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Riparian buffer restorations are used as management tools to produce favorable water quality impacts, moreover among the many benefits riparian buffers may provide, their application as instruments for water quality restoration rests on a relatively firm foundation of research. However, the extent to which buffers can restore riparian ecosystems; their functionality and species composition, are essentially unknown. In light of the foregoing, two broad areas of research are indicated. First, data are needed to document the relative effectiveness of riparian buffers that differ according to width, length, and plant species composition. These questions, of managing buffer dimension and species composition for functionality, are of central importance even when attenuation of nutrient and sediment loads alone are considered. Second, where ecosystem restoration is the goal, effects to in-stream and terrestrial riparian biota need to be considered. Relatedly, the effects of the restoration on the landscape need to be considered. Particularly, at what rate do the effects of the riparian buffer on in-stream water quality, biota, and habitat diminish downstream from restored sites? Answers to these important questions are needed, for streams and watersheds of different size and for areas of differing soil type within watersheds. U.S. EPA-NRMRL has initiated as research project that will document the potential for buffers to restore riparian ecosystems; focusing on water quality effects, but also, importantly, documenting effects on biota. While substantial riparian buffer management initiatives are already underway, the extent of landscapes that influence riparian ecosystems in the eastern United States is large; leaving ample opportunity for this suggested research to provide improved buffer designs in the future. The ultimate goal of research projects developed under this paradigm of ecosystem restoration is to develop data that are needed to implement riparian buffer restorations in the mid-Atlantic and elsewhere, especially the eastern United States.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Models for the prediction of chlorophyll a concentrations were developed and tested using data on 223 Florida lakes. A statistical analysis showed that the best model was log (Chl a) =?2.49 + 0.269 log (TP) + 1.06 log (TN) or log (Chl a) =?2.49 + 1.06 log (TN/TP) + 1.33 log (TP) where Chl a is the chlorophyll a concentration (mg m-3), TP is the total phosphorus concentration (mg m-3) and TN is the total nitrogen concentration (mg m-3). The model yields unbiased estimates of chlorophyll a concentrations over a wide range of lake types and has a 95 percent confidence interval of 29–319 percent of the calculated chlorophyll a concentrations. Other models, especially the published Dillon-Rigler and Jones-Bachmann phosphorus-chlorophyll models, are less precise when applied to Florida lakes. The data support the hypothesis that nitrogen is an important limiting nutrient in hypereutrophic lakes.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: This paper evaluates the effects of watershed geometric representation (i.e., plane and channel representation) on runoff and sediment yield simulations in a semiarid rangeland watershed. A process based, spatially distributed runoff erosion model (KINEROS2) was used to explore four spatial representations of a 4.4 ha experimental watershed. The most complex representation included all 96 channel elements identifiable in the field. The least complex representation contained only five channel elements. It was concluded that oversimplified watershed representations greatly influence runoff and sediment yield simulations by inducing excessive infiltration on hillslopes and distorting runoff patterns and sediment fluxes. Runoff and sediment yield decrease systematically with decreasing complexity in watershed representation. However, less complex representations had less impact on runoff and sediment‐yield simulations for small rainfall events. This study concludes that the selection of the appropriate level of watershed representation can have important theoretical and practical implications on runoff and sediment yield modeling in semiarid environments.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Many rural areas of the United States still have no public domestic water systems. Typical land use patterns in these areas may require 1/2 mile or more of pipe per farm connection. Public systems serving these areas are economically feasible only if realistic short-term peak demand standards are available for their design. The lack of reliable data upon which to establish such criteria has resulted in a large variation in criteria among state and federal agencies involved in financing and in approving construction of these systems. During the summer of 1975 three distribution laterals of a rural system in Utah were master metered and instantaneous peak flows were recorded for 4 months. The metered lines served 4, 12, and 22 farm houses each. The frequency distribution of peak flows has been analyzed and compared with that developed during similar research in Mississippi and with the existing design standards of the Farmers Home Administration and the State of Utah.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Twenty, 0.2 hectare ponds were utilized for a four-year evaluation of three aquatic vegetation control techniques: a combination of inorganic fertilization and mechanical harvesting, aquatic herbicides, and grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Ponds used for herbicide and grass carp treatments were managed at three levels of aquatic vegetation (none, 40 and 70 percent plant occupation). Submersed vegetation was not controlled with inorganic fertilization. Vegetation levels were maintained for less than 30 days after mechanicai harvesting. Submersed macrophytes were not completely eliminated with herbicides, but the herbicide treatments utilized were effective at maintaining aquatic vegetation above 30 percent pond volume occupation. Grass carp consumed all species of submersed vegetation at the stocking densities used in this study; therefore, planned levels of submersed macrophytes were not maintained. Grass carp did not consume all floating leaf vegetation, but after four years some grass carp ponds did have lower densities of floating leaf plants. Fertilization costs were $608/hectare/year, and mechanical harvesting costs were $1979/hectare/year, resulting in a total aquatic vegetation treatment cost of $2587/hectare/ year. Herbicide costs for the different treatment levels ranged from $417/hectare/year to $1339/hectare/year over the four-year period. Grass carp were the most economical vegetation control measure tested, with costs ranging from $159/hectare/year to $248/hectare/year for the four-year study.  相似文献   
Data obtained from a limnological survey of 165 Florida lakes were analyzed to determine regional differences in lake color (Pt-Co units) and relations between color and various physical, chemical, and biological parameters. Average color measurements for the different lakes ranged from 0 to 416 Pt-Co units with individual measurements being as high as 600 Pt-Co units. With the exception of extreme south Florida, lake color concentrations were found to increase from north to south and from inland highlands to lowlands. Central Florida had the greatest heterogeneity in lake color because of an extremely diverse geology and physiography. Color was inversely related to Secchi disc transparency and positively related to total iron concentrations. Color was not strongly related to pH, total alkalinity, nutrients, chlorophyll a, and many other limnological parameters. Although lakes having color concentrations greater than 20 Pt-Co units can often be visually identified as colored lakes, the limnological processes in these are not necessarily different from those of lakes having clear water.  相似文献   
Parallel determination of phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll a concentration were made on spring and summer phytoplankton samples collected from 165 Florida lakes. There was a significant correlation between chlorophyll a concentration and phytoplankton biomass (r=0.80; P < 0.01). Chlorophyll content per unit phytoplankton biomass ranged over two orders of magnitude. Nitrogen seemed to be a major factor influencing the chlorophyll content of Florida algae. Multiple regression analyses indicated that phytoplankton biomass was dependent on both the total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentration. Nutrient-phytoplankton and Secchi-phytoplankton relationships for the Florida lakes had higher coefficients of determination if chlorophyll a concentrations rather than phytoplankton biomass data were used in regression analyses.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: A survey of 31 Florida spring-runs was conducted to estimate their submerged macrophyte standing crop and primary productivity. The standing crops of submerged vegetation were not significantly (p > 0.05) correlated to either total nitrogen (r = 0) or total phosphorus (r =?0.20) concentrations, but standing crops were significantly (p < 0.01) correlated to the percentage of the spring-run's water surface shaded by marginal vegetation (r =?0.76). Maximum daily rates of primary productivity were positively correlated with average submerged macrophyte standing crops (r = 0.81; p < 0.001) and inversely correlated with the degree of shading by marginal vegetation (r =? 0.43; p < 0.05).  相似文献   
In late 1995, school children discovered malformedfrogs in a south central Minnesota pond. Press coverage resultedin numerous citizen reports of frog malformation across Minnesotain 1996. After some initial site investigation, 3 affected frogsites and 4 nearby reference sites were selected for moredetailed evaluation. Field biologists made 89 visits to studysites beginning spring 1997 through fall 1999 to examine thenumber and type of frog malformations. Over 5,100 Leopardfrogs (Rana pipiens) were captured and examined atall study sites. Water elevations and associated littoralinundation were recorded from 1997-2000. Results indicate thatmalformation occurred at all study sites above historicalbackground levels. Rana pipiens malformation across allsites over three seasons averaged 7.9% and ranged from 0 to 7% at reference sites and 4 to 23% at affected sites. At onenorthern Minnesota site, mink frog (Ranaseptentrionalis) malformation was 75% in 1998. A sitecharacteristic common to the most affected sites was an elasticzone of littoral inundation. Climate driven hydrologic variationlikely influenced water depth and associated breeding locations.  相似文献   
Meta-analysis of nitrogen removal in riparian buffers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Riparian buffers, the vegetated region adjacent to streams and wetlands, are thought to be effective at intercepting and reducing nitrogen loads entering water bodies. Riparian buffer width is thought to be positively related to nitrogen removal effectiveness by influencing nitrogen retention or removal. We surveyed the scientific literature containing data on riparian buffers and nitrogen concentration in streams and groundwater to identify trends between nitrogen removal effectiveness and buffer width, hydrological flow path, and vegetative cover. Nitrogen removal effectiveness varied widely. Wide buffers (>50 m) more consistently removed significant portions of nitrogen entering a riparian zone than narrow buffers (0-25 m). Buffers of various vegetation types were equally effective at removing nitrogen but buffers composed of herbaceous and forest/herbaceous vegetation were more effective when wider. Subsurface removal of nitrogen was efficient, but did not appear to be related to buffer width, while surface removal of nitrogen was partly related to buffer width. The mass of nitrate nitrogen removed per unit length of buffer did not differ by buffer width, flow path, or buffer vegetation type. Our meta-analysis suggests that buffer width is an important consideration in managing nitrogen in watersheds. However, the inconsistent effects of buffer width and vegetation on nitrogen removal suggest that soil type, subsurface hydrology (e.g., soil saturation, groundwater flow paths), and subsurface biogeochemistry (organic carbon supply, nitrate inputs) also are important factors governing nitrogen removal in buffers.  相似文献   
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