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To determine if ozone (O3) and root zone temperature (RZT) affect plant biomass allocation and photosynthesis, radish (Raphanus sativus) plants were grown in controlled environment laboratory chambers in one of four treatments: episodic O3 (average delivery 0.063 mumol mol-1) with RZT at 13 degrees C, episodic O3 (same delivery) with RZT at 18 degrees C, charcoal-filtered air with RZT at 13 degrees C and charcoal-filtered air with RZT at 18 degrees C. O3 reduced total biomass and shoot biomass of radish at 13 degrees C RZT but had no effect at 18 degrees C RZT. Low (13 degrees C) RZT decreased total biomass in both O3 and charcoal-filtered air. RZT had no overall effect on biomass allocation, but O3 lowered root-to-shoot ratios for plants grown at 18 degrees C RZT. Photosynthesis was reduced for plants grown at 18 degrees C RZT and O3, but stomatal conductance was not affected by O3 nor RZT. These results indicate that O3 and low RZT decrease biomass, but that plant photosynthesis is decreased by O3 and warm RZT.  相似文献   
Detecting range shifts and contractions is critical for determining the conservation priority of rare and declining taxa. However, data on rare species occurrences frequently lack precise information on locations and habitats and may present a biased picture of biogeographic distributions and presumed habitat preferences. Herbarium or museum specimen data, which otherwise could be useful proxies for detecting temporal trends and spatial patterns in species distributions, pose particular challenges. Using data from herbaria and Natural Heritage Programs on numbers of occurrences within individual municipalities (towns, cities, or townships), we quantified temporal changes in the estimated distributions of 110 rare plant species in the six New England (USA) states. We used the partial Solow equation and a nonparametric test to estimate the probability of observing multiple absences (gaps in the collection record) if a given population was actually still extant. Bayes' Theorem was used to estimate the probability that occurrences were misclassified as extinct. Using the probabilities obtained from these three methods, we eliminated taxa with high probabilities of pseudo-absence (that would yield an inaccurate profile of species distributions), narrowing the set for final analysis to 71 taxa. We then expressed occurrences as centroids of town polygons and estimated current and historical range areas (extents of occurrence as defined by alpha-hulls inscribing occurrences), mean distances between occurrences, and latitudinal and longitudinal range boundaries. Using a geographic information system, we modeled first, second, and third circular standard deviational polygons around the mean center of the historical range. Examining the distribution of current occurrences within each standard deviational polygon, we asked whether ranges were collapsing to a center, expanding, fragmenting, or contracting to a margin of the former range. Extant ranges of the species were, on average, almost 67% smaller than their historical ranges, and distances among occurrences decreased. Five New England hotspots were observed to contain >35% of rare plant populations. Extant occurrences were more frequently marginalized at the periphery of the historical range than would be expected by chance. Coarse-grained data on current and historical occurrences can be used to examine large suites of species to prioritize taxa and sites for conservation.  相似文献   
The Ethics of Ecological Field Experimentation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ecological field research has generated a wealth of valuable information, much of which informs conservation efforts. Such research raises ethical issues when we propose to modify or endanger the individual organism, population, species, or ecosystem we study. Yet the scientific literature contains little explicit consideration of the impact of ecological study itself on organisms or ecosystems. We propose that the lack of public ethical discourse among field scientists is due to (1) trepidation about initiating a controversy that could endanger future research efforts; (2) an assumption that the relative benefits of our research outweigh potential short-term costs to the study object (that is, increased knowledge of the study object may inform its conservation); (3) difficulties in perceiving the potential negative impact of our work; (4) tacit assumptions about certain experiments that are simply "wrong" to do. Ethical considerations have already arisen with the collection of organisms, the effects of scientific observation on survivorship and behavior, and experimental manipulations of whole ecosystems. The literature on environmental ethics and animal experimentation, two sources that bear tangentially on the issues of ecological ethics, may afford diverse and occasionally conflicting value systems on which to build an ethic of ecological experimentation. Although methods specifically devised to minimize the impact on study subjects have been published, we find few existing formal mechanisms of external regulation or self-regulation of research activities in the field. We suggest that ethical considerations, conservation and restoration measures that are compatible with sound scientific protocols, may be profitably incorporated into the design of field experiments. We encourage a dialogue between scientists and philosophers on this issue.  相似文献   
Observed spatial patterns in natural systems may result from processes acting across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Although spatially explicit data on processes that generate ecological patterns, such as the distribution of disease over a landscape, are frequently unavailable, information about the scales over which processes operate can be used to understand the link between pattern and process. Our goal was to identify scales of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) movement and mixing that exerted the greatest influence on the spatial pattern of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in northcentral Colorado, USA. We hypothesized that three scales of mixing (individual, winter subpopulation, or summer subpopulation) might control spatial variation in disease prevalence. We developed a fully Bayesian hierarchical model to compare the strength of evidence for each mixing scale. We found strong evidence that the finest mixing scale corresponded best to the spatial distribution of CWD infection. There was also evidence that land ownership and habitat use play a role in exacerbating the disease, along with the known effects of sex and age. Our analysis demonstrates how information on the scales of spatial processes that generate observed patterns can be used to gain insight when process data are sparse or unavailable.  相似文献   
The aim of the work presented here is to study the effectiveness of building air handling units (AHUs) in serving as high volume sampling devices for airborne bacteria and viruses. An HVAC test facility constructed according to ASHRAE Standard 52.2-1999 was used for the controlled loading of HVAC filter media with aerosolized bacteria and virus. Nonpathogenic Bacillus subtilis var. niger was chosen as a surrogate for Bacillus anthracis. Three animal viruses; transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), avian pneumovirus (APV), and fowlpox virus were chosen as surrogates for three human viruses; SARS coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and smallpox virus; respectively. These bacteria and viruses were nebulized in separate tests and injected into the test duct of the test facility upstream of a MERV 14 filter. SKC Biosamplers upstream and downstream of the test filter served as reference samplers. The collection efficiency of the filter media was calculated to be 96.5 +/- 1.5% for B. subtilis, however no collection efficiency was measured for the viruses as no live virus was ever recovered from the downstream samplers. Filter samples were cut from the test filter and eluted by hand-shaking. An extraction efficiency of 105 +/- 19% was calculated for B. subtilis. The viruses were extracted at much lower efficiencies (0.7-20%). Our results indicate that the airborne concentration of spore-forming bacteria in building AHUs may be determined by analyzing the material collected on HVAC filter media, however culture-based analytical techniques are impractical for virus recovery. Molecular-based identification techniques such as PCR could be used.  相似文献   
Near-term ecological forecasting has the potential to mitigate negative impacts of human modifications on wildlife by directing efficient action through relevant and timely predictions. We used the U.S. avian migration system to highlight ecological forecasting applications for aeroconservation. We used millions of observations from 143 weather surveillance radars to construct and evaluate a migration forecasting system for nocturnal bird migration over the contiguous United States. We identified the number of nights of mitigation required to reduce the risk of aerial hazards to 50% of avian migrants passing a given area in spring and autumn based on dynamic forecasts of migration activity. We also investigated an alternative approach, that is, employing a fixed conservation strategy based on time windows that historically capture 50% of migratory passage. In practice, during both spring and autumn, dynamic forecasts required fewer action nights compared with fixed window selection at all locations (spring: mean of 7.3 more alert days; fall: mean of 12.8 more alert days). This pattern resulted in part from the pulsed nature of bird migration captured in the radar data, where the majority (54.3%) of birds move on 10% of a migration season's nights. Our results highlight the benefits of near-term ecological forecasting and the potential advantages of dynamic mitigation strategies over static ones, especially in the face of increasing risks to migrating birds from light pollution, wind energy infrastructure, and collisions with structures.  相似文献   
The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) exhibits distinct cross-shelf zonation. These patterns are particularly well documented in reef fishes and have been attributed to either environmental gradients (e.g. wave energy, oceanography) or barriers to gene flow. This study examined the extent to which barriers to gene flow contribute to cross-shelf patterns by examining the mitochondrial DNA of gobies (genus Eviota). The genus Eviota was selected due to its extreme life history characteristics (shortest vertebrate lifespan) and cross-shelf distribution patterns (E. queenslandica, inner- and mid-shelf, and E. albolineata mid- and outer-shelf). Although cross-shelf barriers to gene flow were predicted, this study found no population structure between shelf locations. However, a genetically distinct population of E. queenslandica (the inner-shelf species) was observed at North Direction Island (Phist = 0.088, P = 0.004). As no comparable structure was observed in E. albolineata (the outer-shelf species) it may be that habitat type (E. queenslandica = reef lagoon, E. albolineata = reef crest) is a significant factor driving the structure observed in E. queenslandica. Larval behaviour, olfactory or auditory senses and reef selection at settlement could be assisting larvae to return to reefs similar to natal reefs. We suggest that ecological gradients are more important than barriers to gene flow in structuring cross-shelf distributions within Eviota.  相似文献   
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