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Knowledge of toxic chemical sorption by soil/sediment is critical for environmental risk assessment of toxic chemicals, especially for the multi-sorbate system in river ecosystem. Sorption characteristics of 2, 4-Dichlorophenol, 2, 4-Dinitrophenol and 2, 4-Dimethyphenol on sediment were investigated. Adsorption isotherms in single- and multi-sorbate systems fitted well the Freundlich model. The adsorption effects were different among three selected phenolic compounds in single- and multi-sorbate systems. The synergetic affect that 2, 4-Dinitrophenol and 2, 4-Dimethyphenol bring to 2, 4-Dichlorophenol can be explained by the compression of double electronic layer and the charge neutrality. Adsorption kinetic results showed that pseudo-second-order model can be used to describe the experimental data and the adsorption affinity of phenolic compounds influenced greatly by the adsorption velocity. The present study suggests that the fate and transport of emerging pollutants such as phenolic compounds could be affected in the presence of different hydrophobic pollutants in aquatic systems.  相似文献   
The occurrence and removal of eight endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), including estrone (E(1)), 17β-estradiol (E(2)), estriol (E(3)), 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE(2)), diethylstilbestrol (DES), bisphenol A (BPA), nonylphenol (NP) and octylphenol (OP), and their estrogenicities were investigated in a sewage treatment plant in Harbin city, China. The EDCs were extracted from wastewater samples by solid phase extraction (SPE) method and analyzed with gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The average concentrations in the influents and effluents ranged from 6.3 (EE(2)) to 1725.8 ng L(-1) (NP) and from 相似文献   
针对高浓度氯霉素(CAP)废水在实际厌氧生物处理过程中难降解、毒性大及对活性污泥产生的抑制问题,本文采用三维石墨烯气凝胶(GA)作为外源强化介质,通过批次试验探究了不同初始石墨烯气凝胶浓度、电子供体(蔗糖)浓度以及氯霉素浓度对氯霉素废水厌氧降解过程中氯霉素去除速率、有机物去除率以及甲烷产量等影响.结果表明:当初始石墨烯气凝胶浓度为0.5 g·L-1、初始电子供体浓度为8.8 mmol·L-1、初始氯霉素浓度为50 mg·L-1时,强化效果最为显著,当反应进行到18 h时,强化系统中氯霉素的去除率达到94%以上,COD的去除率稳定在26.6%~35.6%之间,强化系统比只加入污泥的生物系统氯霉素去除速率增加了48%~51.6%,COD去除率增加了10%左右.石墨烯气凝胶作为电子转移中间介体和微生物富集的载体,促进微生物种间进行直接电子转移,加速氯霉素的脱氯过程和甲烷的产生,为高浓度抗生素废水的厌氧生物处理提供了新的处理思路和参考.  相似文献   
油田水反硝化技术抑制硫酸盐还原菌活性研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综述了国内外应用反硝化技术抑制硫酸盐还原的沿革和最新进展。随着油田系统采出水中SRB造成危害的日益严重,常规的物理和化学法因其高成本、低效率等原因已不能满足需求,生态抑制法逐渐受到人们关注。着重介绍了反硝化技术对硫酸盐还原的抑制作用,阐述了当前国内外学者在此领域的研究现状,总结了研究者提出的几种机理,重点介绍了生物竞争抑制机制、中间产物抑制机制、形成厌氧硫循环机制、同时具有反硝化和硫酸盐还原的细菌作用机制以及电位抑制机制。列举了国内外成功应用反硝化抑制硫酸盐还原的成功实例,并总结了该领域研究的热点问题。  相似文献   
中国东南沿海风能资源评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文选取322个气象台站(自记158个,非自记174个)10年(1971—1980)风速资料统计计算了3.5—20.4m/s有效风速出现的小时数,年(月)风能和风能密度,风速、风能变化规律;绘制了年有效风能和有效风速频率分布图,进而按风能资源分布规律做出风能区划及风能的高度变化。其次,结合实际风能资料,阐明风能与风力机输出能量转换关系,从而测算出该地区农田灌溉和风力发电的风能资源利用转换值。最后,根据当地实际风能资源、环境、地形及地下水位高低,为选择合理的设计风速或引进适合当地的风力机以及解决当地部分能源提供合理化建议和对该区发展风力机的前景提出了看法。实践证明具有一定的实际应用价值。  相似文献   
结合云南某公司10t/h冷风冲天炉烟气除尘脱硫和烟气余热利用的工程实例,介绍和分析了冲天炉烟气净化与余热利用系统工程设计中应注意的问题。  相似文献   
微生物水处理技术因运行成本低、处理量大、环境影响小等优点,被广泛的用于市政污水和工业废水的处理.微生物水处理的本质过程是生物催化氧化,涉及不同微生物种群间物质、能量和电子传输过程,而微生物胞外电子传递过程是影响其处理效率的关键因素之一.本研究立足于微生物氧化的原理,从介体材料强化、光电磁强化及微生物电化学强化等角度,系统论述了铁基材料、碳基材料、光、电、磁等对微生物电子传递过程的影响与机制.在此基础上,本论文总结了微生物电化学系统原理,分析了该系统中各类强化材料、强化技术对微生物胞外电子传递的影响,揭示了强化条件下污染物高效转化的作用机制,介绍了基于各种强化原理的系统构建因素及应用现状,并展望了该技术的发展趋势及存在的挑战.  相似文献   
AO与AAO工艺去除雌激素效能对比及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨不同污水处理工艺对雌激素类有机物的处理效能,本研究设计并同时运行了AO和AAO两种污水处理工艺,在稳定运行条件下,比较了两种工艺对各种常规水质指标和雌激素的去除状况.试验结果表明,AAO系统对污染物去除效能明显优于AO系统.AAO对COD、TN、NH4+-N、TP及TOC的去除效能分别比AO高出7.55%、20....  相似文献   

Performance and microbial community composition were evaluated in a two-phase anaerobic and aerobic system treating sulfate-rich cellulosic ethanol wastewater (CEW). The system was operated at five different chemical oxygen demand (COD)/SO4 2− ratios (63.8, 26.3, 17.8, 13.7, and 10.7). Stable performance was obtained for total COD removal efficiency (94.5%), sulfate removal (89.3%), and methane production rate (11.5 L/day) at an organic loading rate of 32.4 kg COD/(m3·day). The acidogenic reactor made a positive contribution to net VFAs production (2318.1 mg/L) and sulfate removal (60.9%). Acidogenic bacteria (Megasphaera, Parabacteroides, unclassified Ruminococcaceae spp., and Prevotella) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (Butyrivibrio, Megasphaera) were rich in the acidogenic reactor. In the methanogenic reactor, high diversity of microorganisms corresponded with a COD removal contribution of 83.2%. Moreover, methanogens (Methanosaeta) were predominant, suggesting that these organisms played an important role in the acetotrophic methanogenesis pathway. The dominant aerobic bacteria (Truepera) appeared to have been responsible for the COD removal of the SBR. These results indicate that dividing the sulfate reduction process could effectively minimize sulfide toxicity, which is important for the successful operation of system treating sulfate-rich CEW.

山东是经济发达地区,但也是自然灾害多发地区.本文概述了山东省多种气象灾害及其造成的社会经济损失以及防灾减灾对策.  相似文献   
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