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Data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Aerometric Information Retrieval System (now known as the Air Quality System) database for 1999 and 2000 have been used to characterize the spatial variability of concentrations of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter < or = 2.5 microg (PM2.5) in 27 urban areas across the United States. Different measures were used to quantify the degree of uniformity of PM2.5 concentrations in the urban areas characterized. It was observed that PM2.5 concentrations varied to differing degrees in the urban areas examined. Analyses of several urban areas in the Southeast indicated high correlations between site pairs and spatial uniformity in concentration fields. Considerable spatial variation was found in other regions, especially in the West. Even within urban areas in which all site pairs were highly correlated, a variable degree of heterogeneity in PM2.5 concentrations was found. Thus, even though concentrations at pairs of sites were highly correlated, their concentrations were not necessarily the same. These findings indicate that the potential for exposure misclassification errors in time-series epidemiologic studies exists.  相似文献   
The current study uses case studies of model-predicted regional precipitation and wet ion deposition over 5-year periods to estimate errors in corresponding regional values derived from the means of site-specific values within regions of interest located in the eastern US. The mean of model-predicted site-specific values for sites within each region was found generally to overestimate the corresponding model-predicted regional wet ion deposition. On an annual basis across four regions in the eastern US, these overestimates of regional wet ion deposition were typically between 5 and 25% and may be more exaggerated for individual seasons. Corresponding overestimates of regional precipitation were typically <5%, but may be more exaggerated for individual seasons. Period-to-period relative changes determined from the mean of site-based model-predicted wet deposition for the current regional ensembles of sites generally estimated larger beneficial effects of pollutant emissions reductions in comparison to changes based on model-predicted regional wet deposition. On an annual basis site-based relative changes were generally biased low compared to regional relative changes: differences were typically <7%, but they may also be more exaggerated for individual seasons. Spatial heterogeneities of the wet ion deposition fields with respect to the sparse monitoring site locations prevented the monitoring sites considered in the current study from providing regionally representative results. Monitoring site locations considered in the current study over-represent the geographical areas subject to both high emissions and high wet ion deposition and under-represent the geographical areas subject to low emissions and low wet deposition. Since the current case studies consider only those eastern US site locations that have supported concurrent wet and dry deposition monitoring, similar errors may be expected for dry and total deposition using results from the same monitoring site locations. Current case study results illustrate the approximate range of potential errors and suggest caution when inferring regional acid deposition from a network of sparse monitoring sites.  相似文献   
Hourly averaged data for ozone collected in 1986 and 1987 were analyzed and characterized for a select set of high-elevation sites in the eastern United States. Pressure-corrected adjustments may be necessary when comparing ozone concentrations measured at two different elevations. When unadjusted concentrations (i.e. in units of parts per million) were used, the Whiteface Mountain sites showed what appeared to be an ozone elevational gradient. A gradient was not observed for the two MCCP Shenandoah National Park sites (SH1 and SH2). When adjusted ozone values (i.e. in units of micrograms per cubic meter) were used, the elevational gradient reported for Whiteface Mountain was no longer observed. When unadjusted concentrations were used, in most cases the high-elevation sites appeared to be receiving greater ozone exposure than the nearby, lower elevation sites. When adjusted ozone values were used, a consistent conclusion was not evident. On a regional basis for the period May through September 1987, when unadjusted concentrations were used, the high-elevation sites in the South appeared to experience higher cumulative ozone exposures than sites in the North. When adjusted ozone values were used, the geographic gradient was not strong. Assuming that target sensitivity remains nearly constant as elevation changes, adjusted concentrations should be taken into consideration when evaluating the relationship between ozone exposures at high-elevation sites and biological effects.  相似文献   
An analysis of surface ozone measurements at a west coast site in northern California (Trinidad Head) demonstrates that this location is well situated to sample air entering the west coast of the US from the Pacific Ocean. During the seasonal maximum in the spring, this location regularly observes hourly average ozone mixing ratios 50 ppbv in air that is uninfluenced by the North American continent. Mean daytime values in the spring exceed 40 ppbv. A location in southern California (Channel Islands National Park) demonstrates many of the characteristics during the spring as Trinidad Head in terms of air flow patterns and ozone amounts suggesting that background levels of ozone entering southern California from the Pacific Ocean are similar to those in northern California. Two inland locations (Yreka and Lassen Volcanic National Park) in northern California with surface ozone data records of 20 years or more are more difficult to interpret because of possible influences of local or regional changes. They show differing results for the long-term trend during the spring. The 10-year ozone vertical profile measurements obtained with weekly ozonesondes at Trinidad Head show no significant longer-term change in tropospheric ozone.  相似文献   
The covariance between hourly concentration (C) and depositionvelocity (V) for various atmospheric species may act to bias the dry deposition (D) computed from the product of the weeklyaverage C and V. This is a potential problem for the CASTNet filter pack (FP) species, nitric acid (HNO3). Using ozone (O3) behavior as a surrogate for HNO3, correctionfactors (CF) are developed to estimate this bias. Weekly CF for O3 depend on both site and season, and seasonal average weekly CF for O3 at a given site may be as high as 1.25.The seasonal magnitude of this CF is generally largest in summerand is ordered: summer fall spring > winter. The CF is drivento a large extent by the diurnal correlation between C andV (i.e., both are generally higher during the day and lower at night). However, since the diurnal C profile at elevated sites is relatively constant, the resulting correlation between C and V is small, and the CF at montane sites is generally negligiblysmall. The sampling protocol using daytime integrated sampling for a week and nighttime integrated sampling for a week capturesthe diurnal correlation between C and V adequately and may be used to aggregate relatively unbiased weekly D estimates. Day-night CF for O3 are close to unity, and limited results suggest similar behavior for HNO3. Using these limited FP results, the site- and seasonally-specific weekly CF forO3are refined to estimate the corresponding CF for HNO3. Worst-case adjustments for HNO3 as high as 30% are indicated for summer periods at a given site.  相似文献   

Data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Aerometric Information Retrieval System (now known as the Air Quality System) database for 1999 and 2000 have been used to characterize the spatial variability of concentrations of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter ≤2.5 μg (PM2.5) in 27 urban areas across the United States. Different measures were used to quantify the degree of uniformity of PM2.5 concentrations in the urban areas characterized. It was observed that PM2.5 concentrations varied to differing degrees in the urban areas examined. Analyses of several urban areas in the Southeast indicated high correlations between site pairs and spatial uniformity in concentration fields. Considerable spatial variation was found in other regions, especially in the West. Even within urban areas in which all site pairs were highly correlated, a variable degree of heterogeneity in PM2.5 concentrations was found. Thus, even though concentrations at pairs of sites were highly correlated, their concentrations were not necessarily the same. These findings indicate that the potential for exposure misclassification errors in time-series epidemiologic studies exists.  相似文献   
Air quality standards are established to prevent or minimize the risk of adverse effects from air pollution to human health, vegetation, and materials. In order to develop standards which provide an adequate measure of protection to vegetation, it is necessary to define, in as precise terms as possible, the relationship between ambient air quality and the potential for adverse effects on vegetation. Based on recent evidence published in the literature, as well as retrospective studies using data from the National Crop Loss Assessment Network (NCLAN), cumulative indices can be used to describe exposures of ozone for predicting agricultural crop effects. However, the mathematical form of the standard that may be proposed to protect crops does not necessarily have to be of the same form as that used in the statistical or process oriented mathematical models that relate ambient ozone exposures with vegetation effects. This paper discusses the limitations associated with applying a simple statistic that may take the place of a more biologically meaningful exposure parameter. While the NCLAN data have been helpful in identifying indices that may be appropriate for establishing exposure-response relationships, the limitations associated with the NCLAN protocol need to be considered when attempting to apply these relationships in the establishment of a secondary national ambient air quality standard. The Weibull model derived from NCLAN experiments must demonstrate its generality and universal applicability. Furthermore, its predictive power must be tested using independent sets of field data.  相似文献   
Ozone is an ubiquitous air pollutant that affects both human health and vegetation. There is concern about the number of hours human populations in nonattainment areas in the United States are exposed to levels of 03 at which effects have been observed. As improvement in air quality is achieved, it is possible that 03 control strategies may produce distributions of 1-h 03 concentrations that result in different diurnal profiles that produce greater potential exposures to 03 at known effects levels for multiple hours of the day. These concerns have prompted new analysis of aerometric data. In this analysis, the change in the seasonally averaged diurnal pattern was investigated as changes in 03 levels occurred. For the data used in this analysis, 25 of the 36 sites that changed compliance status across years showed no statistically significant change in the shape of the average diurnal profile (averaged by 03 season). For 71 percent (10 out of 14) of the sites in southern California and Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, that showed improvement in O3 levels (i.e., reductions in the number of exceedances over the years), but still remained in nonattainment, a statistically significant change in the shape of the seasonally averaged diurnal profile occurred. Based on the results obtained in this study, the evaluation of diurnal patterns may be useful for identifying the influence of changes in emission levels versus meteorological variation on attainment status. Using data from the southern California and Dallas-Fort Worth sites, which showed improvements in 03 levels, changes were observed in the seasonally averaged diurnal profiles. On the other hand, for the sites moving between attainment and nonattainment status, such a change in shape was generally not observed and it was possible that meteorology played a more important role than changes in emission levels relative to attainment status.  相似文献   
In this analysis, we characterize urban and rural ozone (O3) trends across the US for the periods 1980–2008 (29 years) and 1994–2008 (15 years) using three exposure metrics, which summarize daily O3 concentrations to reflect different ways O3 may affect human health and vegetation. We observe that a statistically significant trend at a specific monitoring site, using one exposure metric, does not necessarily result in a similar trend using the other two metrics. The two most common trends among the monitoring sites are either a continuation of negative trending over the 29-year period or a shift from negative to no trend status, indicating a leveling off of the trending. Very few sites exhibit statistically significant increases in the exposure indices. In characterizing the statistically significant changes in the distribution of hourly average O3, we observe subtle statistically significant changes in the lower part of the distribution (i.e., below 50 ppb) that are not necessarily captured by the trending patterns associated with the three exposure metrics. Using multisite data from 12 metropolitan cities, we find that as the frequency of higher hourly average concentrations is reduced, the lower hourly average concentrations also move upward toward the mid-level values. The change in the number of the hourly average concentrations in the lower range is consistent with decreased NO scavenging. We recommend assessing possible subtle shifts in O3 concentrations by characterizing changes in the distribution of hourly average concentrations by month. Identifying statistically significant monthly changes in the mid- and low-level hourly average concentrations may provide important information for assessing changes in physical processes associated with global climate change, long-range transport, and the efficacy of models used for emission and risk reductions. Our results indicate that it is important to investigate the change in the trending pattern with time (e.g., moving 15-year trending) in order to assess how year-to-year variability may influence the trend calculation.  相似文献   
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