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中国21世纪城市供水新概念--分质供水   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合我国城市一直使用的统一给水方式已与当前水资源紧缺,用水多样化,人们饮用水质质化的状况极不适应的情况,提出对传统的给水方式进行改革的最适宜方式是分质供水。  相似文献   
Arsenic mobility may increase in liquid phase due to association with colloidal Fe oxides. We studied the association of As with Fe oxide colloids in the effluent from water-saturated soil columns run under anoxic conditions. Upon exfiltration, the solutions, which contained Fe2+, were re-aerated and ferrihydrite colloids precipitated. The entire amount of effluent As was associated with the ferrihydrite colloids, although PO43−, SiO44−, CO32− and dissolved organic matter were present in the effluent during ferrihydrite colloid formation. Furthermore, no subsequent release of As from the ferrihydrite colloids was observed despite the presence of these (in)organic species known to compete with As for adsorption on Fe oxides. Arsenic was bound via inner-sphere complexation on the ferrihydrite surface. FTIR spectroscopy also revealed adsorption of PO43− and polymerized silica. However, these species could not impede the quantitative association of As with colloidal ferrihydrite in the soil effluents.  相似文献   
利用2019年和2020年夏季沈阳市工业区大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)的观测数据,研究沈阳市夏季工业区大气VOCs的组成特征并初步判断其来源,并利用最大增量反应活性(MIR)和气溶胶生成系数(FAC)法分别估算该地大气VOCs的臭氧生成潜势(OFP)及二次有机气溶胶生成潜势(AFP).结果表明,观测期间沈阳市工业区ρ(总VOCs)平均值为41.66μg·m-3,烷烃、烯烃、芳香烃和乙炔分别占总VOCs浓度的48.50%、 14.08%、 15.37%和22.05%.浓度排名前10的物种累计占总VOCs浓度的69.25%,其中大部分为C2~C5的烷烃,还包括乙炔、乙烯和部分芳香烃.总VOCs整体上呈现出早晚浓度高、中午浓度低的日变化特征,峰值分别出现在06:00和22:00,11:00~16:00处于较低水平.由甲苯/苯(T/B)和异戊烷/正戊烷的比值判断工业区主要受机动车尾气排放、溶剂使用、燃烧源和LPG/NG的影响.工业区大气VOCs的总AFP为41.43×10-2μg·m-3,其中芳香烃的贡献最大;总OFP贡献值为1...  相似文献   
Background, Aims and Scope The acidification of mine waters is generally caused by metal sulfide oxidation, related to mining activities. These waters are characterized by low pH and high acidity due to strong buffering systems. The standard acidity parameter, the Base Neutralization Capacity (BNC) is determined by endpoint titration, and reflects a cumulative parameter of both hydrogen ions and all buffering systems, but does not give information on the individual buffer systems. We demonstrate that a detailed interpretation of titration curves can provide information about the strength of the buffering systems. The buffering systems are of importance for environmental studies and treatment of acidic mining waters. Methods Titrations were carried out by means of an automatic titrator using acidic mining waters from Germany and Canada. The curves were interpreted, compared with each other, to endpoint titration results and to elemental concentrations contained therein. Results and Discussion The titration curves were highly reproducible, and contained information about the strength of the buffer systems present. Interpretations are given, and the classification and comparison of acidic mining waters, by the nature and strength of their buffering systems derived from titration curves are discussed. The BNC-values calculated from the curves were more precise than the ones determined by the standard endpoint titration method. Due to the complex buffer mechanisms in acidic mining waters, the calculation of major metal concentrations from the shape of the titration curve resulted in estimates, which should not be confused with precise elemental analysis results. Conclusion Titration curves provide an inexpensive, valuable and versatile tool, by which to obtain sophisticated information of the acidity in acidic water. The information about the strength of the present buffer systems can help to understand and document the complex nature of acidic mining water buffer systems. Finally, the interpretation of titration curves could help to improve treatment measurements and the ecological understanding of these acidic waters.  相似文献   
Continued input of airplane de-icing/anti-icing fluids (ADAF) to runway adjacent soils may result in the depletion of soil-borne terminal electron acceptors. We studied the transport and transformation of propylene glycol (PG), the major constituent of many ADAF, in topsoil and subsoil samples using saturated column experiments at 4 degrees C and 20 degrees C. The export of soil-borne DOC was generally high, non-exhaustive and rate limited. Retardation of added PG was negligible. Rapid PG degradation was observed only in topsoil materials high in organic matter at 20 degrees C. At 4 degrees C, no significant degradation was observed. Thus, under unfavorable, i.e., wet and cold conditions typical for winter de-icing operations, PG and its metabolites will be relocated to deeper soil horizons or even to the groundwater. In subsoil materials, PG degradation was very slow and incomplete. We found that subsoil degradation depended on the import of active microorganisms originating from the organic-rich topsoil material. The degradation efficiency is strongly influenced by the flow velocity, i.e., the residence time of PG in the soil column. Poorly crystalline iron(III) and manganese(IV) (hydr)oxides are used during microbial respiration acting as terminal electron acceptors. This results in the formation and effective relocation of reduced and mobile Fe and Mn species. Long-term application of ADAF to runway adjacent soil as well as the lasting consumption of Fe and Mn will tend to decrease the soil redox potential. Without proper counteractive measures, this will eventually favor the development of methanogenic conditions.  相似文献   
During winter operations at airports, large amounts of organic deicing chemicals (DIC) accumulate beside the runways and infiltrate into the soil during spring. To study the transport and degradation of DIC in the unsaturated zone, eight undisturbed soil cores were retrieved at Oslo airport, Norway, and installed as lysimeters at a nearby field site. Before snowmelt in 2010 and 2011, snow amended with a mix of the DICs propylene glycol (PG) and formate as well as bromide as conservative tracer was applied. Water samples were collected and analyzed until summer 2012. Water flow and solute transport varied considerably among the lysimeters but also temporally between 2010 and 2011. High infiltration rates during snowmelt resulted in the discharge of up to 51 and 82 % PG in 2010 and 2011, respectively. The discharge of formate remained comparatively low, indicating its favored degradation even at freezing temperatures compared with PG. Manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe) were observed in the drainage in autumn owing to the anaerobic degradation of residual PG during summer. Our findings suggest that upper boundary conditions, i.e., snow cover and infiltration rate, and the extent of preferential flowpaths, control water flow and solute transport of bromide and PG during snowmelt. PG may therefore locally reach deeper soil regions where it may pose a risk for groundwater. In the long term, the use of DIC furthermore causes the depletion of potential electron acceptors and the transport of considerable amounts of Fe and Mn. To avoid an overload of the unsaturated zone with DIC and to maintain the natural redox system, the development of suitable remediation techniques is required.  相似文献   
Non-invasive spatially resolved monitoring techniques may hold the key to observe heterogeneous flow and transport behavior of contaminants in soils. In this study, time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was employed during an infiltration experiment with deicing chemical in a small field lysimeter. Deicing chemicals like potassium formate, which frequently impact soils on airport sites, were infiltrated during snow melt. Chemical composition of seepage water and the electrical response was recorded over the spring period 2010. Time-lapse electrical resistivity tomographs are able to show the infiltration of the melt water loaded with ionic constituents of deicing chemicals and their degradation product hydrogen carbonate. The tomographs indicate early breakthrough behavior in parts of the profile. Groundtruthing with pore fluid conductivity and water content variations shows disagreement between expected and observed bulk conductivity. This was attributed to the different sampling volume of traditional methods and ERT due to a considerable fraction of immobile water in the soil. The results show that ERT can be used as a soil monitoring tool on airport sites if assisted by common soil monitoring techniques.  相似文献   
库盈盈  任万辉  苏枞枞  于兴娜 《环境科学》2021,42(11):5201-5209
采用德国AMA-GC 5000在线气相色谱仪对沈阳市的工业区、交通区和文教混合区这3个不同功能区进行大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)观测,分析沈阳市不同功能区大气VOCs的分布特征,并利用最大增量反应活性(MIR)估算了大气VOCs的臭氧生成潜势(OFP).结果表明,沈阳市大气VOCs平均总浓度为(82.19±54.99)μg·m-3,其中,采暖期浓度高于非采暖期,且工业区浓度较交通区和文教混合区明显偏高.VOCs浓度日变化曲线中,受早晚交通高峰影响为主的交通区和文教混合区呈双峰特征,工业区受工厂不定时运作排放影响存在多峰.交通区和文教混合区VOCs组分占比表现为:烷烃>芳香烃>烯烃>炔烃,但工业区炔烃占比高于烯烃,由B/T和E/A比值反映交通区和文教混合区受机动车尾气排放和燃料燃烧共同影响,工业区还受石油化工影响产生新鲜气团较多,且采暖期较非采暖期老化气团多.沈阳市大气VOCs的OFP贡献均值为232.89μg·m-3,烯烃组分对各功能区贡献均占第一,且工业区的芳香烃组分因浓度高贡献也较大.  相似文献   
由于病原微生物导致的传染病造成的国际公共卫生紧急事件(PHEIC)时有发生,其中因病毒引起的呼吸道感染是目前威胁人类健康乃至生命的一类重要疾病.如2019年末由新型冠状病毒SARS-CoV-2引起的传染性疾病COVID-19对全球公共卫生构成了巨大威胁.建立快速、灵敏、高效的病毒感染检测方法是应对这种突发性传染疾病并有效开展疫病防控工作的先决条件.本文针对包括冠状病毒、流感病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒、腺病毒及鼻病毒在内的呼吸道病毒,综述了其病原学特征及检测方法的研究进展,以期为呼吸道病毒性感染的有效防控和深入研究提供科学参考.未来还需加强各种环境介质(如空气颗粒物)中病毒检测方法的研究,以满足病毒传播途径、生存周期等方面探索的需求.  相似文献   
We present a new analytical procedure for the extraction and determination of natural estrogens in soils based on pressurised liquid extraction and GC-MS determination. After testing twelve solvents, acetone proved to be the most efficient extractant. The optimum extraction temperature is 60 degrees C. Soil extracts have to be purified and concentrated by C-18 solid phase extraction. The dried extracts are derivatised by N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoro-acetamide before measurement by GC-MS. Recoveries of 79-103% with relative standard deviations 相似文献   
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