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One-hour average ambient concentrations of particulate matter (PM) with an aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 microm (PM2.5) were determined in Steubenville, OH, between June 2000 and May 2002 with a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM). Hourly average gaseous copollutant [carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx), and ozone (O3)] concentrations and meteorological conditions also were measured. Although 75% of the 14,682 hourly PM2.5 concentrations measured during this period were < or = 17 microg/m3, concentrations > 65 microg/m3 were observed 76 times. On average, PM2.5 concentrations at Steubenville exhibited a diurnal pattern of higher early morning concentrations and lower afternoon concentrations, similar to the diurnal profiles of CO and NO(x). This pattern was highly variable; however, PM2.5 concentrations > 65 microg/m3 were never observed during the mid-afternoon between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. EST. Twenty-two episodes centered on one or more of these elevated concentrations were identified. Five episodes occurred during the months June through August; the maximum PM2.5 concentration during these episodes was 76.6 microg/m3. Episodes occurring during climatologically cooler months often featured higher peak concentrations (five had maximum concentrations between 95.0 and 139.6 microg/m3), and many exhibited strong covariation between PM2.5 and CO, NO(x), or SO2. Case studies suggested that nocturnal surface-based temperature inversions were influential in driving high nighttime concentrations of these species during several cool season episodes, which typically had dramatically lower afternoon concentrations. These findings provide insights that may be useful in the development of PM2.5 reduction strategies for Steubenville, and suggest that studies assessing possible health effects of PM2.5 should carefully consider exposure issues related to the intraday timing of PM2.5 episodes, as well as the potential for toxicological interactions among PM2.5, and primary gaseous pollutants.  相似文献   
利用Northernblot方法分析了不同碳源条件下草菇切型纤维素酶基因(eg1)的表达.结果发现,在含有纤维素的液体培养基中生长10d,eg1在草菇菌丝中有高效表达;纤维二糖、α-乳糖、β-乳糖,也能诱导eg1的表达,但和纤维素相比,eg1的表达量相对较低,并且它们的诱导效应在加入这类糖12h后迅速减弱;槐糖和龙胆二糖的诱导作用非常弱.在天然稻草为基质的固体栽培料生长时,草菇eg1的表达和草菇菌丝生长与出菇相对应,在菌丝生长期(d8)可见eg1的表达,d12时菌丝已长满,表达减弱,在出菇及菇体的分化及增大期,eg1的表达量逐渐增强,在成熟期达到最高水平;表明在草菇菇体发育中需要更多碳源及能源的补充,eg1在这方面起着非常重要的作用.图4参14  相似文献   

Average concentrations of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 2.5 μm (PM2.5) in Steubenville, OH, have decreased by more than 10 μg/m3 since the landmark Harvard Six Cities Study1 associated the city’s elevated PM2.5 concentrations with adverse health effects in the 1980s. Given the promulgation of a new National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM2.5 in 1997, a current assessment of PM2.5 in the Steubenville region is warranted. The Steubenville Comprehensive Air Monitoring Program (SCAMP) was conducted from 2000 through 2002 to provide such an assessment. The program included both an outdoor ambient air monitoring component and an indoor and personal air sampling component. This paper, which is the first in a series of four that will present results from the outdoor portion of SCAMP, provides an overview of the outdoor ambient air monitoring program and addresses statistical issues, most notably autocorrelation, that have been overlooked by many PM2.5 data analyses. The average PM2.5 concentration measured in Steubenville during SCAMP (18.4 μg/m3) was 3.4g/m3 above the annual PM2.5 NAAQS. On average, sulfate and organic material accounted for ~31% and 25%, respectively, of the total PM2.5 mass. Local sources contributed an estimated 4.6 μg/m3 to Steubenville’s mean PM2.5 concentration. PM2.5 and each of its major ionic components were significantly correlated in space across all pairs of monitoring sites in the region, suggesting the influence of meteorology and long-range transport on regional PM2.5 concentrations. Statistically significant autocorrelation was observed among time series of PM2.5 and component data collected at daily and 1-in-4-day frequencies during SCAMP. Results of spatial analyses that accounted for autocorrelation were generally consistent with findings from previous studies that did not consider autocorrelation; however, these analyses also indicated that failure to account for autocorrelation can lead to incorrect conclusions about statistical significance.  相似文献   
Average concentrations of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 2.5 microm (PM2.5) in Steubenville, OH, have decreased by more than 10 microg/m3 since the landmark Harvard Six Cities Study associated the city's elevated PM2.5 concentrations with adverse health effects in the 1980s. Given the promulgation of a new National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM2.5 in 1997, a current assessment of PM2.5 in the Steubenville region is warranted. The Steubenville Comprehensive Air Monitoring Program (SCAMP) was conducted from 2000 through 2002 to provide such an assessment. The program included both an outdoor ambient air monitoring component and an indoor and personal air sampling component. This paper, which is the first in a series of four that will present results from the outdoor portion of SCAMP, provides an overview of the outdoor ambient air monitoring program and addresses statistical issues, most notably autocorrelation, that have been overlooked by many PM2.5 data analyses. The average PM2.5 concentration measured in Steubenville during SCAMP (18.4 microg/m3) was 3.4 microg/m3 above the annual PM2.5 NAAQS. On average, sulfate and organic material accounted for approximately 31% and 25%, respectively, of the total PM2.5 mass. Local sources contributed an estimated 4.6 microg/m3 to Steubenville's mean PM2.5 concentration. PM2.5 and each of its major ionic components were significantly correlated in space across all pairs of monitoring sites in the region, suggesting the influence of meteorology and long-range transport on regional PM2.5 concentrations. Statistically significant autocorrelation was observed among time series of PM2.5 and component data collected at daily and 1-in-4-day frequencies during SCAMP. Results of spatial analyses that accounted for autocorrelation were generally consistent with findings from previous studies that did not consider autocorrelation; however, these analyses also indicated that failure to account for autocorrelation can lead to incorrect conclusions about statistical significance.  相似文献   
We determined 24-hr average ambient concentrations of PM2.5 and its ionic and carbonaceous components in Steubenville, OH, between May 2000 and May 2002. We also determined daily average gaseous co-pollutant concentrations, meteorological conditions, and pollen and mold spore counts. Data were analyzed graphically and by linear regression and time series models. Multiple-day episodes of elevated fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations often occurred during periods of locally high temperature (especially during summer), high pressure, or low wind speed (especially during winter) and generally ended with the passage of a frontal system. After removing autocorrelation, we observed statistically significant positive associations between concentrations of PM2.5 and concentrations of CO, NOx, and SO2. Associations with NOx and CO exhibited significant seasonal dependencies, with the strongest correlations during fall and winter. NOx, CO, SO2, O3, temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed were all significant predictors of PM2.5 concentration in a time-series model with external regressors, which successfully accounted for 79% of the variance in log-transformed daily PM2.5 concentrations. Coefficient estimates for NOx and temperature varied significantly by season. The results provide insight that may be useful in the development of future PM2.5 reduction strategies for Steubenville. Additionally, they demonstrate the need for PM epidemiology studies in Steubenville (and elsewhere) to carefully consider the potential confounding effects of gaseous co-pollutants, such as CO and NOx, and their seasonally dependent associations with PM2.5.  相似文献   

One-hour average ambient concentrations of particulate matter (PM) with an aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm (PM2.5) were determined in Steubenville, OH, between June 2000 and May 2002 with a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM). Hourly average gaseous copollutant [carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx), and ozone (O3)] concentrations and meteorological conditions also were measured. Although 75% of the 14,682 hourly PM2.5 concentrations measured during this period were ≤17 μg/m3, concentrations >65 μg/m3 were observed 76 times. On average, PM2.5 concentrations at Steubenville exhibited a diurnal pattern of higher early morning concentrations and lower afternoon concentrations, similar to the diurnal profiles of CO and NOx. This pattern was highly variable; however, PM2.5 concentrations >65 μg/m3 were never observed during the mid-afternoon between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. EST. Twenty-two episodes centered on one or more of these elevated concentrations were identified. Five episodes occurred during the months June through August; the maximum PM2.5 concentration during these episodes was 76.6 μg/m3. Episodes occurring during climatologically cooler months often featured higher peak concentrations (five had maximum concentrations between 95.0 and 139.6 μg/m3), and many exhibited strong covariation between PM2.5 and CO, NOx, or SO2. Case studies suggested that nocturnal surface-based temperature inversions were influential in driving high nighttime concentrations of these species during several cool season episodes, which typically had dramatically lower afternoon concentrations. These findings provide insights that may be useful in the development of PM2.5 reduction strategies for Steubenville, and suggest that studies assessing possible health effects of PM2.5 should carefully consider exposure issues related to the intraday timing of PM2.5 episodes, as well as the potential for toxicological interactions among PM2.5 and primary gaseous pollutants.  相似文献   
利用Northern blot方法分析了不同碳源条件下草菇內切型纤维素酶基因(eg1)的表达.结果发现,在含有纤维素的液体培养基中生长10 d,eg1在草菇菌丝中有高效表达;纤维二糖、α-乳糖、β-乳糖,也能诱导eg1的表达,但和纤维素相比,eg1的表达量相对较低,并且它们的诱导效应在加入这类糖12 h后迅速减弱;槐糖和龙胆二糖的诱导作用非常弱.在天然稻草为基质的固体栽培料生长时,草菇eg1的表达和草菇菌丝生长与出菇相对应,在菌丝生长期(d 8)可见eg1的表达,d 12时菌丝已长满,表达减弱,在出菇及菇体的分化及增大期,eg1的表达量逐渐增强,在成熟期达到最高水平;表明在草菇菇体发育中需要更多碳源及能源的补充,eg1在这方面起着非常重要的作用. 图4 参14  相似文献   
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