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用BaCl2滴定法快速测定硫酸盐的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用铬酸钡光度法、EDTA滴定法、间接原子吸收法、离子色谱法等方法测定SO42-检测上限都很低(12-200mg/L),且只适用于清洁水,若水样混浊则全引起较大的误差.有的地下水,SO42-浓度高达44000mg/L,用BaCl2滴定法测定SO42-:测试水样,以溴酚蓝做酸碱指示剂,加1∶50盐酸,调为pH=3.5,加入30ml异丙醇,以钍试剂做终点指示剂,滴加0.01mol/L BaCl2,砖红色为终点,根据BaCl2用量计算SO42-浓度.本方法快捷、准确、测定范围大,上限可达2000mg/L,克服了光度法测定浑浊水样引起误差大的缺点.  相似文献   
用铬酸钡光度法、EDTA滴定法、间接原予吸收法、离子色谱法等方法测定SO4^2-检测上限都很低(12—200mg/L),且只适用于清洁水,若水样混浊则会引起较大的误差。有的地下水,SO4^2-浓度高迭44000mg/L,用BaCl2滴定法测定SO4^2-:测试水样,以溴酚蓝做酸碱指示剂,加1:50盐酸,调为pH=3.5,加入30ml异丙醇,以钍试荆做终点指示荆,滴加0.01mol/L BaCl2,砖红色为终点,根据BaCl2用量计算SO4^2-浓度。本方法快捷、准确、测定范围大,上限可迭2000mg/L,克服了光度法测定浑浊水样引起误差大的缺点。  相似文献   
Abstract:  Systematic conservation assessment and conservation planning are two distinct fields of conservation science often confused as one and the same. Systematic conservation assessment is the technical, often computer-based, identification of priority areas for conservation. Conservation planning is composed of a systematic conservation assessment coupled with processes for development of an implementation strategy and stakeholder collaboration. The peer-reviewed conservation biology literature abounds with studies analyzing the performance of assessments (e.g., area-selection techniques). This information alone, however, can never deliver effective conservation action; it informs conservation planning. Examples of how to translate systematic assessment outputs into knowledge and then use them for "doing" conservation are rare. South Africa has received generous international and domestic funding for regional conservation planning since the mid-1990s. We reviewed eight South African conservation planning processes and identified key ingredients of best practice for undertaking systematic conservation assessments in a way that facilitates implementing conservation action. These key ingredients include the design of conservation planning processes, skills for conservation assessment teams, collaboration with stakeholders, and interpretation and mainstreaming of products (e.g., maps) for stakeholders. Social learning institutions are critical to the successful operationalization of assessments within broader conservation planning processes and should include not only conservation planners but also diverse interest groups, including rural landowners, politicians, and government employees.  相似文献   
International ground-water resources have not received their full share of legal investigation. This paper outlines some principles applicable to the development of international co-operation concerning this important resource, bearing in mind that ground and surface waters are the same resource. In the absence of positive international law covering ground-water resources, national laws are investigated to examine their suitability for adaptation to the international level. In a second paper, to be published in the next issue of the Forum , the interjurisdictional experience among federated states and among independent states will be reviewed.  相似文献   
Detecting trends in biological attributes is central to many stream monitoring programs; however, understanding how natural variability in environmental factors affects trend results is not well understood. We evaluated the influence of antecedent streamflow and sample timing (covariates) on trend estimates for fish, invertebrate, and diatom taxa richness and biological condition from 2002 to 2012 at 51 sites distributed across the conterminous United States. A combination of linear regression and Kendall‐tau test for trends were used to evaluate covariate influence on trend estimates. Adjusting for covariates changed the magnitude of trend estimates in two‐thirds of cases on average by 21%, most often reducing the estimated magnitude of the trend. Additionally, covariates influenced the interpretation of over one‐third of trend estimates by either strengthening or weakening trends after adjustment. Our findings clearly indicate that antecedent streamflow and sample timing influences trend estimates and subsequent interpretation. Accounting for covariates during trend analysis will enhance stream monitoring programs by providing a better understanding and interpretation of estimated changes in biological endpoints at monitored sites. Failure to account for antecedent streamflow and sample timing may lead to mischaracterization of a trend and/or misunderstanding of potential causes.  相似文献   
Abstract: Recent national concerns regarding the environmental occurrence of emerging contaminants (ECs) have catalyzed a series of recent studies. Many ECs are released into the environment through discharges from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and other sources. In 2005, the U.S. Geological Survey and the City of Longmont initiated an investigation of selected ECs in a 13.8‐km reach of St. Vrain Creek, Colorado. Seven sites were sampled for ECs following a Lagrangian design; sites were located upstream, downstream, and in the outfall of the Longmont WWTP, and at the mouths of two tributaries, Left Hand Creek and Boulder Creek (which is influenced by multiple WWTP outfalls). Samples for 61 ECs in 16 chemical use categories were analyzed and 36 were detected in one or more samples. Of these, 16 have known or suspected endocrine‐disrupting potential. At and downstream from the WWTP outfall, detergent metabolites, fire retardants, and steroids were detected at the highest concentrations, which commonly exceeded 1 μg/l in 2005 and 2 μg/l in 2006. Most individual ECs were measured at concentrations less than 2 μg/l. The results indicate that outfalls from WWTPs are the largest but may not be the sole source of ECs in St. Vrain Creek. In 2005, high discharge was associated with fewer EC detections, lower total EC concentrations, and smaller EC loads in St. Vrain Creek and its tributaries as compared with 2006. EC behavior differed by individual compound, and some differences between sites could be attributed to analytical variability or to other factors such as physical or chemical characteristics or distance from contributing sources. Loads of some ECs, such as diethoxynonylphenol, accumulated or attenuated depending on location, discharge, and distance downstream from the WWTP, whereas others, such as bisphenol A, were largely conservative. The extent to which ECs in St. Vrain Creek affect native fish species and macroinvertebrate communities is unknown, but recent studies have shown that fish respond to very low concentrations of ECs, and further study on the fate and transport of these contaminants in the aquatic environment is warranted.  相似文献   
This is the second part of a paper outlining some principles applicable to the development of international law in the sub-sector of ground-water resources. In the first part of the paper, in the previous issue of the Forum , national ground-water laws were investigated to examine their suitability for adaptation at the international level. This part of the paper is devoted to reviewing the interjurisdictional experience among federated states and among independent states. It also draws the general conclusion of the entire paper.  相似文献   
The ability to tolerate disturbance is a defense strategy that minimizes the effects of damage to fitness and is essential for sustainability of populations, communities, and ecosystems. Despite the apparent benefits of tolerance, there may be an associated cost that results in a deficiency of a system to respond to additional disturbances. Aquatic ecosystems are often exposed to a variety of natural and anthropogenic disturbances, and the effects of these compound perturbations are not well known. In this investigation, we examine whether tolerance to one stressor, metals, results in a cost of increased sensitivity to an additional stressor, ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation. Heavy metal pollution is recognized as a major environmental problem in Rocky Mountain streams. These high-elevation, typically clear streams may be at particular risk to elevated UV-B levels associated with reduced levels of ozone. Microcosm experiments were conducted using natural stream benthic communities collected from a reference site and a site with a long-term history of heavy-metal pollution. Direct and interactive effects of heavy metals and UV-B radiation on structural and functional characteristics of benthic communities were evaluated among four treatments: control, UV-B, metals, and metal and UV-B. Communities from the metal-polluted site were more tolerant of metals but less tolerant to UV-B compared to reference communities. Increased mayfly drift and reduced metabolism in response to metal exposure were observed in reference communities but not in the metal-polluted communities. In contrast to these results, UV-B radiation significantly reduced community metabolism, total macroinvertebrate abundance, and abundances of mayflies, caddisflies, and dipterans from the metal-polluted site, but had no effects on benthic communities from the reference site. ANOSIM results demonstrated that community responses differed among treatments at both sites. Metals had the largest impact on community differences at both sites, while UV-B had greater impacts at the metal-polluted site. This research demonstrates the need to account for potential costs associated with tolerance and that these costs can result in behavioral, structural, and functional impacts to benthic communities.  相似文献   
采用上海地区2007年1月~2010年11月CALIPSO星载激光雷达Level 2反演资料,对清洁海洋型、沙尘型、大陆污染型、大陆清洁型、污染沙尘型和烟尘型等类型气溶胶垂直分布进行了分析,研究了其季节变化规律.结果表明:霾发生时0~2km高度烟尘型气溶胶出现频率明显高于非霾时,而在2~8km高度,沙尘型、污染沙尘型与大陆污染型明显高于非霾时.0~2km高度春季霾大陆污染型气溶胶出现频率高于其他季节;0~2km夏季污染沙尘型气溶胶与海洋型气溶胶出现频率均高于其他季节,特别是污染沙尘型;秋季霾期间,0~2km高度范围内烟尘型出现频率明显高于2~6km高度;冬季污染沙尘型、烟尘、大陆污染型气溶胶出现频率高于其他季节.  相似文献   
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