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The Sarno river basin covers an area of 500 km2 collecting the waters of Solofrana and Cavaiola tributaries. Originally it manly represents a source of livelihood for inhabitants by fishing and transporting goods; currently, the Sarno river, still partially used for irrigation, is affected by an extreme environmental degradation as a result of uncontrolled outflow of industrial waste. Within the framework of a wider geochemical prospecting project aiming at characterizing the whole territory of the Campania region, 89 stream sediment samples with a sampling density of 1 sample per 5 km2 were collected in the river basin and analyzed by means of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry in order to assess the environmental conditions at a regional scale. A GIS-aided technique, based on both the actual distribution of potentially harmful elements and their regional background values, was used to generate the maps of the contamination factors and of the contamination degrees for As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn. Furthermore, a factor analysis was performed to assess the nature and the extent of contamination sources for the river sediments. Results showed that the Sarno river basin could be divided in two “environmental status” units: one, low contaminated, corresponding to the hilly and mountain areas, and the second, from moderately to very highly contaminated, corresponding to the economically developed areas of the valley floor characterized by a high population density. This work was developed within a project that aims to investigate the relationships between environmental pollution and human health by analyzing environmental media (stream sediments, water, soil and vegetation) together with human hair of resident population. In this context, the spatial correlation between the extremely compromised environmental conditions of developed areas and the incidence rate of liver cancer in the same area was also explored posing the need of a careful costs/benefits analysis to assess whether the deterioration of the environment, that could adversely affect the conditions of public health, is worth the economic development.  相似文献   
Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The results of a large geochemical study on various environmental media (soil, stream sediment, groundwater, surface water, lettuce and human hair) of the...  相似文献   
Fever can reduce mortality in infected animals. Yet, despite its fitness-enhancing qualities, fever often varies among animals. We used several approaches to examine this variation in insects. Texas field crickets (Gryllus texensis) exhibited a modest fever (1 °C increase in preferred body temperature, T pref) after injection of prostaglandin, which putatively mediates fever in both vertebrates and invertebrates, but they did not exhibit fever during chronic exposure to heat-killed bacteria. Further, chronic food limitation and mating status did not affect T pref or the expression of behavioural fever, suggesting limited context dependency of fever in G. texensis. Our meta-analysis of behavioural fever studies indicated that behavioural fever occurs in many insects, but it is not ubiquitous. Thus, both empirical and meta-analytical results suggest that the fever response in insects ‘is widespread, although certainly not inevitable’ (Moore 2002). We highlight the need for future work focusing on standardizing an experimental protocol to measure behavioural fever, understanding the specific mechanism(s) underlying fever in insects, and examining whether ecological or physiological costs often outweigh the benefits of fever and can explain the sporadic nature of fever in insects.  相似文献   
Lobes of the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf and shoots of the moss Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. were subjected to different treatments (water washing, oven drying, HNO3 washing, NH4-oxalate extraction) to assess the influence of vitality on accumulation efficiency, during a 6-week exposure in bags in two Italian cities, Trieste and Naples. No trend emerged between treatments, in terms of accumulation ability, for major and trace elements. Only water-washed lichens showed an increased C and N content after exposure in both cities. Element concentrations generally reached higher values in mosses than in lichens, especially for Al, Fe, and Zn (both cities), and for Cu, Mg and Na (Naples). Surface development strongly influenced accumulation capacity of the biomonitors. Quartzose and cation exchange filters revealed, on a weight basis, a poor performance. In urban environments, surface interception of atmospheric particulate seems to play a major role in accumulation, irrespective of organism vitality.  相似文献   
Lichens collected in an unpolluted forest (background) in November 2004, transplanted at 41 sampling sites along the Madina-Tetteh Quarshie road, retrieved in February 2005 and analysed were found to contain higher concentrations of Manganese (Mn), Vanadium (V), lead, Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr) and Nickel (Ni) than in the background area. Observations showed that of all the heavy metals studied, Manganese concentrations were highest at all sampling points with maximum values around a traffic light, an intersection and car fitting/mechanic workshops. Significant correlations were found between Ni and Mn, Mn and Cr and Mn and V. Statistical analysis also revealed a relatively even dispersion of the studied elements on the eastern side of the road than on the western side.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The transition to a circular economy is a key concern for the fashion industry. The emerging second-hand market is a practice that could enable the...  相似文献   
The results of trace element content analysed in Sphagnum capillifolium and Pseudevernia furfuracea exposed in bags in 1999 are reconsidered to evaluate the reliability of moss and lichen transplants to detect urban trace element atmospheric pollution, using Naples as a case example. After 4 months' exposure, trace element concentrations were at least twice as high as the pre-exposure values and in general higher in Sphagnum than in Pseudevernia. Moss samples were enriched in the following order: As=Cu>Mo>Pb>V>Co>Cr>Zn; lichen samples in the order: Mo>Cu>As=Co=Ni>V>Pb. Based on the calculation of a cumulative load factor, all sites located along the coast had higher trace element loads compared to sites in the hilly inland area. Complementary SEM, TEM and EDS observations showed, despite significant damage to tissue and cell integrity, the recurrent presence of particulate matter in moss and lichen, indicating the considerable presence of dust in the urban atmosphere which, according to chemical composition, may be due both to anthropogenic and natural sources such as volcanic rock and soil and sea salts.  相似文献   
Electrochemical peroxidation (ECP), an emerging remediation technology, with direct electric current applied to steel electrode and small addition of H2O2, was used to remove As(III) from contaminated aqueous solutions. Bench scale experiments were conducted to evaluate the sorption and distribution of arsenic between the soluble and solid state hydrous ferric oxides (HFO) formed as part of the ECP process. ECP was effective in removing arsenic from the aqueous solution, with >98% of the applied As(III) adsorbed on HFO. Removal was complete within 3 min of ECP treatment and apparently independent of the initial pH of the water (3.5-9.5). In the absence of H2O2 more As(III) was adsorbed by solid state iron at pH 9.5 than at 3.5 (2600 vs. 1750 microg l(-1)). Thus H2O2 was crucial to oxidize As(III) to As(V) which is more strongly retained by HFO. Removal of As was not significantly affected by the concentration of H2O2 or by current processing time. The optimal operating conditions were pH < 6.5, H2O2 concentration of 10 mg l(-1) and current process time not exceeding 3 min. X-ray diffraction (XRD), diffuse-reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were applied to study the HFO deposits. The XRD data indicated the prevalence of poorly ordered Fe minerals in the suspended ECP solids with a dominance of 5 line ferrihydrite in the absence of H2O2. At pH 3.5 and with 100 mg H2O2 l(-1), akaganeite was formed, whereas an incipient hematitic phase, reflection at 0.39 nm, occurred at pH 6.5. DRIFT data indicate that both As(III) and As(V) were specifically adsorbed onto HFO at acid and neutral pH. TEM observations indicated the presence of spherical shape ferrihydrite and provided evidence for possible formation of subrounded hematite and acicular shape goethite.  相似文献   
Spatial distribution of heavy metals in urban soils of Naples city (Italy)   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
Concentrations of surface and sub-surface soil Cu, Cr, Pb and Zn in the Naples city urban area were measured in 1999. Contourmaps were constructed to describe the metals spatial distribution. In the most contaminated soil samples, metals were speciated by means of the European Commission sequential extraction procedure. At twelve sites, Cu, Pb and Zn levels in soil were compared with those from a 1974 sampling. Many surface soils from the urban area as well as from the eastern industrial district contained levels of Cu, Pb and Zn that largely exceeded the limits (120, 100 and 150 mg kg(-l) for Cu, Pb and Zn, respectively) set for soils of public, residential and private areas by the Italian Ministry of Environment. Chromium values were never above regulatory limits(120 mg kg(-1)). Copper apparently accumulates in soils contiguous to railway lines and tramway. Cu and Cr existed in soil mainly inorganic forms (-68%), whereas Pb occurs essentially as residual mineral phases (77%). The considerable presence of Zn in the soluble, exchangeable and carbonate bound fraction (23%) suggests this element has high potential bioavailability and leachability through the soil. Concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn have greatly increased since the 1974 sampling, with higher accumulation in soils from roadside fields.  相似文献   
To define a harmonized methodology for the use of moss and lichen bags as active monitoring devices of airborne trace elements in urban areas, we evaluated the element accumulation in bags exposed in Naples in different spring weather conditions for 6- and 12-weeks. Three different pre-exposure treatments were applied to moss and lichen materials: water-washing, acid-washing and oven-drying. During the different exposure periods in the Naples urban environment the moss accumulated always higher amounts of elements (except Hg) than lichens and the element accumulation increased during wetter weather and higher PM10 conditions. The oven pre-treatment did not substantially modify the morphology and element composition of moss and the exposure in bags of this material for 6-weeks was sufficient to detect the pattern of airborne trace elements.  相似文献   
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