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Though a number of occupational accidents have occurred amongst the working population in Mauritius, no study has been carried out to measure the costs associated with such accidents to the best of our knowledge. This study bridges this gap by measuring the economic costs of occupational accidents by using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The results show that occupational accidents result in costs amounting to nearly Rs. 168 mn of which a major part is accounted for, by loss in productivity. Alongside the highest rate of accidents took place within small enterprises and younger workers are the one taking higher risks mainly due to lack of knowledge and risk awareness. The findings also reveal that only 4% employers believe that investment in safety and health is important for maintaining good business partly because most of the costs are borne by the state. Such a situation therefore requires the need for awareness on practical health and safety systems and procedures among both employees and employers with a view to prevent accident and injuries.  相似文献   
Cr, Zn and Pb were quantified using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) from urban and rural estuarine sediments collected along the western coast of Mauritius during the period July 2002-January 2003. The mean concentration of Cr (225.4 mg kg(-1)), Zn (107.0 mg kg(-1)) and Pb (27.0 mg kg(-1)) in sediments along the six estuaries can be considered below those from contaminated estuarine sediments. Zn and Pb were significantly higher in urban sediments downstream St. Louis River compared to a rural estuary at Tamarin at 5% significance level. Zn was also significantly lower in Tamarin compared to Petite Riviere Noire estuary. Cr was however not significantly different in sediments from the six estuaries and could be considered of basaltic origin and were correlated to neither lead nor zinc. The concentration of Zn and Pb were greatest in the more urbanised upper and lower reaches of the St. Louis estuary during the period of study and were also significantly positively correlated in the estuarine sediments indicating that the cycling of Pb and Zn were linked indicating a common source for Pb and Zn. The potential sources of Pb and Zn in the urban estuarine sediments were considered to arise from road runoff causing significant quantities to be trapped. At present, compared to contaminant levels found in the UK and elsewhere, Mauritius still looks relatively uncontaminated but there is growing concern about heavy metal contamination in urban estuaries. There is therefore a need for long-term studies in estuarine management to involve integrated strategies in which water-sediment interactions in estuaries need to be considered and international standards for sediment quality developed. Such studies undertaken in the future would further the understanding of the biogeochemical processes of estuarine systems in Mauritius which could then be used in environmental development schemes and effective coastal zone management.  相似文献   
In the Western Mediterranean Sea, the gorgonian Eunicella singularis (Esper, 1794) is found at high densities on sublittoral bottoms at depths from 10 to 70 m. Shallow colonies have symbiotic zooxanthellae that deeper colonies lack. While knowledge of the ecology of the shallow populations has increased during the last decades, there is almost no information on the ecology of the deep sublittoral populations. In October and November 2004 at Cap de Creus (42°19′12″ N; 03°19′34″ E), an analysis of video transects made by a remotely operated vehicle showed that shallow populations (10–25 m depth) were dominated by small, non-reproductive colonies, while deep sublittoral populations (50–67 m depth) were dominated by medium-sized colonies. Average and maximum colony heights were greater in the deeper populations, with these deeper populations also forming larger patch sizes and more extensive regions of continuous substrate coverage. These results suggest that shallow habitats are suitable for E. singularis, as shown by the high recruitment rate, but perturbations may limit or delay the development of these populations into a mature stage. This contrasts with the deep sublittoral habitats where higher environmental stability may allow the development of mature populations dominated by larger, sexually mature colonies.  相似文献   
The relationship of some dissolved trace metals (Al, Cr, Mn, Zn, and Pb) with one another and to dissolved phosphate and nitrate in a freshwater aquatic system at Flic en Flac and Grand River North West (GRNW) in Mauritius (1850 km2, 20 degrees S and 57 degrees E, Western Indian ocean) is reported following trace metal determination using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Dissolved Al (<200 ng ml(-1)), Cr (<50 ng ml(-1)), Mn (<50 ng ml(-1)), Zn (< 100 ng ml(-1)), and Pb (<50 ng ml(-1)) upstream, downstream GRNW and in the marshes and rivulet at Flic en Flac were found to be below the recommended EEC maximum admissible concentrations and within the ambient drinking water quality standards in Mauritius. Dissolved Pb was significantly positively correlated to both dissolved Cr and Zn suggesting that the cycling for dissolved Pb is linked to the cycling of both dissolved Cr and Zn along GRNW. The common influential cycling of Pb and Zn was further reinforced as both dissolved Pb and Zn were significantly positively correlated to dissolved phosphate, which suggested a biological role in the cycling of Zn and Pb. The role of biological activity or adsorption to biological systems in Pb cycling along GRNW is further suggested as dissolved Pb was significantly correlated to dissolved nitrate. The apparent absence of the dissolved Al, Cr, and Mn with dissolved nitrate and phosphate could be attributed to factors such as the lower sensitivity of the GRNW to metal uptake during biological activity during the time frame considered. The cycling of dissolved Al and Mn was also not linked to the cycling of Cr, Zn, and Pb as no significant correlation was found along GRNW.  相似文献   
Some 44% of the world's population lives within 150 km of the coast and mass migration towards the coast will continue in the decades ahead. Degrading and exhaustive uses of land, water and other coastal resources and disruption of environmental processes through degradation of environmental quality and loss of critical terrestrial and aquatic habitats can lead to serious deleterious impacts on the health and productivity of coastal ecosystems. Following the Arusha Resolution (1993), the Seychelles Statement (1996) and the Colombo CZM Workshop (1999), the need for integrated coastal zone management has become critical because of the limited land resources and unproportional domination of coastal areas in the wider Caribbean and Indian Ocean/ Pacific island states. The coastal zone of Mauritius (1,850 km2, 20°S, 58°E, south-western Indian Ocean, 1.12 million inhabitants) was redefined in 1997 in the Environmental Protection Act of 1991 [Part VII (Act 34)] to include all islets within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ; 1.7 million km2). During the 1980s, the Mauritian economy underwent major structural changes successfully, with a rapid phase of industrialization diversifying into two major activities, textiles and tourism. Existing reports and data in a common framework have to be synthesized and organized to fill existing gaps in knowledge with data collection and scientific inquiries, to identify social and economic drivers and to relate socioeconomic change to demands for environmental resources (land use, water resources, marine systems) and environmental impacts as proposed under the MERMAID (Mauritius Environmental Resource Management and Industrial Development) project. Nutrient flux and sediment trace metal contamination studies are currently underway to investigate different watersheds impacted by agricultural, urban and industrial activities in the north-west of the island. There is a pressing need to integrate the natural sciences with socioeconomic disciplines as proposed by the International Human Dimensions Program (IHDP) for an integrated management of coastal zones. Three integrated pilot projects in the Pacific-Indian Ocean and wider Caribbean as identified by Land Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) in the future, including current status and changes in material fluxes from drainage basins, transboundary impacts from the ocean and atmospheric inputs, could elucidate the land–sea interactions and human dimensions of change on small islands. The sustainability of marine resources and the conservation of biological diversity will depend on a critical understanding of linkages between human activities and ecological responses and upon a citizenry that assumes ownership of these regions. Case studies would also help in investigating how humans affect transport pathways and biogeochemical cycles in small island states. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
The mean concentration of Cr (105 +/- 30 mg kg(-1)), Zn (167 +/- 30 mg kg(-1)) and Pb (14 +/- 7 mg kg(-1)) in the sediments along St. Louis River situated in an urbanized and industrialized area in Mauritius were well below the limits of 600, 2500 and 700 mg kg(-1) quoted for contaminated sediments adopted from the draft standards (24% clay and 10% organic matter by weight) from the Netherlands [Van Veen RJ, Stortelder PBM. Research on contaminated sediments in the Netherlands. In: Wolf K, Van de Brink WJ, Colon FJ, editors. Contaminated soil. Academic Publisher, 1998. p. 1263-1275.]. Industrial contamination appeared to undergo rapid dilution in the estuary as Cr had high levels near point sources from industries, but decreased rapidly in amount in the estuary possibly because of dilution by other sediments. The significant levels of Zn in sediments from upstream to the estuary suggest that the potential sources could be from the adjacent motorway and road runoff causing significant quantities to be trapped within the St. Louis River. Pb was two folds higher in the sediments in the estuary of St. Louis River compared to upstream and downstream indicating accumulation of Pb in estuarine sediments, which could be released continuously into the lagoon. The potential sources of Pb in sediments from upstream to the estuary were from the adjacent motorway and road runoff causing significant quantities to be trapped within the St. Louis River. Pb and Zn were significantly positively correlated in the sediments along St. Louis River indicating a common source for Pb and Zn. Significant negative correlations were also found for both Pb and Zn with dissolved oxygen in summer along St. Louis River which indicated that the presence of anoxic waters influenced the trapping of Zn and Pb in the sediment phase. This study has also highlighted that a phasedown of Pb in petrol is necessary and with the introduction of unleaded petrol and vehicles equipped with catalytic converters, studies on levels of Pd and Pt to provide baseline data need to be done in the near future and integrated in environmental development schemes and effective coastal zone management of small island states.  相似文献   
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