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Opencast mining dominates coal production in India. A survey was conducted to evaluate its local atmospheric impact. Emissions data were utilised to compute dust generation due to different mining activities. Work zone air quality, ambient air quality and seasonal variations are described revealing high pollution potential due to suspended particulate matter (SPM) and consequent impact on human health. Air pollution control measures involve planning and implementing a series of preventive and suppressive measures in addition to dust extraction systems. Different abatement measures are enumerated. Pollution control by trees, the tolerance of trees to different air pollutants and plant species useful for controlling pollution are also discussed. There is a need for wider application of dust control chemicals on haul roads. Sustainable management of pollution can be achieved by the proper implementation of suggested abatement measures.  相似文献   
Every mine in India has to obtain environmental clearance fromthe Govt. Air pollution is one of the most important parametersto be considered in preparing an EIA. However, there is no welldefined method for predicting thr air pollution impact due tomining. Increasing trend of opencast (O/C) mining leads toproduction of huge quantities of dust. Emission factor data havebeen utilised to quantify the generation of dust. The projectunder study is one of the largest opencast project (OCP) forcoking coal. The main sources of air pollution have beenidentified. The rate of emission per unit of a given activityknown as an emission factor has been utilised, taking localfactors into account. It has been estimated that due to topsoilremoval, overburden (O/B) removal, extraction of coal, sizereduction generated 7.8 t of dust per day. Wind erosiongenerated 1.6 t of dust per day and the whole operationproduced dust which accounted for 9.4 mt/day. They cause airpollution in the work zone and surrouding locations. Themethodology adopted may be used to quantify generation for otherprojects also.  相似文献   
Surface coal mining creates more air pollution problems with respect to dust than underground mining . An investigation was conducted to evaluate the characteristics of the airborne dust created by surface coal mining in the Jharia Coalfield. Work zone air quality monitoring was conducted at six locations, and ambient air quality monitoring was conducted at five locations, for a period of 1 year. Total suspended particulate matter (TSP) concentration was found to be as high as 3,723 μg/m3, respirable particulate matter (PM10) 780 μg/m3, and benzene soluble matter was up to 32% in TSP in work zone air. In ambient air, the average maximum level of TSP was 837 μg/m3, PM10 170 μg/m3 and benzene soluble matter was up to 30%. Particle size analysis of TSP revealed that they were more respirable in nature and the median diameter was around 20 μm. Work zone air was found to have higher levels of TSP, PM10 and benzene soluble materials than ambient air. Variations in weight percentages for different size particles are discussed on the basis of mining activities. Anionic concentration in TSP was also determined. This paper concludes that more stringent air quality standards should be adopted for coal mining areas and due consideration should be given on particle size distribution of the air-borne dust while designing control equipment.  相似文献   
In India coal production will have to be increased to meat theenergy demand at a very high rate. By 2000 AD the coolproduction from opencast (O/C) mining will rise to 250 Mt. whichwill be about 70% of the total coal production. The increasing trend of O/C mining leads to cause air pollution problem. A surveywas conducted to assess the status of work zone air envirnmentdue to opencast coal mining in Jharia Coalfield. Keeping in viewof place of dust generation air quality monitoring stations wereselected. Methodology adapted for sampling and analysis of airpollutants have been described. Four season data revealed thatmaximum concentration of SPM was observed at dragline sectionand the next high concentration was at haul roads. At all thelocations SPM and RPM concentrations exceeded the permissiblelimits specified by Indian Pollution Control Board. Shift wiseand location wise analysis for getting higher concentration ofSO2 and NOx have been discussed. Wind velocity anddirections, mixing heights, ventilation coefficient of the areahave been analyzed. Huge dust generation creates vision problemto HEMM operators. The methodology adopted may be utilised onindustrial scale for various sites.  相似文献   
Indian coal consumption is about 5.5% of the world and the share of coal as energy went up to 66%. The increasing trend of opencast coal mining lead to release of dust and gaseous pollutants. The Indian reserve of coking coal is mainly located in Jharia coalfield and having reserves upto a depth of 1219m are 19339 Mt. The coalfield is subjected to intensive mining activities and accounts for 30% of the total Indian coal production. Coal mining in Jharia coalfield and the sources of air pollution along with the production of air pollutants have been described. The dust particles act as centres of catalysis for many of the chemical reactions taking place in the atmosphere. Characteristics and effects of the pollutants have been discussed. An estimate of the dust generated and discharged into the atmosphere can be made by using emission factor or prediction type equations. It is disirable that this exercise is to be undertaken in planning stage so that adequate and appropriate mitigating measures can be incorporated into the project at least cost.  相似文献   
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