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Animal studies show that exposure to the environmental pollutant 3,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126) causes alterations in hepatic metals as measured in acid-digested volume-adjusted tissue. These studies lack the detail of the spatial distribution within the liver. Here we use X-ray fluorescence microscopy (XFM) to assess the spatial distribution of trace elements within liver tissue. Liver samples from male Sprague Dawley rats, treated either with vehicle or PCB126, were formalin fixed and paraffin embedded. Serial sections were prepared for traditional H&E staining or placed on silicon nitride windows for XFM. With XFM, metal gradients between the portal triad and the central vein were seen, especially with copper and iron. These gradients change with exposure to PCB126, even reverse. This is the first report of how micronutrients vary spatially within the liver and how they change in response to toxicant exposure. In addition, high concentrations of zinc clusters were discovered in the extracellular space. PCB126 treatment did not affect their presence, but did alter their elemental makeup suggesting a more general biological function. Further work is needed to properly evaluate the gradients and their alterations as well as classify the zinc clusters to determine their role in liver function and zinc homeostasis.  相似文献   
P. J. Vine 《Marine Biology》1974,24(2):131-136
Aggressive behaviour of the fishes Pomacentrus lividus Bl. Schn. and Acanthurus sohal Forskal from the Red Sea is briefly described, and its effect on intensity of algal grazing by herbivorous fish is demonstrated by settlement experiments. Green filamentous alga settles and grows at shallow depths over large areas of coral reefs, but is cropped by fishes to such an extent that it forms only a thin patchy matting on dead corals. Within pomacentrid territories, the alga forms a thicker matting on loosely cemented coralline rubble. Optimum depth range for growth occurs at less than 20 m. Rich growths of green filamentous alga, such as those which occur within pomacentrid territories or on settlement plates protected by wire netting cages, inhibit settlement of “lithothamnion” and invertebrates. While rasping and grazing fish feeders such as parrot fish and surgeon fish limit the distribution of certain invertebrates such as spirorbids, in shallow water it is also true that, were it not for such active removal of green filamentous alga, “lithothamnion” and many invertebrates would find ewer surfaces suitable for settlement.  相似文献   
Because of concerns with the growing threat of global climate change from increasing emissions of greenhouse gases, the United States and other countries are implementing, by themselves or in cooperation with one or more other nations, climate change projects. These projects will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or sequester carbon, and will also result in non-GHG benefits (i.e., environmental, economic, and social benefits). Monitoring, evaluating, reporting, and verifying (MERV) guidelines are needed for these projects to accurately determine their net GHG, and other, benefits. Implementation of MERV guidelines is also intended to: (1) increase the reliability of data for estimating GHG benefits; (2) provide real-time data so that mid-course corrections can be made; (3) introduce consistency and transparency across project types and reporters; and (4) enhance the credibility of the projects with stakeholders. In this paper, we review the issues involved in MERV activities. We identify several topics that future protocols and guidelines need to address, such as: (1) establishing a credible baseline; (2) accounting for impacts outside project boundaries through leakage; (3) net GHG reductions and other benefits; (4) precision of measurement; (5) MERV frequency and the persistence (sustainability) of savings, emissions reduction, and carbon sequestration; (6) reporting by multiple project participants; (7) verification of GHG reduction credits; (8) uncertainty and risk; (9) institutional capacity in conducting MERV; and (10) the cost of MERV.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present an overview of guidelinesdeveloped for the monitoring, evaluation, reporting,verification, and certification (MERVC) ofenergy-efficiency projects for climate changemitigation. The monitoring and evaluation ofenergy-efficiency projects is needed to determine moreaccurately their impact on greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions and other attributes, and to ensure that theglobal climate is protected and that countryobligations are met. Reporting, verification andcertification will be needed for addressing therequirements of the Kyoto Protocol. While the cost ofmonitoring and evaluation of energy-efficiencyprojects is expected to be about 5–10% of a project'sbudget, the actual cost of monitoring and evaluationwill vary depending on many factors, including thelevel of precision required for measuring energy andGHG reductions, type of project, and amount of fundingavailable.  相似文献   
Carbon sequestration in terrestrialecosystems and geologic formations providesa significant opportunity for California toaddress global climate change. The physicalsize of its resources (e.g., forests,agriculture, soils, rangeland, and geologicformations) and the expertise in Californiaprovides a substantial foundation fordeveloping carbon sequestration activities.Furthermore, the co-benefits of carbonsequestration – such as improved soil andwater quality, restoration of degradedecosystems, increased plant and cropproductivity, and enhanced oil recovery – are significant. In fact, carbonsequestration often represents a `noregrets' strategy – implementing carbonsequestration provides multiple benefits,even without the advent of global climatechange.Nevertheless, researchers need to addressseveral issues to determine more accuratelythe potential, benefits, and costs ofsequestering carbon in California'sterrestrial ecosystems and geologicformations, as well as to identify the mostpromising sequestration methods and theiroptimal implementation. One key issue isthe type of regulatory constraints facingdevelopers of carbon sequestrationprojects: what permits are needed fordeveloping these projects? The permittingprocess may impede the penetration ofsequestration technologies into the marketif the costs (including transaction costs)of obtaining the permits are too burdensomeand costly. For example, at least ninefederal regulations and seven stateregulations will potentially influencecarbon sequestration projects inCalifornia. This paper also provides anexample of the types of permits needed fordeveloping a carbon sequestration project,using California as an example. It ispossible that a carbon sequestrationproject may have to obtain a total of 15permits (3 federal, 6 state, 6 local),before it even starts to operate. In theconcluding section, we offer some suggestedareas for research and activities forpolicy makers.  相似文献   
Methods of incubation are taxonomically important in Spirorbinae. About half of the known species incubate in the operculum, but the remainder are usually described simply as incubating within the tube. Studies of tube incubation show that the embryos are anchored in various ways. They form an egg string, which is attached to the tube by a posterior filament in Spirorbis and Spirorbella; they adhere more generally to the tube wall in Circies and Paradexiospira; they are attached to specialised thoracic stalks in Protolaeospira, Helicosiphon and Romanchella; they adhere to the body surface in Metalaeospira and probably in Eulaeospira; they are not attached to either body or tube in Paralaeospira. Tube incubation is found predominantly in temperate or cold waters. In most species from the southern hemisphere, embryos are anchored to the bodies of the parents, but in most species from the northern hemisphere, embryos are fixed to the walls of the parent tubes.  相似文献   
Between 1960 and 1968 low-level radioactive waste was buried in a series of shallow trenches near the Lucas Heights facility, south of Sydney, Australia. Groundwater monitoring carried out since the mid 1970s indicates that with the exception of tritium, no radioactivity above typical background levels has been detected outside the immediate vicinity of the trenches. The maximum tritium level detected in groundwater was 390 kBq/L and the median value was 5400 Bq/L, decay corrected to the time of disposal. Since 1968, a plume of tritiated water has migrated from the disposal trenches and extends at least 100 m from the source area. Tritium in rainfall is negligible, however leachate from an adjacent landfill represents a significant additional tritium source. Study data indicate variation in concentration levels and plume distribution in response to wet and dry climatic periods and have been used to determine pathways for tritium migration through the subsurface.  相似文献   
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