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Moen J  Danell O 《Ambio》2003,32(6):397-402
During the last decade, several well-publicized grazing-related incidents of vegetation degradation have helped to form an official opinion of overutilization of some mountain areas and a concern that Swedish reindeer husbandry may not be ecologically sustainable. We examine these examples in a temporal and management perspective to assess the scale of impact on summer grazing grounds in the Swedish mountains. Long-term data on population dynamics of reindeer show no trend with fluctuations around 225 000 animals for the last century. Data on grazing effects from L?ngfj?llet (Dalarna) and Mitt?kl?ppen (H?rjedalen) are discussed in detail. We compare these data to the situation in Finnmark, Norway, and in northern Finland where reindeer husbandry in recent decades does not seem to have been ecologically sustainable. We conclude that large-scale overexploitation by reindeer in the Swedish mountains is not evident. However, strong grazing and trampling effects may be found around enclosures and fences.  相似文献   
北极苔原带和北方森林(北部地区)因其分布广阔并远离农业土地利用变化及工业发展的影响,而一度被认为是地球上最后的净土.但如今这些地区如同地球上任何别的地区一样,也正经受着环境和社会变化的影响.本文总结了北部地区在全球系统中所起的作用,并提出方案以便对导致该地区对社会和环境变化敏感的那些因子进行评价.  相似文献   
过去十年中,几例放牧引起植被退化的事件曝光已经使瑞典官方认为一些山区有过度放牧现象以及驯鹿养殖在生态学上可能并非是可持续的.我们从时间和管理角度对这些例子进行研究,进而评价放牧对瑞典山区夏季草场的影响程度.有关驯鹿种群长期动态的数据表明,上个世纪驯鹿的数量在225000头左右波动,没有变化的趋势.根据达拉纳(Dalarna)的郎格夫贾莱特(Langfjallet)和海里耶达(Harjedalen)的米塔克勒盆(Mitaklappen)的数据,对放牧影响进行了详细的讨论.我们将这些数据与近几十年养殖在生态学上似乎不可持续的挪威芬马克地区以及芬兰北部的情况进行了比较,我们的结论是大规模的驯鹿过度放牧在瑞典山区不明显.但在封闭和围栏养殖时,可见过度放牧和践踏的影响.  相似文献   
Across the circumpolar North large disparities in the distribution of renewable and nonrenewable resources, human population density, capital investments, and basic residential and transportation infrastructure combine to create recognizable hotspots of recent and foreseeable change. Northern Fennoscandia exemplifies a relatively benign situation due to its current economic and political stability. Northern Russia is experiencing rapid, mostly negative changes reflecting the general state of crisis since the collapse of the Soviet Union. North America enjoys a relatively stable regulatory structure to mitigate environmental degradation associated with industry, but is on the verge of approving massive new development schemes that would significantly expand the spatial extent of potentially affected social-ecological systems. Institutional or regulatory context influences the extent to which ecosystem services are buffered against environmental change. With or without a warming climate, certain geographic areas appear especially vulnerable to damages that may threaten their ability to supply goods and services in the near future. Climate change may exacerbate this situation in some places but may offer opportunities to enhance resilience in the long term.  相似文献   
The arctic tundra and boreal forest were once considered the last frontiers on earth because of their vast expanses remote from agricultural land-use change and industrial development. These regions are now, however, experiencing environmental and social changes that are as rapid as those occurring anywhere on earth. This paper summarizes the role of northern regions in the global system and provides a blueprint for assessing the factors that govern their sensitivity to social and environmental change.  相似文献   
Unprecedented global changes caused by human actions challenge society's ability to sustain the desirable features of our planet. This requires proactive management of change to foster both resilience (sustaining those attributes that are important to society in the face of change) and adaptation (developing new socioecological configurations that function effectively under new conditions). The Arctic may be one of the last remaining opportunities to plan for change in a spatially extensive region where many of the ancestral ecological and social processes and feedbacks are still intact. If the feasibility of this strategy can be demonstrated in the Arctic, our improved understanding of the dynamics of change can be applied to regions with greater human modification. Conditions may now be ideal to implement policies to manage Arctic change because recent studies provide the essential scientific understanding, appropriate international institutions are in place, and Arctic nations have the wealth to institute necessary changes, if they choose to do so.  相似文献   
Chapin FS  Danell K  Elmqvist T  Folke C  Fresco N 《Ambio》2007,36(7):528-533
Projected warming in Sweden and other Fennoscandian countries will probably increase growth rates of forest trees near their northern limits, increase the probability of new pest outbreaks, and foster northerly migration of both native and exotic species. The greatest challenges for sustainable forestry are to restore and enhance the ecological and socioeconomic diversity of intensively managed forested landscapes. With appropriate management, climate warming may facilitate the regeneration of this diversity. Experimental transplant gardens along latitudinal or altitudinal gradients and high-resolution maps of expected future climate could provide a scientific basis for predicting the climate response of potential migrant species. Management of corridors and assisted migration could speed the movement of appropriate species.  相似文献   
横跨北极的地区,可更新资源和不可更新资源、人口密度、资产投资、住宅与交通基础设施的分布存在着很大差异,这些差异被公认为是研究当前和未来社会-生态系统变化的热点.由于当前政治和经济的稳定,芬诺斯堪的亚地区北部社会-生态系统呈现出相对良好的形势,而俄罗斯北部从苏联解体开始便一直经历着急速且消极的变化,这些变化反映了俄罗斯普遍存在的危机状态.北美洲虽然处在一个相对稳定有序的制度下,采取了一些措施用于防止和减轻与工业有关的环境退化,但大多即将出台的新发展计划仍将会显著扩大社会-生态系统受到潜在影响的空间范围.制度或管理条款与生态系统服务功能对环境变化的缓冲能力紧密相关.无论气候是否变暖,某些地理区域对外来破坏作用表现得特别脆弱,这有可能威胁到这些区域在将来提供产品和服务的能力.尽管某些地区的气候变化有可能会使这种形势恶化,但从长远来看,气候变化也有可能会使其恢复力得到加强.  相似文献   
Reconnecting to the Biosphere   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Humanity has emerged as a major force in the operation of the biosphere, with a significant imprint on the Earth System, challenging social-ecological resilience. This new situation calls for a fundamental shift in perspectives, world views, and institutions. Human development and progress must be reconnected to the capacity of the biosphere and essential ecosystem services to be sustained. Governance challenges include a highly interconnected and faster world, cascading social-ecological interactions and planetary boundaries that create vulnerabilities but also opportunities for social-ecological change and transformation. Tipping points and thresholds highlight the importance of understanding and managing resilience. New modes of flexible governance are emerging. A central challenge is to reconnect these efforts to the changing preconditions for societal development as active stewards of the Earth System. We suggest that the Millennium Development Goals need to be reframed in such a planetary stewardship context combined with a call for a new social contract on global sustainability. The ongoing mind shift in human relations with Earth and its boundaries provides exciting opportunities for societal development in collaboration with the biosphere--a global sustainability agenda for humanity.  相似文献   
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