of Eu might account for the negative anomaly. These results show that atmospheric REE cycling is affected by the physico-chemical properties of APM.  相似文献   
Free radical generation potential of automobile exhaust gas was examined by measuring hydroxyl (OH) radical photo-formation rates in exhaust gas-scrubbing water. Effects of automobile exhausts on physiological status of Japanese red pine trees (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.) were also investigated to elucidate the mechanism how the free radicals derived from exhaust gas damage higher plants. Gasoline and diesel exhaust gases were scrubbed into pure water. Potential photo-formation rates of OH radical in aqueous phase (normalized to sun light intensity of clear sky midday on May 1 at 34°N) for gasoline and diesel cars were ave. 51 and 107 μM h−1 m−3 of exhaust gas, respectively. Nitrite was a dominant source (ca. 70-90%) of photochemical formation of OH radical in both gasoline and diesel car exhausts. The scrubbed solution of diesel car exhaust gas was sprayed for six times per week to needles of pine tree seedlings in open top chambers. Control, exhaust + mannitol (added as OH radical scavenger), and nitrite + nitrate standard solution (equivalent levels existed in the exhaust gas) were also sprayed. Two months sprays indicated that the sprayed solutions of diesel exhaust and nitrite + nitrate caused a decrease of maximum photosynthetic rate and stomata conductance in pine needles while the control and exhaust + mannitol solution showed no effects on photosynthetic activities of pine needles. These results indicated that OH radicals generated mainly from photolysis of nitrite occurring in the scrubbing solution of exhaust gas are responsible for the decrease of photosynthetic activities of pine needles.  相似文献   
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