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A study was carried out in Nova Scotia, Canada, to experimentally assess the effect of snowmobiles on old field and marsh vegetation. Snowmobile treatments ranging from a single pass to 25 passes (five passes on five separate days) were administered. The first pass by a snowmobile caused the greatest increase in snow compaction-roughly 75% of that observed after five sequential passes. Snowmobile treatment resulted in highly significant increases in snow retention in spring. Frequency was more important than intensity in this regard.Standing crop and species composition were measured the following summer. Standing crop in the field showed a significant reduction with increasing snowmobile use; frequency of treatment (p < 0.01) was more important than intensity (p = 0.125).Stellaria graminea, Aster cordifolius, Ranunculus repens, andEquisetum arvense all showed significant (p < 0.05) differences in percent cover resulting from the treatment. Marginally significant changes were observed inAgrostis tenuis andPhleum pratense Marsh vegetation showed no significant effects of snowmobile treatment. This may have been because of solid ice cover during the winter.The literature is critically reviewed. It is concluded that snowmobile use can have a highly significant effect upon natural vegetation. Management suggestions are made.  相似文献   
Two recent studies have documented changes in wetland ecosystems in New England by examining changes in wetland vegetation over time. Both documented shifts in vegetation towards shrub and forest dominated wetlands Both then concluded that natural succession has changed more wetlands than human impact has. The last conclusion does not necessarily follow from the data provided. There are three important points that emerge from re-considering these studies 1) indirect human impact (for example, water level changes, eutrophication, sedimentation) must be considered when assessing human impact on wetlands, particularly given that subtle indirect impact affects larger areas than direct impact from drainage and infilling, 2) when discussing indirect effects of human activity, it is important to carefully define which indirect effects are being considered, since there is a continuum ranging from infilling through to alteration of global CO2 levels, and 3) given the complexity of indirect effects, it is unlikely that most can be recognized in the field.  相似文献   
A laboratory experiment was conducted in the winter of 2003–2004 to assess the effect of varying photoperiod regime on consumption rate, assimilation rate, absorption efficiency, and gonad development of the green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Adult individuals were collected from the wild after they had been exposed to the ambient autumn photoperiod cue (which is the extraneous trigger thought to elicit gametogenesis in this species) and placed at ambient temperature for 12 weeks under five different photoperiod regimes: (1) 24 h light:0 h dark=“0D”, (2) 16 h light:8 h dark=“8D”, (3) 8 h light:16 h dark=“16D”, (4) 0 h light:24 h dark=“24D”, and (5) ambient photoperiod (range: 10.50–15.25 h dark). Urchins in these five treatments were fed ad libitum with bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana. A sixth treatment consisted of starved individuals held under 0D conditions. Various gonad factors including gonad index, percent gonad water, gonad colour (CIE lightness or L*, CIE hue or a*, and CIE chroma or b*), percent area occupation of the gonad by various cell types (nutritive phagocytes, spermatozoa, and secondary oocytes/ova), and stage of development were assessed at the beginning of the experiment and at weeks 4, 8, and 12 of the study. Consumption and assimilation rates were assessed at weeks 4 and 12 and absorption efficiency at week 12 of the experiment. Urchins were predominantly in the growing and premature stages at the beginning of the experiment, but by week 4 at least 20% of individuals in all treatments receiving food were classified as mature. Spawning occurred during all these treatments between weeks 4 and 8, as evidenced by significant decreases in spermatozoa and secondary oocytes/ova and a significant decrease in percent gonad water, but was not accompanied by major declines in gonad indices. Greater than 90% of individuals in all five of the fed treatments were in the recovering and growing stages at the end of the experiment. The 16D treatment had by far the greatest percentage of urchins in the growing stage. In contrast, individuals that were starved were predominantly in the mature stage at weeks 4, 8, and 12, with only ~30% reaching the spawning stage by the end of the experiment. Photoperiod significantly affected gonad indices at the termination of the experiment with gonad index being the highest in the 16D treatment; this was significantly greater than in the 8D and ambient treatments. Photoperiod did not significantly affect gonad percent water, gonad lightness, or gonad hue. Gonad chroma was significantly affected by photoperiod, urchins held under ambient conditions having significantly lower b* readings than individuals in any other treatment. Photoperiod had little or no affect on consumption rate, assimilation rate, or absorption efficiency. Thus, differences among treatments in regards to gonad index, gonad chroma, and stage of development cannot be attributed to variations in feeding, absorption, or assimilation. The results of this experiment indicate that once gametogenesis is initiated, photoperiod manipulation cannot prevent ultimate spawning. However, photoperiod regime can affect the rate at which urchins move through the various stages of the gametogenic cycle. Urchins placed on short days under artificial lighting (16D) moved through the spawning stage into recovering and growing stages the fastest. This photoperiod regime also produced the highest gonad index at the end of the experiment. Since the commercial urchin market prefers large gonads in the growing and premature stages (i.e. before the mature stage is reached and gonads start leaking sperm and eggs), short day-lengths under artificial lighting (16D) appear to be the best photoperiod conditions for optimizing marketability.  相似文献   
Book reviews     
There is an increasing need for the accurate delineation of wetlands for planning and conservation purposes. We propose a method based on vegetation zonation which requires three steps. The first step is to examine transects crossing the transition zone from marsh to upland. In each transect the uppermost occurrence of each plant species is located relative to a fixed survey point. The second step is to determine which of these species are hydrophytes (wetland plants). This is assessed using the presence or absence of morphological and physiological adaptations for growing in wet environments. Alternatively, a literature search using botanical manuals may suffice. The third step determines the upper limit of the wetland by finding the upper limit of the uppermost hydrophyte in each transect, and taking the mean value of these over all transects. This mean defines the boundary of the wetland. The method is illustrated using two marshes along the north shore of the St. Lawrence River in Ontario.  相似文献   
/ The species richness of shoreline vegetation of unregulated lakes in Nova Scotia, Canada, is known to increase as a function of catchment area, a topographic variable governing water level fluctuations. Predictions based on catchment area however, fail to account for richness patterns at the margins of lakes enlarged by dams. Here, we compare the vegetation and hydrological regimes of regulated and unregulated systems. Hydrological regimes of regulated systems deviated from natural systems of similar catchment area by being either hypovariable or hypervariable for both within-year and among-year fluctuations in water level. Plant communities of dammed systems were less diverse, contained more exotic species, and were, with one exception, devoid of rare shoreline herbs. Data from "recovering," or previously dammed systems indicated that shoreline communities can be restored upon return of the appropriate hydrological regime. Using observed within-year and among-year water level fluctuation data, we propose a general model for the maintenance or restoration of diverse herbaceous wetlands on shorelines of temperate lakes or reservoirs. Managers can manipulate the within-year water level variation within prescribed limits (1-2 m), while ensuring that among-year variation (SD of summer levels) is less than 25% of within-year variation. This preliminary model is based on data from low-fertility, temperate lakes in river systems. To calibrate the model, plant community data from other regions are needed, as are long-term water-level data for unregulated lakes, data which are essential but largely lacking in many areas.KEY WORDS: Catchment area; Regulated lakes; Shoreline restoration; Rare plants; Exotic plants; Diversity  相似文献   
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