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Based on data collected in St. Louis, Philadelphia and other eastern U.S. cities, we conclude that a significant fraction of the PM-10 concentration is "background." In these urban areas the background fraction ranges from 35 to 80 percent of the daily, monthly or annual concentration. The bulk of the background appears to be of regional origin. The average chemical makeup of eastern U.S. PM-10 is sulfate as SO4, 21-34 percent; crustal material, 14-39 percent; "unknown" (carbonaceous matter, ammonium, nitrate and water), 36-51 percent, all of which is difficult to apportion to specific sources. Dispersion modeling using a local source inventory can account only for a small portion of the total PM-10 mass. Emission roll-back of local sources may have a limited effect on reducing total concentrations of PM-10.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: In 1998 and 1999, third‐order watersheds in high mature forest (HMF) and low mature forest (LMF) classes were selected along gradients of watershed storage within each of two hydrogeomorphic regions in the Lake Superior Basin to evaluate threshold effects of storage on hydrologic regimes and watershed exports. Differences were detected between regions (North and South Shore) for particulates, nutrients, and pH, with all but silica values higher for South Shore streams (p < 0.05). Mature forest effects were detected for turbidity, nutrients, color, and alkalinity, with higher values in the LMF watersheds, that is, watersheds with less that 50 percent mature forest cover. Dissolved N, ammonium, N:P, organic carbon, and color increased, while suspended solids, turbidity, and dissolved P decreased as a function of storage. Few two‐way interactions were detected between region and mature forest or watershed storage, thus threshold based classification schemes could be used to extrapolate effects across regions. Both regional differences in water quality and those associated with watershed attributes were more common for third‐order streams in the western Lake Superior drainage basin as compared with second‐order streams examined in an earlier study. Use of ecoregions alone as a basis for setting regional water quality criteria would have led to misinterpretation of reference condition and assessment of impacts in the Northern Lakes and Forest Ecoregion.  相似文献   
Air sampling, using sorbents, thermal desorption and gas chromatography, is a versatile method for identifying and quantifying trace levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Thermal desorption can provide high sensitivity, appropropriate choices of sorbents and method parameters can accommodate a wide range of compounds and high humidity, and automated short-path systems can minimize artifacts, losses and carry-over effects. This study evaluates the performance of a short-path thermal desorption method for 77 VOCs using laboratory and field tests and a dual sorbent system (Tenax GR, Carbosieve SIII). Laboratory tests showed that the method requirements for ambient air sampling were easily achieved for most compounds, e.g., using the average and standard deviation across target compounds, blank emissions were < or = 0.3 ng per sorbent tube for all target compounds except benzene, toluene and phenol; the method detection limit was 0.05 +/- 0.08 ppb, reproducibility was 12 +/- 6%, linearity, as the relative standard deviation of relative response factors, was 16 +/- 9%, desorption efficiency was 99 +/- 28%, samples stored for 1-6 weeks had recoveries of 87 +/- 9%, and high humidity samples had recoveries of 102 +/- 12%. Due to sorbent, column and detector characteristics, performance was somewhat poorer for phenol groups, ketones, and nitrogen containing compounds. The laboratory results were confirmed in an analysis of replicate samples collected in two field studies that sampled ambient air along roadways and indoor air in a large office building. Replicates collected under field conditions demonstrated good agreement except for very low concentrations or large (> 41 volume) samples of high humidity air. Overall, the method provides excellent performance and satisfactory throughput for many applications.  相似文献   
The bioavailability of 2,3,7,8-TCDD from municipal incinerator fly ash to freshwater fish was determined. It was observed that carp exposed to fly ash containing all 22 TCDD isomers, or the solvent extract of the fly ash, retain only 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Exposures with fly ash appears to follow a dose response relationship for bioconcentration, however, the bioavailability of 2,3,7,8-TCDD was not directly related to the level of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in fly ash for two fly ash samples studied.  相似文献   
Thermal destruction capacity for commercial hazardous waste in the United States is examined to determine current and future capacity requirements. This study focuses on commercial incinerators and cement kilns burning conventional hazardous wastes. Aggregate maximum and available capacity estimates are derived using the most recent information. On a national basis, available capacity far exceeds present demand. On a regional basis, capacity appears sufficient with the exception of the California area. However, this shortfall appears insignificant given the overall capacity situation. While incineration demand may increase for solids and sludges as a consequence of Land Ban disposal restrictions and other reasons, capacity for these wastes again appears sufficient to meet current and projected demands. Thus, arguments that additional commercial incineration capacity will be needed to accommodate an expected increase in incinerable hazardous waste cannot be supported by the available information. The analysis raises concerns about the determination of realistic capacity estimates, and the lack of interaction between the capacity assurance process that documents the need for capacity and state siting processes for new waste management facilities. The excess incineration capacity shown in this paper will contribute to the successful implementation of EPA’s goal to reduce national capacity.  相似文献   
This article addresses the use of critical loads in optimized emission abatement strategies. Critical loads represent the maximum tolerable deposition possible without adverse impacts, a limit that is highly spatially variable. As deposition targets, critical loads cannot be satisfied at all receptors in Europe. Consequently, there is a need for alternative criteria that still relate to ecological indicators, yet that are feasible, consistent, and equitable. Two criteria are suggested: the relative critical load coverage and the relative deposition reduction. Deposition goals based on these criteria will guarantee that a specified fraction of ecosystems will attain target loads and thus will be protected from adverse environmental impacts. In areas that cannot achieve target loads with the best available control measures, deposition can be reduced to a specified fraction of the unabated level. Examples are presented that demonstrate their derivation and application of the two criteria. The criteria have been implemented in the European-scale Regional Acidification Information and Simulation (RAINS) model. Results obtained indicate that optimized emission strategies based on critical loads may be similar to emission strategies based on deposition reductions at certain levels of the two criteria. This suggests that it may not be necessary to utilize critical loads to formulate deposition targets. A second example shows the effect of excluding countries from European cost minimization. A country's participation can save costs with moderate deposition targets; however, significant costs can be imposed with low (stringent) deposition targets. These preliminary results have significant implications for multilateral negotiations.  相似文献   
Adsorbent sampling with analysis by thermal desorption, gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (TD/GC/MS) offers many advantages for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and thus is increasingly used in many applications. For environmental samples and other complex mixtures, the MS detector typically is operated in the scan mode to aid identification of co-eluting compounds. However, scan mode does not achieve the optimal sensitivity, thus compounds occurring at low concentrations may not be detected. This paper develops and evaluates the application of a more sensitive TD/GC/MS method using selective ion monitoring (SIM) that is applicable to VOC mixtures found in ambient and indoor air. Based on toxicity and prevalence, 94 VOCs (including terpenes, aromatic, halogenated and aliphatic compounds) were selected as target compounds. Two analytical methods were developed: a conventional full scan method for ions from 29 to 270 m/z; and a SIM method using 16 time windows and different ions selected for the compounds in each window. Both methods used the same Tenax GR adsorbent sampling tubes, TD and GC parameters, and target and qualifier ions. Laboratory tests determined calibrations, method detection limits (MDLs), precisions, recoveries and storage stability. Field tests compared scan and SIM mode analyses for duplicate samples of indoor air in 51 houses and outdoor air at 41 sites. Statistical analyses included the development of error/precision models. The laboratory tests showed that most compounds demonstrated excellent precision (<10% for concentrations exceeding approximately 0.5 microg m(-3)), good linearity, near identical calibrations for scan and SIM modes, a wide dynamic range (up to 1500 microg m(-3)), and negligible storage losses after 1 month (7 compounds showed moderate losses). SIM mode MDLs ranged from 0.004 to 0.27 microg m(-3), representing a modest (1.1 to 22-fold) improvement compared to scan mode. However, in field tests the SIM method detected significantly more compounds (e.g., styrene and chloroform). Error models fit most compounds and allow quantification of errors at selected percentiles. Overall, while the new SIM method is somewhat time-consuming to develop, it offers greater sensitivity and maintains the high selectivity of traditional scan methods.  相似文献   
The adaptation of a portable gas chromatograph (GC) prototype with several unique design features to the determination of vapor-phase markers of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is described. This instrument employs a dual-stage adsorbent preconcentrator, two series-coupled separation columns that can be independently temperature programmed, and a detector consisting of an array of nanoparticle-coated chemiresistors, whose response patterns are used together with retention times for vapor recognition. An adsorbent pre-trap was developed to remove semi-volatile organics from the sample stream. Conditions were established to quantitatively capture two ETS markers, 2,5-dimethylfuran (2,5-DMF) and 4-ethenylpyridine (4-EP, as a surrogate for 3-EP), and to separate them from the 34 most prominent co-contaminants present in ETS using ambient air as the carrier gas. A complete analysis can be performed every 15 min. Projected detection limits are 0.58 and 0.08 ppb for 2,5-DMF and 4-EP, respectively, assuming a 1 L sample volume, which are sufficiently low to determine these markers in typical smoking-permitted environments.  相似文献   
While few environmental measurements of brominated diphenyl ethers (BDEs) were completed prior to the mid-1990s, analysis of appropriately archived samples might enable the determination of contaminant trends back to the introduction of these chemicals. In this paper, we first investigate the stability of BDEs in archived frozen and extracted fish samples, and then characterize trends of these chemicals in rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) and lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in each of the Great Lakes between 1979 and 2005. We focus on the four most common congeners (BDE-47, 100, 99 and 153) and use a change-point analysis to detect shifts in trends. Analyses of archived fish samples yielded precise BDE concentration measurements with only small losses (0.8% per year in frozen fish tissues, 2.2% per year in refrigerated extracts). Trends in fish from all Great Lakes showed large increases in BDE concentrations that started in the early to mid-1980s with fairly consistent doubling times (generally 2-4 years except in Lake Erie smelt where levels increased very slowly), though concentrations and trends show differences by congener, fish species and lake. The most recent data show that accumulation rates are slowing, and concentrations of penta- and hexa-congeners in trout from Lakes Ontario and Michigan and smelt from Lake Ontario started to decrease in the mid-1990s. Trends in smelt and trout are evolving somewhat differently, and trout concentrations in the five lakes are now ranked as Michigan>Superior=Ontario>Huron=Erie, and smelt concentrations as Michigan>Ontario>Huron>Superior>Erie. The analysis of properly archived samples permits the reconstruction of historical trends, congener distributions, biomagnification and other information that can aid the understanding and management of these contaminants.  相似文献   
Previous studies investigating effects of personal, demographic, housing and other factors on exposures to volatile organic compounds (VOC) have focused on mean or median exposures, and generally not the high exposures that are of great interest. This paper identifies determinants of personal VOC exposures on a quantile-specific basis using a nationally representative sample. The NHANES 1999–2000 VOC dataset was merged with personal, demographic, housing, smoking and occupation variables. Bivariate analyses tested for differences in geometric means and quantiles across levels of potential exposure determinants. Multivariate sample-weighted ordinary least-squares (OLS) and quantile regression (QR) models were then used to adjust for covariates. We identify a number of exposure determinants, most of which varied by exposure quantile. The most striking finding was the much higher exposures experienced by Hispanics and Blacks for aromatic VOCs (BTEX: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes), methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), and 1,4-dichlorobenzene (DCB). Exposure to gasoline, paints or glues, and having a machine-related occupation also were associated with extremely high BTEX and MTBE exposures. Additional determinants included the presence of attached garages and open windows, which affected exposures of BTEX (especially at lower quantiles) and MTBE (especially at higher quantiles). Smoking also increased BTEX exposures. DCB was associated with air freshener use, and PERC with dry-cleaned clothing. After adjusting for demographic, personal and housing factors, age and gender were not significant predictors of exposure. The use of QR in conjunction with OLS yields a more complete picture of exposure determinants, and identifies subpopulations and heterogeneous exposure groups in which some individuals experience very elevated exposures and which are not well represented by changes in the mean. The high exposures of Hispanics and Blacks are perplexing and disturbing, and they warrant further investigation.  相似文献   
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