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Using the housefly, Musca domestica (L), as a model system, we tested the ability of two extremes in the range of possible captive breeding protocols to yield sustainable populations following founding with low founder numbers. The protocols tested included two levels of migration as well as inbreeding followed by selection, each with appropriate controls. Each low-founder-number population was founded with two pairs of flies. The maximum migration scheme had 50% migration per generation, and the minimum migration populations experienced a migration rate of 2.5% per generation. The control level of migration was 0%. A fourth low-founder-number treatment was designed to test the effect of inbreeding followed by selection. Two sets of high-founder-number control groups were also derived from the stock population. Two fitness measures, viability and productivity of the populations, were recorded at the fifth generation. Populations in the minimum-migration and zero migration treatment groups had lower fitness than populations in any other treatment for both measures. Populations that experienced inbreeding and selection for high fitness levels, high levels of migration, or large high-founder-number populations were equally fit. These results demonstrate that a captive-breeding scheme that contains substantial levels of migration or inbreeding followed by selection can yield highly adapted populations.  相似文献   
A Global Baseline for Spawning Aggregations of Reef Fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Species that periodically and predictably congregate on land or in the sea can be extremely vulnerable to overexploitation. Many coral reef fishes form spawning aggregations that are increasingly the target of fishing. Although serious declines are well known for a few species, the extent of this behavior among fishes and the impacts of aggregation fishing are not appreciated widely. To profile aggregating species globally, establish a baseline for future work, and strengthen the case for protection, we (as members of the Society for the Conservation of Reef Fish Aggregations) developed a global database on the occurrence, history, and management of spawning aggregations. We complemented the database with information from interviews with over 300 fishers in Asia and the western Pacific. Sixty‐seven species, mainly commercial, in 9 families aggregate to spawn in the 29 countries or territories considered in the database. Ninety percent of aggregation records were from reef pass channels, promontories, and outer reef‐slope drop‐offs. Multispecies aggregation sites were common, and spawning seasons of most species typically lasted <3 months. The best‐documented species in the database, the Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus), has undergone substantial declines in aggregations throughout its range and is now considered threatened. Our findings have important conservation and management implications for aggregating species given that exploitation pressures on them are increasing, there is little effective management, and 79% of those aggregations sufficiently well documented were reported to be in decline. Nonetheless, a few success stories demonstrate the benefits of aggregation management. A major shift in perspective on spawning aggregations of reef fish, from being seen as opportunities for exploitation to acknowledging them as important life‐history phenomena in need of management, is urgently needed.  相似文献   
Ozone reduction enhances the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching the aquatic ecosystems, which can induce adverse effects on fish. In order to study the UV radiation effects on skin structure and ultrastructure, the alevins of Salmo trutta caspius were exposed to two different doses of UV radiation (low doses of: 60 µW cm?2 UVC; 100 µW cm?2 UVB; and 40 µW cm?2 UVA and high doses of: 90 µW cm?2 UVC; 130 µW cm?2 UVB; and 50 µW cm?2 UVA) for 15 min once a day in dark condition. Alevins with no exposure to either solar light or UV exposure served as the control group. No mortality was observed in the control group, whereas all of the alevins died in the 9th day in both UV exposure groups. Light microscopic and scanning electron microscopic studies showed significant reduction in the epidermis thickness, number of skin mucous cells, and percentage of mucus secreting cells in both UV exposure groups. Sunburn cells, lifting epidermis from basal membrane, and disappearance of pavement cell microridges were also observed. Our results showed that UV radiation caused intensive skin cell lesions in the Caspian salmon alevins. Since the skin cells of trout alevins possesses essential roles in respiration, osmoregulation, excretion and defense, the observed damages to the skin could be attributed to their sudden mortality in the UV exposure.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Conservation biology must be able to provide guidelines even when available data are incomplete, because data on rare and endangered species are usually limited. For instance, data on the effect of additional—human-induced—sources of mortality on vertebrate populations, such as bycatch of seabirds by longline fisheries, are typically incomplete. The importance of an additional source of mortality can be evaluated by comparing it with the maximum annual growth rate of the species of concern, and various authors have attempted to determine the maximum growth rate from incomplete data. We developed a procedure we call the "demographic invariant method" (DIM). First we determined that the maximum growth rate per generation does not vary, by recalling that it is a dimensionless number primarily independent of body weight and also by empirically establishing its near constancy over a restricted set of bird species for which reliable demographic information was available. This first step provided an implicit function linking generation time and maximum annual growth rate, from which we obtained the maximum annual growth rate as a simple function of generation time. From several different ways of obtaining estimates of generation time, we derived in turn several ways to estimate the maximum annual growth rate of a bird species from incomplete demographic data set. We applied our approach to the Black-footed Albatross (Phoebastria nigripes) and determined from incomplete data that longline fishery bycatch has a biologically significant impact on the growth potential of Black-footed Albatross populations. Our method can be applied broadly to the conservation and management of harvested bird populations.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Relocation of eggs is a common strategy for conservation of declining reptilian populations around the world. If individuals exhibit consistency in their nest-site selection and if nest-site selection is a heritable trait, relocating eggs deposited in vulnerable locations may impose artificial selection that would maintain traits favoring unsuccessful nest-site selection. Conversely, if most individuals scatter their nesting effort and individuals that consistently select unsuccessful nest sites are uncommon, then artificial selection would be less of a concern. During the 2005 nesting season of loggerhead turtles ( Caretta caretta ) at Mon Repos beach, Queensland, Australia, we measured the perpendicular distance from the original nest site to a stationary dune baseline for in situ (unrelocated) and relocated clutches of eggs. We observed the fate of in situ clutches and predicted what would have been the fate of relocated clutches if they had not been moved by mapping tidal inundation and storm erosion lines. In 2005 turtles deposited an average of 3.84 nests and did not consistently select nest sites at particular distances from the stationary dune baseline. Selection of unsuccessful nest sites was distributed across the nesting population; 80.3% of the turtles selected at least one unsuccessful nest site and when previous breeding seasons were included, 97% selected at least one unsuccessful nest site. Females with nesting experience selected more successful nest sites than females with little or no experience. Relocating eggs vulnerable to tidal inundation and erosion saves the progeny from a large percentage of the population and the progeny from individuals who may in subsequent years nest successfully. Our results suggest that doomed-egg relocation does not substantially distort the gene pool in the eastern Australian loggerhead stock and should not be abandoned as a strategy for the conservation of marine turtle populations.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Most attempts to manage disturbance by visitors to nature reserves concentrate on limiting visitor access in some way, which is often unpopular with both visitors and managers. In a few nature reserves the daily numbers of visitors are limited, an action that need not necessarily reduce the total number of visitors. As a test of the assumptions that underlie this management practice, we examined the relationship between daily visitor numbers and daily failure rates of nests in two species of seabirds. Daily failure rates for Black-legged Kittiwakes ( Rissa tridactyla ) were weakly correlated with daily visitor numbers but indicated that capping daily visitor numbers slightly reduced overall breeding success. This was not the case for Common Murres ( Uria aalge ), where failure rate declined seasonally but was not significantly correlated with visitor numbers. For some species, it appears that capping daily visitor numbers may have small conservation costs.  相似文献   
Pollution due to persistent pesticides is not a regional but a global problem. Organochlorine pesticides are persistent chemicals, stored and accumulated in the tissues of a wide variety of invertebrates and vertebrates including marine species. In the present study the organochlorine residues HCHs, DDTs and PCBs were measured in different trophic groups of birds (scavengers, inland piscivores, coastal piscivores, insectivores, granivores and omnivores) collected from Tamil Nadu Coast, India. The residue accumulation as a function of sex did not depict distinct variation. However, females had lower residue levels than males in terms of their mean weight and feeding habits. A continuous monitoring programme is recommended to establish the studied organisms as indicator species.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Verticordia fimbrilepis (Turcz) ssp. fimbrilepis (Myrtaceae) is an endangered shrub that occurs in a number of populations varying in size and landscape context. We compared the importance of factors associated with its reproductive biology with that of factors influencing the regeneration niche in survival of small, isolated populations in contrasting habitat fragments. Small populations on road verges had equal or greater diversity of insect visitors to flowers, rates of pollination, and seed production compared with larger populations in conservation reserves. V. fimbrilepis seeds remained dormant in the soil for at least 30 months, and germination was stimulated by smoke. Plants were killed by fire, but mass recruitment from soil-stored seed reserves occurred in the first and second winters following fire. Our studies showed some seedling recruitment between fires, but this was strongly related to the availability of competition-free establishment sites. Whether this is enough to replace older plants as they die and thereby sustain stable populations is unknown and probably varies with the landscape. Environmental variation between fire episodes influenced population size. Drought increased mortality, but wetter years encouraged interfire recruitment. Most populations are declining and cannot recover without the occurrence of fire. In a fragmented agricultural landscape, fire suppression is the primary management practice. This may adversely affect rare species such as V. fimbrilepis and others with similar life histories that rely on a particular fire regime to persist. Population persistence is more likely to be related to stochastic environmental events than to factors associated with reproductive biology.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The application of no-take areas in fisheries remains controversial. Critics argue that many targeted species are too mobile to benefit from area protection and that no-take areas are only appropriate for resident species. The degree of protection does not depend on the size of the no-take area but rather on the time fish reside inside its boundaries during key life-history events (i.e., spawning) and during periods of peak fishing activity. We evaluated the potential of a small no-take marine protected area (MPA) inside a coastal embayment as a harvest refuge for a mobile, possibly migratory, long-lived fish species. We used acoustic telemetry to track movements of 30 transmitter-tagged white stumpnose (Rhabdosargus globiceps) across and on both sides of the boundary of a small (34 km2) no-take area over a full year. Being landlocked on 3 sides, the location of the MPA inside the lagoon made it practical to detect all boundary crossings and to calculate the time individual fish used the MPA. We detected frequent movements across the boundary, with strong seasonal and individual variations. There were significant differences in MPA use patterns between fish from different release areas. The time spent in the MPA by individual fish during summer (mean 50%; max 98%) was out of proportion with the size of that area (4% of total habitat). Summer coincided with peak recreational fishing activity and with the spawning season of this species. The small MPA provided a refuge for a part of the spawning stock of white stumpnose. Our findings suggest that if strategically placed, a small no-take area can be effective in protecting mobile species and that models of spillover from no-take areas should account for seasonal and individual variation in area use and the spatiotemporal distribution of fish and fishers.  相似文献   
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