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塔希提岛火山岩属典型的大洋岛屿玄武岩(OIB)。该岛是法属波利尼西亚群岛中社会群岛链之一部分,火山活动可分三期:早期(1.7—1.3Ma),中期(1.3—0.6Ma)和晚期(0.6—0.3Ma)。早期火山岩兼有碱性和拉斑系列岩石,包括苦橄玄武岩、碱性玄武岩、拉斑玄武岩及少量玄武安山岩;中期火山岩主要有粗面玄武岩—粗面岩、碱性玄武岩和少量碧玄岩;晚期则以碧玄岩为主,并有部分碱玄岩出现。火山岩的这种岩性变化表明其岩浆由早到晚从富镁、硅弱不饱和向富碱和硅强烈不饱和演化。 社会群岛火山链的火山活动以平均11cm/a的速率从西北向东南迁移,与MORB相比,所有塔希提的岩石皆富大离子亲石元素并有较高的~(87)Sr/~(66)Sr比值,这一特征可能与其特殊的源区成分有关,即富集的地幔热柱或大洋岩石圈。早期岩石是地幔热柱和少量洋壳的部分熔融产物的混合体,故既有拉斑系列又有碱性系列。随着火山活动远离存在热柱的热点区域,洋壳部分熔融的程度逐渐降低,因而其产生的熔融体也越来越富碱,~(87)Sr/~(66)Sr比值也相应有所降低。  相似文献   
长江,嘉陵江重庆城区段二维水质对流扩散数学模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对二水质对流扩散数学模型的有限差分解作了较详细的叙述,同时对距离步长,时间步长计算,网络内水深,流速,横向扩散系数的求取也作了简要介绍。  相似文献   
随着环境问题愈来愈突出,环境侵权现象已成为中国的一大社会问题,但中国目前尚缺乏对环境侵权救济法律制度进行全面深入的研究.本文分析了中国现行环境侵权法律救济制度存在的问题,造成侵权救济问题的原因,提出了完善环境侵权救济制度的措施.  相似文献   
Here we report an unequivocal arboreal coelurosaur, Epidendrosaurus ningchengensis gen. et sp. nov. This juvenile coelurosaur's third manual digit is extremely elongated, distinctively different from that of other known dinosaurs and birds. It represents certainly a type of adaptation previously unreported from the Mesozoic although the exact function of the third manual digit is unclear. The relatively long forelimb, penultimate phalanx of manual digit II, and pedal penultimate phalanges, are interpreted as evidence for the arboreal habit of Epidendrosaurus. Because Epidendrosaurus is more similar to advanced birds in some arboreal features than to Archaeopteryx, we suggest that the initial appearance of tree-adaptation in theropods was probably not directly related to flight but to other functions, such as seeking food or escaping from predators. Electronic Supplementary Material is available if you access this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00114-002-0353-8. On that page (frame on the left side), a link takes you directly to the supplementary material.  相似文献   
非热等离子体与催化相结合去除气相低浓度苯系物   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用串齿线-简体构成的等离子体反应器,研究了非热等离子体及其与Pt/Al2O3或Mn/Al2O3催化剂组合作用下的苯系物转化率、COx产率和O3生成情况.结果表明.苯系物转化率排序为对二甲苯>甲苯>苯.产生非热等离子体的放电区后接Pt/Al2O3或Mn/Al2O3催化剂可提高苯系物的转化率,并使达到相同转化率所对应的电压降低1~2kV,等离子体与催化剂之间表现出明显的协同效应.非热等离子体放电与Pt/Al2O3或Mn/Al2O3催化剂组合后也有利于苯系物向COx转化及去除放电产生的O3,可使最大COx产率从80%分别提高到86%和100%,而反应器出口的最大O3浓度则从707mg·m-3分别降至339mg·dm-3和39mg·dm-3.经过等离子体反应器、催化剂以及两者组合方式的优化,等离子体放电协同Mn/Al2O3催化剂工艺有望成为处理气相低浓度有机物的实用方法.  相似文献   
光合细菌及活性污泥法联用工艺处理明胶废水试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了光合细菌(photo-synthetic bacteria,简称PSB)及活性污泥法联用工艺处理明胶生产过程中产生的高浓度有机废水的可行性。经过光合细菌及活性污泥先后次序的变换,得出了最优处理工艺。结果表明:"PSB+活性污泥"工艺、"活性污泥+PSB"工艺COD去除率平均值分别为94.7%和96.0%;"活性污泥+PSB"工艺有较强的去除钙质和耐冲击负荷的能力,该工艺适合处理此种含高钙、高氯、高碱明胶的废水。  相似文献   
The environmental behavior of antibiotics has attracted great research attention. However, their sorption mechanisms in soils/sediments are still unknown. Comparison of the sorption properties between the widely-studied hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) and antibiotics may provide valuable insight to antibiotic sorption mechanisms. Thus, in this study batch experiments for pyrene (PYR), bisphenol A (BPA), and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) sorption were conducted on a sediment sample and its separated fractions. Our results showed the high sorption of PYR on black carbon and organic matter. Although high sorption of SMX was observed for both separated organic fractions (humic acids) and inorganic mineral particles, the original sediment particles showed relatively low sorption. Competitive sorption between SMX and dissolved humic acid on mineral particles was observed in this study. This competitive interaction is a unique process for antibiotic sorption in soils/sediments compared with apolar HOCs and may be one of the important factors controlling the antibiotic sorption.  相似文献   
高土石坝震害与抗震措施评述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目前,我国西部地区正建或拟建一大批高土石坝,这些高坝都位于地震高烈度区,做好抗震设计非常重要。本文总结了地震荷载作用下土石坝常见的几种破坏形式,包括地震永久变形、滑坡失稳、液化、防渗体破坏、次生破坏;针对这些破坏形式,总结了地震高烈度区高土石坝的抗震措施,包括预留超高、坡脚压重、坝顶加固、抗液化措施、防渗体处理等;提出了现阶段高土石坝抗震的计算方法和抗震措施存在的缺点和不足,并对我国今后的高土石坝抗震稳定研究提出了建议。  相似文献   
潜在蒸散发对水资源评价和气候变化均具有重要意义。采用Penman-Monteith公式和气象观测资料计算了中国西南地区90个气象站的潜在蒸散发,并采用多种统计方法分析了潜在蒸散发的时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)西南地区近52a的平均潜在蒸散发为3 209.8 mm,其中云南省潜在蒸散发最高(3 664.7 mm),其次为四川省(3 015.0 mm)、重庆市(2 972.4 mm)、贵州省(2 958.0 mm)。四季潜在蒸散发空间分布特征与年不同,从大到小排序为夏季,春季,秋季,冬季。(2)西南地区整体呈增加趋势(0.9 mm/10 a),其中31个站点呈减少趋势(p0.1),17个站点呈增加趋势(p0.1),其余站点变化趋势不显著。大部分站点春季(55.6%)和夏季(63.3%)呈减少趋势,秋季(62.2%)和冬季(58.9%)则呈增加趋势。(3)经MannKendall突变检验,该区整体潜在蒸散发的突变时间为1995年(p0.05);单个站点突变检验显示,76个站点发生突变,突变年份集中于1980s,未发生突变的站点主要分布于青藏高原东缘。整体上看,近52a来西南地区潜在蒸散发略呈增加趋势,并存在突变点,但部分站点存在相反的变化趋势,这和复杂的地形环境和气候特征有较大关系,体现出西南地区水文气象变化的独特性。  相似文献   
PCB levels in fish (collected from local rivers), atmosphere and human milk samples have been studied to determine the exposure levels of PCBs for local residents and e-waste workers in Guiyu, a major electronic waste scrapping center in China. The source appointment and correlation analyses showed that homologue composition of PCBs in 7 species of fish were consistent and similar to commercial PCBs Aroclor 1248. PCB levels in air surrounding the open burning site were significantly higher than those in residential area. Inhalation exposure contributed 27% and 93% to the total body loadings (the sum of dietary and inhalation exposure) of the local residents, and e-waste workers engaged in open burning respectively. Total PCB concentrations in human milk ranged from N.D. to 57.6 ng/g lipid, with an average of 9.50 ng/g lipid. The present results indicated that commercial PCBs derived from e-waste recycling are major sources of PCBs accumulating in different environmental media, leading to the accumulation of high chlorinated biphenyls in human beings.  相似文献   
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